Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no diff

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Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no difficulty? Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no difficulty? Related

When You Buy Car Insurance On The Internet..? You know when you buy Car Insurance, is it immediate effect? or do you have to wait a certain amount of time until you can go out and drive?" I need cheap insurance thats reliable? In San Diego "How long will I have to work until I can get a car, and insurance? I'm 16 and plan to work at McDonald's or a local restaurant. It'll be after school so I'll only be earning minimum wage. How long will I have to work to earn enough money to buy a car and insurance? Thank you! What is the average car insurance cost? What is the average car insurance cost? 18 year-old female in Florida (Manatee/Sarasota area) looking for car insurance.? I am looking for inexpensive car insurance for a 2007 Scion tC. I have had no tickets nor accidents in the two years that I have had my license. Oh and I will be 19 in two months. Any help will be appreciated. "Typically, how much will your insurance increase if you get into an accident that is your fault ?" Im in So California and just got into a car accident, my first accident in 25 yrs of driving. Typically, how much more will I expect my insurance premium to increase ? What factors are involved ? the amount of damage that the insurance will pay ? my driving history which is 1 accident in the last 25 yrs ? what else ?" Does having V8 engine increase insurance? Does having a V8 engine increase your insurance? And if it does is it significant??

"Can anybody suggest an affordable health insurance company for a low income, young man?" I would really like to have the ability to go to the doctor when I need. But, I can't seem to see the necessity of having health insurance. Being it so expensive, and that I so rarely need to seek medical attention. On the other hand, the clinic in town will not schedule appointments for anyone without insurance. I would like to be more concious about my physiological self with the advice of a medical practitioner. But, not at the cost of hundreds of dollars a month, which I can't afford. Its just not in the cards. HELP!" Receive workers comp benefits disabled age 62 can i received medicare or any supplement to health insurance? Receive workers comp benefits disabled age 62 can i received medicare or any supplement to health insurance? "What is a good site for getting a quote for insurance on a moped, 50cc?" I need to insure a 50cc moped, does anyone no anywhere I can get some good quotes" Credit scores taking a hit from homeowners insurance checks? Hubby and I called around checking what rates would be for homeowners insurance, but I got a little ahead of myself, seeing that our closing date isn't until August! I called about 4 places, they all ran our credit and said it will be a light hit on the credit scores... Well how much of a hit will our credit scores take?? The bank wants our credit scores updated since them, since we want that late August closing date.. Anyone know how much of a hit it will be?" Cheapest car to insure for a 18 year old? Cheapest car to insure for a 18 year old? What is the process of renting a car through your insurance? Im calling about it tomorrow but I just dont want to sound completely clueless. So how does the process go for this? Does the insurance just tell you where to go and when to pick up the car and you just go get it or is there more??? This is assuming insurance pays for it completely. How much will insurance go up? ? How much will insurance go up if you are 18 and just got into an accident with a park car and only hurt there bumper? Car insurance Questions!! HELP!!!?

My wife and I bought a used car the other day. The car dealership didnt require us to have insurance on it before we left because we paid cash for it. Well on the way home she got into a wreck. It was her fault. Someone said that the dealership covers the car up to 30 days from the time you bought it?? Does anyone know abt this? Or know how I can have it covered? Thanks How much would my insurance most likely cost? I am 16 years old, do not have a license yet, but I am trying to find a good insurance company first. I have had my learner's permit for 14 months, I live in North Carolina, and I get pretty good grades (As&Bs;) I would be on an insurance plan with my mom and sister. My mom got a DWI back in July (No one was hurt, but she was originally pulled for reckless driving). My sister got a small speeding ticket a few months ago, but it was dismissed. I would be sharing a car with my mom to drive to school (she works at home). It's a 2004 Hyundai Sonata, and she owns the car. I would be driving every day (probably 3x a week) and no more than 15 miles to school and back. Please help! any any car insurance company recommendations would be great too!" How much is car insurance for a 16 year old living in southern Cali? Lets say he has good grades. Lets also say the parents of this child have great credit scores. I cant get online qoutes because he is not over 18. Any estimates? Anthing would help. Thank you. How much would car insurance AAA cost for a 16 years old? Thanks "Car rental insurance, please help!?" Hello everyone, I am really confused and need your help, please. I rented a car from Avis in Calgary, Alberta and drove to Vancouver, BC. I got involved in an accident that although my car was not damaged, but I think I am considered cause of the accident (two cars were badly damaged). I did not ask for any insurance of the rental car. My understanding was that the third party liability is covered by my own car insurance. However, someone called me earlier from my car insurance company(state farm) saying that they are not responsible. Today the rental car company has called and left me a message asking me to call them. I do not know what should I prepare myself for? Am I going to be charged to pay for all the damage? That'd be terrible. Please provide me with any information you have. I don't know what to do." How long until I lose my health insurance? I left my job on August 17, 2012. I had Cigna Health Insurance. How long until I get the letter that says I don't have it anymore?" Do i need business car insurance??????? i have private car insurance but was wondering if i need business insurance because i drive clients to and from places,really need to know if im covered or not asap! thx vic"

Hi a question about car insurance companies .thanks? Hi how long do the car insurance companies keep record of the phone call because it is a good proof for the people who insure their car ? thanks "Car Insurance, will be out of the country?" I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?" How much will my liability insurance be a month? I'm buying a 1996 Mitsubishi eclipse gs and I'm a 16 year old girl. I'm completely paying it off. So roughly how much will my insurance be a month? Any tips for a first time car owner? Can anyone recommend a cheap company for temporary car insurance (UK)? only need it insured for a few days to get it MOT'd? Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no difficulty? Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no difficulty? Pregnancy health insurance plans I recently had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and I am waiting to start my first cycle following the pregnancy. With that pregnancy I was using medicaid but I saw how hard it was to get an appointment since there were so many people. This time around my husband and I would like to start trying in about a month and we would like to get insurance. I am looking for insurance that covers pregnancy with a pretty low deductible. I would like it if the monthly payments were 200 or lower. Does anyone have insurance that they recomend? Auto Insurance in Indiana? I have had Progressive for many years and no claims.We do deserve cheaper rates because of our age and driving record and low mileage. I recieved a much lower quote from Indiana Farmers Mutal Insurance. I have a 2000 Tahoe that is like right off the show room floor and I understand most companies are allowed to relace parts from a junk yard or for much lower than would it would cost unless it is under 2 years old. Has anyone placed a claim with either of these companies and what was your satisfaction? Because of the condition of our Tahoe, which is perfect and just over 30 thousand miles and a limited edition, who has ideas on the best auto insurance out here in Indiana?"

Motorbike insurance cost? hi all i have just passed my bike test and was wondering how much insurance would be for a 125, 250 range engine im 18, 0ncb any suggestions would be good cheers" How much would homeowners insurance cost on a 1.2 million dollar house? It's in southern California. I'm just asking for a rough estimate please. How much is car insurance for a 17 year old female ? I am turning 17 on july 6 and i will be getting my license on that day too, my parents said they will pay for the car but i only have to pay for the insurance . how much is insurance?" Do you have to have car insurance just because you have a drivers license? My mom is bent on the idea that just because I have a drivers license I have to have car insurance as well. I go away for college and I dont drive all year long. We have a family car that I drive once or twice over the summer but other than that I don't get behind the wheel of a vehicle. I don't have any problem with just not driving at all. Am I really legally obligated to have car insurance even though I do not drive? Will it somehow make me less likely to get insured in the future if I remove myself from her insurance package now? Insurance company lawsuit? If i were to sue a persons insurance company, without taking any money out of their pockets, can their insurance company sue me or them to get their money back?" Can I get free health insurance? I just paroled out of prison. I don't have a job yet. Is there any free health insurance available to me? I moved in with my brother, who has a good job and his own insurance. will his household income affect my options of getting low income insurance? Thanks" Can i get my parents Life Insurance? Were can i get life Insurance for my parents? Im gonna be a Lawyer and they get good money. Also i want my parents to leave me money when they pass away. Im gonna be happy with money. I live in the Bay Area. what is the most that life insurance could give you? How much will you pay a month for the highest one? Auto insurance.? somebody hit and run me in the parking lot and dint leave any note or anything and there is no camera. the right fender has a big dent and the door wont open,if i report this to my insurance will i get an increase on montly payment? even tho its not my

fault. My car is brand new got it 3 months ago and ha a full collision coverage insurance." What is the cost of car insurance in ontario canada? i live in thorhill. i just got my licence (G2). im 19 and a student. anyone can give me an approximation of the fee per month? Does anyone have knowledge of supplemental insurance that helps pay for Maternity cost? My daughter is pregnant and needs a supplemental insurance policy. I know of Affordable HealthCare Options (AHCO) but don't know anyone that has used them. She lives in Norman, OK. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You" Is car insurance any cheaper for a pensioner if he do'snt work? I am 67 and just finished working, when I renew my car insurance in a month's time, should I expect it to make a difference to the premium." "I need help getting good and affordable health, life and dental insurance for me and my family-please help?" All I have is Medicaid, I want better dental and health insurance, and my family and I don't have life insurance. When my dad died he didn't have life insurance. I'm a bit concerned because I'm in my 30s and my mom's getting old, and I'm concerned about my little brother. My mother doesn't have dental insurance. I want my brother to have better dental insurance too. I need dental implants. Please help me out." A Lady hit my car and we decided not to go through our insurance...? I told her i would call her as soon as i had a estimate on how much it was going to be. This happened back in april but i have been so busy with work and school to be able to get this done, now that i have the time i want to call her and let her know, but i am afraid it might be too late.. Is it to late?? I have all her info except her insurance info (I know bad me but i was nervous) Also im going to need a car rental is that part of what she should pay me?" About how much would it cost to be added onto your parents car insurance per month? i am a 17 yr. old girl. am a reasonably good driver and i got a 92 on the written test. any approximation would be helpful. Would a Dodge Ram Hemi truck increase my insurance costs? I have a Jeep Patriot right now. The dodge ram 1500 is a 4X4, as well."

If a company is self insured (medical) that doesn't mean the company owns the ins. co. does it? If a company is self insured (medical) that doesn't mean the company owns the ins. co. does it? "My husband and I need private health insurance, any recommendations?" My husband and I need private health insurance because his job does not offer it and I am a stay at home mother of our two year old son. We live in California, make about 2000.00 a month and are a family of three. We just need basic coverage so that if we get sick we can go to the doctor and if we have an emergency we can go to the hospital. Any recommendations for a low cost good plan that would suit us? Thanks so much!" Question about insurance differences for regular vehicles and motorcycles? I currently have a car through my parents car insurance but I really want to branch out on my own and get my own insurance so I've been thinking about finally pursuing my dream of getting a motorcycle. They're cheap, run well, and from what I gather insurance is very cheap. Could anyone tell me what kind of money I might save in Pennsylvania or New Jersey in comparison between a motorcycle and a regular car? Thanks." Does car insurance typically cover the car being totaled due to flooding? I live in the Midwest, where everything is flooding. My husband just called and said that his car was flooded, and is now not running. Does car insurance typically cover this? I know I'll need to check with our insurance company in the morning, but I'm just curious if that is considered an act of God, therefore covered under a comp. claim. We have full coverage." Cheap Car Insurance! Any Ideas? Hi all. I'm currently learning to drive and hoping to pass my test and get a car this year. But car insurance is soo expensive. I've looked into it a bit and it would cost me around 1300 a year and with 3 kids that's just too much lol. Any one know of any way I can get it any cheaper, like maybe putting someone else as main driver or named driver etc. Would that make a difference? I'm female and almost 26, so I understand that brings it down a little, but it is only a little. Please help, thanks for reading." "Where can i get $100,000 of renter's insurance coverage at the cheapest rate?" Where can i get $100,000 of renter's insurance coverage at the cheapest rate?" "Cheap, affordable health insurance for a college student?" I don't dorm for college being how I live within the vicinity of my school. So that already kills off a few suggestions being how there's more insurance coverages out there for dorming students. What are some websites or companies that would have fairly priced insurance? I'm on a low income & I've tried applying for medicare, but

that's a whole another issue I'd rather not discuss here. I've heard someone tell me something about Obamacare? & I also tried getting insurance from my jobs union but they have YET to send me my medical card in which I've just about given up in trying to obtain in the number of attempts I've called them about it... So please, if you know ANYTHING based on the above criteria, thanks." "Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?" Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?" Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no difficulty? Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no difficulty? Question about general car insurance? I'm doing a Statistics Lab based off car insurance and i'm a little confused. I'm supposed to make a statement to my boss about charging higher or lower car insurance based on the rating the cars get. So, for the larger, and safer the car is, should I tell my boss to RAISE the insurance prices, or lower the insurance prices? I'm a little confused on the correct way to do it? Safer = Higher insurance or lower insurace? and WHY?!?!?" Does insurance follow the car? I have a license, and want to drive, but i can't afford a car of my own. I want to drive my grandmother's car, but my mother won't let me because your insurance doesn't cover that . But, i thought that the rule of thumb was that the insurance follows the car? If i was pulled over in my grandmother's car, and she had insurance, and the insurance i have copied in my wallet is under a different car, would i be in any legal trouble?" "Would you rather have a law against gay marriage, or affordable HEALTH INSURANCE that can't be canceled?" Admittedly a false choice, but still...electing a GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak government would enhance the chances of a law against gay marriage and diminish the chances of some form of Medicare for all. Feel free to substitute 'Christian right for 'Jesus freak...consider it a figure of speech or an expression of art." Can someone give me an aproxiamate estimate on how much my car insurance will be? I am 22 and I will be getting my first car soon. It is used and in good condition. I am wanting to put my mother on the insurance as well so we can both drive the car and be covered. How much would motorcycle insurance be for me?

I am 16 years old and have had my driver's license for only a month. I want to get my motorcycle license. I live in California, so I have to take that CHP motorcycle safety course. I was looking at getting a Triumph Bonneville. One that is less than 15 years old but not newer than 5 years. Maybe like a 2001 or something. On craigslist they are going for about 3-4k for what I'm looking for. What would my insurance be about? Just a broad idea is okay and just say a price, not to go on some website to get a quote cuz I don't want a quote yet." Can employer force health insurance on me? I currently have and paid for my own health insurance. I recently got a new job and was told that I had to elect to participate in one of my employer's health insurance plans. I politely told them that I had my own health insurance and wish to opt out of the employer's plan options. My employer told me I had to elect, participate, and pay. Can they make me do this?" Best individual insurance health plans??? I'm 19, I'm healthy, healthy weight, all that. I want a basic cheap health insurance plan that covers regular check ups and vision would be nice too, but thats not necessary. Anybody have any suggestions???" How to get car insurance? So I'm 16 and i just got my permit back in early March, and i need car insurance by March of next year in order to move up to a level 2 license ...... only thing is, my parents don't have licenses (they never did) what should i do?" Insurance for a 1994 camaro? I am 16 and have had my liscnse for almost 7 months now and have had no accidents. I want to buy a 1994 camaro but not sure what insurance will be. It is a v6 3.4L. About how much will insurance cost me? What about if the car is under my parents name? BMW coupe 1.9 / 2L how much insurance cost for age 22 had clean driving license for 2 years? UK? BMW insurance for age 22 had clean driving license for 2 years Insurance on motorcycle ? It would be a Kawasaki ninja zx6r it is a 2006 and 600 cc engine.. I am 16 and live in northwestern Pennsylvania... I would get minimum coverage.. I would also be adding on to my dads car insurance plan and I would be getting a 20% discount for good driver etc. About how much do you think the insurance on it would be?thanks "Attention young driver's, where did you get insurance from?"

My 17th is coming up soon and I really want to be able to drive however every time I look for insurance the cheapest ones I can get are in excess of 2500 at least! Also are there any cars or small hatchbacks that are best to insure, keep and drive in your opinion???? Is it best to get my own car and have my parents as named drivers or the other way round? Thanks! :)" "What is the best insurance for a single, 23 yr old female college student?" oh, i'm looking for health insurance and definitely affordable" Which home insurance company should I choose? I'm currently shopping for home insurance and I need some answers quickly. I currently have Allied Insurance and am thinking switching over to Western Mutual because of the cost for the policy. Anyone know the differences between the two and what's the web site for checking reputations and so forth about an insurance company from the states i've living in?? Is a 2004 used infiniti g35 a good and affordable car? i am saving up about 2000 to put down on it. and how much would the monthly payments be. including insurance? i gross about 700-900 a month. thanks. Question about insurance coverage? Okay today my car was broken into at school and they shattered the drivers side window and stole my $150 radio and my $120 graphing calculator. I have full auto insurance coverage but what coverage does this fall under? Comprehensive coverage? I saw on this website that homeowners insurance would cover this but that didn't make sense to me. Does the car have to be home when the break in happened? WILL CHOOSE BEST ANSWER Cheapest car insurance in Massachusetts for a new driver? I'm buying a car soon and will need insurance too. What is insurance expense and preaid insurance ? A review of the ledger of Khan Company at December 31, 2006, produces the following data pertaining to the preparation of annual adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid Insurance $9,800. The company has separate insurance policies on its buildings and its motor vehicles. Policy B4564 on the building was purchased on July 1, 2005, for $6,000. The policy has a term of 3 years. Policy A2958 on the vehicles was purchased on January 1, 2006, for $4,640. This policy has a term of 2 years." I need affordable health insurance? I live in Monmouth Co., NJ, and I need to find affordable health insurance. I was covered under my parents insurance when I was in college, but I am now 22, and own my own home w/ my fiance. My job does not offer health insurance, but I make a

decent amount of $ there. I am getting married in 2008, so I will be covered under my spouse's insurance then, but I need to go to the dr. now! Nothing life threatning, but I would like to have the piece of mind knowing, god forbid, if anything happened. Please help!" Okay-ish car with cheap insurance? (uk)? Im 17, just passed my test, what car would you recomend I get that would be cheap to insure?" 22y/o tourists getting car insurance in the US? My mate and I are hoping to tour across the U.S. to celebrate graduation. Starting in one place and driving to another, so we'll have to buy the car (he's staying over there), and we want to get insured on it. However, we're 22 y/o Brits and I've heard that can be difficult. Google just feeds me lots of car rental insurance stuff; how would it work in the US if we wanted to buy the car there? Do you guys have any advice?" "For my first car, what engine size and car do you recommend I get?" What engine size do you recommend I get? Is a 1.4 liter a lot for a first car? Also, I understand the fact the bigger the engine, the higher the insurance will cost, but since I know nothing about cars I do not really know about all this engine size stuff. Also, apart from insurance, I understand about road tax and MOT, can you tell me how often I need to have an MOT and how much it costs? Thanks." "Can auto insurance drop you for changing deductible, then filing a claim?" I have a $1000 deductible, but want to file a claim to get my car fixed from an incident a while ago (like years ago) because I want to sell it for tuition money. No other vehicles, ...show more" Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers? Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers? Where can I get the cheapest car insurance in Ontario? I'm looking to purchase a used car, probably 6-7 years old, and I am a 29 year old male living in Toronto. I want the most basic insurance available required by law, as the vehicle will be less than $4k, so I will take the hit if something happens to the car. I've seen really good quotes from Johnson insurance, but can anyone recommend any other insurance companies which offer cheap insurance for basic coverage? Thanks in advance, Joe" Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no difficulty? Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no difficulty?

Insurance nightmare help? tommorow im leaving for florida in my grandmothers car. i just discovered the car hasnt had a proof of insurance for over a year. if i cannot find a proof of insurance i cannot begin my 1300 mile trip to florida. does anyone have any ideas on some way we can get a proof of insurance between now and tomorow at 9 am? How much will my car insurance go up? I am the defendant in and have just settled an automobile lawsuit at $100,000. How much will my car insurance go up?" Will i still be on my parents' insurance? So, there were a bunch of changes made to health insurance due to the Health Reform. i heard that the coverage i get from my parents (since i am a dependent) will last until i'm 26 now, instead of 21. we have western health advantage through my mom's work (i think) and live in california (not sure if that makes a difference). anyways, i'm 18 and currently in college. next semester i'm hoping to take off so that i can work full time and save up money so that i wont have to be so financially dependent on my parents in the near future. do i have to be in school in order to still be on my parents' health insurance? i will still be dependent until i get my own apartment and get married, which will be in about a year or 2" Insurance for 2001 celica? considering everything else equal (age, experience, w/e), how is the price of insurance for a 2001 toyota celica compared to cars of the same price range? eg accord, sports cars, compact cars, midsize" 16 year old insurance question? i dont wanna hear the bs about only a agent can quote me i want a average of the cost for a 16 year old male! driving a old truck with driver ed paper saying that i passed umm i exspect it to be 100$ monthly? Mistake on insurance- value of car? recently i was involved in a car accident where another driver drove into the back of my car and since then it has been written off. the problem is i undervalued the car on my insurance by accident (as it was a present and was unsure of the true value) can i explain this to the insurance company and get the money paid for the car? or will i just get how much i said the car was worth? thanks How would you change your car insurance if your car was over ten yrs old? idk what my stupid teacher means by that.. i know that car insurance would increase but im not sure thts what she is asking with this question.. thankyou =] How much will 4 points cost me in auto insurance in New Jersey?

I have State Farm Insurance, Comp and Collision, New Vehicle in New Jersey" Where can I find reasonably priced car insurance for a 17 male? I am 16 years old, soon to be 17 and am looking for a reasonable car insurance quote. I am aware that being male and 17 both work against me in this situation, however the best quote I have found so far was with eCar at gocompare.com for 2340. I am thinking of getting a cheap 1996 Vauxhall Corsa as this has been the cheapest to insure when comparing quotes. I have tried Directline, gocompare, comparethemarket, moneysupermarket, tesco compare, insurance.co.uk, confused.com, uswitch.com, and beatthatquote.com. I really need something lower than what I have found so far, if you have any suggestions they would be greately appreciated. Thankyou." What does hurricane insurance cost? I'm relocating to the greater houston area and am planning on buying a home in harris or galveston counties. I wanted to get a ballpark idea of what hurricane insurance would run on a 200k home with perhaps 45k of contents. Emancipated 16 year old car insurance help? I am currently living with my parents and am soon to be emancipated. I was looking at some geico quotes, turned out for minimal coverage was 475$ per month. This was outragous and obviously way to much for any one to be able to afford. To have the type of coverage i would like was 10,000$ per year, the numbers were staggering. Anyway my question is it possible to get insurance at 16 years old on your own for a resonable price. If so with what car insurance company. I have a 3.0 and a perfect driving record, i do drive a camero z28 so i understand its going to be a little higher than average...." "NJ car accident, not my fault ,no insurance? On 10/27/11 I had a car accident where a driver ran a red light because she was looking at her GPS (she stated); The car is not mine it is my boyfriends and I didn't know that his ...show more Car insurance in New Zealand? Im thinking of moving to New Zealand. I would want a car at some point and don't know how much car insurence would cost. Im 19 been driving for a year and a half. No accidents, convictions etc?" Least expensive sport cars to insure? I'm 16 got my license yesterday and I'm shopping for car's. My car budget is $8000 I'm looking at the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru wrx. Please I know it's not cheap to insurance the car but my question is what sport cars are the least expensive to insurance I'm aware their pricey"

Homeowners insurance not renewed? any insurance underwriters out there....our dog bit an adult neighbor who entered our yard...medical claim filed....agent tells us we wont be renewed....is this typical..... Can health insurance coverage be dropped for a single department in a company? (Pennsylvania)? I currently live in PA and my employer has said they will drop health insurance for my department, but not another department in the same company. I did some research online to see if this is possible or not. I originally started this job with guaranteed benefits and now they are being taken away. I was reading somewhere online (unsure of credibility, website is as follows:http://employee-benefits.lawyers.com/Employee-Be nefits/Employer-Workplace-Benefits-FAQs.html) that a company cannot take away a certain departments health benefits and retain another departments. Below is the Q&A; question from the stated website above: Q: Is my employer required to provide health benefits? A: Employers are generally not required to provide any health benefits. Only the state of Hawaii requires employers in the private sector to cover employees who work over 20 hours per week. Union contracts may include provisions for insurance as part of the agreement. However, health care and other benefits such as life or disability insurance are generally offered by employer as a means of attracting and keeping their workforce. If an employer does provide health coverage, federal law requires the employer to provide Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA) to an employee who loses her job for any reason outside of gross misconduct the opportunity to maintain coverage up to 18 months at her own expense. This applies to companies with 20 or more employees. Some states also have laws with similar protections for employees who work for companies with less than 20 employees. Generally, it's not illegal to provide health benefits only to some classes of employees (for example, only to full-time employees but not to part-time employees). But once the eligible classes are established, an employer cannot withhold insurance from some members of the class while offering it to others. The employer can require employees to follow the rules of the plan, which may require an employee to fulfill a waiting period or wait for an open enrollment period before joining. An employer can usually change, or even eliminate, a health plan, but must follow the rules and guidelines of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). I understand they cannot choose and select who receives and who does not (I interpreted this as discriminating between employees). I do not know health legislature very well, and if anyone could provide some information it would be very appreciated. As for me, I am going to try and find more information out about this. Thank you." Buying a new car but confused on car insurance...what should I do? I am going to be part exchanging my old car for a new one. In terms of car insurance I still have 2 months left so I believe its cheaper if I just go with another insurance company as my current insurance might charge a lot for just 2 months. I am thinking of using my previous insurance NCB( elephant 1 year ) for the new insurance as proof of my NCB but the problem is I sent my NCB 1(year) (elephant) to my current insurance(Directline). Basically I would like to know if its possible to use my previous NCB (Elephant) which I it proves I have 1 year no claims for the new car insurance. I done some research and found it that having 2 years NCB makes 20 compared to 1 year NCB. What should I do?

First time car insurance? I'm a 25yr old female looking to buy my very first car, which are any good insurancers? What should I be looking for with an insurance company? I'm based in london" Which type of insurance do I have? I have AvMed insurance through my job and I am filling out paperwork online right now and I am not sure which type to choose: Primary Secondary Supplementary Worker's Comp It says Open Access-Self Refer to Specialist at the top of my insurance card. Could someone help me out please? How much less will my car insurance be when I turn 25? I know you're considered in a lower-risk age bracket so your car insurance will be less but how do insurance companies calculate this reduction? Rough price for motorcylce insurance? I'm 17, the bike im hoping to get is 2005 Honda CBR 125 How much would it be roughly for basic insurance" If I take defensive driving will it keep my speeding ticket from my insurance company? I have two previous tickets for speeding. One is dismissed I did community service and the other I didnt take care of and payed the fine and this is in Texas by the way I have also thought about contacting the my insurance agent and if it is dismissed because of the defensive driving this means my insurance rates will not go up correct? Auto insurance rates? How much would you say Progressive or Allstate charges for auto insurance? I'm talking for one person, paying for one car." How much $ a month would insurance cost me? I want to get a 93-97 Trans am, or Camaro. I'm a 21 year old male." Car insurance go up if not your fault? If somebody hits you from behind, and it's completely their fault, you file claim for insurance, does the non-fault person's insurance go up?" Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no difficulty?

Where can I get cheap auto insurance for a 92 Volvo in the South Shore of Massachusetts with no difficulty?

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