CEDAW Alternative Report Follow-up Germany 2011

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terms of CEDAW that theories around so-called "gender identity disorders" are still accepted as a doctrine in societies. It cannot be in terms of CEDAW to divide people’s behaviour into "gender-typical" and "gender-atypical" and to concede to people fewer human rights who are called "gender-atypical" on the grounds of arbitrarily chosen attributes, than to those, who have the "luck" to be untroubled by this stereotyped classifications. Again we ask the Federal Government of Germany to accept transsexual women as women and not to continue acting as if they would not exist. We ask Germany once more to abolish the Transsexuellengesetz („Law of Transsexuals“) and to create juridical possibilities for transsexual people to correct their gender marker (sex marker) selfdeterminedly and without the practice of psychiatric examinations. We demand juridical as well as medical security for transsexual people. Transsexuality is no "life-style" or "concept", but a natural sexual variation. Sex is more than the fulfilling of genderstereotypes and more than body features. To accept the variety of sex means to accept the knowledge a person has about his/her own self. We hope that Germany will start to act accordingly.


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