Atlas Magazine: The Incandescent Issue

Page 63

(POWER), where Director of Student Accessibility Services Diane Paxton said she was making pillowcases as holiday gifts. McCallum thought that creating homemade gifts was more sentimental and less expensive than buying store-bought gifts. When thinking of what she could make, McCallum was also inspired by her friend Jalyn Cox’s jewelry brand Raw Intention. McCallum had crystals already, so she began making wire-wrapped crystal necklaces in December for gifts and selling them in late January. Since McCallum began selling her necklaces through her Instagram page (@necklacesbyeryn), she’s had a variety of customers, including her friends at Emerson, her friends from home in Chicago and even people she hasn’t talked to since high school. One challenge she’s encountered so far is finding the right price for her products, as she found she was not charging enough at the beginning. “When I first started, I was only charging $10 per neck-

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