Homeschooling and Sensory Processing South Africa

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Homeschooling and Sensory Processing South Africa 824-158-825 A Total Approach SA

6 Moreson Avenue, Valmary Park, Durbanville, Supporting South Africa to Provide Cutting Edge Therapy Western Cape, 7550, South Africa

Sensory Processing South Africa Our world is a kaleidoscope of sensations! We see, feel smell, taste, and hear what’s happening all around us. Our senses tap into our emotions making us feel happy, excited, or frightened, or even aggressive. Homeschooling makes it easier for parents to design lessons to use Sensory Processing in South Africa to improve children’s attention, memory, and learning. Homeschooling can use all the sensory experiences around us to stimulate children’s interest. If the sensory input is over-bearing for your child, you can reduce it and work in a quieter, calmer place. Teachers understand this but cannot have the same level of flexibility in designing lessons as Homeschooling do. Homeschooling are in the best position to use the senses that work best for their children. Much-sensory or multi-modal teaching is the teaching which uses many different sensory inputs.

Sensory Processing South Africa

Call on +27-824-158-825 Words and senses link together; words can evoke memories of sights, smells, and sounds, even feelings. Senses can evoke memories, but not all are happy or positive memories. Think of how you feel when you smell something that reminds you of childhood visits to the dentist! Not to mention the irritation we feel and difficulty we have concentrating on anything when we have an itch or a stinging insect bite! For some of us, lying on a blanket under a tree, surrounded by grass, flowers, and birds is our idea of heaven. How comforted we feel when we cuddle up into a warm, soft blanket! Some of us prefer spending time in a warm bath, with candlelight; while others just want to be in the middle of a big, noisy party!

Best Sensory Processing Program in South Africa Yes, we all have different Sensory Processing South Africa and therefore different reactions to the sensory world around us. Some of us are sensory-seeking and want lots of movement, action, and sound around us. This energizes sensory-seekers, who function and concentrate better when they have intense sensory input. Sensory-avoiding people are more inclined to want to curl up in a corner when there is too much noise or action. Sensory-avoiding children can go into “shut down” when there is too much sensory input for them. You will notice then that they seem unable to think or to follow your instructions.

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Call on +27-824-158-825 A child in the wrong sensory environment for their specific sensory processing South Africa will be negatively affected. Their ability to concentrate, focus attention, and process the information will be diminished and they will struggle to learn. Often children are labeled as having Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit - inattention type (ADD) because their sensory processing South Africa is responding to a sensory environment in a way that makes it very difficult for them to learn. Whether or not your child has ADHD or ADD, they will be more in control of their own behavior and more able to learn if they are in an environment best suited to their sensory processing South Africa needs.

Benefits of Homeschooling Homeschooling allows the flexibility to present your lessons using the sensory diet that is best suited to your child’s needs. If your child is a sensory-seeker, you can fill the lessons with lots of pictures, movement, touch, and even smell; but if your child is a sensory-avoided, you can find out which sensations help him to feel comfortable and happy for learning. This must be one of the main benefits of homeschooling - you can arrange the environment according to your child’s specific sensory processing South Africa and help him to concentrate and learn.

Child’s Sensory Processing in South Africa

Learning Math Tables While Bouncing Ball Homeschooling can choose whether your child’s worksheets and books use a lot of color and pictures or are “quieter” books with less visual stimulation. Homeschooling can easily arrange for their child to leave his desk and have a short movement break, such as shooting a basketball through hoops for five minutes before returning refreshed and re-energized to learn the next part of the lesson. Learning math tables while bouncing a ball can easily be part of a successful homeschool lesson. On the other hand, if your child needs a quiet, still environment to concentrate and be in the ‘just right’ energy state for optimal learning, you can place his desk in a quiet part of the house, talk quietly when teaching and not have too many pictures and posters around him.

Child’s Sensory Processing in South Africa What is important for homeschooling Mums and Dads is that you make a conscious note of your child’s sensory needs. Watch him carefully and find out what seems to energize him and what seems to drain his energy or reduce his concentration. Homeschooling parents can adapt your lessons to your child’s sensory processing South Africa needs. This is not pandering to your child, this is optimizing his learning! Which is what every parent and teacher wants.

Sensory Integration Dysfunction in Children

Call on +27-824-158-825

Call on +27-824-158-825 Teachers in formal schools still can make many adaptations. It is not only homeschoolers who can design lessons with sensory processing in mind; although it is easier when you don’t have a large number of children in a big class. In formal classes, the teacher needs to use a multi-modal teaching approach and be aware of the children whose sensory processing South Africa is being negatively affected by over or under-stimulation. When you decide which desk a child should sit in, be aware of the position of the distracting window and which children are sitting near them. Allow movement-seekers a short movement break by letting the class do 5-8 star-jumps next to their desk after each lesson and always be aware of how the volume and tone of your voice affect the children’s ability to hear and register what you are teaching. Teaching in a formal school setting is more challenging than it is for homeschoolers, but adaptations can be introduced to even these formal school lessons to ensure that all the children in the class can function at their true level and show themselves and the world just how clever they are. Be aware of the different sensory processing of the children in your class and you have the key to effective lessons. Happy children, comfortable in their sensory environment are better learners.

Thanks For Visit A Total Approach SA 824-158-825 6 Moreson Avenue, Valmary Park, Durbanville, Western Cape, 7550, South Africa

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