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Scientia Staff of 2008-2009

Editor-in-chief: Associate Editor: News Editor: Features Editor: Culture and Living Editor: Literary Editor: Graphics Editor: Photographers: Carlo Timbol

Mellissa Alcantara

Lance Catedral

Jeremy Rimando

Agatha Krystie Chaves

Ralph Rolly Gonzales

Peach Arines

Garrick Bercero, Angelo Arsenio Santos

Layout: Finance: Circulation: Property Manager: News Staff: Hazel Baconga, Angela Pedroso

Danielle Alonsagay

Jeeben Segui

Isabel Nabor

Phia Alejandro, Digs

Ardo単a, Jianna Lastrilla

Features Staff:

Max Gana,

Ciara Lim, Everly Ramos, Tessa Salud, John Noel




Joey Cuayo, Carlo Castillo, Danielle Alonsagay, Christine Marie Doval-Santos,

Francine Emralino, Phoebe Paclibare

Literary Staff:

Erica Fortuno

Contributor: Carlos Rolando G. Cua単o, Andrea Salvador, Denise Sison


The Official Student Publication of the College of Science Ground Floor, College of Science Library and Administration Building (CSLAB), Velasquez St., University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101



Cutting edge Back to the drawing board



8 9











View from the top

News 6

10 The Duel


New IC director bares plans for Chemistry Lenscope

14 Mamiyapis


Body more than soul Crash Poetry

From the Horse’s Mouth Epistaxis Series

22 23 25 32

34 34 35 28

Culture Eklektika Sa Aking Bayong WebTrawler Rebuses

Epicurean Escapes

29 JamSession



JamSession 31


BS Math junior Kennett Dela Rosa attempts to capture the essence of sports in his work, Collide/ Collude. Smiling angels and grinning demons square off in a celestial battle—not to annihilate each other, but for the sheer fun of it. “Sa sports, laging may dalawang pangkat na naglalaban,” says Kennett, “pero ang ang puno’t dulo niyan ay paglalaro pa rin.”

27 BookSnoop

27 SineGuru


Forging Character


n the midst of the crises of our time, more and more are convinced of the need to respond by way of war. Some are calling for a war that will unseat corrupt officials in government, while some are advocating a war that will pit every man against himself, in a bid to gain mastery over one’s baser passions. Many people, in recognition of the multifarious evils that are threatening mankind, have actually begun to fight along many different fronts, such as the eradication of poverty, the culling of corruption, and the preservation of natural resources.

These campaigns, though often small, have led to some remarkable victories. In the Visayan island of Apo, for example, eighteen years of no-take protection in small marine reserves have led to a fivefold increase in the productivity of their fishing grounds. Gawad Kalinga, on the other hand, has succeeded in rallying thousands of students and professionals into working with the poor in at least 40 different communities established nationwide. However, to be victorious in war often means having to discard the superfluous and the non-essential.

As such, many people have begun to search everything for their practical significance—the standard by which anything’s usefulness has come to be gauged in these poverty-marred times.

One of the things under such scrutiny nowadays is sports development. Naysayers do pose some serious questions. Is it still practical to invest in sports,

vealing and refining character. Several institutions recognize this fact—the Foundation for East Asian Development, for example, gives leadership grants to university students who pass a rigorous training period – one that involves several mountain excursions and provincial work camps. The Quezon Citybased Koiné Theater Foundation is another case in point. It provides poor children with free classes

“Sports, like a blacksmith’s forge, has the power to fashion characters into fine implements of war.”

when 43 million Filipinos—easily half of the whole population—get by on less than one hundred pesos (US$ 2) every day? Do we really have to bother with physical education, when public schools don’t even have enough classrooms to accommodate their students? These questions, however, fail to appreciate the capacity of physical activity to build a nation by re-

in the performing arts, but only after they pass a screening process that involves a four-kilometer jog to ascertain discipline.

This should be the main motivation for staging the KaSCIyahan, the College of Science sportsfest. The KaSCIyahan should not be merely seen as an event to fill out our schedules, nor should it be excontinued on page 5





Paningkamot Carlo Timbol

Run it Off A friend and I were ten minutes into our four-kilometer jog when I realized that I was running with a vastly superior athlete. He was, after all, some eight inches taller than me—my short legs had to work doubly hard to match his strides. Even so, I thought I did a good job of keeping pace with him, until I felt a sharp, stabbing pain eating away at my side.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, noticing that I had slowed down. “Side stitches,” I replied, with agony in my voice. “Perhaps I should stop for a while.” “No, you’d want to run that one off,” said my friend. “Just ease your pace and exhale hard.”

All of us, I’m sure, have had the stitches at one time or another. It’s that wrenching pain under the ribcage that runners get when they hit the pavement soon after a meal. Side stitches hurt so bad that they force most runners to stop for a


while. That’s precisely what I do whenever I get a stitch—and that’s precisely why I couldn’t understand why my friend wanted me to keep on running. “Are you sure that won’t burst my intestines?” I asked.

“It won’t,” he replied, “And it’ll even make you tougher.”

He then explained that people get the stitch when they aren’t fit enough. “Run until the pain subsides,” said my friend. “When it does, it means you’ve gotten a bit stronger.”

After doing some research of my own, I saw that indeed, side stitches are indicative of a person’s fitness level. Stitches can be caused by food in the stomach, or cramping of the diaphragm, that mass of muscle below the lungs that contracts and expands as we breathe. The diaphragm, just like any other muscle, tires out with exercise,

time my left foot hit the ground, since the pain was on my right. I did this for a few meters, and then the stitch was gone.

For someone of modest athletic ability, my conquest of the stitch will probably be the greatest contribution I’ll ever make to the hallowed lore of sports. Then again, we’d be foolhardy to think that significant moments in sports only happen at the highest levels of competition. In Game 5 of the 1997 NBA Finals, Michael Jordan willed himself to a 38-point performance despite suffering from severe stomach flu. Such a feat would have astounded the average fan, but someone who’s seen Jordan push himself during training will only think it natural. The most rarefied moments in sports do not happen out of the blue—they come as a result of a lifetime of constant struggle against self.

My friend and I went out for another jog one day, but instead of running just four kilometers, I suggested that we go for five. He was skeptical.

“The most rarefied moments in sports do not happen out of the blue—they happen as a result of a lifetime of constant struggle.”

I had to reassure him. “I just ran a stitch off last week,” I told him. “I’m a bit stronger now.” 

but it becomes hardier as a person becomes more fit. I tried to remember all of these when, during another run, I was once again tagged with a stitch. I began to relax my pace. I exhaled hard every

Mellissa Alcantara



ugust 8, 2008 marked the opening ceremonies of the most extravagant Olympics yet with host China spending a staggering US$42 billion in preparation for the Games. The opening ceremony pulled in an estimated audience of a billion; it made cracklings of the American Idol in the ratings game.


China has always been a pioneer. Paper, firecracker, the compass, the earliest printing method—the invention of all of these are credited to the great nation. And once the world knew that China was to host the 2008 Olympics, everybody knew that they were in for an explosion of talent, creativity, and innovation. ISSUE TWO


At once, China began construction, employing only the best. The Beijing National Stadium, currently the biggest steel structure in the world, is perhaps the greatest memorial to China’s Olympic preparations. It took China a year and half—and some US$423 million—to build this marvel, designed to look like a colossal bird’s nest.

live. Red light streaking through the sky; the blues and greens forming flowers against the night; and the footprints—the twenty-nine footprints produced by fireworks—who wouldn’t be amazed?

But what really etched itself in my memory were the performances during the opening ceremony. The dancers, the acrobats, and the singers were all amazing. I especially loved the fireworks display—it’s a pity that I couldn’t have watched it

So far, London has upgraded their railway lines and built a new arena, the Wembley Stadium. London has also declared that all of their facilities

The Beijing Olympics left us all in awe, raring for more, and wildly interested in what London, the next Olympic host, will do in 2012.

“China and Britain are international giants; we Filipinos are who we are.”

continued on page 5

Lance Catedral

Open and Free Forging Character continued fom page 3

pected to make the search for topnotch talent its highest priority. Instead, the KaSCIyahan should see to it that CS students are given opportunities to exhibit leadership in the raw, to deal with the limits of their endurance, to maintain composure in the heat of competition—to build their characters, so that they may be of better service. In the final analysis, we must not be bothered if sports remain under the scrutiny of people who believe that things are only as good as their practical significance. If these people mean well, they will inevitably realize that sports, like a blacksmith’s forge, has the power to fashion characters into fine implements of war—war-worthy characters that will empower this nation to pick itself up, shake off the dust, and fight another day.  Noise: 888 continued fom page 4

would be legacies, and that none of these would eventually become white elephants. But after London declared that their budget will not exceed US$19 billion, will London even parallel the splendor of the 2008 Olympics? I guess we’ll just to wait to see for ourselves. Let’s now try to be imaginative, and think of what might happen if the Olympics were to be held in the Philippines. In 2005, when the country hosted the 23rd Southeast Asian Games, the festivities were centered on Metro Manila. An estimated 200,000 people attended the games, including 10,000 athletes and SEA Games officials. The SEA Games went on smoothly, but the Olympics would bring in far more people. Given how crowded Manila is, perhaps we’ll need to construct new infrastructure, especially hotels and inns. I wonder whether the Philippine government would go as far as the Chinese did: rid the city of the homeless who stray on the streets.

Is Olympics in the Philippines impossible? I hope it’s not, and I hope that no Filipino starts thinking that having the Olympics here is unattainable. China and Britain are international giants; we are who we are. But we Filipinos do pride ourselves for our creativity and resourcefulness. If we were to host the Games, we should show the world that the people of this great Filipino nation are made of the stuff Olympic lore is made of. 

“It’s a virus,” a friend told me when I called for help. Just when I needed it most, my computer, then running on a fake Windows OS, refused to start, and all I saw was the blank BSOD – the blue screen of death. My files were gone forever. That tragedy made me paranoid. I downloaded better anti-virus software that only slowed my PC down. I hesitated sharing and getting files from the dorm network. I always double-checked my USB stick after I had a paper printed at SC.

dia Player. Clearly these are software that can compete with their commercial counterparts. They’re just as good, if not better.



The free, open-source software rev- olution is changing the virtual landscape—hopefully, for the better. Instead of relying on established software companies to develop computer applications, ordinary people can now create their own, share it with others, and improve on what others And then I heard about Ubuntu, a Linux-based have done. This revolution is creating a worldoperating system wide community of that can be downsoftware develop“The free, open-source softloaded or ordered ers who are, themfor free (www. ware revolution encourages selves, working on And developers to design prothe development of I mean really free, programs that will grams that will address their without the need address their own for cracks or seown needs.” needs. rial number key generators. Since A major concern, there are virtually however, is that, by no viruses in Linux, I was intrigued. I figured it going open-source, software quality will be comwas worth a try. promised because of the absence of quality control. But more options mean more competitive It took me a while to shift from Windows to pressures, and more pressures will eventually Linux. I grew up with Windows, and I had qualms drive up quality. And then there’s the whole comwith migrating to a different OS of which I had no munity editing the source codes. That in itself is experience whatsoever. But I took the risk anyquite a stringent process of quality control. way. I installed Ubuntu—all by myself—and I’ve never regretted using it since. What saddens me is that free, open-source software doesn’t get enough attention as it should. My migration to another operating system Clearly it’s doing a lot of good to this world. And made me realize the existence of a great deal of yet, many people, in this day and age, are still free, open-source software available out there, caged in the notion that only the really expensive not just for Linux but also for Windows and Mac. computer applications are the ones that work. Or There’s Open Office instead of MS Office, GIMP instead of Photoshop, VLC instead of Windows Mecontinued on page 6

What ARE YOU THINKING of? Tell Scientia about it. Send your comments, suggestions or reactions to Include your full name, year, course, and contact details. We may edit letters for brevity and clarity. Letters from nonCS students will also be welcome.




(Parenthetical): Open and Free continued fom page 5

that trying the alternatives may be difficult or disastrous. Support for the open-source movement does not mean complete abandonment of commercially-available software. It simply means more choices and more freedom.

Make the source codes available to people, give them a chance to improve on them, and who can imagine what good things can come out? 

New IC director bares plans for Chemistry Digs Ardoña

The Institute of Chemistry (IC) officially welcomed Dr. Florian del Mundo as its new director last July 2. Dr. del Mundo, professor of Analytical Chemistry in IC, has been known for her dedication to push the vision of sustaining a world-renowned institute for Chemistry.


As the new director, the construction of two new IC buildings in the National Science Complex is among her top priorities.

“Being appointed as the director of IC is a very big challenge for me. I felt nervous at first but I told myself to be brave. It will be during my term that the new IC buildings are constructed. This means that I have to ensure good management of our resources for a smooth transfer of IC from the old to the new buildings. I have to see to it that all current endeavors of IC in all its activities (teaching, research and extension) are fully implemented”, she said. In general, she aims to further establish IC’s role in the national and international chemical society as well as for the needs of our country. She

endeavors to sustain locally and globally recognized undergraduate and graduate programs by increasing the involvement of IC in world-class researches and research output publications in ISI journals. It is also her goal to continue the legacy of IC as a key player in responding to national and international issues and concerns.

Plans for Improvement Dr. del Mundo assures that the course curriculum for both graduate and undergraduate programs will be regularly reviewed. Currently, IC is preparing and testing the integrated laboratory courses, a feature of the new BS Chemistry curriculum that will be offered starting the first semester of AY 2009-2010. “The workshop activities will hopefully promote and encourage innovations in teaching Chemistry that will motivate the faculty and students,” she said. continued on page 7

SCIENTIA PHOTOGRAPHER BAGS SECOND PLACE IN CENTENNIAL PHOTO AWARDS College of Music Dean Dr. Ramon Maria Acoymo serenades the audience at the UP Centennial Digital Filmmaking & Photography Awards held last September 23 at the Cine Adarna. SCIENTIA photographer Garrick Bercero’s work, “Higante,” was adjudged second best behind Justine Kison’s “Sandaang Taong Edukasyon.” Jeminah Ruth Santos Ferrer’s “Sayaw, Lihok, Tindog” won third place, while Karlo Feliciano’s “Illumination” was honorable mention.

Photo by Garrick Bercero




(left) IC PULLS IT OFF THE SECOND TIME AROUND. The Institute of Chemistry is this year’s overall KaSCIyahan champion, after gaining top three berths in twelve out of fifteen events. NIMBB and NIGS came in second and third, respectively. New IC Director... continued fom page 6

“Yes! This is IC’s vision: to sustain nationally and internationally recognized undergraduate and graduate programs. With the construction of the new IC teaching and research buildings, we will improve or upgrade our teaching and research facilities to world-class standards”, Dr. del Mundo said.

Photo by angelo santos

Having been an international student in La Trobe University in Melbourne where she took her graduate studies, she strongly believes that IC can also be a home for international students seeking for a world-class graduate course.

ion of Unfinished business. The construct oing, the Math Building Annex is still on-g along and is expected to be finished nal with the completion of the new Natio by, the Institute of Physics building. Near g to new Chemistry building is beginnin first take shape. These are among the ge the wave of constructions set to chan nal landscape of the site for the Natio Science Complex.

IC in the Next Three Years When asked how Dr. del Mundo envisions IC for the next three years, she said, “The IC will have two new buildings with world-class teaching facilities and state of the art research equipment and with an internationally recognized undergraduate and graduate program.” Photo by angelo

LUNCH OUT The College of Science, in celebra tion of its 25th anniversary, held a food bazaar at the CS Parking Lot during the first week of October.

Photo by Garrick


IC : A Home of World-Class Graduate Courses?


At present, Dr. del Mundo will continue the programs set by the previous administrations.

“With due respect to the previous directors of IC, they have brought IC to where it is now—the Center of Excellence in Chemistry. As to improve the current state of IC? Well, let me just say that at the end of my term, I will leave everything a little better than I found it. To be able to do this, I will try to become the most positive and enthusiastic director, you know, and I’m praying for this.” 





CUTTING EDGE Jeremy Rimando

Where our sportsmen go, we go


ports and academics can and should go together. Mind, body, and soul—remember? They say competition makes you humble, because it makes you realize that there is always somebody better than you. Humility makes one a better person.

But if we can learn from losing, we have much more to learn from winning.

What did us in was our poor recruitment strategy. Instead of relying on politicians and padrinos to recruit the best athletes, we should scour the nation’s grassroots to ensure that only our country’s best will compete against the world’s best. There is also a need to identify the events in which we have comparative advantage. Too much emphasis on basketball, for example, is an example of our distorted priorities—we seem to forget that we are a country of hobbits.


But why do we even bother with trying to perform well in international competitions? It’s because excelling internationally is a way of demonstratThe present condition of our country’s sports ing our ability to make things work as a nation. International competition has program is a perfect metaphor for how poorly we are manthe potential to unify a nation. The thirst for victory is able to unite a country aged as a nation. In divided along political, religious, the 2008 Beijing Olympics early this and ethnic lines. The drive to exyear, our medal count was zilch. But cel also nurtures the competitive “Excelling internationally is a way of demthe worst part is, the debacle didn’t spirit of individuals—and stronger onstrating our ability to make things seem so hard to accept—it’s as if individuals can only make a nation work as a nation.” we’ve already seen it coming. stronger. Do we put the blame on our athletes’ inferior talent? I don’t think so—just look at some of our athletes in bowling, boxing, billiards, and wushu.

Was our poor performance due to lack of funding? Probably not—there are enough potential sponsors to go around, even with our cash-strapped government.


Lastly, sports also teaches us that athletes tend to perform better when they’re cheered on to do their best. For that matter, we should all act as cheerleaders to support not only our sportsmen, but our countrymen as well. We should be in solidarity with each other every step of the way, win or lose. 

Students and organizers air their take on how to improve the KaSCIyahan by Mellissa Alcantara, with reporting from Ralph Gonzales and Jianna Lastrilla story on next page





t is to be prayed that the mind be sound in a sound body, writes the first century Roman poet Juvenal, and the College of Science Student Council (CSSC) has taken this to heart. From July to August early this year, inter-institute competitions in volleyball, Ultimate, basketball, football, badminton, table tennis, cheerdancing, dodgeball, tug-of-war, sport climbing and even virtual games ensured that CS students, as well as faculty, staff and alumni, will always have their minds in tip-top shape. But while all may seem well, KaSCIyahan 2008 had its own share of problems. As CSSC KaSCIyahan committee head Beng Villamil admits, “Organizing the KaSCIyahan was really more like organizing a series of events that came in rapid succession and lasted for a month. And it wasn’t like the council was doing the same thing over and over again. Each day had to be planned, publicized, and prepared for individually; each day, we had to start from scratch. The council was just spread too thin and mistakes became inevitable.”

that it was typhoon, midterm, backlogged exam, and fieldtrip season.”

Even so, the council had to refuse requests that the KaSCIyahan be held in November. “In 2006-2007, [the KaSCIyahan] was held in November, right after the semestral break. There wasn’t much conflict of schedule, but the KaSCIyahan was immediately followed by the CS Carolfest in December, our other major activity,” says Beng. “Apparently, the students who participate in the Carolfest are also the same ones who participate in KaSCIyahan. It was very hectic for the students and the council alike.”

Beng adds, “Holding the KaSCIyahan in July was the best way to balance the calendar of activities and minimize conflicts.” Another problem plaguing scheduling is the fact that dormers are often in the provinces during Saturdays and Mondays, which are also the days on which KaSCIyahan matches are held.

“August to September is typhoon, midterm, backlogged exam and field trip season.”—Beng Villamil

Schedule changes Games were sometimes forfeited because institutes didn’t field any players. Why was this so? One reason is the lack of information about game schedules.

Out of the 30 students that SCIENTIA interviewed, 18 pointed out that information about scheduling was indeed a problem. Con Barairo, a member of the KaSCIyahan committee, admits that delays and sudden changes in venues did take its toll on student participation. “Unavoidable circumstances arose—like that storm that suddenly arrived on the date of a certain game which was to be held on an open area,” Con says. “Pushing through with the games was just not possible; we had to reschedule.” Notifications about changes in schedule were mostly disseminated through e-mail

One of SCIENTIA’s respondents must have had this in mind when he suggested that the KaSCIyahan be held in “a day wherein there’s no class sa buong CS para lahat makapagparticipate.”

Virtual KaSCIyahan Let’s admit it—there are students who would never even think of engaging in sports. The CSSC had them in mind when this year, it introduced Wii—a gaming console famous for its motion detectors—to KaSCIyahan.

“Our goal was to invite people to play for fun,” says KaSCIyahan committee member Gelo Ostrea. “Even though we played virtual sports through Wii, it didn’t require as much effort as the real thing.”

“The institute-wide e-groups ensure that even non-org members will be informed of game schedules.”—Con Barairo

Majority of SCIENTIA’s respondents were informed of the KaSCIyahan through their student organizations. “Orgs were a big help because they have their own internal mechanisms for information dissemination,” Beng says. “But I’ll admit that it was difficult to get non-org members involved.”

Con begs to differ. According to her, every institute has an institute-wide e-group through which every student can be updated about the College’s activities. “Even if you are not part of any organization, there is really no reason for you not to be informed,” she says. This year’s KaSCIyahan, according to Beng, enjoyed better student participation than last year, and some students agree. “Mas maayos nga ang KaSCIyahan this year. Kudos to CSSC!” cries one student from Chemistry.

KaSCIyahan in November? Scheduling extra-curricular activities gets devilishly tricky in light of a University student’s hectic timetable. “Last year, the KaSCIyahan was held late August to early September,” says Beng. “We realized midway through

Beng adds: “This is the first time we’ve had computer games or computer-simulated sports in the KaSCIyahan. We included them as a trial to see if it could be a regular event. There are still plenty of kinks in the Virtual KaSCIyahan that need to be worked out. But it was worth a shot.”


What were the mishaps that marred this year’s KaSCIyahan? To find out, we asked students from Biology, Chemistry, Geology, MBB, Physics, and Math about what they thought of this year’s sports fest. We also interviewed some members of CSSC’s KaSCIyahan committee about their take on the matter.

SCIENTIA’s respondents also suggested that other games, such as poker, chess and Philippine Games, be played in the KaSCIyahan.

Points for improvement

Beng hopes that his fellow students will be more understanding. “Whether people saw it or not, the council worked really hard on this project. Conflicts in schedule are difficult to prevent. As for the rules, people tell me that the rules should be reviewed and polished to keep games fair and balanced. But we don’t want the rules to be too extensive either.” As for the kinks that need ironing out, Beng says: “We also have to find more and better ways of getting information to people. We’ve become increasingly reliant on the internet because posters just don’t cut it anymore. There are too many of them these days and people usually just ignore them. The institute representatives have their own strategies for informing their constituents. But I think we just have to make our presence felt more strongly as a council in general so that people would actually care to know about our projects.” 




A look at the girls’ basketball finals between Chemistry and MBB


he cagerettes of MBB lost to Chemistry, 15-17, in the womens’ basketball finals. A match lost is a match lost, no matter how valiantly the losers fought. But this one, believe me, is worth a song.

Before anything else, let me give you a bit of KaSCIyahan history to help you along the way. Since 2005, only two teams—MBB and Chemistry—have managed to be girls’ basketball champions. MBB won the title in 2005, and it’s all been Chemistry from 2006 to 2008.

During MBB’s championship run in 2005, girls’ basketball was still in a three-on-three format, and Dyan Hatague was just about to shift from Chemical Engineering to Chemistry. Dyan’s addition to Chemistry provided a cornerstone for the institute’s shaky but talented cage squad. It was suddenly impossible for them to lose, or even to be challenged. Indeed, it has been three years since Chemistry experienced the bitterness of defeat. Even perennial contenders MBB crumbled under their might.


It’s interesting to note that the nuclei of either MBB and Chemistry didn’t change much from 2006-2008. For Chemistry, it’s Lara Sotto, Jazzy Rosales, Corrina Azarcon, Celine Santiago and Dyan Hatague; for MBB it’s Anna Robles, Madel Durens, Yeyen Waga, Hazel Baconga, and Kino Aquino. Such arrangement, as we all know, makes for the best rivalries. Enough history and off to the blow-by-blow account.

My blockmate Juanchi Pablo usually coaches the MBB girls’ squad, but he had to leave for Bali, Indonesia the morning of the finals for the Asian Science Camp. I took over at the behest of Anna, MBB’s captain. Starting for the yellow-clad MBB team were Anna, Yeyen, Hazel, Kino and Den Sison. On the bench were Ria Caringal and Pauline dela Peña. As for Madel, she was still on her way when the game began. Dyan, Celine, Lara, Corrina and Jazzy started for the red-clad Chemistry ensemble. On their bench were Geleen Javellano, Con Barairo, Razel Ventura, Faye Carvajal and Charlene Mendoza. They were coached by Gelo Pascual, a dear friend of mine.

We called a timeout.

Just then, Madel arrived, and soon we had our two best guards—Anna and Madel—patrolling our back court. Thanks to Kino’s picks, Anna started sinking jumper after jumper, igniting a rally that slashed Chemistry’s lead to a solitary point by halftime. Hazel also started to resurrect, ripping rebounds, chasing loose balls, and scoring a stab from the shaded area off an entry pass from Kino. Kino only scored one point that day, but she did everything else to near perfection. At the huddle during the break, I only had one thing to say to the girls: pummel Dyan. And this the girls took to heart. Every time Dyan got the ball in the post, the entire MBB defense collapsed on her. In one sequence, just before Dyan ISSUE TWO

Carlo Timbol

was able to make a move down low, three defenders swarmed her, forcing her to turn the ball over. One for MBB’s defense. What’s more, Kino and Hazel started cleaning up the boards, and we started getting the heftier share of loose balls. We outscored Chemistry 11 to zilch to erect a 13-8 lead deep into the second half.

But Chemistry isn’t two-time champion for nothing. They responded with a 7-0 run, capped by a remarkable play from Dyan: Celine got the ball to Dyan at the post. Dyan faced the basket. Three fakes, short stab, two points. Her discipline was simply amazing.

“With the game tied, Corrina roared to their court, stopped at the key and popped a shot—nothing but string.”

Opening tip. Chemistry’s Jazzy caught the ball. She blasted to their court and drew first blood. That incursion was followed by a string of easy baskets from Chemistry, and before we knew it, our opponents were ahead 8-2.




With two minutes remaining and with MBB down 13-15, Chemistry left their point guard Celine alone in the back court. Madel and Anna ganged up on her. Madel snatched the ball. She romped to the basket and tied the game at 15. Despite being MBB’s best ball handler, Madel has always managed to keep a low profile, perhaps because of the nature of her work in the laboratory, which entails long hours of intense work in anonymity. She’s also one of our team’s most reliable on-ball defenders. With the game deadlocked and the clock winding down, MBB committed a fatal mistake. After Madel’s game-tying layup, MBB’s defense lingered about the back court, leaving Chemistry’s court undefended. Chemistry’s Corrina made them pay.

Corrina caught the inbound pass and roared to their court. She stopped at the key and popped a shot . Nothing but string.

continued on next page

continued from previous page

Four seconds.

Three seconds. Two. One.

No whistle. The referees were unaware that the time was up. I was hoping that nobody would notice but— blast it—someone eventually informed the refs. I wanted to punch him in the nose but that would have soiled a gallant stand by our girls. A third crown for the redshirts of Chemistry.

Photo-taking for the cagerettes of Albert Hall. ***

I stood by, watching them, incredulous. These girls, who just a few moments before were huffing and sweating and clawing for the ball were back to their everyday selves, giddily posing, smiling their pretty smiles. They re-



hen Janet Belarmino entered the living room of the Tanglaw Study Center that September 13 afternoon, I thought that she obviously looked like an athlete. Her skin was as though it had been exposed to the sun for a long while; her body was bristling with toned muscles. That afternoon, we had the privilege of having UP Mountaineer Janet Belarmino, one of the first women from Southeast Asia to ever scale Mt. Everest, as a guest in an informal get-together. Janet was thankful herself that she was invited to an informal event— she didn’t want to come in stilettos and skirt.

minded me of how the hobbits Pippin and Merry in JRR Tolkien’s The Two Towers leisurely chatted after narrowly escaping from their Orc-captors. For miles on they were manhandled and forced to run at speeds too rough for their little legs, towards a destination in which torture awaited them. But after escaping, they lay in the grass having the elf-bread lembas for meryenda as if nothing happened. Well, the pretty ladies of Chemistry are certainly not Orcs, and their gameplay, which was honest and clean, was far from manhandling, but I believed that our girls lost a game that they should have won. I was disappointed, but the girls didn’t seem to mind. Looking back, I guess it’s because they know that they’ve played their best basketball in that finals match, and that in the end, they’ve won something that is perhaps just as precious as regaining the championship: respect and admiration from their mighty opponents, thrice champions Chemistry.


Chemistry-17 Hatague-11, Sotto-2, Azarcon-2, Rosales- 2 MBB-15 Robles-8, Durens-4, Baconga-2, Aquino-1

continued on page 12

An afternoon with UP Mountaineer Janet Belarmino In contrast to the cold and barren Chomolungma—that’s the Himalayan term for Everest, which means Goddess Mother of the World—Janet was the warmest and cheeriest person you’d ever meet. She immediately connected with us. No wonder she was able to “conquer” Everest. While most people tremble at the thought of speaking before an audience, Janet looked quite comfortable chatting us up.

“Commitment was essential for three years of training with nothing else but Everest, Everest, Everest.”

She first showed us a video of the ABS-CBN’s coverage of her Everest assault, and then proceeded to share more about herself and her experiences climbing the world’s highest peak.


Chemistry’s bench was ecstatic, until their team blundered anew— MBB’s Yeyen was fouled on the other side. That meant two free throws for us, but Yeyen botched both attempts, triggering a melee for the loose ball.

She graduated from the University of the Philippines with a degree in Sports Science. Initially a tennis player, Janet joined the UP Mountaineers, and in the process also fell in love with triathlon and adventure racing. However, none of these prepared her for the invitation she would get to train as part of the all-Pinay team that will climb the highest mountain in the world.

Janet said she agreed to train with the primary motivation of being able to travel around the world for free. At that point, the responsibilities and sacrifices that the training would entail had not yet sunk into her. But due to the many setbacks that she and her team suffered—lack of funding and support, having to give up her jobs as tennis coach and fitness instructor— she began to think about what should really motivate her to persevere. It took a while, but Janet eventually found the reasons why she had to do what she had to do. First was personal: as a mountaineer, you always aim for the highest peak. Second was collective: a successful assault of Mount Everest will be a symbol of what the Filipino can do as a people.

Photo by Peewee Wenceslao, courtesy of The University of the Philippines FORUM

“Standing on top of the world has no meaning if it is only for yourself,” she said. “You have to share it with everyone.” With these in mind, she recommitted herself to training for Everest. Thirty-four women initially took part in the training,


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View from the top continued

but in the end, only three remained. According to Janet, three marks of character separated the final three from the rest. First was capability—you had to be physically and psychologically prepared to climb the mountain. Second was commitment—an absolute essential for three years of training in which everything revolved around “Everest, Everest, Everest”. Third was compatibility. You had to be a team player because up in the mountain, you only had your teammates.

But just when everything seemed to be going smoothly for her, something happened which would make her reconsider her decision to continue training. During their second year of training, she gave birth to a baby boy, whom she endearingly named Himalaya. Things became more difficult with the baby around—climbing Everest offered no certainty of return. She was only waiting for her husband or anyone in her family to dissuade her from climbing, but everybody just kept on encouraging her to continue. Janet herself knew that if she did not climb Everest, she will regret it for the rest of her life. She decided to push through.


Janet believes that climbing the mountain was a matter of destiny. It was the plan of God for her life. On the other hand, she asserts that one doesn’t have to climb mountains to show what one is made of—even more important than conquering mountains is conquering fears and insecurities. After all, in the final analysis, mountaineers don’t actually conquer peaks—it is the mountain that allows climbers to ascend.

But after all that talk, Janet just had to be asked, “What was the view from the top?” Janet can only muster a smile.

“No words will ever be able to describe that,” she said. 

Members of the first all-Filipina team to summit Mt. Everest. From left: Noelle Wenceslao, Karina Dayondon, and Janet Belarmino Photo by MarkChes Ang, courtesy of Transit Free Weekly News Magazine the duel continued from page 12



1. The MBB girls’ basketball team, also known as the MBBoleras, after the game against Chemistry

photo by Andrea Salvador

2. The boys of Chemistry pose with their triumphant female counterparts photo by denise sison

3. MBB’s Yeyen Waga and her crucial lategame date with the charity stripe photo by andrea salvador

4. Anna Robles tries to swipe the ball from Lara Sotto



photo by andrea salvador

5. MBB talks things over at the huddle Boleras photo by andrea salvador





This is not my fault. I am a victim of the fact that nature hasn’t yet taken non-sportiness out of the human gene pool by virtue of it being not precisely lethal in this day and age. The thing is though, that even if nature has seemed to decree that I be a couch potato for life, I am constantly trying things in the hopes that nurture will win out over nature, and that continuous exposure to things that involve lots of skillful running around will force my genes (or their expression, at least) to cooperate with me.

Photo by Ben Campbell, courtesy of Papakura Courier



am not the most athletic of people. Quite the opposite, actually – I have a long history of falling over everything from professional amplifiers to my own two uncoordinated feet, and that without anything physically grueling going on.

It hasn’t quite worked yet, but I will not give up until I manage to run the entire Academic Oval. I know, it’s not a spectacularly glorious ambition, but give a girl a break. The latest thing I’ve tried is touch rugby. I will not kid you. The only reason it sneaked its way onto my Form 5 was that it was one of the few PEs left at the start of the semester that still had slots open and fit into my schedule. I started out in complete and utter ignorance, just working on the vague idea that the sport was probably like rugby without the giant pile of people forming in the middle of the field every now and then.

You have to give it to me that I was sort of right. Touch rugby (or touch football or simply touch), to take it from Coach Rey Gigataras, was invented in Australia so that players of actual rugby could practice and still be able to play on the weekends—a valid desire, given that rugby, to an inexpert spectator, looks like American football without the armor. This is how it works: there are six people on a team, and what they want to do is bring the ball to the one end of the field, only there is another team whose job it is to stop them. This is done by touching the person carrying the ball forward, and after the touch has been made, the entire defensive team has to move back 5 meters before they can make another touch (this, I admit, does sound a bit strange—I have a friend who maintains that this is about the equivalent of people extracting themselves out of a pile-up and getting back in the game, but I have not been able to substantiate that).

If the person with the ball makes it to the score line, they put the ball down and score a point. It’s a fast game, and a little confusing at the start if you are used to playing things where you don’t have to lose ground when you do something right. The class plays in all sorts of weather, from the blindingly hot to the blindingly wet. There are times when there is nary a dry patch to be found on the entire field, and there is no denying that it is tiring (which is why it’s been useless to talk to me almost all the Monday afternoons this sem). But, Heaven help me, it’s the best PE I’ve ever taken.

It’s not because I suddenly, miraculously found that I was brilliant at it. I am, at best, a mediocre player, as is what usually happens when I try my hand (or feet) at physical activity. There were particularly embarrassing moments when I fell flat in the mud trying to make a touch or was a few measly inches away from the score line when I attempted a touchdown. Partially it’s because Coach Rey handles the class in a you-are-not-getting-out-of-this-without-workinghard manner while still making light of it enough that there isn’t any chance for ill will to form and partially — perhaps mostly— it’s the game itself. There is a glorious feeling in being out on a field and running, and even to getting muddied up in the course of things. You don’t have to be athletic to appreciate that, just as you don’t have to be superhuman to enjoy touch rugby as something more than a spectator sport. Trust me. Try it. 






One for the Ages the nimbb cheer squad ciara lim

Saan pa ba sa UP nagtipon ang mga sexy kundi sa Science! Co-College of Science!

Umaapaw sa talento! Check na check lahat ng tao! Matataas pa mga grado! Go Science Go!

Photo by andrea salvador





he chant reverberated throughout the gym to the amusement of the audience. No one really expected such a cheer from the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Cheer Squad.

According to MBB junior Gabby Valbuena, the Cheer Squad could

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props, and the thunderous chanting from the audience. After three weeks of daily practices that went as late as 10 PM came judgment day. Jitters got the best of everyone—some started to complain of aches, while others actually started to get sick. But the show had to go on.

“When it was our turn to perform, the music just won’t start on cue, and we couldn’t start our routine right,” Dianne recalls. “But eventually the music picked up and I thought we were on our way.” But she was wrong. The initial glitch was only the first in a series of twists that will make MBB’s cheer routine perhaps one of the most remarkable in KaSCIyahan’s history.

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hardly believe it themselves when they first heard the chant, which he co-wrote with senior Jean Mendoza and sophomore Pat Tiburcio. “Getting the squad to embrace the cheer was difficult at first, but people started enjoying the cheer once they got used to it,” Gabby shares.

Complementing the cheer was an unforgettable routine that featured grooves from different eras, and which included elements from ballroom, modern dance, disco, and hip-hop. A medley of songs spanning five decades of dance accompanied the routine. “We wanted the routine to take us on a trip through the 50’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and modern

times,” says Dianne Deauna, who oversaw MBB’s choreography. “There was also some hardcore cheerdancing before and after those parts.” Of course, there is only one rock-bottom way of making a hardcore dance routine—and that is through the execution of hair-raising stunts. It took MBB’s stunt people several days to master their mid-air acrobatics, not to mention the difficulty they had in trying to banish thoughts of themselves smashing down the floor. But according to Gabby, what really sealed the victory for MBB this year was the Cheer Squad’s support crew—non-performers who were in charge of the drums, the make-up, the

“But then someone from the audience started singing Hit Me Baby One More Time,” recalls Dianne, “and we continued the routine to the singing of the people from MBB.”

Amazingly, MBB’s cheerdancers performed the remainder of their routine without any music playing. Such display of formidability was ultimately rewarded with the Cheer Dance Competition First Place trophy. “It feels so great to be a champion because it affirms all the hard work that was put into the routine,” says Gabby. “I’m just really proud of what we have accomplished as an institute.” 


Photo by Andrea salvador

Just when the music was about to make the transition into Britney Spears’ Hit Me Baby One More Time, the speakers went dead. The cheerdancers of MBB were frozen in their tracks.


Faster, Higher, Stronger Stan Feleo Matthew Gana


n a sport where everyone literally aims for the top, Institute of Math’s ace sports climber Stan Feleo climbed highest. Despite his team missing out on the competition’s gold medal, Stan Feleo’s individual excellence was recognized and duly acknowledged, garnering him the MVP award for men’s sport climbing. Stan Feleo started his sport climbing career way back in high school, where the sport was

introduced as a PE class.

“The school had an indoor wall that was used for PE. I guess I became interested with climbing because it was very fun and difficult at the same time,” he admits, and until now his reasons for climbing remain the same. The joy and challenge of sport climbing motivate him to improve as a climber and sportsman. “I guess I just really like climbing a lot and

I try to be the best that I can be in the sport,” he said.

Sport climbing is not easy to master however, as it requires much more than random clambering up walls. As a member of Grip, UP’s resident sport climbing organization, Stan Feleo gets to practice often, and thus hone the many techniques required for his sport. continued on next page




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“I practice a lot. I mean, that’s not a special trick or something but climbing involves a lot of movements and technique that can’t be learned overnight. I also try to research on how to improve on the sport.” It is this dedication to excellence that gives Stan Feleo a legitimate chance to repeat his MVP performance. However, Stan Feleo wants more than personal glory the next time he competes in the KaSCIyahan. “I do see that the Institute of Mathematics will improve in succeeding KaSCIyahan competitions,” he says. “I really like playing in the KaSCIyahan especially soccer and wall climbing, so I guess I will continue to do my best in these sports and just have fun and hopefully win the award again next year” 

Photo by Garrick Bercero



Golden Pair

Erika Macapagal & JK Alonzo Christine Marie Doval-Santos


adminton is no sport for the feeble. It requires not only passion and power, but also calculation and control. Few team-ups prove this point better than golden duo John Kevin “JK” Alonzo and Erika Mari Macapagal of the Institute of Biology, this year’s KaSCIyahan badminton champions. Two people could not be more different. JK is a graduating senior, and a loud, funny mass of energy, while sophomore Erika is polite and soft-spoken. Even so, they complement each other perfectly. JK is captain of the College of Science’s men’s badminton varsity, and Erika is captain of the women. Needless to say, their team-up is more than capable of sweeping the opposition like a raging angel of death.

Photo by Garrick Bercero




Of the two, JK is clearly the leader. “JK analyzes and studies the playing style and weaknesses of our opponents,” shares Erika. While Erika claims that she only plays for fun, JK does not try to hide his desire to win. The duo

rotates positions when they play, but JK tends to stay in the back, because his powerful shots can easily reach their opponents’ back court. “JK’s smash always ends the rally,” Erika adds with a grin.

Erika on the other hand, is the all around player, “ready for anything” if JK is to be asked. If JK’s strength lies in his power, Erika relies more on her finesse, and on her ability to adapt to pressure-packed situations. Though Biology won the badminton crown this year at the expense of defending champions NIGS, JK and Erika were all praises for their opponents, in a true display of sportsmanship. They also had plenty of good things to say about EJ Pangilinan and Nicole Pellejera, the NIGS duo that won last year’s title.

Ultimately, Biology’s badminton duo sparkles because they have a genuine connection. They share an organization, the UP Association of Biology Majors, and they hang out in between classes and after training sessions. Erika is open about their shortcomings and

strengths. “Whenever I lose hope, I depend on JK’s encouragement and support. He never quits,” says Erika, “Even if deep inside I’m tired and I want to give up, I won’t because I have him on my side.” JK is equally enthusiastic. “We may not be the perfect team, but we’re a compatible pair! Erika’s a great partner—I wouldn’t trade her for any other!” It’s no surprise then, that these two have hit gold. 

Photos by Garrick Bercero


Sharing the Wealth Matthew Gana


the honour of being MVP, he derives most of his satisfaction from the euphoria of his teammates. “I’d be lying if I tell you I really don’t care (about being MVP). It’s quite flattering actually. Nonetheless, what’s more meaningful to me is seeing the happiness in my teammates’ eyes when we win.”

hampionships are great on their own, but they are made even sweeter with an MVP award; one person who can attest to this is Joey Demigilio, who led the Biology team to a first place finish in the 2008 KaSCIyahan football tournament, while netting himself a well-deserved MVP award.

As a graduating student, Joey Demigilio will be unable to lead the Biology team to glory once again, but he hopes that he and his friends have instilled a winning mentality in the younger generation of Biology footballers. “I’d like to think that my barkada, Marts (Borlongan), Carlos (Cuaño), Karl (Fernandez), Bet (San Miguel) and I, would be responsible for such a change. I’d like to think that we are pioneers in that aspect.”

As a former UP varsity squad member, Joey Demigilio could certainly have carried the team by himself. However, he asserts that his leadership and team ethic were more crucial ingredients in his team’s recipe for success.

“Siguro nga I was the leader of the team. With Deonne (the ultraman goalscorer), Marts (kid lightning), and Kat Manas gone, I had to carry the team on my shoulders,” he concedes, referring to past teammates.

However, he downplays his personal importance and gives credit to his teammates, saying,


Joey Demigilio

As such, he stands by` his belief that Biology will once again win the championship next year. Photo by Garrick Bercero

“Champion ulit Bio ah! Palaruin niyo si Sir Yason!” 

“But it was not as hard as it seemed, mostly because I had friends who stepped up big time.” After all, as much as Joey Demigilio enjoys





Silver Finish Hazel Baconga Matthew Gana



he MBB football team may have left KaSCIyahan with only a silver medal, but they receive consolation in the fact that one of their own was first place in another race. Hazel Baconga’s solid and steady displays at central midfield were not enough for the gold, but they were more than good enough for the football MVP award.

Hazel Baconga first played the beautiful game in high school, where her skills earned her a spot on the varsity team. Despite the short amount of time it took for her to get to that level of football, she denies being exceptionally athletic. “Practice. I don’t think I have the balls to say that I have “natural talent”,” she replied, when asked how she achieved her success in the sport.

personal success, saying, “I guess it had more to do with having great teammates,” with regards to MBB’s run to the finals.

Even so, she does admit that competition is the fuel that stokes her desire to improve. Fittingly, her reaction to being named MVP focused more on her team’s loss than on her win.

“We didn’t win first place,” a disappointed Hazel commented. She also downplayed her

Sadly, Hazel Baconga will be unable to go for gold in next year’s KaSCIyahan, as she will join the ranks of UP’s proud alumni following this year. Still, she sees promise in the crop of players stepping in to fill the void her Photo by Garrick Bercero absence will create. “I believe that my institute is improving in terms of teamwork. We have new outstanding undergrad players. I really hope we win next year.” 



Kikoy Gueco Carlo Timbol


lim framed freshman Kikoy Gueco hardly looks the part of the dynamo that masterminded Chemistry’s throttling of defending champions MBB, but no matter: in Ultimate, the Spirit of the Game favors heart over heft. But make no mistake—Kikoy is built for the rough road.


Kikoy learned the game through an Ultimate Frisbee club in his alma mater, La Salle GreenISSUE TWO


hills, where he would play about once every two weeks—with and against members of their school’s track team. “They were really tough and athletic,” says Kikoy about his Ultimate buds. “It felt like I was playing competitively.”

Still, Kikoy wasn’t sure if he was good enough to lead Chemistry against their first round opponents Biology and MBB. “I wasn’t at all confident before the elimina-

tions began, because I was used to being the guy finishing the plays at the end zone,” shares Kikoy, who had to adjust to the role of handler, or designated thrower. “I also saw that the other teams had some good handlers so that kind of intimidated me.”

Chemistry, however, rose to the occasion and steamrolled to the finals, where they once again faced defending champions MBB. continued on next page

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in retreats and other activities for high school students.

“[MBB] had members who were really skilled, so I knew it was going to be a fun and interesting game,” says Kikoy, “But I also felt threatened because I really wanted Chemistry to win.”

Though Chemistry is on top right now, Kikoy admits that next year’s Ultimate champion is anybody’s guess. But with Chemistry’s campaign anchored on the solid basics of the mildmannered freshman, the institute figures to remain a force in the game for years to come. 

Kikoy’s fears were not unfounded: his team had to weather MBB’s short pass plays and hounding defense to escape with the narrowest of victories.

Besides Ultimate, Kikoy is also into competitive sport climbing and water sports. He’s also a member of the Christ’s Youth in Action and the Young Adults program of the Ang Ligaya ng Panginoon, where he regularly serves

Photo by Garrick Bercero


Tossing Plates Noel Viaña


a teammate in the opposing end zone, much like how a touchdown occurs in rugby. More than speed, stamina and agility, Ultimate demands of its players a brand of sportsmanship embodied in the Spirit of the Game, Ultimate’s unwritten code of conduct.

ltimate is the game wherein you get to toss plates around.”

This was the answer that MBB sophomore Kat Manas jokingly gave when asked how she’d explain Ultimate to a non-player.

“I love how the game can be fast paced and graceful at the same time,” says Kat. “I also like it because it’s a team sport. It’s definitely more fun when you get to play with your friends.”

But toss plates she did during this year’s KaSCIyahan, wherein she and defending champions MBB finished as runners-up to Kikoy Gueco and the Institute of Chemistry.

With Coy Cabanilla and a slew of MBB’s Ultimate players graduating this term, it looks as if Kat’s going to be the next team captain of MBB’s gritty Ultimate squad. Kat, however, doesn’t seem to be the least worried about getting enough players for next year’s roster—Ultimate, after all, will be readily enjoyed by anyone with a mind for adventure.

Kat started playing the game as a member of an Ultimate club in Poveda, her alma mater, some two years ago. She would eventually be an active participant in several formal and informal Ultimate tournaments—the InterHigh School tourney, Manila Spirits, Summer Leagues, Monsoon Leagues, Malakas at Maganda, Boracay, Christmas, and Halloween Hats, to name a few. Needless to say, her addition to the MBB roster was a big boost to the institute’s bid for a repeat of their championship run last year.

“We did some drills before the games and we even had some code names for our vertical stack plays,” Kat recalls. “But aside from that we really just wanted to have some fun.”

Playing alongside Kat during MBB’s campaign were seniors Juanchi Pablo, Dianne Deauna, Hazel Baconga, Monchi Goce, and


Kat Manas

As Kat says so herself: “If you’re game to get down and dirty, this is the sport for you!”  Photo by Garrick Bercero

team captain Coy Cabanilla.

Ultimate is a limited contact team sport in which players try to score by passing a disc to





Through Pain Peter Estevañez Carlo Timbol

the right to call the University of the Philippines their alma mater, Chemistry volleyball captain Zyrone Zuñiga will leave behind him a legacy rarely paralleled in all of sporting lore— an unblemished win streak spanning four, long years.

But the Institute of Chemistry volleyball team—undisputedly the most dominant team in any sport in the KaSCIyahan today—could not have stood on its cornerstone alone. Here we pay tribute to Chemistry’s immensely talented support cast, led by sophomore Peter Estevañez.


Photo by Garrick Bercero


hen Olympian Bob Mathias retired from decathlon in 1952, he walked away from the sport without having suffered a single loss in his career. Rocky Marciano replicated this feat in 1956, when he ended his career as the only heavyweight boxer ever to retire undefeated.

This term, when Batch 2009 finally earns

Peter started playing volleyball at age 9, and would later be a part of the volleyball varsity team in the Claret School of Quezon City. His stint donning Claretian colors would be his heyday, however, as a series of foot injuries prevented him from ever developing into the player he was cut out to be. Nevertheless, his skills were invaluable in helping Chemistry defend their title against ever-improving opponents from MBB and Physics.

In the eliminations, Chemistry barely escaped a gritty MBB team, which stole the first set from the defending champions.

“They returned everything we threw at them,” Peter recalls.

Chemistry, however, sprung back to win the remaining two sets. They then crushed semis rival Biology to clinch a duel with the Gerold Pedemonte-led National Institute of Physics in the finals. “Gerold is the best player in our College,” says Peter, who admitted that he was a bit worried about facing Physics. “It’s very difficult to stop his spikes.”

His misgivings were not unfounded. Rallied by their ace, the National Institute of Physics pushed Chemistry to a third and deciding set. But once again, Chemistry’s storied mettle would prevail. The red-clad Chemistry squad eked out a two-point win in the third set to cap their campaign with yet another championship.

With team captain Zuñiga graduating this term, Peter does not dare to make any predictions for next year’s KaSCIyahan. He’s certain, however, that when Chemistry goes for its fifth crown next year, he’ll be ready to take on all comers, injured foot or not. 



Kirby Cheng Ciara Lim


ophomore Kirby Cheng, alongside ace spiker Gerold Pedemonte, led the National Institute of Physics volleyball team to a second place finish in this year’s KaSCIyahan.

And Kirby couldn’t be more ecstatic about it. “[My teammates and I] just met right on the spot,” he says, “In fact I was still going around asking for their names before the game started.”




Physics, like their finals rival Chemistry, wasn’t able to prepare for the KaSCIyahan. Even so, Kirby wanted to make sure that Physics did not forfeit any games.

Kirby especially recalls their match against the spike squad from the Institute of Mathematics. “Grabe, there were two giants from Math who got us scared,” recalls Kirby. But Physics was able to put them away. “We won 2 sets to 1,” says Kirby.

Physics would once again push their opponents to a third and deciding set during the finals.

As the National Institute of Physics’ Assistant Representative to the College of Science Student Council, Kirby had to beg off some of Physics’ outings to officiate other games. “Minsan kasi hindi dumating ‘yung referee,” Kirby explains. continued on next page

continued from previous page

When asked about what he thought was the most significant thing about the KaSCIyahan, Kirby points to the friendships that the games help forge.

play competitively today as a member of the College of Science’s men’s volleyball varsity.

As for next year’s KaSCIyahan, Kirby says he’s definitely looking forward to it.

“We’ll be going for the championship,” he says. 

“The best thing about the KaSCIyahan was that I got to know my teammates more,” Kirby says.

Photo by Garrick Barcero

Kirby started playing competitive volleyball during his high school days in Xavier, and he continues to

Photo by Garrick Bercero

Vindication Mike Estrada Carlo Timbol


he basketeers of Math, arguably the most talented ensemble to play KaSCIyahan hoops in the past four years, are once again atop the College’s basketball totem pole.

whom are very capable of firing big numbers at will.

Even so, Mike believes that what tipped the balance for Math this year was their chemistry. “We really jive with each other on and off the court,” says Mike, who says his teammates like to go out for some rounds of beer every once in a while.

In a gripping finale reminiscent of their title match against Physics last year, the Institute of Mathematics just barely outplayed the powerful NIGS squad to earn their second basketball championship in as many years.

Though Mike has consistently put up decent numbers during all his years in the KaSCIyahan, he says that his biggest contribution to the team is his role as motivator. “I’m not in the games to score,” Mike says, “I have excellent teammates. They’ll take care of that.”

Given the success of their recent campaigns, it’s easy to forget that only two years ago, the Institute of Math wasn’t even a contender.

Mike Estrada surely remembers those days—he’s played center for Math since 2005, when KaSCIyahan basketball was ruled by the boys from NIGS.

With Math’s nucleus about to join the ranks of UP’s alumni this term, Mike deferred from making any predictions for next year’s campaign. He’s certain, however, that Math will have all the motivation they need to pursue their third straight title.

But after Math’s 61-57 victory over NIGS in this year’s title match, Mike has started to sing a different tune. “To NIGS, well, hats off to them, they were really good,” Mike admits. “But we were just better.” Indeed, there isn’t another team in the College that could boast of a lineup as talented as Math’s. Besides Mike, Math has Fred Ocampo, Chris Estanislao and Johnber Parungao—all of



Photo by Garrick Bercero

“Many people say that we just we fluked our back-to-back titles,” says Mike. “But if we win again next year, then I guess people will finally acknowledge that we’re for real.” Look out, rest of the KaSCIyahan. 





Indefatigable Celine Santiago Everly Ramos



able to practice at least once in preparation for the tournament, and that all the players got their playing minutes during our games,” says Celine.

asketball has always been fun, but balancing basketball and an unforgiving academic load is an entirely different

Aside from basketball, Celine also plays badminton, table tennis and softball. She played softball decently enough to warrant an invitation to join the University’s varsity training pool, but Celine downplays that.

Not that it matters to Celine Santiago, starting guard and co-captain of the KaSCIyahan women’s basketball champs, the Institute of Chemistry.

Besides orchestrating her team’s offensive sets on court, Celine also spearheads the activities of the UP Chemistry Society, of which she is the president. As president, she was instrumental for mobilizing the IC student body to participate in the KaSCIyahan. “ChemSoc is relatively more active than the non-ChemSoc students in our institute,” shares Celine, who says that the increased participation of non-members this year is an achievement at par with her team’s third basketball championship in as many years.

“Training-training lang talaga ‘yun,” she says.

In the KaSCIyahan, the unwearying Celine also played for Chemistry’s soccer, scavenger hunt and Ultimate teams. When asked what the KaSCIyahan meant for her, Celine readily shares, “KaSCIyahan is both an avenue for friendly competition and an event promoting camaraderie. It’s a great way to meet students from other institutes.”

Celine’s love for competition began when she was seven years old, when she would play with her cousins in their own basketball court. She recognized early on that basketball is a team sport and this was evident in the way she handled her team. “[We] made sure that we were

Photo by Garrick Bercero

“But the spirit of competition adds thrill to it. After all, institute pride is what’s at stake here!” 


Eklektika Agatha Krystie Chaves

Chasing Inspiration


here are times when we find ourselves staring at a blank screen, a blinking cursor, willing words to transform from thought to paper. There are times when we catch ourselves sitting inside the laboratory, agonizing over an experiment that doesn’t seem to want to work, no matter how hard we try.



And there are times when we feel that inspiration has deserted us and we try our damndest to chase it, to place everyone and everything back into their right places, to turn our world back to the way it once was.

“So let go and let it happen. Let it smack you in the head and kick you in the butt. Let it bring you back to life.”

There are times when we see ourselves going stir crazy over a class that stretches unto forever. There are times when we seem to be running on fumes, trying our best not to give up, not to fall over. There are times when we feel trapped in our own world, in our own expecta-


tions—slaves to our futures, captives of our tomorrow.

We try so hard, half dead, half broken, to fight the threatening emptiness, the

continued on next page

continued from previous page

ourselves free.

We free-fall into the unknown.

foreboding darkness of uncertainty, the fall from perfection. We try to claw our way back to our dream world but to no avail. We end up more disappointed, more exhausted, more broken than when we started. Then we stop everything—jaded, tired and burned out. We stop caring. We stop chasing. We let ourselves go; we let

And when we have convinced ourselves that we have fallen out of grace, that everything we have worked so hard for has been lost, inspiration comes— unbidden, unsought—like life-blood, like fire that sears the soul. So let go and let it happen. Let it smack you in the head and kick you in the butt. Let it trounce you and let it pick you up from the ashes; let it bring you back to life.

And maybe, just maybe, we come back from the abyss scathed but all the more stronger, messed up but all the more free, bruised but all the more satisfied. And maybe, just maybe, we can go back to reaching our goals, to achieving our dreams—safe in the knowledge that nothing can stop us and nothing can beat us. And then, only then, can we say that we have become the masters of our fate and the captains of our tomorrow. 

SA AKING BAYONG Agatha Krystie Chaves

Killing time


he months after Sembreak and before Christmas break are usually the limbo months – we’re all stuck between walking away from Oktoberfest and waiting for the December holidays to come. Here are a few flicks and shows to get your blood running and help you make the wait a little less longer:


Sin City (2005, 124 minutes) The movie adaptation of Frank Miller’s graphic novel series Sin City stars an amazing ensemble cast including Bruce Willis, Benicio del Toro, Brittany Murphy and Jessica Alba and sports a visually stylized look and feel. Enjoy the grit and grind of the action as heroes and villains assert their supremacy over Old Town, Sin City and each other.

this tightly-paced Hitchcockian film is guaranteed to make you mutely scream your hearts out.

Ed Norton stars here as an insomniac stuck in a dead-end job and Brad Pitt as a pugilistic soap salesman. Catch the wild ride as they fight and pummel their way back to the sinister twists of reality and the shadowy back alleys of self-realization in this action thriller.

Children of Men (2006, 109 minutes)

Vacancy (2007, 85 minutes) This hair-raising, adrenaline-pumping and jump-off-your-seat thriller about an about-tobe-divorced couple who are stuck in a creepy motel for the night and who unwittingly find themselves the center of some sinister attention, is one of the better horror flicks of the new millennium. Starring Kate Beckinsale and Luke Wilson (I know, but they’re worth it),

It’s 2027 in dystopic London and the people of the world are being forced to contemplate their own extinction. It’s up to former activists, Theo and Julian (played by Clive Owen and Julianne Moore), to see to it that the world will have its tomorrow.


Fight Club (1999, 139 minutes)

continued on next page




killing time continued from previous page

Numb3rs (Action/Mystery)

Reaper (Comedy/Fantasy)

Now on its 5 season (in the US), Numbers is a TV series about Charlie, a Math genius who helps his brother, FBI Agent Don, solve perplexing and sophisticated crimes using mathematical modeling and other tricks. Throw in their friend, Larry, the eccentric and lovable physicist, and you’re set for a down-right interesting and fun time.

Sam Oliver turns 21 and suddenly finds out that his parents sold his soul to the devil. On top of that, he must now work for the Big Bad himself as a bounty hunter for Hell’s escaped souls. Enjoy his comic misadventures as he and his friends, Sock and Ben, try to rope in Hell’s fugitives in the most unlikely places. 


SERIES Burn Notice (Action/Comedy) Watch recently disavowed secret agent Michael Westen, his on-again-off-again girlfriend Fiona and his best bud Sam as they stumble through crimes big and small while trying to uncover the truth behind Michael’s sudden burn notice. Narrated by Westen himself, this delightfully acerbic yet action-packed series will make for one heck of a good time.



(Action/Drama/Political Thriller)


L.A. Counter Terrorist Unit agent Jack Bauer has always been the man to run to when everything goes south. Equal parts drama, action and political thriller, this series is best watched non-stop because every explosive episode of each season will surely leave you wanting more.

(Drama/Action/Horror) The Winchester boys, Sam and Dean, hunt down and extinguish all demons that stand in their way. Although the story follows a common plotline, the cast’s superb acting (especially by Jensen Ackles, who plays the evercharming Dean) which is tempered by humor and depth, the genuinely scary effects and the smashing musical score will earn this series a place in the hearts of TV buffs everywhere.

Are you a LEFT- AND RIGHT-BRAINED TALENT? Give us a glimpse into your genius. Send your poems, short stories, drawings and photographs to You’ll have to tell us your full name, year, course, and contact details, but you can send in an alias, or request anonymity, if you wish.

HEY, BRAVE SOUL, Scientia is still looking for more layout artists, writers, photographers and cartoonists. If you’re a CS student and passionate about your work, contact us at Application is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.





Here is your chance to alter the look and feel of your desktop’s graphical user interface (GUI) by making it highly stylized with top-rated interactive elements. Have it voice-activated. Personalize those boring icons and windows. Organize your favorite programs in a single tray. Transform your desktops into a realm that catches the eye. Hold on to your seats as we surge onto the top ten applications that will definitely set your desktops on fire!

ObjectDock™ Dress up y o u r Windows desktop with a look

that’s similar to the Mac interface by organizing your favorite programs into a readily accessible dock. Just hover your mouse on this tray, click the target program and enjoy those animations that come with.

Stardock gives you ObjectDock™ - a program that allows its users to compile their favorite programs, shortcuts and running tasks into a single animated dock that’s hip, chic and customizable. Not only does it look good but ObjectDock™ also includes a clock, a calendar, a fiveday weather forecast, CPU and memory usage displays and even your Wi-fi connection strength. Users can customize their own docks with an assortment of skins that would match the desktop’s current theme. The colors, the icons, and dock orientation can all be manipulated to the user’s convenience. This practical application requires a minimum of 256MB RAM and 20MB free disk space. Grab your copy at right away!

Typle Imagine a frequently visited file buried within the depths of your hard drives. You need to cascade through several folders just to double-click that

very single icon. But with Typle, all you need is your ever lovely voice – and your computer will interpret this as a sweet command that will instantly run the program you need to open the file!

Typle is a one-of-a-kind freeware application compatible with Windows operating systems. It allows the computer to interpret its users’ voice commands as prompts to program access. Users are given the freedom to input any voice command – be it words, phrases, or merely odd sounds – and associate it to a particular program, document or even a web page! For example, you would like to access Notepad without hav-


The Top Ten Killer Freeware That Will Spice Up Your Desktops Carlo C. Castillo

Dexpot 1.4 Tired of juggling active windows? Then why not multiply your workspace into two and distribute the programs to avoid them from being jumbled? Or why not into four or eight minidesktops for much ease? Dexpot 1.4 can split your monitors up to 20 parts!

Dexpot 1.4 is another promising freeware application that divides the screen into a number of mini-desktops to allow its users to deal with various programs simultaneously. Currently available for the Windows operating system, this application distributes your workload into up to 19 other desktops to provide you with multiple neat workspaces instead of an overly cluttered one. It may be a bit confusing at first but would you rather choose 20 programs muddled on a single desktop or have them organized on multiple windows? This spectacular freeware is available at http:// w w w. d ex p o t . de/.


ing to use the mouse. You can simply utter “Open Notepad!” and tada – the program emerges! A voice recognition device (i.e. a mic), which is usually already built into your computers, is required to collect sound and you have to record and dispense your voice commands using a high enough volume to be recognized. Play with your voice, design your very own commands and take hold of its latest version, Typle 2.0 at now!

Hail the yellow rectangular sheets of paper that has a sticky strip on one side! They are famously known as post-its (although this is actually a brand name, Post-It®). But piling them up on various areas of your desk is a big no-no and would result to a build-up of paper trash. Why not have their virtual versions, say, glued to your desktops? While its software counterpart is available only in a trial version, Stickies can provide you with your most basic post-it needs.



f last issue’s Web Trawler did not fully satisfy your enormous appetite for freeware, then this one will surely make you

Stickies is a simple yet handy application that gums tons of notes and reminders to your desktop. It provides virtual sticky notes where you can input important details that will remain even if the computer is rebooted. Users can customize their Stickies with a library of fonts, colors and buttons. It can even be attached to selected folders and web pages and will only show up once they are opened. This lightweight app is supported by the CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE





Windows environment. It does not display graphical elements which makes it simple yet practical - just like a real-life post-it. Simplicity is beautiful, isn’t it? Visit for more details.

Yahoo! Widgets Widgets, as they are most affectionately called, are small elements of the GUI that displays commonly accessed functions such as clocks, calendars and computer stats. Yahoo! provides the public with yet another exciting application that caters to any webaholic’s most essential needs.


Yahoo! Widgets is a freeware application compatible with either the Mac or Windows operating systems. It provides users with the basic functions, including a clock, battery status, calendar, and even picture frames pasted on their desktops for easy access. But the clincher is that automatic and real-time links to leisure, games, news, a radio, mood rings, and sports scoreboards are all provided by this incredible application. Yahoo! Widgets also offers services including Yahoo! Mail Checker, which displays real-time influx of messages in your inbox and Yahoo! Search, which provides users with a search engine without having to open any windows. Imagine it all – there are thousands of widgets available for you to grab! Widget size varies depending on the application it represents. Just be careful of running too many widgets at the same time because this may cause your computer to slow down or even to freeze. Check its site, http://widgets. for more of these killer widgets!

Google Desktop Search engine giant Google challenges Yahoo! with it’s own version of widget GUIs – the Google Desktop.

One distinctive feature of Google Desktop is that it has its own search engine embedded into your system, i.e. you can now google your own system drives to find misplaced files and folders. The trusty search tool may help but it could be exasperatingly slow. The idea behind Google Desktop is that it allows users to essentially google whatever information you want on your computer system – be it music files, text documents, e-mail messages or anything within the depths of




your drives. What makes Google Desktop better than the default search tool is that it creates cached copies of all your files so it can even find relevant but accidentally deleted files without having to recreate missing files from scratch. It might even turn up files you forgot you ever had. Google Desktop also provides you with a sidebar with Google Gadgets that essentially supply you with current information from the web. This application is waiting for Windows, Mac and Linux users at com! (Sidebar available for Windows platforms only)

Active Desktop Calendar Your basic calendar is now pimped! Supported by Windows, Active Desktop Calendar is equipped with notes, tasks, alarms, and contacts, aside from the calendar itself. You can easily pin down important errands, appointments, or simple messages on a specific date and they will remain there until you rub them out. It’s not your typical calendar - it is an interactive display which blends its data with the wallpaper as if the numbers are floating on your desktop. Users may also customize their calendars with different fonts, colors and an array of available icons. Preset holidays are also noted. This lightweight application is available at

Electric Sheep Talk about screensavers! How come screensavers are always the kinds that show flying objects and infinite pipes? It’s time to level-up those desktop wallflowers with a screensaver that’s staggeringly interactive! Electric Sheep is an open source screensaver that connects computers over a network while they are “asleep”. The cliché of dreaming of sheep during a good night sleep is made virtual by allowing users’ computers to create a virtual world of numerous “sheep” that interact with each other. Basically, each user has his own abstract image called the “sheep” (as shown in the picture). These sheep are then joined together to form a collective “android dream” inspired by Philip K. Dick’s novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”. These abstract images interact and reproduce forming a new dimension of eye-candy. The most popular sheep are publicized over the net! Curious? Visit http://www. for more details.


The blue task bar, the green start menu, the computer icon for My Computer and the picturesque background image – bored of seeing these all the time? Then try MyColors™, a fantastic application that will rev up your traditional desktop! MyColors™ is yet another freeware developed by Stardock which includes a packet full of desktop interface manipulators. Users are given the freedom to express themselves through their own desktops with self-tailored themes in an uncomplicated and enjoyable way. Several themes are available online and users can pick among a range of designs to suit their requests. Exciting icons, colors and background displays would surely upgrade that old desktop of yours into a posh one. It is compatible with Windows and requires a minimum of 1024 x 768 screen resolution, 256MB RAM and 100MB free drive space. Free themes on the official site are limited but there are surely other sites that can compensate! Have your desktops made-up and over with the MyColors™ package! Download it free at http://www.stardock. com/products/mycolors/!

Compiz Fusion Last but not the least, here is one heck of a GUI modifier that will revolutionize the world of desktop enhancement!

Under the GNU General Public License, Compiz Fusion is one of the first applications to use 3D graphics interfaces to generate animated transitions during window management. This spectacular application is only compatible with Unixlike distributions including Linux, Fedora and Ubuntu. Compiz Fusion comes in a package that includes dozens of plug-ins that will electrify your desktop. Features include transforming your desktop into a cubical interface where each virtual desktop becomes a face of the cube. Users can rotate the cube from face to face in a very smooth shift. Window appearance and disappearance may be customized with different animations and effects like fading in or out. Every aspect of window management can essentially be altered! However, installation is an arduous process and mad computer science skills are needed. But if you have a friend who could help you with the installation process, then why not? After all, Compiz Fusion is worth it and will serve you without regrets. Check out for more details.

So are you ready for another mind-busting download session? It’s time to transform your desktops from wack to mack with these mustget apps! 


The Sparkly Vampire Chronicles Christine Marie Doval Santos


veryone is talking about it. One too many of my girl friends are foaming at the mouth over it. A movie is slated for release this month. People are calling it the next “Harry Potter”. What is it? It’s only Stephenie Meyer’s hit novel, Twilight. I’d heard the buzz over this book for months, with both rave reviews and brutal panning. Given my sympathy for naysayers, I went into my Twilight reading experience with plenty of cynicism and very little hope. I am sorry to say that this book did not disappoint me.

I’ll give Meyer this: Twilight is a real page-turner. Both fans of dark romance and casual readers can easily become hooked. Once you start, you’ve got to finish. It doesn’t matter if you take all night, you simply must! Twilight is a drug. However, as with any drug, the bad outweighs the good.


Are the Pants Too Old for Wear? Francine Emralino


onds created, bonds broken, bonds mended – you’d be surprised how many of those they were able to fit into one movie. You’d have to go through nearly two hours of mush and sentimentality to be able to say you’ve watched the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2.

The entire novel is narrated by our weak, insecure heroine, and the longer I read, the more I want to wring her neck. She takes “damsel in distress” to a whole new level, and spends most of the novel talking about her boring high school life, and how perfect her pretty vampire boyfriend is. Many of the legions of Meyer’s merry followers will tell you Twilight’s success is due simply to him: Edward Cullen. It’s a girl’s movie. If you didn’t assume as much from the title He’s a perfect gentleman, with perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect voice… Did then you should be warned. It isn’t that poor male souls will perish I mention that when he’s hit by sunlight, he sparkles? I mean he literif they watch it. But don’t expect to see guys contemplating and emally sparkles! Pardon me while my eyes roll straight out of my skull. pathizing with the characters. It’ll be more likely that they’d just regret Given how terribly clunky Meyer’s dialogue is, I don’t understand having spent their money and time on it. why Edward’s vomit-inducing lines seem to make so many girls melt: “Do you want me to sing to you? I’ll sing all night if it The second movie installment of the book-based tale is not a far cry from the will keep the bad dreams away…It’s like you’ve taken half first. Same main characters, same concept, even the same basic storyline. As in myself with you”? Ugh! the previous film, Carmen, Lena, Bridget and Tibby (played by America Ferrera, Alexis Bledel, Blake Lively and Amber Tamblyn), who are friends since birth, find themselves My main problem with Twilight is not so much separated for the summer. They seem to be drifting apart, this time around, what with the the schmaltzy romance, explained more by love debacles, college, and their futures laid bare in front of them. But the enchanted pair of magic than actual chemistry. No, my probpants from three years ago brings them back together in the end – one way or another. lem with Twilight is that Stephenie Meyer doesn’t know what she’s doing. A The movie has enough quirks and is sufficiently different from the first but the movie itself is so facile plot like this one could have full of events that it begins to feel as if they went a little more for quantity rather than quality. It keeps been saved by an author who is the audience from getting bored, but it may also keep them form getting the point. The movie ended up a master of her craft. Sadly, showing characters that weren’t properly built up, no matter how much had happened to them. Without the Twilight is cluttered with appeal to novelty that the first film had, the second one might end up a little less satisfying. In short, it’s one of those movies you’d enjoy if you were in a good mood, and find absolutely dull if you’re not. continued on page 29


Twilight is narrated from the perspective of 17-year old Bella Swan, a clumsy misfit from Phoenix. When her mother remarries, she is forced to move to a dreary town called Forks to live with her estranged father. It is there that she meets the ethereal Edward Cullen and his family. The two share an undeniable attraction. Everything changes, however, when Edward reveals that he and his family are all vampires. Can their love survive Edward’s thirst, and the inexplicable danger that comes with it?

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 is an average film. You can’t really hate it unless you’re bothered by the quick cuts from one person’s story to the other, or if you’re in a major relationship slump and are determined to hate everyone who gets theirs sorted out. Besides that, it’s a good pick for an all girls’ night mush movie marathon. 




Word Nerd


very once in a while we find ourselves trying to make sense of what the heck the sportscasters are saying. Here are a few of the jargon that makes watching sports a little more colorful:

Epicurean Escapes

Comfort Cuisine

Trifecta (Basketball)1

Joey Cuayo

A trifecta is a perfectly-made threepoint shot. A three-point shot is made from the outer perimeter of the team’s court, i.e. from the three-point line and beyond. A basket made from within this line (inner perimeter) only warrants two points.

Glass Jaw (Boxing)1


can think of only a few other groups of people who are as busy and stressed as we students of the UP College of Science are. In fact, UP students in general all seem to have one common look: sleep-deprived. We give up on quite a few luxuries during the academic year, with sleeping as one of the hardest to be without. Often, the only luxury we can enjoy is eating.

A glass jaw is boxing jargon for someone with a weak jaw or someone who does not have the ability to take a punch. This is often the softest target of a boxer’s body because when the opponent’s punch connects, the boxer is either effectively stunned or knocked-out.

Bring the Heat (Baseball)1 Bringing the heat usually entails bringing the best and ‘hottest’ pitcher to the mound and making him throw fast balls.

Joust (Volleyball)2 A joust is a volleyball term that describes the ensuing battle between players from both sides of the court when the ball briefly stays on the top margin of the net. If the ball is successfully sent between two defenders, it is called a split; if sent between three or more, the term, campfire, more aptly applies.


Lollipop Man (Formula One Racing)3

We all have our different ways to comfort or distress ourselves: singing our hearts out to karaoke, playing video games or reading a book. One source of comfort I’m sure most, if not all, of us share is the comfort good food provides.

Below is a list of my top five comfort foods one can find in and around UP. Some can be a bit pricey while others are quite cheap. They all, however, share one thing in common: they all bring consolation even during the most stressful of days.

In racing, the pit crew is the other half of the team. They are the ones who change the driver’s tires, refuel the car and make adjustments and repairs during the race. The LolZaru Soba (Teriyaki Boy) lipop Man is the crew member who holds up the team’s Zaru soba is easily my favorite Japanese dish. It’s a very pit sign, allowing the driver to identify his team’s alsimple dish composed of chilled Japanese buckwheat noodles lotted pit stall.  topped with strips of nori (dried seaweed) and tzuyu, a soya-based sauce. Comfort is often associated with warmth, but I’d have to say 1 that though this is a dish served cold, there is a certain sort of comfort to be had in it. The noodles are cool and slippery and the sauce only hinting of 2 sweetness. Just serve it up with a hot cup of rice tea and I’d have to say you’re items/335306-a-guide-to-volset for up for a cool sort of comfort. leyball-jargon 3 http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Pit_stop

Ginataang Halo-Halo (Casaa)

Nothing spells comfort like a dish from our childhood, and ginataang halo-halo would have to be mine. It’s a wonderful medley of saba (cooking bananas), gabi (taro), kamote (sweet potato), langka (jackfruit), sago (tapioca pearls), ube (purple yam) and bilu-bilo (rice flour balls) in gata (coconut milk). This dish isn’t just about how delicious everything is together, but also the different textures that you encounter in a spoonful of it, in a bowlful of it. And, much to my delight (and woe to any notions of dieting I may have), it isn’t very difficult to find this in UP, continued on next page




if one knows where to look: Gloria’s at CASAA, Katag (occasionally), and if you see a vendor walking around with a ridiculously large pot, I guarantee that that vessel would be filled with bowlfuls of this brand of comfort.

Pita Bread & Hummus (Persepolis) There is a lot of love and comfort to be had in a plate of soft, warm pita bread and a cupful of thick hummus. Hummus is a very healthy and a very popular dip or spread in the Middle East. It is made of olive oil, lemon juice, pine nuts, peas, garlic and salt, among others. Not only is it cheap, but it is also hearty and filling, the way comfort food ought to be.

Xiao Long Bao (Mongkok) Literally meaning “little basket bun,” xiao long bao is the one thing I look for upon being seated in a Chinese restaurant. You have to take care when eating this soup-filled dumpling, so that you don’t break it before it reaches your mouth and hope the soup isn’t too hot that it scalds your tongue. I can finish basketfuls of this when left to my own devices. They’re little buns of heaven.

Ice Cream in Monay (Ice Cream Vendors in and around UP) I am not a big fan of ice cream cones nor am I a big fan of ice cream, but nothing is more effective in lifting my spirits than a hot, soft monay filled with ice cream (preferably cheese!). There’s just something about the difference in the texture, degree of sweetness and tempera-

Book snoop continued from page 27

contrivances, predictability, and bad pacing. The book does pick up towards the end, teasing the reader with the promise of an awesome climactic showdown. Once you get there, however, the story suddenly cuts to the obligatory hospital bed scene, and you only hear of fragments of the action second-hand. I’d liken it to queuing for hours to ride the Space Shuttle, only to have the roller coaster stop suddenly right before the big drop, and sit there. Forever. To its credit, Twilight caters well to its young adult demographic. I understand why it’s such a hit: (1) it’s easy to read, (2) it’s addictive, and (3) despite its cheesiness, it’s quite the guilty pleasure. It’s not excruciatingly bad, just pathetic, given all the hype Twilight gets. There’s no shame in enjoying Twilight—as long as you know there are loads of better books out there, with more substance and less insipid mush. However, if you want to proclaim a novel as “the best thing that has ever happened”, choose a book with teeth. And please, DO NOT get me started on the next three books.  ture that makes my brain just churn out all that get-happy serotonin. It’s cheap, it’s simple and it’s perfect – what more can you ask for from comfort food? 

Jam Session



Javier Gomez Carlo Timbol



story on next page

Photo by Tricia Gosingtian, courtesy of Philippine Daily Inquirer SUPER section





arly this year, the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) was bestowed a new star when 21year old BS Mathematics major Javier Gomez hurled a javelin 199 feet, smashing a 45-year old record set by Manila Central University’s Doroteo Amirallado. The record-breaking heave would eventually be the crowning gem of Javier’s remarkable Season 70 run, which saw him leap, sprint and hurdle his way to a first place finish in decathlon.

Though Javier would always remember this particular UAAP meet as one of his proudest, he would also never forget a less-known incident that happened just a few moments before he shattered Amirallado’s record. “During the last UAAP tournament,” recalls Javier, “There was one race, the 110-meter hurdles, where I performed really badly.”

Out of frustration, Javier picked up a chair and splintered it to pieces. “I didn’t react very well,” he says. “I immediately felt guilt afterwards, but by then everybody’s already seen what had happened.” Javier, until then, had been playing the best decathlon of his life. He ruled 3 of the first 5 events, and was well on his way to a UAAP gold when he botched the hurdles and lost his cool. “It was a very embarrassing moment for me,” says Javier. “I’m certain it affected my reputation as well.” But Javier would recover from the debacle to ace two more events—the shot put, and ultimately, his storied javelin throw.


”Until today, that event reminds me that when I start getting frustrated with myself, I should try to keep calm, to get back up and work harder.” Such schooling in virtue has aided Javier in tackling the demands of being a studentathlete. “As an athlete, I have been taught that to reach the goals I’ve set for myself, I need to commit,” Javier says. “Training, school, relationships, life—they all build on the same thing.” Having just recovered from a major injury, Javier is now working to be in shape in time for the UAAP’s 71st Season, which begins in four months. His training regimen leaves him little time for anything else, but he was gracious enough to grant SCIENTIA an interview. Here, Javier talks about his sport, his favorite Math teacher, and why he thinks that Math is much tougher than decathlon.

SCIENTIA: Are you any good in any other sport? Javier: I played baseball when I was younger, and I’d like to think that I was able to do well in baseball too. I played in a league called IL-




LAM (International Little League Association of Manila) and at that time, my teammates and I have been national champions. We also competed in tournaments held in the Asia-Pacific region. I don’t play any other sport competitively, but I seek out physical activity all the time. I play basketball for fun on weekends, and if you invited me out to anything strenuous, there’s a good chance I’d be excited to join.

How do you train for decathlon? I train either at the Ultra in Pasig or the Rizal Memorial near Taft from 5:30 to 8:30 in the morning. I’m in decathlon, so I need to practice for 10 events total. In one training session, I usually train for 3 events. Off the track oval, I do weight training. This is where I get to develop the muscles I’ll need to perform effectively. This also includes core and flexibility training. It’s not enough to be physically strong. Every athlete should have flexible limbs and a good sense of balance to prevent injury.

You’ve handled the demands of being a student-athlete well. How on earth do you keep things balanced? First of all, I make it a point to have a clearcut schedule. I know when exactly I’ll train and I know when exactly I’ll rest. I then try to allot enough time for study.

When I make a schedule, I stick to it. Making excuses renders a schedule useless. Also, when I study, I have to be intensely focused. I can’t afford to be distracted. Studying away from the computer or the television, keeping my cell phone away from me—these let me accomplish more in less time. Also, the night before training, I already prepare my clothes and equipment before I go to bed. Imagine what a waste it would be if I arrived at training with the wrong shoes—and this has actually happened on occasion. I also have to be focused during training. Doing the drills sloppily or lazily is useless, and possibly dangerous.

I also give all my attention to the task at hand. Worrying about an exam while training or thinking of running while I’m studying can affect my performance in either field.

I’m sure that you’ve had to give up many things. What activity did you have most difficulty giving up? Staying up late. It’s rare for me now to stay out late with my friends. It was really difficult to let go of that at first. I enjoyed staying up late, playing video games with my friends.

There were even times when I would train in the morning on as little as 4 hours of sleep. In the end though, it became too difficult for my body to cope. I had to give it up. I missed it at first, but now, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on that much at all. I still get to have fun and hang out with my friends—but now I do them earlier.

What activities will you never give up? Never say never. But if I really had to pick one, I think I could never give up family time. That’s why despite my training or studying, I really make the effort to be home as soon as I can be home. Family dinners are the time when our family tries to be complete, and on Sundays we go to mass together and have lunch out together. Time with family is not only restful and pleasant; it also reminds me that I have so much more than sports and school.

My ten-year-old brother recently mentioned how he likes it when I stay home and I don’t go out at night. Things like these help me keep my priorities in perspective.

What’s more difficult—Math or decathlon? That’s a really tough question! Math definitely keeps me on my toes. I always struggle to keep up with the ideas and concepts thrown our way. The decathlon on the other hand forces me to keep everything balanced, since I have to perform consistently in 10 events. But if I really had to pick one, I think that being a Math student has kept me more challenged (and worried!) than the decathlon.

Then I’m sure you’d want an exceptional Math coach to guide you along the way. Who’s your favorite Math teacher? Another toughie…If I had to pick one, I’d say Sir Yoshifumi Takenouchi. Not only has he taught me effectively; his passion for what he teaches was able to affect me in a way as well.

You’ve made cracklings of a 45-year old UAAP record—I guess it’s safe to say that you’re one of the nation’s top athletes today. How do your friends relate to you now? Honestly, exactly the same! I actually don’t get any special recognition. I don’t think that the whole “nation’s top athletes” thing really suits me.

How does being an athlete affect your whole life? This one is easy. Training, school, relationships, life—they all build on the same thing,

continued on next page

and that is commitment. Being an athlete has taught me that to reach the goals I’ve decided on, I need to commit: to train hard, to sacrifice, to be diligent, to work hard, to do all the right things to reach my goal. Likewise, in school, I apply the same diligence and sacrifice to my studies. In my relationships, I strive to be committed to my friends and loved ones. I have also been able to strengthen my faith through my sport. Through decathlon, I now have a better understanding of virtues such as sacrifice, humility, and temperance. Just as I will give up eating some foods to improve my health, I can also give things up things that I know will not make me a better person.

Who are your role models? Looking at the world today, I realize that I am very lucky to have my parents. They continuously teach me the meaning of commitment. They’ve sacrificed a lot so that I can train well, live comfortably and have a good education— that always reminds me of how many gifts and blessings I have. This is what continues to inspire me to work harder and to perform better, because I have been given the capacity and the blessings to do so.

You share your name with Spain’s top triathlete. Are you aware of this, and is there a story behind this? I am aware of it actually, and if you’re wondering if I was named after this person, I don’t think that’s the case. After all, Javier Gomez the triathlete is just 25 or 26 years old.

I’ve observed that you’re not as popular as you should be—people will actually recognize our basketball team’s second stringers more readily than they’ll recognize you. What do you have to say about that? Everybody knows that basketball gets the most attention among all the events in the UAAP. So it’s true that I am not as well-known as the other athletes. I don’t think it’s such a big deal.

On top of that, I think that the fact that I’m competing for UP has been a much more decisive factor in my drive to excel. I’m reminded of UP’s motto: Honor Excellence. I don’t really seek the recognition, but I hope to continue to be excellent and to be able to achieve excellence the right way, in a manner that I could be proud of. 

Jam Session

Train hard, work hard Mikhail Solon Lance catedral


ikhail Solon runs to his exam room, passing by a throng of undergrads in the corridors of the old Physics building. After finding a seat, he searches for his pen, raking inside his backpack loaded with books, notes, and, interestingly, muddied jerseys he used for a football practice that morning. Pretty soon after, he aces the exam. Miks, 21, does physics and football at the same time—and, interestingly, excels in both of them. Now in his fifth year, he is poised to graduate summa cum laude this April. He is affiliated with the Theoretical Physics Group and has published his work in leading ISI journals. In 2007, he was among the country’s representatives to the Asian Science Camp in Taiwan. But it’s not just the brains.

He is a member of the UP Men’s Football Team—and the only Physics major in the varsity—having played for UP in both local and national tournaments, including the UAAP. During pre-season, he trains four times a week. In the field, he stands larger than life. I had the opportunity to interview Miks Solon, and here’s the excerpt.

When did your fascination in football begin? The summer of Grade 2. I had friends who played, and then they invited me to play. I’ve been playing ever since.

Why football? Football itself is addicting. You can ask any fan out there. Once you start playing and participating in the culture—like watching games on TV and following the players—you get addicted. That’s where it starts. And then you enjoy playing, and then slowly goal mo na gusto mong gumaling.

But physics and football are in the opposite sides of the spectrum. How do you manage

doing both?

First of all I can’t do anything about it. Gusto ko talagang maglaro. A lot of times, it’s hard because [I] need to choose one over the other. Last year I decided to go to Uni games in Bacolod…may tournmanent kami doon, instead of participating in Los Baños, may physics congress doon. [Although] I submitted some in work for Los Baños, I wasn’t there. It’s hard. But that’s the big picture. Everyday, [I] also have to make that choice. For example, may trainings ako in the morning pero kelangang magpuyat [for school]. So kelangan talaga ng time management.

Are there many Physics majors who do football? Hindi, ako lang.

Is it harder for Science students do to sports because, well, we have to do experiments, for one? I’m not sure. I think it’s just the same thing.

In football, is it any help that you can calculate the trajectories of the ball? No. Not at all.


Jamsession - Javier Gomez continued from page 27

What’s the advantage of being in physics then? You just stand out. Basically on the field, I don’t stand out. It’s the same formula—you have to train hard, work hard. It’s really athleticism. It has nothing to do with the course.

You’re doing very well in your acads. How do you that? Wala… I study (laughs). Actually, I find it the opposite sometimes. When I don’t train, I

continued on page 33








Jamsession - Mikhail solon continued from page 31

feel sluggish or lazy, but right after training, I feel andami kong energy.

So it’s mentally stimulating… Pero minsan, when I get home, tulog na lang. Time management talaga. Sometimes kelangan ko rin ng break (from studying)—it’s too brainy, it’s boring…minsan I try to forget everything.

Favorite football team? Barcelona.

Favorite football player? Ronaldinho, but he’s not as good anymore.

You’re going to be paid as a football player or as a physicist, what would you choose? Physics na lang (laughs). Pero napapaisip tuloy ako….

What advice can you give to students who did well in sports when they were

in high school but forgot all about it when they got into college? Reexamine the notion that when it’s col-

lege, all you have to do is focus on your studies. There’s actually a lot of time where you can push yourself. You can stretch yourself to do other. 

PINTIG Ralph Gonzales

Sa palakasan daw makikita ang totoong kalooban ng tao.

Sa bawat larong pinagpupunyagian, makikita sa isang manlalaro ang giting ng puso, ang pagnanasang mag-uwi ng karangalan at ang kanyang mga pangarap at mithiin. Kapansin-pansin kay Manny Pacquiao ang kanyang pagmamahal sa bayan. Sa bawat labang kanyang pinapasok, lagi niyang bukambibig na ang bawat suntok niya ay kanyang alay sa bayan. Alam nating walang ibang ninais si Pacman kundi ang bigyang-karangalan ang bansa sa bawat labang kanyang ipinapanalo. Ngunit bakit pa niya gustong pasukin ang pulitika?

Matatandaang noong 2007 ay tumakbo si

Manny bilang kinatawan ng General Santos City. Katunggali niya noon si Darlene AntoninoCustodio, isang kilalang kritiko ni Pangulong Arroyo. Marami ang nagsabing maipapanalo si Manny ng kanyang kasikatan ngunit hindi ito nangyari. Kamakailan, inanunsyo ni Pacquiao ang planong pagreretiro mula sa boksing upang ituon ang atensyon sa pulitika.

Hindi ako si Manny Pacquiao, wala akong magagawa kung pursigido siyang pasukin ang pulitika. Marahil nga kapalit nito ang pagtalikod sa bagay na pinakaalam niyang gawin, ang nag-iisang bagay na nagluklok sa kanya sa trono ng katanyagan, ngunit, tanging si Pacman lang ang nakakaalam sa kanyang mga motibo. Sa palakasan daw makikita ang tunay na kalooban ng tao. Sa ibabaw ng lona, ipinapakita ni Pacquiao ang marubdob na pagmamahal sa bayan. Sa labas nito, isa siyang taong nagpapadala sa mga tawag ng karagdagang kasikatan at kayamanan, at, sa aking opinyon, panunulsol ng iilang tao.

Tunay nga sigurong tuwing lumalaban siya ay bumababa ang insidente ng krimen sa Pilipinas. Tunay nga sigurong sa bawat pagkakataong tumutuntong siya sa ibabaw ng lona, napagkakaisa niya ang mga Pilipino. Tunay nga sigurong ang bawat tagumpay niya ay tagumpay rin ng bawat Pilipino. Hindi ko alam kung magiging mahusay na pulitiko si Pacquiao ngunit, siguradong makatutulong at makapagbibigay-serbisyo pa rin siya sa pamamagitan ng boksing kung yaon din lang naman ang kanyang hangarin.



Kung ito lamang ang kanyang dahilan upang tumakbo sa 2010, kaya niya itong isagawa nang hindi pumapasok sa pulitika. Sapat nang ibandera niya ang bayan sa kanyang mga laban at sapat nang ipamahagi niya ang kanyang mga napanalunan sa mga nangangailangan.

Sa huli, naniniwala pa rin ako sa kabutihan ng puso ni Manny. Nakita natin ito sa mga pagpupunyagi niya sa ibabaw ng lona. Ngunit naniniwala rin akong hindi para sa kanya ang pulitika. Masisira lamang siya rito. 




Body More Than Soul Carlos Rolando G. Cuaño


ho is it? Well come in man. They fixed the condo up as if nothing happened, but I can still smell something burning. You really don’t smell it? Sorry if the place is a mess. The cleaning lady kept giving me strange looks so I told her to take the day off. You want to tell me something? How about a drink first? I find that I like my vodka straight these days. Damn, almost empty. I could’ve sworn this was full a while ago. Well, here’s to the band.

You remember the time Raimund saw us play? He went backstage after the gig to congratulate us. I never told you that he called me up a week later, asked me to play for Sandwich cause Mark left. I was damn flattered, but I refused. You think I should’ve done it? Yeah, Sandwich is a great band and it was a hell of an opportunity, I agree. But I wasn’t gonna leave you behind. We’re a team. My guitar and your voice; its been that way ever since we had the guts to play on stage. Back when your voice was still


lag. The spring door banged against the doorframe. Thud. The wooden door of our dorm room slammed shut.

“Hi, Anne,” I said, looking up at my roommate who just entered the room.

Anne continued walking toward her desk. Both her hands were pressing on the keypad of her mobile phone. She looked like she was occupied with the job of texting everyone else in the world. Her brows were furrowed together and she was biting her lower lip as she sat down the chair. “Hi, Anne,” I said again.


Finally, she looked up and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Her eyes widened up at me. “Oh, what? Sorry?” she asked in surprise. “I said ‘Hi,’” I told her with a small laugh.

“Oh, hello,” she said, grinning up at me. Her smile was so broad all her teeth flashed at me. Her dark eyes, which were already very tiny, were reduced to mere slits behind her spectacles. “Got a perfect score in Math?” I asked, teasing.

As though outraged by the idea, Anne shook her head. “No,” she said, laughing so two huge wrinkled eyelids replaced her eyes. “My old classmates and I are planning to meet this weekend.” She grinned at me again; a pink color was rushing



How’s the band doing without me? Jake’s filling in for me? Is he the best you can get? He’s a competent guitarist, but he’s a damn poser. You know, it’s because of people like him that we have so many crap bands out there. You see them play, and you just know something’s missing. It’s because they’re only playing for that big time record deal or just so they can screw a couple more girls. They don’t give a damn about the music. But the music man, deserves so much more than to be used as a tool. Here I go with my philosophy again huh?

Anyway, you’re gonna have to ask him to leave, but gently. My hands are getting better, the burns are healing even if the doctor said… doesn’t matter what he said, I’ll be back soon. You wanna know what he said? Let me finish this bottle first. You’re my best friend, I’ll be honest with you. The doctor said I won’t be able to play again. Sometimes I believe him. Sometimes I can’t even hold my guitar properup her cheeks.

Erica Fortuno


cracking and my hands were so soft they’d always get ripped to shreds afterwards.


“Aww,” she said, springing so suddenly from her seat. Still gripping the phone in her right hand, she bobbed on the balls of her feet, and squealed some tiny, inaudible noise. Both her fists were clenched and were pressing against her face. “Sa wakas! Tuloy na tuloy na ito!” she proclaimed, punching her fist into the air in triumph. “I’m going to see them,” she began, chanting like a small kid. Then, she was stomping her feet on the floor. “I’m going to see them.” “Easy, Anne,” I said, amused, “ang puso mo.” ***

Blag. The spring door squeaked. Thud. The wooden door was flung noisily.

“Hey, Anne, don’t slam the door,” I reminded Anne as she freed herself from a tangle of bags, which she brought with her for the coming week. Anne gave me one of her toothy grins. “Sorry,” she said apologetically. “Did I disturb you?” “Well, not really, but –“

“Ha!” she said aloud, making me jump in shock. “I’ve got something to show you.” For a while, she rummaged through her blue backpack. “Here you are!” She held out a glass that contained a blue candle, which must have been two inches in radius and in height. She was beaming as she brandished the candle under my nose. “Isn’t it cute? And blue is my favorite color… They all remembered!” I sniffed.

ly. One time, when I was trying to play, I saw my reflection in the mirror and I didn’t even recognize the guy staring back. He was hunched up over his guitar, hands curled up like claws on the guitar neck. I used to believe that man was defined by his soul more than his body. But take away my hands and I don’t know who I am anymore. Do you know who I am? At other times, it’s as if the accident never happened and my fingers fly up the frets as if they were made for nothing else. Then I wake up. What was it you were going to tell me? 

Are you a LEFT- AND RIGHT-BRAINED TALENT? Give us a glimpse into your genius. Send your poems, short stories, drawings and photographs to You’ll have to tell us your full name, year, course, and contact details, but you can send in an alias, or request anonymity, if you wish.

“And it’s got this sweet powdery scent,” said Anne wistfully. “Yes, it is cute,” I said, trying to sound convincing, and giving the candle to her.

Carefully, she cupped the candle in her two hands and placed it on top of her desk. She was turning the candle, rotating it as though trying to find an imperfection. When she found none, satisfied, she replaced the candle on her desk. She said, “Ah, I’ll take care of this. I won’t use it, kahit mag-brownout pa…” She heaved a sigh. Then, she got up and asked, “Aren’t you hungry? Do you want to have food delivered?” “Delivered?” I went, brightening up. “How about KFC?”

“Oh, sure,” I answered.

Anne nodded her head eagerly. “I’ll ask the others in the next room if they want to have KFC… could you look after the candle for me?”

I smiled. “Sure thing.” The serious look in Anne’s face kept me from pointing out to her that the candle was inanimate and couldn’t possibly walk out of the room, that it was at the farthest corner of her desk and was way beyond falling, and that anyone who tried to steal in our room would probably choose the wallet in her bed over the blue candle in the desk. ***

continued on next page

continued from previous page

Blag. The spring door creaked, making a very loud noise. Thud. The wooden door was flung closed. “Anne?”

I looked up and saw Weng, one of our friends from the next room, approach Anne’s desk. “Where’s Anne?” she asked, both her eyebrows were raised. “She’s probably downstairs, using the phone,” I answered. “But she won’t take long…”

Weng tilted her head and let her eyes scan around the room. Then, her attention was stolen by the candle on the corner of the desk. “What’s this?” she asked. “It’s a gift to Anne, you know, from her former classmates…”

2 Rukia

“Oh, no,” I said, staring at her.

It’s the feeling

Kanyang budhi’y maitim at puso’y halang

To think I heard that melody,


I to fancy a song not there –

Ako’y hamak noon at isipa’y lito

I might as well sing with the rain,

flirt with the rain, not minding if sanity flips – I to sing with

Mundo ko’y pumayapa’t wala nang gulo.

to act so lame for the etched pain S’ya nga’y isang kwento, ngiti’t panaginip

left me no shame?

It was the same

song with the rain when loneliness

Tuwa’y dama ko sa t’wing s’ya’y lumalapit

Napansing wala nang luksa, walang kurap Nawalan ng malay nang mata ay mulat.

At nagsama sa sandaling walang hanggan

My heart in rue, the truth so cruel,

S’ya at ako sa ilalim nitong buwan

I’m such a fool to be so consumed,

This has to end,

Nasa harap, nakamasid ang isang aswang.

this has to end. the rain has stopped. It’s about time.

Midnight has struck,


Tumayo ako’t abot-langit na sumigaw Ngunit di rinig ang aking alingawngaw

It’s about time to close my eyes. It’s about time to say goodbye. “Farewell,” I sighed. “Rukia good night.”


S’yang nasilayan sa Kalye Makatlo, Kinuha ng aswang, kinain nang buo.

Scissors and Rock, and Paper Paper. Scissors, and Rock and Paper Scissors.

Ako ngayo’y mag-isa at natutulala Nasaan na s’yang tagadulot ng saya?

Paper and Scissors, and Rock

Mula nang aswa’y dumating at nagpakita


Nilamon ang ngiti, sigla’t alaala.

Paper, and Scissors and Rock Paper.

Sa pag-alala, mga mata’y namugto Wala na s’ya, kilala pa kaya ako? S’yang nasilayan sa Kalye Makatlo, S’ya ay naging aswang, s’ya’y nagbagong-anyo.

Paper. Rock, and Scissors and Paper Rock.

Ngunit di mapayapa pagka’t may hadlang –

I’m such a fool!


Wala na s’ya, naglahong para bang multo

it’s the feeling I thought I knew.

Rock and Paper, and Scissors

Rock and Scissors, and Paper

Now the feeling

dies down, gasping, slowly dying.


Rock, and Paper and Scissors

(my loneliness) poked existence Walang ibang aangki’t di mawawaglit.

Bato Bato Pik

Walang naramdamang luhang tumagaktak

Mga salitang sa puso ko’y inukit

(my existence).

Sa isang siglong iyon na ako’y nasadlak

Biglang may dumating at nagdulot-sulo

the rain of grief, am I not sane


Sa pag-alala, mga mata’y namugto

Noo’y napadaan sa Kalye Makatlo

Shaking madly from head to toe, Anne quickly paced to the door.

Sagad hanggang buto, dugo at kalamnan.

of believing a song not there.

With deadly glints in her eyes, Anne turned sharply to Weng. “NO!” she bellowed.

“Why?” asked Anne, looking thoughtful.

Mga mata’y binabalot ng karimlan

ruining my mind.

“I will, sige na, Anne, sorry,” Weng said.

“Er – Anne,” Weng started, “sorry – “

It’s the feeling I think I know by heart, by soul, creeping inside

But Anne was shaking her head. “No, Weng.”

“Hi,” greeted Anne jovially, entering our room. “Our food will arrive in,” she stopped to check her watch and added, “thirty five minutes.”

Minsan ako’y dinalaw ng isang aswang

“Anne, sorry,” Weng tried. “I’ll replace it – “

Blag. Thud.

Aswang Peach Arines


But before Weng could open her mouth, Anne caught sight of the candlewick. In an instant, two red patches covered Anne’s cheeks and the color ran up to her forehead. She was gritting her teeth. Her tiny eyes were wider than ever and were fixed at Weng. Her fists were clenched on her sides, crumpling the pants that she was wearing. Then, in one dreadful moment, she yelled a long, deafening, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”


Minsan ako’y dinalaw ng isang aswang

Scissors and Paper, and Rock

Kanyang budhi’y maitim at puso’y halang


Ako noo’y umibig sa isang aswang

Scissors, and Paper and Rock

Puso ko’y tinangay at ako ay nilisan.


Paper and Rock, and Scissors

Abot pa rin nitong mga balintataw


Lumilipad at lumilisang halimaw.

Paper, and Rock and Scissors Paper.




Rolling her eyes, Weng said, “It’s just a candle…” Then, she reached over the desk to replace the candle. She settled herself on the wooden chair and began playing with the wick of the candle. While humming to herself, she tugged, and rolled it around her index finger. She tugged, and rolled the wick again. Being utterly bored, she gave the wick a final tug and was surprised to see the white fiber pressed between her thumb and index finger.



Georgie G. Borlaza


Elysia (A Tribute to Maes Hughes)



We’re going to eat together

walang ibang inintay kundi

uwian mo.

Johanna Munar

Nais kong damhin ang kanyang tinig

Daddy, Mommy and Me.

Tila rumaragasang dagat sa aking pandinig

Can Daddy get out there?

Na sa isang iglap, pumapawi sa lagablab

Kung babalikan ko

We’re going to eat together,

Ng pusong nagsusumamong malingap

ang mga sandaling nakasama kita,

tonight, a sweet dinner


hindi ko na maaalala

kung anu-anong bagay

ang naikwento mo na;


but why are they burying Daddy? –

Paloma La Ela

we’re going to eat together –


hindi ko na maidedetalye

kung ano ang suot mo

sa mga gabing iyon.

Luha ang kapalit ng bawat sakit, hapdi, kirot at pagod na nadarama hindi lamang ng aking katawan, pati na rin ng puso kong wala nang pag-asa; na sa bawat paghaplos at pagdampi ay binabalot ako ng kakaibang saya, isang panandaliang pagkalimot sa lahat ng mga bagay na bumabagabag sa aking buhay, na may sala ng pagkasawi ng aking kaluluwa at pagpatak at pagbaha ng aking luha.

Daddy, Mommy and Me!

His Wicked Eyes (“Babawi ako sa final exam, isinusumpa ko yan”) Kennett

The red flash from afar, cutting through the darkness, is the blood of the dark flowing from the nasty gash inflicted upon the night by his wicked eyes fuming with rage, hell-bent on revenge.

Ngunit, malinaw sa aking


“Oh yes,” he seems to say, “blood will be shed that day.”

alaala ang mga

braso mo sa aking balikat,

hawak mo sa mga kamay ko,

paghawi mo sa buhok ko,

paghinga mo sa aking tenga.


Insonnety (A Fake Sonnet) Paul Reine Kennett dela Rosa k++d

for nine months’ love she’s carried me

she’s loved me even more than that.

no one in this world knows but she Pinilit kong umiwas, ang hindi mahulog para sa ‘yo,

Ghostly figure as if twisting in pain

(for nine months’ love she’s carried me)

The white crumpled plastic has thrown his shame

knows how her son should feel and be

Writhing before that cup, cursing his fate

ang walang maramdaman, ang magmaang-maangan.

Imposed upon his nature – a loathed state.

for nine months’ love she’s carried me,

Pero, hindi ko maiwasang hindi mahagip ang mga titig mo


na tila pinapaamin mo ako

“You, I and the three books on this table,”

kung ako’y may

“Defy His eyes, for sure, we’re to crumble…”

pagtingin para sa ‘yo.

This scene, on this idle Sunday morning – A plastic whining and a cup talking –

Ngayon, aaminin ko

A grave shock to anyone who saw it

nang ika’y dumating,

A cold challenge to the rational’s wit

nabihag mo ang puso ko; ‘pag ika’y umalis,

In the end, I tore the fantasy’s wing And I asked, “What the hell am I thinking?”

para mo na ring ninakaw


Nature’s Fate

genocide glitch

So at first it was there, It’s the high trees up where In the forests; and well, It was burned out like hell. No wonder that God is The beginning of the world; About the synthesis Of the nature I’m told. From Adam and from Eve, To the people that live, Let’s just call for a change So that God will not rage. So how good for it was If nature have the lust; So start changing it, thus, Should not look like rust. There is no treachery To us, no mystery. Not like a stinging bee, It’s the nature for thee.

ang pintig nito.


she’s loved me even more than that.

The cup, holding coffee moments before, Pitied him then said, “Over this vast shore,”


all heart, i try to love her back



“Shall I lead? Or will I lead you?”


We’ve been playing this dance for so long, I have forgotten the steps to this beat, You take my hands into yours As you dip me close to the floor.

Deprived of love, I sigh, I sob I. That melody Orchestrated by the rain Weaves randomly Threads of untangled anguish Here in the void Where bitter mem’ries settle

IV. Hopeless it might seem, seems that my mind conjures thoughts of her again That I am getting so used to this when I’d sleep before midnight That I could no longer recognize which images are my thoughts That are corrupted unwittingly by my yearning for someone

V. But tomorrow I’ll refuse thinking ‘bout her This pointless way Of wishful thinking ‘bout her And finally I’ll let her know I exist

Our eyes meet at some point, And our faces grow close to each other, You hold me by my waist, And tightly your arms go.

Deprived of love, I sigh, I sob.

II. Only my misty eyes remind me of the sorrow in my soul Of the darkness in my room and the coldness it brings in my bed Only my heart’s indiff ’rent beats remind me of my hollow heart Of the suff ’ring caused by this empt’ness which I pretend not to feel

III. Embracing me Is the gloom of solitude But the rhythm Rippled diff ’rently this time (In my mind) I will see her Just one last look at her eyes

Her heart is hers, unless I err.

I long to have, her heart, her love.

I yearn for love, its warmth, its hug.

Our lips meet and our breaths turn shallow, The dance just goes on and on.

What happens next?

I turn to her, but it’s not there.

Deprived of love, I sigh, I sob,

You hold me close and sway me more.

Just like how Michael Buble used to sing it, You pull me into this trance.

her heart is hers unless I err.

Our bodies grind against each other, Our fingers intertwine.

Sana Ako Ay Drosophila


What happens next? You tell me. This dance was yours to end.

Sana ako ay isang Drosophila,

malaki ang pakpak at pula ang mata

walang eyebags at walang kamay

na kayang humawak ng bolpen

para magsulat ng sandamakmak

na formal reports at prelabs


Johanna Munar

All roads lead to you, no matter what I will not do No matter how I avoid it, even if elsewhere I pursue

Sana ako ay isang Drosophila,

Although, except for your face, I hardly know you

na siyang pinag-aaralan

Still you turn my gray sky into blue

at hindi nag-aaral

Suppose I would

VI. White moon White ripple The first dance and second dance were both over Now, I ask Is this the third dance?

ng libro at readings na sa dami

ay kayang punuin ang isang buong kwarto

at kung hahamakin ay tiyak na malulunod

VII. It’s about time To close my eyes It’s about time To say goodbye

Sana ako ay isang Drosophila,

VIII. Oh Goodnight (Rukia)


Johanna Munar

die tonight

Suppose I would die tonight,

na sa pagkita pa lamang

ng masamang bagay

ay libreng-libreng lumipad papalayo

ang threat ay requirement

Suppose I would die tonight,

at ako ay mag-eexhibit ng negative taxis

would you want to hug me tight?

Pero hindi

dahil ako ay may eyebags at kamay

na kayang humawak ng bolpen

at ng libro

at ng bluebook

Pipi ang puso kong nahango sa lumbay

at ng formal report

Mga tanong sa isipa’y nawalan ng saysay

at ng prelab

Sapat na ang sandaling siya ay nasa aking tabi

at ng Bio plate,

“Genetic Variation and the Life Cycle of Drosophila melanogaster”

pa yung title nung isa o.

Upang mabuhay ako hanggang sa magkita kaming muli

Then let me thank you my friend,

suppose I would die tonight, hindi pwede

Wala akong mabanggit ni isang salita

what would you be doing then?

Had it occurred in your mind?

Sa dami ng nais kong sabihin sa kanya


what would you be doing then.

Are you a LEFT- AND RIGHTBRAINED TALENT? Give us a glimpse into your genius. Send your poems, short stories, drawings and photographs to You’ll have to tell us your full name, year, course, and contact details, but you can send in an alias, or request anonymity, if you wish.




Perhaps I Err


Opposing Forces sat together to chat with each other




Were I to die tomorrow …

To Love! To Dare!


isang mabasgik na unos,











Deprived of sleep, in bed I weep,

ss reminder of an absence,

Her heart I curse, for she didn’t care!

were I to die tomorrow.)

… hope I would die in an instant.

Deprived of sleep, in bed I weep, (My heart I curse!) To love! To dare!




were I to die tomorrow.

Hope someone would keep this poem


so I’d feel little pain as I go,


paningin, umpisa

But what she did, ripped me so deep


(Hope I would die in an instant

My heart, I curse, to love, to dare.

I cried indeed, freeing what I hid. Magkamali

Deprived of sleep, in bed I weep

buti walang kumislap na

Compiled by Peach Arines and Phia Alejandro


Tiaras and Beards

Were I to die tomorrow, hope I would die in an instant


Mary Antoinette Simeon

Peach Arines

Alas, the tides are up, Little Miss Brat, spoiled, only child and yes, nothing but a brat, went to the mall one day, having decorated herself with touches of pink that rivaled Barbie’s best outfit. She put a little tiara of zircons and rubies on her golden head, and every shopper stared with incredulity but oh, not as much as with envy. There, she would strut, as she did in her manor, like a juicy, freshly picked apple mixed with poisoned honey.

Hoisting the anchor back to the ship’s body. Out to the sea, you left me. “Yearn to learn!” I heard you say.

Two years have passed and who knows How much you’ve learned and forgot, and yet Endeared you are still, and we are waiting for your Return.

Outside the mall there was a bearded old man, pitied by the dogs and the cats. He looked shabby, the food beside him so moldy for he lived amongst the rats; the sun scorching his skin, wind freezing his spine. And all the rich and famous, like Little Miss Brat, could throw at him was: ‘That rag!’ ‘The smell of old wine!”

Ecstatically, we will embrace you as if it had been forever. --To my high school batchmates who left us and studied abroad, until we meet again! 

“Pinapaalalahanan lamang na ang sino mang mahuhuling mangongopya o gagamit ng kahit anong bagay para mandaya ay hindi na palalabasin ng kwartong ito.”

Ms. Pierangeli Vital, warning her students about cheating during a departmental exam

“I am surprised that you are still here. I thought Prof. Roderos has already taken care of natural selection.” Dr. Augustus Mamaril, after a two-month hiatus during which Dr. Roderos substituted for him

“How do I know that Vince is macho? Because it takes one to know one.” Dr. Augustus Mamaril, talking about secondary sex characteristics and why a student named Vince is macho

“Hindi pa natin ito masosolve dahil wala pa tayong makinarya” Mr. Richmond Wong, in a Math 63 class

“Bakit ganun? Tatlong oras na ‘ko nakatayo pero di ako pumapayat. Payat ako nung elementary hanggang 2nd year college. Tumaba ako dahil laging nag-aaral, nakaupo lang.”

Mr. Richmond Wong, in a Math 63 class (his figure-conscious students reportedly considered shifting out of Math right after his class)


Mr. Wong: “Sa bahay kasi namin, open air, tapos may open field sa gilid, may mga ahas pa. Alam niyo kung ano ang pantaboy sa ahas?” Students: “Ano po?” Mr. Wong: “Poster ni Angel Locsin.”

In the outskirts of the city, the bearded old man went still pitied by the dogs and the cats.

Mr. Richmond Wong, in a Math 63 class

HEY, BRAVE SOUL, Scientia is still looking for more layout artists, writers, photographers and cartoonists. If you’re a CS student and passionate about your work, contact us at


Application is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.



Picked up anything that fell from the horse’s mouth?

Our teachers may be paragons of sense for the most part, but they’ll occasionally sound out silly sallies that endear them even more to us. If your professor has said something remarkable lately, send them to




Case 4: Nested dreams/nightmares Case 3: The fast and the curious

Kennett dela Rosa

Epistaxis Series Case 2: Parang pader lang e.

Case 1: MOdisA

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