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table of content

• Introduction • The mental attitude- how to set your mind for a change • Willpower and self control- how to control your cravings, how to go to the gym when you feel you don’t want to. • Fat loss myths and mistakes. • IIFYM – What is it and should you do it ? - Injuries - The Perfect Workout Routine - Stretching And Foam Rolling • HOW MUCH MUSCLE CAN YOU BUILD NATURALLY, AND HOW QUICKLY CAN YOU? - Nutrition – Food Scale, Macronutrients, Pre/Post Workout Meals • THE SCIENCE OF METABOLIC SPEED AND LOSING OR GAINING WEIGHT - Tracking Progress • TIPS FOR MAINTAINING SINGLE- PERCENT BODY FAT PERCENTAGES. • HOW TO STAY IN SHAPE WHEN YOU'RE TRAVELING • HOW TO CHEAT WITHOUT GETTING FAT - Hitting a plateau - Cardio - Common Q&A • FINAL WORDS

introduction First of I want to thank you for your time and your investing in this book, that really means a lot to me. Before we start your fitness journey I would like to share with you my story. My name is Lidor, l'm 25 and my fitness journey began when I was about 14 years old. When I first started all I wanted is to get bigger! I loved to see the bodybuilders and I remember every day before I went to the gym I opened YouTube and just looking at a bodybuilding motivation video and it just got me driven! From there I just started to lift heavy but something was missing‌ I didn't realize how important nutrition was so I ate whatever I want, my gym performance started to weaken and my drive went down. So I decided I must study this, so I did a course and became a personal trainer, I studied from books, seminars and courses from the best in the world so that I won't just help myself but to others as well. I then started to eat better and when I was about 20 I did my first cut. I got to 5% body fat and my veins popped out! But still something was not good. I then started to binge, and when I say binge it was a weekend binge! I ate every piece of sweets I could find, I ate so much that I remember I could barely move! So then i decided that my health is much more important than the 5% body fat look. So I researched again and again till I found the path that lead me to who im now and the results are much higher than before. I don't have binge, I maintain 7-8% body fat year round and Im getting stronger from time to time. So in this book I cover everything I learned so that you wont have to go through all the trails and errors that I have made in the past. If there is something I learn from all those years is this- learn from other people's mistakes and you will save yourself massive pain and time! Although I started to see and look the way I wanted, I was not happy. I was very shy, I had no close friends and I just could not be this way anymore. So I made a decision that I must change, that true change does not come from the outside but first and most importantly- your inside. So I discovered tony robbins audiobooks, seminars and books and I studied them as much as I could! I started to strengthen and feeding my mind, my hunger for learning just got bigger from day to day and every single day I just read, I listened to him in every chance I got- in the car, in the gym, yes and even in the bathroom! And the more I learned I saw how I have changed! And this is why I wrote this book: change can happen! And for you to change you must wake your inner giant that just waiting to get out and do more in this world. So without further ado let me introduce to you: "THE MIND-BODY YOU DESERVE".

The mental attitude - how to set your mind for a change

Big back, cannonball shoulders, shredded abs and a bicep peak – all of these things sound familiar and pretty appealing to you, right ? But what if you don’t have them yet ? If you are like me, you didn’t know about bodybuilding and fitness your whole life. No, something got you passionate about it. Whether you had watched one of the famous movies of Arnold Schwarzenegger, saw pictures of fitness models or wanted to prove to somebody that you can get in amazing shape, you made a decision in your mind that you want to change – and that’s when it all starts ! We all want to get in the best shape of our life, but do we know what we need to do to get there ? Most likely not, this is why I wrote this book for you – so that you will learn from my mistakes and you won’t have to make any of your own. What does a person need to do if he really wants something but finds it difficult to change ? How can you change when change is hard ? Those are all questions I will answer here for you ! A few years ago I was recommended a book by Sigmund Freud, you know, the famous philosopher. It was about the purpose of human existence. I got interested in that so I started reading. It didn’t take long for me to develop interest and surely enough, I found a true gold nugget… Freud had found the answer I was looking for ! He said: “I can’t tell you what the purpose of human life is, but I CAN tell you what the behavior of humans is. We move away from pain and discomfort and we move towards pleasure and happiness.”


The mental attitude - how to set your mind for a change

After I read this, it immediately clicked. That’s it - I found my answer ! People want to avoid pain and they seek happiness and pleasure. Of course, how could I not have understood it… If someone wants to change, ALL he has to do is associate his current position in life with tremendous pain and, by changing, he will gain pleasure and become happy! Simple, right ? No ? Then let me go even further ! How do you associate your current position with pain ? Simply feeling horrible or tired of where you are in life is enough. Are you fed up with the feeling of being overweight every time you sit on a chair ? Are you tired of your friends or relatives who keep telling you that you are overweight or skinny and should do something about it ? Well now is your perfect chance ! If you can feel so unhappy about your current body shape, change is almost effortless. But there is one other requirement in order for you to make it even MORE effective – you need to associate change with pleasure and happiness. This is extremely easy to do – think how much better your life will become once you get in the best shape of your life ! You will have the body of your dreams, all of your friends will stop telling you to get fit and will instead start asking you how you did it and if you could teach them to do the same. Every time you take your shirt off and look yourself in the mirror, you will have confidence in yourself, you will know that you put in effort to achieve it. Your confidence and character will skyrocket !


Willpower and self control- how to control your cravings, how to go to the gym when you feel you don’t want to

What if you really want to get in shape… but… every morning you wake up and feel like sleeping for 1 more hour instead of going to the gym? What if you just can’t let go of that slice of pizza you always buy on Saturday night when going out with your friends? All of these are problems of improper habits – and I have a solution for you! You see, in order to have enough willpower to resist bad food and/or go train when you don’t feel like it, you first need to understand WHY that’s the case. Why can’t I give up my slice of pizza? Throughout human evolution, people’s highest priority was survival. If a huntergatherer were to kill and animal or, say, a bee hive, he would immediately eat everything he could. Why ? Because in those periods, food was scarce. There were no guarantees that you could find another bee hive or animal to kill so you had to eat everything you had at that moment in order to survive. And surely enough, exactly that happened! The only people that survived were those people that developed the instincts to eat every last ounce of meat from the animal as well as all the honey from the bee hive. Those that didn’t develop those instincts eventually died because of hunger. We, humans today, know that food is abundant, but the problem is we still have the instincts of our ancestors. Find high-calorie foods, hunt and eat EVERYTHING. How do you then avoid eating all this junk food when there is a McDonalds’ on every corner, pizza, ice creak and chocolate cakes selling in every second or third store you pass by? Simple – know that you have instincts and develop the willpower to resist them. What is willpower ? This was another question I really got interested in so I asked a couple of buddies for information, books or articles they knew about it. They referenced me to a book called “Willpower - Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength”.


Willpower and self control- how to control your cravings, how to go to the gym when you feel you don’t want to It sounded interesting, so I got it and started reading… I can talk a lot about the book, the Marshmallow story in it and all the other fun stuff, but that will be for another time. I want to share you the 3 most important things I learned from the book. 1. Willpower is like a muscle – you make it stronger by exercising it every day OR… it gets weaker if you don’t use it. 2. Willpower is finite, limited. You can deplete your willpower as the day goes by and, by doing that, you are more likely to binge on junk food or avoid doing important things for work or school – like your homework for example. 3. Willpower can be replenished by sleeping or eating something. This means that if you find it hard to finish your homework, all you have to do is take a quick nap or go eat something, preferably healthy. 4. We use the same willpower when resisting video games, TV or bad food. Now this all sounds cool, but how can you apply it in real life ? 1. Do the thing that’s hardest for you first – early in the morning ! If you find it difficult to go to the gym after work, go in the morning when you get out of bed so that you can have your workout done before lunch time. 2. Use your willpower wisely – only resist the most important things. Instead of resisting small unimportant things like your favorite show on TV, resist eating donuts and cake. 3. If you find yourself not having any willpower and tempted to eat something unhealthy, go take a quick 15-minute nap.


Fat loss myths and mistakes If you are like me, you’ve been told a lot of false things during your quest for the perfect body. Tell me if you can relate to this – every year you set the goal of getting to 6% body fat. You have finally decided to get in the best shape of your life so you go on Google and type in “How to get to 6% body fat” and start reading articles online. 30-40 minutes pass and you’ve already read 3-4 articles. But there is one problem – they say the complete opposite stuff ! You get anxious and wonder which one tells the truth and which one lies so you decide to experiment with all of them… only to find out that neither really works. Sure, you drop a couple of pounds but then you’re stuck. What now ? Or even worse, you get so confused with the information online that you don’t even try anything and stay at home. If you are having any of these challenges, don’t worry, I have been there, I know how it feels and I have the solution for you. :) Fat loss myth #1: Cutting carbs will burn fat Why do some people think cutting carbs will help you get leaner ? What is so special about them if they are only energy ? Nothing – this is the real truth. Carbs are just a form of energy, like protein and fat. Sure, you will get leaner when you eat less energy but the problem most people make is they cut carbs so much that their gym performance suffers so much that they can barely lift the weight the used to do effortlessly. Worse, some people cut all the carbs and replace them with protein or, especially, fat which has 9kcal per gram compared to carbs which have 4kcal per gram. This causes them to eat even more energy and gain weight Fat loss myth #2: You need to eat every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism high Again, false ! Science has clearly shown that meal frequency, and even meal timing (not eating carbs after 6PM) is a lie. As long as you get the exact amount of calories you should to remain in a deficit, you will burn fat. It doesn’t matter if you do it in 3-4-6 or 10 meals. In fact, I found that if I eat bigger meals 3 times a day instead of 6-7 smaller ones, I feel less hungry. Try it out and see for yourself ! Fat loss myth #3: You have to do cardio if you want to burn fat Yet another lie ! But how come, you say ? Isn’t cardio going to help with fat loss ? Yes, it will, but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. You see, the only thing cardio does is burn calories. You can either spend 30 minutes every day doing cardio or you can just reduce the food you eat. By eating less calories from food, you will get the exact same result and you won’t have to waste 30 minutes of your day.


Fat loss myths and mistakes Fat loss myth #4: Intermittent Fasting helps with fat loss Ok, this is a funny one, and it’s exactly the same as meal frequency if you think about it. Again, as long as you get your calories for the day, it doesn’t matter if you do it in an 8-hour window or a 16-hour one. You can easily fast for 16 or even 20 hours and just eat for 4 hours during the day. But if you eat too many calories, you will not burn fat. You need to be consuming less energy than what your body needs if your goal is fat loss. Fat loss myth 5#: You need to eat the majority of your food during breakfast, lunch should be moderate and dinner should be light Oh boy… Again ? Ok, one final time – No, it doesn’t matter how you spread your food as long as you remain in a deficit. Let’s leave this question out now ! Fat loss myth 6#: High reps low weight for fat loss This is another more interesting training myth and, in fact, is the complete opposite of what I would suggest. Why would someone recommend high reps for fat loss ? Well the logic is, if you are doing more reps, you are burning more calories and thus you will lose more weight. That is true, but here is the problem – if you lower the weight while being in a deficit, you are literally telling your body that it no longer needs all that muscle you built by adding more weight. And since muscle is very taxing for the body since it burns a lot more calories, the body will get rid of the muscle first while keeping the fat. So what can you do to preserve all of your muscle while dieting ? Simple – try to maintain all of your strength or even make small progress. This will insure you keep all of your muscle because the body has no choice – it will have to hold on to the muscle since it knows there will be heavy lifting. How heavy should you go you ask ? I just recommend you stay in the same rep range you usually do and simply try to make progress. Do that, and all the gains will be yours ! Fat loss myth 7#: Do ab work if you want to burn fat Not true – science has clearly shown that spot reduction is a myth. Have you ever seen someone with insanely shredded abs but the rest of his body is really fat ? No, of course ! :) Fat loss myth 8#: If I am losing weight, I am losing fat Usually yes, but not necessarily. You see, you can lose water weight, fat or muscle weight. In fact, almost immediately when you go on in a deficit by reducing some of the carbs, you will notice weight loss. But this is all water. 1g of carbs can hold on up to 3-4g of water. Plus you eating less food means you weigh less. Fat loss myth 9#: Low-fat diets for fat loss Nope, it’s calories that matter, not protein, carbs or fat intake. Fat loss myth 10#: Sweating when training is going to help me burn more fat This is not true simply for the reason that sweating has nothing to do with fat loss or muscle gain. It’s just your body temperature gets increased and that causes you to sweat. If you eat 5 thousand calories and you need 3 thousand to maintain your body weight, you can sweat all you want, you won’t lose any weight. Fat loss myth 11#: I’ve always been fat, I can’t lose it I love this one haha. Everybody can get in awesome shape, you just need to have the proper plan and follow it. I’ve helped people who were 60lbs overweight their whole life and they lost the fat without much effort. So get that idea out of your head and go buy yourself some tighter-fitting clothes because you’re getting in shape this summer ! :)


IIFYM – What is it and should you do it ?

If you have been browsing fat loss articles while drinking your protein shake, you’ve probably heard of IIFYM from somewhere or someone. In this chapter we will talk about what it exactly is and whether or not you should use it. What is IIFYM ? IIFYM simply means “If It Fits Your Macros” which means you can eat variety of foods even the "bad" foods in MODERATION and get in shape as long as you hit your amount of protein, carbs and fats for the day. The fact regarding body composition is that the only requirement for your body to burn fat is for you to consume less energy than what your body needs to maintain its weight, strength train so that you keep your muscle and sleep enough (8 hours) so that you can recover. Now some will assume that IIFYM simply means they can eat whatever they want as long as it fits their daily macros. If you don’t care about your health and have no problem getting diabetes, hearth issues, cancer or high blood pressure at 40-50, then by all means eat as much junk food as you want ! For those looking to maximize their health, performance at the gym, recovery and energy throughout the day, IIFYM is a great tool WHEN USING RIGHT. Try to use the 80/20 precent principle which means 80% of your daily calories comes from nutrition dense foods and the other 20% you keep for foods you love and can't go without. But let me talk about it if you are one of those people that will never drop the junk food. Here is how you get ripped eating pizza and donuts all day – you eat whatever foods you want so that you hit your protein, carbs and fat numbers. This means if you need 200g of carbs you can easily get them from the ice cream pancakes that your mom loves making and you love binging on so much. 85g of fat ? No problem, chocolate has plenty of fat. Protein ? Well meat or chocolate milk, you’ll still get your protein macros for the day.


IIFYM – What is it and should you do it ? Keep in mind, though, this approach doesn’t look at the vitamins and minerals in your foods so you will most likely by deficient in a lot of vital nutrients. For example, getting your vitamin C will keep your immune system strong, helping you go to the gym on those icy-cold days of the year without getting sick and having to spend 1-2 weeks in bed. Not sure about you but I prefer being healthy all year round and not missing workouts. Next up is vitamin D. If you want to lift that heavy weigh you need strong bones which will endure the tension, right ? Well you need your vitamin D for that. Want stronger muscle contractions to lift even more ? You can’t go wrong with potassium ! And the best part is… you can find it in potatoe. Baked potatoes and beef… yum ! How about recovery between sets ? Well here comes iron. If you’re a weightlifter, iron will help boost your recovery between sets, making your requirements for rest less. Now how cool is that ? You’ll be done with your workout much faster ! I can go on and on but I am afraid the book is going to become too long just to list all the benefits you’ll get. In short, if you don’t care about performance and health – using IIFYM the WRONG way can lead to some serious health problems in the long term. If you want to live longer and maximize your gains – using IIFYM the RIGHT way can lead to great results and long lasting food habits.


Injuries Alright, let’s talk about a very important topic. Whether or not you get injured, and I sincerely hope you don’t, you need to be prepared for all types of injuries. There is nothing worse than performing at your peak and suddenly getting injured. So let’s first talk about the most common injuries.

#1 – Neck You probably didn’t expect this but let me tell you, it happens more often than you think. Someone forgets to warm up their neck properly and does barbell shrugs or deadlifts… yeah, you get the point. This type of injury is from a lack of proper warm up so make sure you take your time and do some circular movements with your neck. You will thank me later ! If you get this type of injury you will want to avoid squats, deadlifts, shrugs and possibly bent over rows for a while until it heals. Everything else should be fine.

#2 – Shoulders Alright, I see this all the time. Shoulder injuries are the worst of all and can happen for a variety of reasons. Somebody hasn’t warmed up properly (circular movements !), goes to do bench pressing or overhead pressing, does it incorrectly and gets injured. Or he might have an imbalance between the front and the rear deltoid – very very common. This is why you want to do a lot of rear deltoid raises and keep your pressing movements moderately. The general rule is to have 1 back set for every chest set but I would suggest doing a few extra rear deltoid raises and NO FRONT SHOULDER WORK. They get hit more than enough from all pressing movements. Now some shoulder injuries can be very small and heal in a couple of hours or 1-2 days but others can be more severe and take a lot of time. Really make sure to watch out because once your shoulders are out of the picture you can barely do any exercise. Not just will your shoulder and bench presses be impossible, you won’t be able to do any form of pull ups, rows, even bicep curls and tricep push downs. Even squats and deadlifts for your legs ! So make sure you take good care of your shoulder joint and muscles.

3# - Elbows This type of injury is very common for people who do skull crushers. Not always and definitely not everybody but some people are just not designed to do this exercise. I know a lot of people that, regardless of what they do, they get pain from it. Again, another factor can be insufficient warm ups or too much weight when doing pressing movements. When you injure your elbows you want to avoid pressing movements until the pain goes away. No shoulder presses, bench presses, tricep exercises. If you want to train your chest do flyes, do front/side/rear deltoid raises for your shoulders. Triceps will have to take a rest though.


injuries 4# - Lower back Another very common injury. Whether it’s improper warm up, improper technique on basic stuff like squats, deadlifts, standing overhead presses or similar exercises, injuring your lower back is not the most enjoyable thing as your whole daily activities will take a hit, not just your gym performance. Depending on the severity of the injury you might have to either take a week or two off training and work/school or you just have to avoid exercises where there is pressure on the spine – squats, deadlifts, shrugs, barbell curls, leg press, overhead press. If you want to do bicep exercises, the only way you can do them is by lying on an incline bench press and curling with both hands with dumbbells. For legs you can do leg extensions and leg curls with a lot of volume. Everything else should be fine. You will safely be able to do weighted pull ups because the exercise doesn’t put any pressure on your spine.

5# - Knees Another common injury, mostly because of a lack of warm up or improper squat, deadlift or leg extension technique. Rarely because of a muscle imbalance between the quads and hamstrings. Again, here you want to do a very good circular movement warm up to make sure you can begin training. Usually if you get knee injuries you may or may not be able to do most leg exercises like squats, deadlifts, leg press and leg extensions. You will have to check and see though, some exercises might be fine.

6# - Muscle injuries I put all muscle injuries together because the reason is almost always improper technique, muscle imbalances or a strain. The pain feels sharp, like someone is cutting you with a knife. Whether you injure your shoulder muscles, lower back, glutes, hamstrings, quads or any upper body muscle, take about 1 week off for that muscle group and then slowly come back. Muscle injuries recover the fastest as there is a lot of blood flow, hence a lot of nutrients are delivered and the muscle will repair quickly.

7# - Bone injuries If you break a bone you will know it. No need to talk about it.


Injuries 8# - Tendons and ligaments You might strain a tendon from improper warm up, muscle imbalances or a bad technique. These injuries are generally felt like sharp pain at first but then are more numb, you’ll have a hard time locating the exact pain point. Since tendons don’t have much blood supply it can take anywhere from a few weeks to over a year for a tendon to fully recover, depending on the seriousness of the injury. Always remember to warm up correctly and do everything with good form. Now the question is… Should you workout if you get injured ? My answer is this: In any case you want to take a little time off so that it heals. Some injuries may last longer, so you definitely want to work around them. If you injure your lower back and can’t do most weight-bearing exercises, don’t just skip legs like most people would, do leg extensions and leg curls to maintain your shape and possibly make some progress. If you always take 1-3 months off when you get an injury, you will never be able to continuously have results.


The Perfect Workout Routine Now it’s time to talk about the workout routine. There is generally a lot of ways to go about it but I will give 2 different suggestions and it will be up to you to choose which one you like best. But firstly… You need to learn how muscle is built in order to understand why these workouts are so effective. You see, muscle building involves two processes. 1. Protein breakdown – the breakdown of protein, a.k.a. muscle loss (when you diet too severly, not get enough protein, stop working out and/or not sleep enough) 2. Protein synthesis – the building of new protein tissue (when you eat enough protein, sleep enough and exercise to stimulate protein synthesis) In order to build muscle protein synthesis needs to exceed protein breakdown, meaning your body needs to be building more muscle than it is breaking down (when you train you actually break down your muscle and force protein synthesis). The problem with the most common workout split, the “Bro split” or the 1-muscle-group-per-day split, is that it provides insufficient protein synthesis. You see, when we train, protein synthesis is elevated for up to 48 hours maximum for that particular muscle group. You train your back on Monday and it will grow up to Wednesday, after that it stops growing unless you train it again. So this is why training each muscle group once a week is not effective. If you train your back on Monday you get growth until Wednesday morning and then you have the whole Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday where it will not grow at all. You want to make use of the increased protein synthesis after a workout and this is why high frequency training is always better. The splits I recommend are two different ones but the exercise order and sets/reps are the pretty much the same.


The Perfect Workout Routine Legs/Push/Pull Split (6 days a week): This split is designed for people who prefer training more frequently. Workouts are anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. Leg days focus on quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, abs and lower back. Push days focus on chest, front and side shoulders and triceps. Pull days focus on back, biceps, rear (back) deltoids and traps. So you would simply be doing: Monday – Legs Tuesday – Push Wednesday – Pull Thursday – Legs Friday – Push Saturday – Pull Sunday – Off Here is the breakdown for each workout:

LEGS: 3 sets of squats – 6-12 reps



The Perfect Workout Routine 3 sets of deadlifts – 6 -12 reps


3 sets of leg press – 8 -14 reps


3 sets of lying leg curls – 8-14 reps



The Perfect Workout Routine 3 sets of standing calf raises – 8-10 reps


2-3 sets of hanging straight leg raises – 8-10 reps


2-3 sets of landmine 180's or Kneeling Cable Crunch with Alternating Oblique Twists – 10-15 reps



The Perfect Workout Routine PUSH: 3 sets of incline dumbbell bench press – 6-12 reps


3 sets of lying barbell bench press – 6-12 reps


3 sets of standing overhead barbell press or seated dumbbell shoulder press – 6-12



The Perfect Workout Routine 3 sets of standing side lateral raises with both hands – 10-15 reps


3 sets of lying triceps extension – 8-14 reps


3 sets of high pulley triceps pushdowns – 8-14 reps



The Perfect Workout Routine PULL: 3 sets of wide-grip pull ups or wide grip pulldown – 6-12 reps


3 sets of bent-over barbell rows or dumbbell incline row – 6-12 reps



THE PERFECT WORKOUT rOUTINE 3 sets of close grip row machine – 6-12 reps


3 sets of standing barbell bicep curls – 8-14 reps


3 sets of standing hammer curls with rope attachment to the low pulley or incline dumbbell curls – 8-14 reps



THE PERFECT WORKOUT rOUTINE 3 sets of cable rear delt fly – 10-15 reps


Rest periods should be 60-90 seconds between sets and exercises ! You should start with this workout but make sure to watch how your body is responding. If you feel that a particular muscle group is growing too slowly compared to the other ones, you will want to increase the sets for that muscle group to 4 OR add 2-3 sets of another exercise for that muscle group at the end of your workout. You can find all the exercises and many more at my site for free: (3-4 days a week): This split is for people who don’t have time to train every single day but can easily devote 3 or 4 days a week. The week should look like this: Monday – PUSH: Chest & Triceps & Calves Tuesday – Off Wednesday – PULL: Back & Biceps & Abs Thursday – Off Friday – LEGS: Legs & Shoulders Saturday – Off Sunday – Off


THE PERFECT WORKOUT ROUTINE Day 1: Chest & Triceps & Calves Incline Barbell/Dumbbell Bench Press – 3X8-10 reps


Flat Barbell Bench Press – 3X8-10 reps


High cable crossover – 3X8-10 reps



THE PERFECT WORKOUT ROUTINE Close-Grip Bench Press – 3X8-10 reps


Lying triceps skull crusher – 3X8-10 reps


Smith machine standing calf raises - 4-5 sets X8-10



the perfect workout routine DAY 2: BACK & BICEPS & ABS Barbell Deadlift – 3X8-10 reps


Barbell Row – 3X8-10 reps


Wide-Grip Pull-Up or Chin-Up – 3X8-10 reps



THE PERFECT WORKOUT ROUTINE Incline Dumbbell Curls – 3X8-10 reps


Barbell Curl – 3X8-10 reps


2-3 sets of hanging straight leg raises – 8-10 reps



THE PERFECT WORKOUT ROUTINE 2-3 sets of landmine 180's or Kneeling Cable Crunch with Alternating Oblique Twists – 10-15 reps


DAY 3: LEGS & SHOULDERS Barbell Squat – 3X8-10 reps


Leg Press – 3X8-10 reps



THE PERFECT WORKOUT ROUTINE Reverse BB lunges or walking DB lunges – 3X8-10 reps each leg


Seated or Standing Barbell Military Press – 3X8-10 reps





Optional: reverse pec dec – 3X8-10


Rest periods should be 60-90 seconds between sets and exercises ! You can change the days if you want so that you train on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or Wednesday, Friday and Sunday but the key here is to have 1 day off between each workout as they will be very intense and you will not be able to recover in 24 hours.


Stretching And Foam Rolling “Do I need to stretch ?” This is a question I get asked a lot. And my response is always: “Of course !” Stretching is one of the best things you can do as a weightlifter because it is not only going to increase the range of motion (ROM) you can perform, meaning more progressive overload, but will also prevent you from getting injured. You see, when exercises are performed out of our comfortable ROM, it is easy for us to get injured. By increasing the ROM, you will have a much lesser change to get injuries. How often should you stretch ? I recommend stretching twice a week for people that just want to avoid injuries and up to 7 times per week for those who are gymnasts and/or just want to get really flexible. What should you stretch ? You should stretch your: neck, front shoulders, chest, forearms, biceps, triceps, glutes, quads, hamstrings, adductors and calves. How long should you hold each stretch ? The way I do it is to simply do 1 stretch per muscle group and hold it for 60 seconds. If you want you can push a little bit more and hold it for 30 seconds, build up to 60 seconds eventually and increase the stretching time again. What stretches should you do ?



Stretching And Foam Rolling HAMSTRINGS:



Stretching And Foam Rolling GLUTES:



Stretching And Foam Rolling TRICEPS:



Stretching And Foam Rolling BICEPS/FOREARMS:



Nutrition – Food Scale, Macronutrients, Pre/Post Workout Meals Alright, let’s talk about FOOD ! :) What are the most important things you need to know and apply when it comes to nutrition ? Well, we already talked about the fundamentals – progressive overload, calories based on your goal and enough sleep. Here is where we will go more in-depth about the calories. What is a calorie ? Really simply put, it’s energy. The more calories we consume, the more energy we consume. Every person needs a certain amount of energy to maintain his current weight at the height, body fat, age and activity level he is doing. If you consume less energy than the body needs, a.k.a. be in a calorie DEFICIT, the body will have to tap into the reserves of its own energy and thus you will lose weight. Keep in mind, I said WEIGHT, not FAT. There are more requirements than that if you want to burn fat entirely. If you eat more energy than what your body needs, you are in a calorie SURPLUS and will gain weight – fat or muscle. In order to make sure we are making progress towards our goal, we need to find out our calorie MAINTENANCE (the amount of energy we need to maintain our weight) and eat more or less depending on our goal. If you want to achieve your goal, follow the steps below: 1. Calculate your calorie maintenance 2. Add or subtract calories depending on your goal 3. Calculate your protein, carbs and fat How do you find your calorie maintenance ? It is very easy to do it, there are countless of online calculators online. I suggest you google “Accurate Calorie Calculator” and you will ind what you need. You simply need to put in your weight, height, age, body fat and activity level and you will find out how much calories you need.


Nutrition – Food Scale, Macronutrients, Pre/Post Workout Meals Alright, let’s talk about FOOD ! What are the most important things you need to know and apply when it comes to nutrition ? Well, we already talked about the fundamentals – progressive overload, calories based on your goal and enough sleep. Here is where we will go more in-depth about the calories. What is a calorie ? Really simply put, it’s energy. The more calories we consume, the more energy we consume. Every person needs a certain amount of energy to maintain his current weight at the height, body fat, age and activity level he is doing. If you consume less energy than the body needs, a.k.a. be in a calorie DEFICIT, the body will have to tap into the reserves of its own energy and thus you will lose weight. Keep in mind, I said WEIGHT, not FAT. There are more requirements than that if you want to burn fat entirely. If you eat more energy than what your body needs, you are in a calorie SURPLUS and will gain weight – fat or muscle. In order to make sure we are making progress towards our goal, we need to find out our calorie MAINTENANCE (the amount of energy we need to maintain our weight) and eat more or less depending on our goal. If you want to achieve your goal, follow the steps below: 1. Calculate your calorie maintenance 2. Add or subtract calories depending on your goal 3. Calculate your protein, carbs and fat How do you find your calorie maintenance ? It is very easy to do it, there are countless of online calculators online. You can use this tool: and you will find what you need. You simply need to put in your weight, height, age, body fat and activity level and you will find out how much calories you need. Once you know how much you need to eat to maintain weight, you need to add or subtract some calories depending on whether you want to build muscle or burn fat. Below I will give an example with building muscle: Let’s say a person needs 3200kcal to maintain his body weight right now. If he wants to gain muscle, he should roughly add 250-350kcal more (250kcal if you’ve been training for more than 2-3 years, otherwise use 350kcal). So if you want to build muscle, you will need 250kcal more or 3450kcal on your training days. On rest days you eat at a maintenance since there is no need for the extra energy, you’ll just store it as fat.


Nutrition – Food Scale, Macronutrients, Pre/Post Workout Meals Now that we have our calorie requirements, how do you calculate your macros – protein, carbs and fat ? Protein: 2.2 x bodyweight in kg OR 1 x bodyweight in lbs I will give an example for someone who weighs 85kg. 85kg x 2.2 = 187g Protein per day Now comes the tricky part. You need to multiply your protein in grams by 4 (1g of protein has 4kcal, 1g of carbs has 4kcal and 1g of fat has 9kcal). 187g protein x 4 = 748kcal This is the amount of calories you consume from protein. The way you calculate your calories from carbs & fat combined is by removing the 748kcal from the daily calories. So: 3450kcal – 748kcal = 2702kcal These are the amount of calories from both carbs and fat. What I like to do next is, again, split them in both. Then I will divide the calories from carbs by 4 (1g carbs = 4kcal) and the calories from fat by 9 (1g fat = 9kcal). 2702 : 2 = 1351kcal 1351kcal : 4 = 338g Carbs 1351kcal : 9 = 150g Fat So an 85kg person that wants to build muscle should eat: 3450kcal Protein: 187g Carbs: 338g Fat: 150g Now let’s talk about pre and post workout nutrition. What should you eat before and after your workout ? Simply put, you should ideally have protein in every meal, and since you are working out, you want to add half of those carbs. The other half you will want to leave after your training is done so that you can use them for repair. I personally would split my protein in 3 meals and eat about equal amounts every 3 and have my carbs split in 2 and eat the first half before my workout and the other half after my workout. This is when the carbs will be the most useful. You need them the most then, because they will really boost your strength and energy. So what foods should you eat before and after your workout ? Here is an example: Chicken Breast/Beef/Egg Whites + Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes/Brown Rice/Millet/Beans/Quinoa/Oats What about dinner time ? Well, you should get the rest of your protein as well as the fats for the day. This would mean: Chicken Breast/Beef/Whole Eggs/Cheese/Cottage Cheese/Nuts/Seeds/Flaxseed Oil or Coconut Oil/Butter I suggest you also add some vegetables during dinner time that will fit in your macros. This way you will get more vitamins and minerals. Some good examples of low-calorie, high-vitamin vegetables are: Parsley/Kale/Broccoli + Sweet Red Peppers + Carrots


HOW MUCH MUSCLE CAN YOU BUILD NATURALLY, AND HOW QUICKLY CAN YOU? Although there is not much studies to answer this question, one of the top coaches in the fitness world- Lyle McDonald has developed some guidelines. Lyle McDonald's answer: • If you are training for 1 year you can gain 20-25 pounds • If you are training for 2 years you can gain 10-12 pounds. • If you are training for 3 years you can gain 5-6 pounds. •If you are training for 4+ years you can gain 2-3 pounds. According to Mr. McDonald, age and starting condition will affect this number. Older guys will gain less than younger ones, and underweight guys can gain more than this. And some can build more or less muscle due to other factors like hormones, genetics and lifestyle. Unless you are trying to be a bodybuilder or "the hulk" you can achieve the look you want naturally. Just know that it takes patience, hard work and a couple of years to gain the amount of muscle that you want.


THE SCIENCE OF METABOLIC SPEED AND LOSING OR GAINING WEIGHT When we talk about metabolism, we talk about the body's ability to use various chemical process to produce, maintain, and break down various substances and to make energy available for cells to use. So what exactly is "slow" or "fast" metabolism? It is the amount of energy the body uses to perform the many functions involved in metabolism. Now there are some factors that can effect metabolic rate such as age, fat mass. Fat free mass and thyroid hormone circulation but some just burn more energy than others. Metabolism is a BIG factor for fat loss because when you drop your calories your metabolic speed slows down as well. And most people drop calories too fast and too drastically! Which usually leads to overeating every couple of days or weeks. So if you want to ensure you lose weight, make sure that your metabolism is running quickly before you start. Usually starting point will be at your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) before you start your fat loss journey. You can check it here: 4 ways to improve your metabolism: 1. Make sure you add resistance training 3-5 times per week. 2. Eat plenty of protein ( 1 gram per pound or 2.2 gram per kg of bodyweight) 3. Eat a moderate amount of dietary fat (25-30% of your daily calories) 4. Increase your calories each week until you reach your TDEE: • Week 1- add 100 calories by adding 25 grams of carbs. • Week 2- add 100 calories by adding 25 grams of carbs. • Week 3- add 100 calories by adding 11 grams of fats. • Week 4 and beyond: add 100 calories from both fats and carbs until you reach your TDEE. Your weight might go up a little but do not worry! Your muscles are simply filling up with glycogen and water. After your metabolism is healthy again you can continue your fat loss journey.


Tracking Progress

Now let’s talk about tracking your progress. There are many forms of progress like strength progress, fat loss, muscle gain and so on but we will mostly cover the fat loss and muscle gain ones. Strength progress can easily be tracked – just attempt to lift a weight for more reps than you previously could and you will see if you got stronger. For muscle gain, it is simple as taking body measurements or regular weekly photos of yourself. Generally, you can also gain fat and thus have increased measurements but there are some indicators of muscle gain that will help. Photos will show you the most results over the long run as you can clearly see if you got any bigger when comparing yourself in the same poses. If you want to track fat loss all you have to do is take daily weight measurements and divide by 7 – this way you get a weekly average. Make sure every week’s average is lower than the previous one. The reason I advise taking weekly averages instead of just looking at the daily weigh-ins is because your bodyweight fluctuates depending on the amount of carbohydrates, salt, food quantity and water intake. One day you might be 3lbs heavier than another day but you might still be dropping fat. It’s just the water retention and more carbs/food that made you weigh more. Another thing, other than tracking weight, is to take waist measurements when dropping fat or building muscle. When you want to bulk, try to gain weight without having your waist to increase. When you want to drop fat, make sure every week your waist measurements are getting less and less. Waist is directly correlated with body fat. The less it measures, the leaner you are. There are also many forms of tracking body fat but the most accurate one at a price you can afford is getting a skinfold caliper. There are lots of videos online on how to use it so I won’t go into detail about that.


TIPS FOR MAINTAINING SINGLE PERCENT BODY FAT PERCENTAGES Staying really lean is primarily a matter of properly controlling your diet. You don't have to do anything special in terms of training beyond adjusting your caloric intake to your training frequency. For me it's lifting 6 times per week and doing HIIT session 2 times per week. Cardio isn't necessary for staying really lean, but it's good for the body and health. HOW TO STAY IN SHAPE WHEN YOU'RE TRAVELING • Ensure you get enough protein every day- the easiest way to keep track of your intake is using the app MYFITNESSPAL which help you track your calories and your daily macronutrients. • Know what you want to see happen with your body while you're traveling ( cutting/maintaining/gaining weight) • Use more foods from grocery stores than eating at restaurants • Reduce meal frequency if necessary • You can use intermittent fasting • Use the hotel gym/stay in a hotel near a local gym/ work out in your hotel room. An example for what you can do at the hotel: Option 1- using a TRX Option 2- full body circuit • Push up to failure • 60 seconds rest • Pull ups to failure • 60 seconds rest • Squats for 30 seconds ( one legged if possible) • Burpees for 30 seconds • Mountain climbers to failure • 90 seconds rest • Crunches to failure • 60 seconds rest • Start over again with push ups and make sure you do all the above for 20-30 minutes straight. • Do high intensity interval training • Try to do a workout before a meal HOW TO CHEAT WITHOUT GETTING FAT: So you have been a good boy and ate nutrition dense food all week, but then you went outside with friends and they decided its pizza time! So what are you going to do? Eat or just eat your heart while looking at them all eating in your face?! So guess what!? You can enjoy and treat yourself once in a while, BUT you have to do it right. Here is what you can do: Save up your calories for the upcoming party/social event and eat nothing but protein leading up to it. If you end up binge too drastically then simply go into a deficit on 2-3 of your training days eating 20% fewer calories on those days than you normally would have. Another way is simply to train or perform HIIT at the day you cheat.


Hitting a plateau One thing that frustrates everyone, regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced weightlifter (10+ years) is plateaus. We all want to get stronger and bigger/leaner because that is a good indicator that we are making progress. What are plateaus ? Simply put, when you stop making progress – stop getting stronger, bigger or leaner depending on what your goal is at the moment, you’ve hit a plateau. It is common for people to get discouraged when they reach one because they stop seeing results. Here, in this book, I will teach you some really valuable techniques on how to break strength, muscle building and fat-loss plateaus without much effort. All you have to do is read and do. Sounds simple ? Let’s do it ! Firstly, we will talk about muscle building plateaus because those are really common for beginners or skinny individuals trying to gain muscle. Simply, if you are not gaining any weight, it means you need to start consuming more calories. Not too much though, as you might get unwanted fat gains as well. Try to just increase your calorie intake by 100kcal so that you eat just 100kcal more on training and rest days. Wait for a week or two, take your weekly average weight and see if you made any progress. You should be aiming for 0.5lbs or 0.25kg weight gain per week. Sometimes even less if you are an advanced weightlifter. If your goal is fat loss, try the same thing but instead of adding 100kcal, you would just reduce your calorie intake on deficit days by 100kcal. Remember the refeed days we talked about ? Well your calories on refeed days should not be changed – leave them as they are. The 100kcal decrease on deficit days should be enough for you to see consistent weight loss. I generally recommend lowering calories by 100kcal every 1 and a half weeks. If you have hit a strength plateau, there are a few options you can try. Number one is take 3-4 days off (deload week) and come back and check if your strength has gone up. Usually if you overtrain you will reduce your recovery and thus eventually hit a plateau. The other suggestion I have is, you can simply lower the weight by 5kg or 10-11lbs and try to get a lot more reps. Aim for about 12-15 reps and then add those 5kg or 10-11lbs again. This should solve your issue. A third suggestion is adding one heavy set followed by a really light drop set for the exercise you can’t increase strength in. That should easily help with both nervous system and cardiovascular plateaus. Just do a heavy set for about 3 reps and then lower the weight immediately and aim for about 15 reps (with a spotter if doing bench presses).


Cardio Alright, let’s talk about a topic that most people hate – cardio. What types of cardio are there and should you do it ? You might find my answer to these questions interesting… What is cardio ? To know if you should do cardio, you first need to understand what it does, what the benefits of cardio are because… The truth is, cardio is just a way to burn more calories. That, and nothing more. You can either spend 30 minutes doing slow-pace running, 10-15 minutes doing sprints with some slow running between sprints or… You can just not do any cardio and simply eat less food. Cardio is not needed, it’s just a tool to burn more calories. Got that ? Great ! Now let’s go deeper for those who want to do cardio regardless. What is the best type of cardio ? Well, that depends on your goals ? Do you care about endurance ? If yes, then go for slow-pace running. Do you want to be explosive and just go for a quick session ? Well in this case, sprints are for you. Just remember that regardless of what type of cardio you do, the result is ultimately the same, you will be burning more calories. Now personally, I suggest you do sprints instead of jogging because there has been some scientific studies that show that people’s metabolism can actually adapt to slow-pace running. The same was not true for HIIT cardio a.k.a. sprints. If your goal is to do cardio simply because you enjoy it, then by all means go for it ! The two most common types of cardio are steady state and interval training. Steady state is just as it sounds — you work at a steady (usually low to moderate) pace for a sustained duration. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) combines bursts of very tough (but short) maximum effort with longer, lower-intensity rest/recovery periods.


CARDIO Again, a middle-ground approach is best here and it’s the one we’ll take, with one steady state and one interval session per week. You could switch it up and go with two steady state session if you like, but you’ll end up spending more time in the gym. Likewise, two HIIT sessions would work just fine, but you’ll probably find this takes its toll on your legs and causes your squat strength to drop. Interval Training You’ve got 3 different options for your HIIT sessions:

Option 1: • Pick any piece of cardio equipment (again, sprints/hill sprints outside are fine) S outside are fine too) • Warm up at a steady pace for 5 minutes • Push to 100% maximum effort for 30 seconds (you should be gassed after this) • Go steady for 120 seconds • Repeat this 30seconds on/120 seconds off 4 times • Steady 5-minute cool down Total workout time = 22.5 minutes

Option 2:

Option 3:

• Pick any piece of cardio equipment (again, sprints/hill sprints outside are fine) • Steady warm for 5 minutes • Push to 100% maximum effort for 20 seconds • Go steady for 100 seconds • Repeat this 20 seconds on/60 seconds off 6 times • Steady 5-minute cool down Total workout time = 20 minutes

• Pick any piece of cardio equipment (again, sprints/hill sprints outside are fine) • Steady warm up for 5 minutes • Push to 100% maximum effort for 15 seconds • Go steady for 45 seconds • Repeat this 15 seconds on/45 seconds off 8 times • Steady 5-minute cool down Total workout time = 19 minutes

Steady State This couldn’t be simpler. Pick a piece of cardio equipment and work for 45 minutes at a moderate pace. By “moderate” we’re talking an effort level of 6 to 7 out of 10. You should break a light sweat and be a little out of breath, but still be able to hold a conversation. Alternatively, you could head out for a brisk walk, go hiking, cycling or climbing, or even play a sport for an hour or so. You should look at this as an “activity” rather than training — so pick something you enjoy. Scheduling: When you do your cardio is up to you. There’s only 1 rule: NEVER do it directly before a weights session.


Q&A Q: Should you count calories from drinks ? A: Yes, everything you ingest should be counted. This means foods AND drinks. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q: Can I drink alcohol ? A: I do not recommend that but if it is something you truly don’t and can’t live without – drink wine. It is the healthiest among all types of alcohol. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q: How much fiber should I consume each day ? A: Aim for about 10g per every 1000kcal you need to maintain your weight. So if you need 3000kcal to maintain your bodyweight, you would need 30g of fiber. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q: What is the best tea you would recommend ? A: Hibiscus tea since it has the highest amount of antioxidants (they slow down aging) in any beverage and green tea (helps calm you down and get you to sleep). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q: What are the best spices I can add to my foods ? A: Thyme spice has 20% daily dose of iron for just 4g so is an EXCELLENT addition to all foods ! Other than that, basil, parsley spice, red pepper, cloves and so on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: Do I need every 2-3 hours to maintain my metabolism high ? A: No, metabolism increases based on the amount of calories you consume. If you eat 3 bigger meals it would

increase your metabolism for longer so the effect will ultimately be the same as eating 5-6 smaller meals per day every 2-3 hours. Eat so that you get your daily calorie intake and don’t worry about it. :) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q: Can I drink and eat at the same time ? A: It is a good idea to stop drinking 10-15 minutes before and only start drinking 10-15 minutes after a meal. This is because when you drink water, for example, it reduces the concentration of the enzymes your body releases to digest the food so the body has to release a lot more of them and that eventually exhausts the body.


the end Well, we've come to end of this book but the beginning of a new chapter in your fitness journey. If you put this book into use you will have no problem losing body fat and building your ultimate body you always dreamt of. My goal is to help you reach those goals, and I really believe this book helps. I want you to not only to get to the shape but also to love yourself for who you are no matter what your current look looks like. You are special and beautiful and in any area you want to improve in your life do it for the desire to gain pleasure rather than to avoid the pain, this way you will see how enjoyable the journey will be for you and I promise you‌ you're gonna love it! If we work together as a team, we can and will succeed! Because that's what we are here for- give, love and share more from ourselves to others. So before you begin can you promise me-and yourself- that you'll let me know when you've reached your goal?

You can mail me at: Or you can visit my site at:

Till then, I wish you all the best. Keep thriving for more, Leave your mark in this world,

Leave a legacy!


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