The Book of Jesus: Who Do You Say That I Am?

Page 25

Huebscher 25 Now that you have read the four types of miracles Jesus performs in the bible, it is clear that we must have faith to become a part of the Kingdom of God and build it with our love and faith. If we do this, we will be saved, healed, restored, and cleared of all evil in the Kingdom of God! Color me:

Parables In its easiest definition, a parable is a metaphor or simile (something that compares one thing to another). Parables are set in daily life and usually have a surprise ending, however each parable can never be fully understood. In the Gospel according to Luke, the author tells many parables (stories about Jesus telling a story). Each parable is meant to teach the reader a lesson about how we should act in order to enter the Kingdom of God. A parable contains four parts: 1. The introduction in which Jesus introduces the parable (a parable is commonly introduced when one of Jesus’ disciples asks a question), 2. The conflict, which is the part in the story where the characters face a problem, 3. The twist in which the characters do something you did not expect, and 4. The resolution where the

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