Atlanta Jewish Times, VOL. 99 NO. 12, June 30, 2024

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Cover Photo: Allison Barchichat, a former high school math teacher, recently
“Mommy Dearest,” a roller derby player with Peach State Roller Derby.

Posners Host 8th Great BBQ

On June 22, two blocks from Oakland Cemetery, Ana and Ryan Posner’s eighth annual barbeque sizzled with 230 pounds of meat, and a blend of extended family and “found” family from Ahavath Achim Synagogue, along with local neighbors.

Posner, a multi-generation Atlanta “Mendel,” and related to the ubiquitous Goldsteins, invested months in planning his traditional welcome summer party. In a diagram of complicated Jewish relationships on hand, cousins joshed with Ryan while tracing roots.

Emilie Posner Haas said, “I think our grandfathers were brothers.” Ryan thought third cousins, but who’s counting?

Cousin Howard Mendel spent 48 hours preparing banana pudding.

Here’s how the logistics unfolded: The couple developed an Excel event planning workbook used in the sixth annual BBQ (2022) which tracks percentage calculations based on RSVPs to determine the food and supplies needed. Each year, they hold a post-mortem to adjust the percentages vs. actual consumption.

Ryan proclaimed, “This year, our spreadsheet was quite accurate with the 230 pounds of meat we purchased, although we couldn’t accommodate 30 pounds of beef ribs for the volunteers due to timing constraints.”

One significant change this year was the Posners’ willingness to accept more help by outlining detailed tasks, instructions, and timing in the workbook to allow for more volunteer involvement. A volunteer sign-up was embedded in the invitation resulting in a large turnout of 30 volunteers who were crucial to this year’s success, allowing the Posners more time for hosting.

Mother, Bonnie Posner, managed the dessert table, with Ana’s parents, Violet and Michael Allain, who drove down from Virginia.

In terms of prep work, Ana and Ryan organized the garage two weeks prior to the “Q.” Most preparations happen the Wednesday before.

Ryan explained, “During the event, I handled the main cooking from Friday to early Saturday morning. A neighbor helped with the chicken wings and mushrooms, while AA congregant Michael Joseph, my sous chef, assisted with initial prep and serving. Ana coordinated the volunteers and accommodations,

cooling drinks, seating, setting up, and decorating.”

Eric Kauffman (guitarist) performed by Posner’s red UGA Bulldog tent (Ryan once played trumpet in the UGA Redcoat marching band), performing “Born to Run,” and “I Fell Into a Burning Ring of Fire,” a tongue-in-cheek coordination

with the day’s theme.

AA congregant Barry Prusin said of his first Posner “Q” attendance, “I think Ryan pulling this off is totally amazing. He hasn’t missed any details, coordinating all the volunteers, this is a total success.”

In addition to Ryan’s entrees served

Ana and Ryan have focused over the years on perfecting the “art” of smoking and grilling.

outdoors, the Victorian style bungalow’s dining room table was overflowing with pasta salads, kale salads, six variations of cole slaw, deviled eggs, watermelon, grilled corn, mac and cheese, and chickpea/feta arrangements. The dessert room had seven varieties of traditional Southern fruit cobblers (one labeled blackber-

At 6 p.m., (gray skirt) Ana and (brown apron) Ryan rang the bell shouting, “Come and get it!”
(Left) Sara Papier chats with Ryan’s mother, Bonnie. Son Micah Papier is also a Posner BBQ veteran.
Janet and Hilton Kupshik and Jeanie Tepper volunteered to serve the buffet.


ry and pepper) and pies, and the requisite brownies.

Also on hand was traditional Brunswick stew alongside one labeled “kosher vegetarian Brunswick stew. Fourth year attendee Sara Papier noted that she brought a homemade pound cake and bourbon.

Posner’s mother, Bonnie, wrapped up the evening by telling the AJT, “Ever since Ryan was 9 years old, he was always working the crowd and being outgoing. He has never changed, and we love him for it.”

Careerwise, Ana just transitioned from her 23-year role as a technology product owner at Travelport to product manager at Coupa. Ryan was promoted to director of the Project Management Office at Conisus, a medical communications agency, the Monday before the BBQ. This year, Ryan became a vice president at Ahavath Achim with a focus on technology and is working toward his own adult bar mitzvah in March 2026, coinciding with his 50th birthday. ì

areas had copious food stations. Shown here is the appetizer/salad table.
Professional photographer Howard Mendel (Posner’s cousin) posed with Marcia Spielberger.

Atlanta Gathers for Holocaust Survivor Day

On June 5, Holocaust survivors, their families, volunteers, and guests gathered to enjoy a day of celebration and commemoration. Approximately 150 people, including 55 survivors and their family members, gathered on Holocaust Survivor Day for lunch and entertainment at City Springs. Holocaust Survivor Day, designated as June 4, is celebrated any day that week, and was created to honor survivors and celebrate their strength and resilience.

Jonathan Ornstein, CEO of the JCC of Krakow, and Holocaust scholar Rabbi Michael Berenbaum called for the creation of Holocaust Survivor Day in 2020. This was the fourth annual Holocaust Survivor Day, with events and celebrations happening nationally and globally.

The Atlanta event was hosted by the Holocaust Survivor Support Fund (HSSF) of Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, in partnership with Holocaust Support Services of Jewish Family & Career Services (JF&CS). Holocaust Survivor Day was graciously sponsored by Seed the Dream Foundation, Jewish HomeLife, Sue and Gary Saban, and Cherie and Gary Aviv.

“This event is so special to me and to the survivors,” said Cherie Aviv, founder and chair of HSSF at Federation. “It brings our community together in such a meaningful way.”

The enthusiasm in the air was palpable – survivors and guests entering the space immediately felt the celebration in the air. A survivor noted, “The room, table decorations, flowers and entertainment filled the space with joy, and the warmth we felt from all the guests, staff and volunteers was truly magical. “

Aviv emceed the event, with speakers John Paulson, mayor pro tempore of the City of Sandy Springs, Eric Robbins, CEO/President of Jewish Federation, Terri Bonoff, CEO of JF&CS, and a video appearance by Jonathan Ornstein, CEO of the JCC of Krakow.

Paulson gave warm welcoming remarks and commented that it was an honor to host this day for survivors at the City Springs venue.

Robbins, in his remarks, discussed both the past and the future: “A few months ago, we were in this City Springs space after Oct. 7. We came together as a community. You the survivors, are a testament that it is resilience and strength that keeps the Jewish people strong with hope for the future.”

Bonoff added, “We at JF&CS are especially proud of our long-term and continued commitment to care for survivors not only in Atlanta but in the Southeast region. Our JF&CS team, led by Amy Neuman, works tirelessly to address the needs of survivors. We are honored to work with HSSF and be here today to celebrate you.”

Ornstein spoke to the group by video. His words resonated with all: “There are many other days to commemorate the Holocaust of which survivors take place. Those days are primarily witnesses to tragedy. The real magic of survivors is what they were able to do after the war, that after seeing the horrors of humanity, somehow, they were able to love, build families, build businesses, and build new

lives. We thought Holocaust survivors deserve a day of their own. Not a day to share with the Nazis, but a day that we celebrate and honor you for all that you’ve given and all that you continue to give the Jewish world.”

As an additional surprise for guests, Aviv and the JCC of Krakow engaged local volunteers in each community to create special heartfelt notes to share with respective survivors in each of their communities connecting across continents.

Ola in Krakow wrote, “My name is Ola and I’ve worked at the Jewish Community Center in Krakow for the past several years. Our JCC exists because of the strength and courage survivors have shown throughout their lives. I want to thank you for everything, and for inspir-

Eric Robbins, CEO/President of Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, pictured with Helen, a Holocaust survivor who recently celebrated her 100th birthday.
Cherie Aviv (right) and Sophia, a Holocaust survivor

ing all of us each day. Wishing you in Atlanta the most meaningful Holocaust Survivor Day!”

Cathy and Morris, together, wrote, “Greetings from Atlanta, Georgia. We are thrilled that our communities have connected, last year by Zoom and this year these notes. Holocaust survivors have a special place in our hearts as you represent spirit and resiliency for all of us. Thanks for continuing to share your stories of hope with everyone.”

Everyone in the room was moved by the uplifting comments by the speakers and the notes. It was clear that survivors deserve a day of their own celebrated with music and entertainment.

Natalie DeLancey, executive director of City Springs Theatre, arranged for singers Nick Walker Jones and Leigh Ellen Jones, and pianist Judy Cole, to perform. They sang a variety of songs from the golden age of musical theater, including songs from “Oklahoma,” “Camelot,” “My Fair Lady,” and more. Many sang along and danced in their seats.

One survivor shared, “Our gratitude of the celebration created a most unforgettable atmosphere that filled the hearts of all present.”

There was a special round of applause for survivor Helen for her 100th birthday, and congratulations to Ben and Ruth on their 58th wedding anniversary.

Emily Yehezkel, granddaughter of a survivor, said, “It was an honor to gather with so many survivors, their families, and community members to honor the lives of our local survivors. The joyous atmosphere was contagious.”

Volunteer Carol Sherwinter relayed, “I had the wonderful opportunity to greet survivors as they came to the event. Each one arrived with a big smile, and awe at seeing the lovely room created just for them. The warmth emanated from every corner.”

A family member shared, “This was the first time my father attended any social event for survivors with JF&CS or HSSF, and it was wonderful—uplifting, entertaining, and joyful. We felt very loved and adored, and we look forward to more programs.”

The HSSF, convened by Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, was created to work with primary partners JF&CS and Jewish HomeLife. JF&CS is a social service agency that works directly to provide care for survivors with funds from the Claims Conference. Yet these funds are not able to meet all the needs of survivors.

HSSF, through support from generous supporters, helps make up for the shortfall in funding from the Claims Conference, and to help survivors with needs such as homecare, prescription assistance, dental care, emergency financial assistance, home-delivered meals, food assistance, adult day care, residential care and more. In 2023, HSSF funds helped 166 Holocaust survivors in Georgia and provided 419 touchpoints across all service areas (with duplicates).

To learn more about the Holocaust Survivor Support Fund or to donate, to help support survivors in need in their final years, please visit ì

Susan, with her mother, Ruth, a Holocaust survivor.

Joseph’s Inkwell Launches Teen Writing Contest

Like most teens, Maccabee Anderson during the summer months stays connected to his friends and classmates at The Galloway School in Chastain Park through social media. But he felt that many creative Jewish young persons had more to say than cell phone selfies or a series of text messages.

So, he created Joseph’s Inkwell, a website that is offering teen writers an opportunity to compete for recognition through the website and a $500 cash prize for the best poetry or fictional writing and the top nonfiction entries with a Jewish theme. Anderson, who will be in his last year this fall at Galloway, believes the competition fills an important need.

“I think that there is a lack of Jewish teen voices being heard. And those that are being heard are being heard through Instagram posts and through 60-second videos and slides. We miss the nuance and ingenuity that comes through with long form writing, essays, poetry, things that require editing and thought and

time. It really is just so much deeper and so much more impactful than scrolling through a social media feed.”

He began working on the attractive website that is the public face of the contest about three months ago after being

encouraged by one of his teachers at Galloway, where he was taking an Advanced Placement course in language and another in literature.

He also has been talking about a project like this for years with his father,

Rabbi Spike Anderson, the senior spiritual leader of Temple Emanu-El in Dunwoody. The synagogue put up the seed money for the project, but Maccabee Anderson indicates he’s seeking sponsors elsewhere to continue the project past

the Aug. 1 deadline for the initial competition.

He’s also been inspired by what he sees as the importance of the written word in the daily life of his family. His mother, Marita, is a published poet and much of his father’s work is related in some way to the written or spoken word. Maccabee believes that formal communication and the importance of words is part of a time-honed tradition in Jewish life. The right words or turn of phrase can sometimes carry profound spiritual weight.

“Really diving deeply into every letter and every word of text, like Jews have been doing with the Torah for generations, is something I find deeply holy,” he says. “And that’s not to say that if you don’t find it holy, you can’t write. But I do think that Jews have a special connection to study, and we have a special connection to writing and analyzing and really thinking deeply, sometimes it can almost be a form of prayer.”

The website takes its name from the Biblical Joseph, who survived multiple attempts to do him in; first, by his brother who threw him into a pit or well and later during his early life in Egypt. What Anderson hopes to suggest is that Jewish teens can also find meaning in their life through another well -- an inkwell -- and the written word.

The rules of the contest are simple. Entries should be from 500 to 2,000 words. Poems are accepted but no more than five per entry and they should be

confined to two pages each. Any teen, age 13-19, is eligible to enter and there is no fee required to participate. Judging will be performed by a panel of teen judges, and the deadline for this initial competition is Aug. 1. The seven bullet points to keep in mind for entries are available on the web.

In addition to the winning entries being posted on Joseph’s Inkwell, entries that receive an excellent rating by the judges will also be published on the site. Maccabee admits he’s been impressed by several of the initial entries, which have come from across the country. They range from what might be described as solid, original journalism to imaginative poetry and fanciful essays on Jewish mythology.

He admits that getting the word out and fighting the clutter of the Internet is one of the harder jobs he has, so he doesn’t want those who might be interested in writing for the contest to totally give up social media. For teens interested in serious writing, Anderson believes social media is still the best way to get those of his generation to talk with one another.

“What I have found is that it is really impossible to get people interested in long form writing without some sort of social media presence. My generation lives and breathes social media, and there is no more effective tool to reach a large audience, especially of my peers, and convince them to work with you.”

More information can be found at ì

Maccabee Anderson, who created the writing competition, feels that social media, on its own, doesn’t encourage thoughtful writing.

Eizenstat is Critical of Israel’s Diplomatic Failures

Stuart Eizenstat’s recently published book, “The Art of Diplomacy,” takes an insider’s view of America’s hits and misses as a world power during the last halfcentury. For the 81-year-old, Atlanta-born lawyer, it is an analysis and distillation of all he has learned since he first moved to Washington in 1975 as President Jimmy Carter’s Chief Domestic Policy Advisor. And what he learned, too, from well over a hundred other government leaders that he interviewed for this comprehensive work.

The book’s thoughtfully written conclusions are a timely reminder that in a world so beset by armed conflict and military power plays, the artful practice of governments attempting to speak in civil tones is more important than ever. It may be all that stands between ourselves and our doom.

As Henry Kissinger, President Richard Nixon’s Secretary of State, put it in his introduction to Eizenstat’s book, “it is the essence of diplomacy to ensure that force remains potential.” The book even

Eizenstat believes Israel needed to have a political plan in place before it began its military campaign against Hamas.

has a few short pages about the war in Gaza, hurriedly appended, it seems, just before the manuscript went to the publisher.

But in the months since, Eizenstat has had an opportunity to reflect on how

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the war came to be and how he believes that neither artfulness nor diplomacy has often been the first thought.

In a recent conversation he expanded on what he described in his book as a conflict that has “resulted from tragic

missed opportunities on both sides.”

He maintains that Hamas’ devastating attack in the south of Israel was not just a failure of diplomacy but a failure of military intelligence. In his briefings in Israel with generals from the IDF, he

Eisenstat’s book, “The Art of Diplomacy,” is a comprehensive look at world diplomacy over the past half-century.

Stuart Eizenstat has been a personal eyewitness to the successes of American diplomacy, like President Jimmy Carter’s 1978 agreement between Israel and Egypt.

learned of the intelligence evaluations of Hamas’ capabilities prior to the war. They often failed to recognize how the Palestinian terrorist organization had evolved in the past few years.

“Hamas had gone from being a terrorist group that would send an occasional terrorist into Israel into a fullblown terrorist army,” Eizenstat said, “with 30,000 to 40,000 well-trained, well-armed, well-disciplined troops, and that conversion from a terrorist group to a terrorist army the Israeli army intelligence fatefully missed.”

While Israel is still some time away from a postmortem on the mistakes that were made by military leaders, Eizenstat says he’s been told, in Israel, that there were significant shortcomings in what was known by intelligence officials about how the threat from Hamas had grown over the years.

“They knew there were tunnels, but they didn’t know they had 300 miles of tunnels. They didn’t know that some of the tunnels were 80 meters deep that could actually have a manufacturing plant for missiles with trucks going through them underground. The absence of good intelligence was actually a fatal one.”

In a career remarkable for its length and its accomplishments, Eizenstat has been a witness to how wars have been planned and fought.

All of this has led to an important lesson he learned from the many interviews he conducted, including important ones with Condoleezza Rice, President George Bush’s Secretary of State, and Stephen Hadley, Bush’s National Security Adviser almost 20 years ago.

“Before you shoot the first bullet you have to have a political plan in place,” Eizenstat remarked on what the two diplomats told him. “You don’t do it on the fly afterwards, and that’s the mistake that Israel has made to this day. There is no post-war plan for Gaza. It’s a critical element for any nation considering the use of force.”

And while he is critical of Israel’s present military campaign, he is unhesitating in his support for Israel’s effort to rid itself from the threat that Hamas represents.

“Hamas, and I want to say this very clearly, must be disabled as a governing and military force. Israel and no other country can stand to have a terrorist government committed to its elimination. Hamas isn’t fighting for a two-state solution, they are fighting to eliminate Israel.”

It’s Eizenstat’s belief that in what will inevitably be the post-war process of analysis and recrimination, room must be made for more, not less, diplomacy, by Israel’s political leaders. As someone who has been at or near the center of power in almost every presidential administration since the mid-1970s, Eizenstat believes that Israel must rebuild and expand the ties with those who oppose Iran’s so called “axis of resistance.”

The future existence of Israel, he believes, is, perhaps ironically, tied to those nations with which it was once at war. Nations like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, who along with the United Arab Emirates and its neighbors along the Persian Gulf have good reason to fear Iran’s carefully nurtured ties to the terrorist movements of the Middle East. ì

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Entertainment Leaders Host Antisemitism Summit

Entertainment leaders recently gathered for the first-ever “Countering Antisemitism: An Entertainment Industry Summit.” Launched by Jewish advocacy and entertainment experts, the Summit was jointly held by Creative Community for Peace (CCFP), an entertainment-industry nonprofit, Creative Artists Agency (CAA), leading entertainment and sports agency, and American Jewish Committee (AJC), the global advocacy organization for the Jewish people.

Hundreds of entertainment professionals joined for the full day of programming. The Summit featured Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff; with Van Jones, political analyst; Eli Roth, actor/ director; Scott Budnick, producer; and Jennifer Jason Leigh, actress.

The Summit comes at a particularly raw moment. Just seven months removed from the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust, antisemitism around the globe is surging. The Summit’s launch and the number of attendees represent the entertainment industry’s growing consensus for increased awareness, education, and action on antisemitism. Throughout the event, executives, agents, producers, talent, and other entertainment professionals took part in roundtable discussions and strategy sessions on the state of antisemitism, allyship, and ways the entertainment industry can effect positive change.

Opening remarks from Deborah Marcus, CAA Foundation Executive, David Renzer, CCFP Chairman and cofounder, and Ted Deutch, AJC CEO kicked off the event.

Marcus said, “We need more than ever to take care of each other, to work together, to provide comfort and community, to celebrate and to mourn and to

inspire a different narrative to counter antisemitism.”

Renzer said: “Creative Community for Peace is proud to convene the leaders of the entertainment industry with our

partners at CAA and AJC in this crucial time – uniting our industry to combat hate, build allyship, support Israel, and collaborate to effect positive change.”

Deutch said: “History has shown that when antisemitism flourishes, it is never just the Jewish community that is at risk. It is a sign that there is something wrong in society, that our society and ultimately democracy is at risk. That’s why we do this work.”

Programming consistently highlighted the connection between the Oct. 7 terror attack in Israel and the rising antisemitism around the globe. John Ondrasik, also known as Five for Fighting, an ally of the Jewish community, performed his song “OK.” Aligning with the Summit’s goal to spur action, Ondrasik has referred to his song as a moral statement, and “a call to action.”

Concluding the event was the screening of “Supernova,” a documentary co-directed by Duki Dror and Yossi

Bloch about the Nova Music Festival where 364 civilians were murdered in southern Israel. Prior to the screening, a survivor of the Nova attack spoke to attendees. In closing, CCFP Executive Director Ari Ingel said, “Today’s Summit marks a pivotal step in our collective effort to combat antisemitism. Together, as entertainment industry leaders, we can ensure that our storytelling and public platforms serve the cause of peace and understanding, rather than vitriol and hate.”

CCFP, CAA, and AJC emphasized their commitment to continuing dialogue to ensure the entertainment industry takes actionable steps to combat antisemitism in all its forms. The partnering organizations hope that the Summit will serve as catalyst for the industry to launch additional initiatives and collective action to advocate for the Jewish people. ì

Compiled by AJT Staff

(From left) David Renzer, CCFP Chairman and co-founder; Richard Lovett, CAA Co-Chairman; Douglas Emhoff, Second Gentleman; Ted Deutch, AJC CEO; Deborah Marcus, CAA Foundation Executive
Scott Budnick, producer; and Van Jones, political analyst

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Feldman’s Candles Glow with Meaning

If sandalwood, white tea, citrus lavender, eucalyptus, or coffee are fragrances that tempt your nose palette, then Alisa Feldman might just make your type.

Operating Ora by Alisa, Feldman studied the science behind candle making to arrive at her bespoke company.  Feldman said, "Creating the perfect candle involves finding the exact waxto-fragrance ratio and determining the type and number of wicks based on the wax, vessel, and fragrance. For my candle jars, I use soy wax with a bit of coconut oil, and for molds, I use a combination of beeswax, soy wax, and coconut oil. All my fragrance oils are phthalate-free. It took a lot of time to find the right combination, but ensuring a clean-burning candle was essential.”

So, why candles?

Alisa Feldman (née Freeman) grew up in Marietta, attended Pope High School and Congregation Etz Chaim before studying at Kennesaw State University. After her mother passed away in 2010, she took time off to live on a kibbutz, then decided to study psychology at IDC Herzliya (now Reichman University). After a year, she returned to Atlanta to finish her degree and work.

In 2017, she attended a candlemaking workshop. As someone with anxiety, she found the process therapeutic and decided to try it at home. After purchasing all the supplies, she was set to begin making candles. She elaborated, “To my dismay, it was more challenging than expected, requiring a deep understanding of the science behind candle making. I dedicated my free time to learning through YouTube, forums, and experimentation to perfect my candles, focusing on clean-burning candles safe for family and pets.”

Experimenting with various factors, each new variable requires a “burn test,” which includes a two-week cure time to allow the fragrance and wax to bond, and then testing in four hour increments for cold throw, hot throw, flame height, and melt pool.

Feldman enjoys experimenting with new scents. Her most requested scent is Capri Blue’s Volcano. She added, “Though it can be discouraging when a candle doesn’t turn out well, the successful ones are worth the effort and wait.”

Initially, she made candles as gifts for friends and family. But after the attacks on Israel by Hamas on Oct. 7, she began selling them to partially support

Israeli causes (IDF Widows and Orphans), which led to hosting workshops and the creation of Ora, meaning “her light” in Hebrew.  She continued, “My goal was to bring a sense of light to the community during such a dark time. I now sell my candles on Etsy and am in talks with boutiques for future sales. I’m also collaborating with local businesses to create custom branded candles as gifts for their customers.” Prices range from $15 to $35 depending on the size.

Alisa handles all aspects of business out of her home, including making labels on Canva which must include size (in ounces and grams), type of wax used, and where the candle was made. As someone

also juggling the raising of two children, she likes to add a personal touch, like “hand-poured in Atlanta while calming a meltdown over the wrong color cup.”

Her bestsellers are custom candles, perfect for gifts and special occasions. Customers can choose from a list of fragrances and create their own labels with different font and graphics.

Each candle purchase or workshop includes proper candle care instructions to ensure the best burning experience. She offers mobile workshops where participants can create their own candle, choosing their fragrances and learning the process. Workshops start at $300 for five people. Each additional person is $35.

The workshop lasts about an hour and promises to be “a ton of fun.”

Regarding Judaism’s tradition linked to candles, she shared, “My husband, an entrepreneur, has been very supportive, allowing me to balance my business with being a present mom to our kids, Tali and Sophie. As a student at Intown Jewish Preschool, Tali is very diligent about lighting the Shabbat candles every Friday evening. So, each week, we make our own Shabbat candles, and she decorates them with candle-safe markers. I’m always looking for fun, new candle creations and ways to include my kids.”

Find Ora by Alisa on Instagram @ ora_byalisa. ì

Alisa enjoys making Shabbat candles with her children. Here, they are crafting gifts for teachers.
One of Alisa’s specialties is custom candles with labeling.
Alisa finds making candles therapeutic and enjoys conducting workshops for fun and creativity.
Alisa (left) poses with sister, Sara, at a candle workshop.

From Math Teacher to Roller Derby Jammer

A story of grit and passion unfolded in Marietta as Allison Barchichat, a former high school math teacher who now owns and operates East Cobb Tutoring Center, recently embraced a thrilling new chapter in life as “Mommy Dearest,” a roller derby player with Peach State Roller Derby.

Allison claims she always had a desire to dive into something dynamic and unconventional. Although she did not skate as a child, the allure of roller derby piqued her interest.

She stated, “I have always wanted to play roller derby. The physicality of the sport appealed to me. I also love the fun spirit of the sport and, of course, the punfilled derby names,” referencing her own alias, “Mommy Dearest.”

Despite her enthusiasm, Allison’s initial foray into roller derby was far from seamless. She recounted, “When I started training for roller derby, I could only skate in a forwards direction – roller rink style. I could not stop or skate backwards.”

The turning point came when Peach State Roller Derby held a new skater workshop right after the pandemic. From that moment, there was no looking back. “They taught me everything I needed to play,” she said. Now, her training regimen is rigorous, with sessions three times a week and monthly competitions against other teams in the Southeast.

The sport of roller derby is a thrilling spectacle of speed, strategy, and strength played by mostly women. Each team has five players on the floor at a time (up to 15 can be on the roster). It was developed as a contact sport around an oval track in Chicago in 1935. There are 1,250 amateur leagues worldwide, but mostly in the U.S. Each “bout” is around an hour comprised of a series of two-minute jams. Like many sports, there are fouls, penalties, and penalty boxes. One player is the jammer, trying to skate around the track as fast as possible to score points. The other four players are blockers, trying to prevent the opposing jammer from passing. The action is fast paced, with scores often reaching into the hundreds. Players cannot block with hands, elbows, head or feet.

Roller derby is not without its risks. Barchichat has firsthand experience with its physical demands. She recalled, “Yes. Roller derby is a dangerous sport, and even though we wear protective gear, injuries can happen. In October, I broke

my leg and injured my sternum during a bout, which took me off skates until March of this year.”

To better protect herself, she now dons padded shorts and a chest protector in addition to the standard gear: roller derby quad skates, a helmet, mouth guard, knee and elbow pads, and wrist guards.

Peach State Roller Derby welcomes women over 18 with a range of skill levels. Barchichat found her niche as a jammer, utilizing her five-foot frame to her advantage. “I am an asset as a jammer on my team, hitting hard and weaving around larger blockers,” she says proud-

ly. “The camaraderie within our team is palpable, fostering a supportive environment where every player finds her place.”

Spectators eager to witness the excitement should mark their calendars for Aug. 11, when Peach State Roller Derby plays a home game at Sparkles of Kennesaw. The sport’s growing popularity means more home games throughout the year, drawing enthusiastic crowds.

Outside the rink, Barchichat’s life is equally fulfilling. Her family, while not involved in roller derby, provides unwavering support. Additionally, she is an active member of Congregation Etz Chaim where she teaches seventh-grade

religious school. Balancing her professional responsibilities with her passion for roller derby shows her spirit and ability to multitask.

Barchichat’s journey from the classroom to the roller derby track is a testament to her resilience and zest for life. She concluded, “I hope my story inspires others to pursue passions, no matter how daunting they may seem at the outset. As I continue to train, compete, and thrive, this aligns with the determination and joy that defines roller derby.”

Learn more about the team, meet the skaters and purchase tickets at www. ì

Three blockers team up to prevent Allison, the jammer (in black), from skating by.
Peach State Roller Derby will play a home bout on Aug. 11 at Sparkles of Kennesaw. Allison Barchitchat is pictured second from right.
As a wife, mom and educator, Allison has the ability to multitask.
(Left, in white) Barchitchat exudes real confidence alongside fake tattoos.

JWFA Announces 2024 Grantee Partners

Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta (JWFA) announced the organization’s 2024 grants, totaling $333,450, at its recent Summer Impact Forum breakfast, held at 42 West in west Midtown. The funds represent a 10 percent increase over the previous year. JWFA is dedicated to investing in solutions that drive social change for Jewish women and girls locally and throughout the world.

“Particularly this year, much of our funding went to Israeli organizations impacted by the terrors of Oct. 7,” said Lisa Freedman, board chair of JFWA. “Our goal is to increase our grant-making each year so that we can help organizations grow and work toward social change,” she added.

Approximately 80 women attended the breakfast. During the event, organizational leaders, whose groups received funds for leadership development in 2023-2024, participated in a panel discussion about the impact of the grants. This past year was the first time that additional funding was specifically provided for leadership development at several of Atlanta’s Jewish organizations.

Stephanie Gewirtz from the Jewish Interest-Free Loan Association of Georgia, Jenna Shulman from the Jewish Educational Loan Fund, and Rebecca Gordon from Congregation Gesher L’Torah spoke about the impact these funds have had on their groups and on their own professional development. Women who were part of the 2023-2024 Agents of Change Training cohort, a leadership development program, were also recognized for their work during the past year.

“Living in this difficult time, all of us were happy to see that this event was cause for celebration of all we have

achieved over the past 12 years, since JWFA began,” said Judy Marx, advancement and engagement manager.

JWFA uses the power of collective giving to fund long-term solutions for issues that impact women and girls in the Jewish community. Since its founding 12 years ago, JWFA has invested more than $2.3 million in grants to more than 70 organizations. According to Dina FuchsBeresin, director of strategic programs, “No other organization is as exclusively and passionately dedicated to the advancement of Jewish women and girls in

Atlanta and around the world.”

For the 2024-2025 year, $229,000 was provided to 11 organizations, including the Association of Rape Crisis Centers Israel, Jewish Fertility Foundation, and BeNetivey Udi, which helps women successfully integrate and complete military service in core IDF technology units, providing them with an opportunity to pursue prestigious careers. Supplemental sustaining grants, totaling $40,000, were issued to eight current Israel-based recipients, including La’Ofek, for a program that places Ethiopian-Israeli women on a path toward stable financial futures through higher education in nursing and occupational therapy; Jerusalem College of Technology to expose Ultra-Orthodox women to the high-tech ecosystem and train them in innovative thinking and business development through a pre-accelerator program, industry workshops, and hackathons; and Yozmot Atid (Realizing My Business Dream), a flagship program which works with Israeli women to help them achieve financial independence through launching, running and growing businesses of their own.

Sustaining grants, totaling $29,650 were allocated to organizations that have received grants for five or more years, and include the Center for Women’s Justice, Makkom, JGirls+ and Women’s Spirit. A $10,000 Israel Emergency Grant was

also awarded to the Jewish Federations of North America for the Oct. 7 tragedy in Israel. During the event, Women’s Leadership grants were announced for:

• Elana Frank, Jewish Fertility Foundation

• Davida Merlis Graber, Atlanta Jewish Academy

• Suzanne Hurwitz, Temple Beth Tikvah

• Joanna Kobylivker, Adamah ATL

• Rabbi Rachael Miller, Temple Emanu-El

• Rabbi Malka Packer-Monroe, 18 Doors

• Debra Shafer Seeman, Prizmah Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta promotes social change and creates positive opportunities for Jewish women and girls. The organization’s goal is to support, elevate, and advance women and serve as a force for change, addressing gender inequality in the Jewish community. In practical terms, the organization advocates for mental health and equity while fighting against economic injustice, violence against women, and gender-based harassment and discrimination in workplaces. More information about JWFA can be obtained at www. Applications for the sixth cohort of Agents of Change Training are currently being accepted on the organization’s website. ì

(From left) Leaders representing organizations receiving grants include Elana Frank, Jewish Fertility Foundation; Rabbi Malka Packer-Monroe,18Doors; Debra Shaffer Seeman, Prizmah; and Joanna Kobylivker, Adamah ATL.
(From left) Dina Fuchs-Beresin, director of strategic programs, Lisa Freedman, board chair, Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez, grants manager, and Judy Marx, advancement and engagement manager.



Warsofsky 1st Jewish NHL Head Coach in 32 Years

For the first time in more than three decades, an NHL team will have a Jewish coach.

Ryan Warsofsky was named head coach of the San Jose Sharks after previously serving as an assistant coach with the team. At 36, he is also the youngest coach in the 32-team league and faces a key decision early in his tenure: The Sharks, who had the worst record in the NHL last

Today in Israeli History

June 30, 2012: Israel’s seventh prime minister, Yitzhak Shamir, dies at 96. Born in Poland during World War I, he made aliyah in 1935. He joined the Irgun, then Lehi (the Stern Gang). He was first elected to the Knesset in 1973.

July 1, 1973: Col. Yosef “Joe” Alon, a military attaché at the Israeli Embassy, is shot five times in his driveway in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and dies within an hour. No one is ever arrested in the case, which some link to Black September.

July 2, 2010: Midfielder Yossi Benayoun leaves Liverpool for fellow Premier League club Chelsea, owned by Russian-Israeli billionaire Roman Abramovich. In 2014, Benayoun returns to the Israeli league, where he started at age 16.

season, have the top pick in next week’s NHL draft.

“This is an exciting time for myself, my family and the Sharks organization to move forward,” Warsofsky said in an emotional introductory press conference Monday afternoon.

Warsofsky’s promotion adds onto the growing Jewish presence in the league -there were at least 15 Jewish players on the ice this season — from the Edmonton Oilers’ winger Zach Hyman to brothers Jack, Luke and Quinn Hughes to the Sharks’ own center, Luke Kunin.

July 3, 1904: Theodor Herzl, considered the father of modern Zionism, dies of cardiac sclerosis at age 44 in Edlach, Austria, seven years after he organized the First Zionist Congress. His body is reburied in Jerusalem in 1949.

July 4, 1975: Fourteen people are killed and 62 others are wounded when a bomb built with mortar shells and hidden inside a refrigerator explodes in Jerusalem’s Zion Square. The PLO’s Fatah faction claims responsibility.


El Al Revives Discount for Shipping Donated Gear to Israel

discounted shipping of donations to support the Israeli war effort aboard El Al aircraft is coming back

days after Israel’s national airline said it planned to end the program.

El Al’s decision to reinstate the discount follows reporting on the end of the program by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and subsequent public outcry both in Israel and among Jewish donors in the Diaspora.

Registered charities will be able to continue shipping donation bags for $50 instead of the regular price of $200, according to what El Al told JTA, Israel’s Channel 12 and the charities themselves. Individual passengers will not be allowed to bring donation bags at the discounted rate.

El Al, which recently reported record profits, has shipped tens of thousands of duffel bags full of items requested by Israeli combat soldiers, including tactical boots, helmets, flashlights, rifle scopes, drones and clothing, since Oct. 7. The company told JTA it had decided to end the discount program because emergency needs in Israel have subsided in recent months and noted that shipping the bags is costly for the airline.

July 12, 2006: Hezbollah starts the Second Lebanon War by launching rockets and mortars and ambushing an Israeli patrol across the border, killing three soldiers and abducting two others. The fighting lasts until Aug. 14.

July 5, 1950: The Knesset passes the Law of Return, offering an open immigration door to all Jews. It formalizes a policy in place since the provisional government revoked British limits on Jewish immigration in May 1948.

July 6, 1989: A Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist seizes a bus from Tel Aviv as it passes a ravine outside Jerusalem and steers it over a cliff. Sixteen people, including one American and two Canadians, are killed, and 17 others are injured.

July 7, 1957: Eliezer Siegfried Hoofien, a Dutch native who provided the pre-state Jewish community in Palestine and then the State of Israel with a half-century of financial expertise and leadership, dies at age 76.

July 8, 1989: Yarden Gerbi is born in Kfar Saba. Gerbi wins eight national judo championships and rises to the top of the world rankings. She becomes the first Israeli to win a world judo title and in 2016 wins an Olympic bronze.

July 9, 1959: Riots break out in the Haifa neighborhood of Wadi Salib after police officers shoot Yaakov Elkarif while trying to arrest him for being drunk and disorderly. The rioting is Israel’s first mass civil disturbance.

July 10, 1957: Yiddish novelist and playwright Sholem Asch dies at age 76 in London. Born in Russian-controlled Poland in 1880, he first visited Palestine in 1908 and wrote about the Jewish connection to the land.

July 11, 1927: A major earthquake kills 300 to 500 people and injures at least 700 others. It is known as the Jericho earthquake, although later research concludes that the epicenter is about 30 miles to the south by the Dead Sea.

July 13, 1941: Israel Prize-winning singer-songwriter Ehud Manor is born in Binyamina. Manor composes about 1,200 songs, including 1978 Eurovision winner “A-Ba-NiBi,” and translates 600 others into Hebrew.

Pope Paul IV was noted for holding extremely anti-Jewish views.

July 14, 1555: Pope Paul IV issues an antiJewish decree, Cum Nimis Absurdum. The Jews of Rome are forced into a ghetto along the Tiber River. Jews also must wear yellow head coverings and are barred from owning property.

Items are provided by the Center for Israel Education (, where you can find more details.

San Jose Sharks assistant coach Ryan Warsofsky, center, during a game against the Montreal Canadiens, Jan. 11, 2024, in Montreal // Photo Credit: Minas Panagiotakis/Getty Images/JTA
El Al planes are seen at
Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv on Dec. 31, 2022 // Photo Credit: Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto/JTA
Col. Yosef Alon, born in Ein Harod in 1929, was a founding member of the Israeli Air Force while still a teenager.
Avraham Burg, then the chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel, welcomes immigrants to Israel in 1995.
A banknote from the Anglo-Palestine Bank includes the name and signature of Eliezer Siegfried Hoofien.

Mayor Rusty Paul Joins Delegation to Israel

From June 4-11, Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul joined a bipartisan delegation of 12 other municipal leaders on a trip focused on expressing solidarity with Israel, strengthening economic and educational partnerships between the U.S. and Israel, and learning about the challenges Israel faces after the Oct. 7 massacre.

The delegation, led by the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM), met with key Israeli officials and community leaders to discuss policies and strategies to address the rise of antisemitism within their respective communities.

Mayor Paul shared about the importance of the delegation's trip in showing support for Israel.

“I was honored to have the opportunity to travel with other municipal leaders to witness firsthand the devastating impact of Oct. 7. Together with my fellow mayors, the trip solidified the importance of continuing to speak out against antisemitism and how crucial it is to start these efforts on a local level.”

Mayor Paul’s delegation included fellow mayors Justin Arest of Scarsdale, N.Y., Samson Borgelin of North Lauderdale, Fla., Alix Desulme of North Miami, Fla., and Lester Friedman of Beverly Hills, Calif., among others. The group toured Israel, meeting government and diplomatic officials, visiting historical, cultural, and religious sites, engaging with local communities, and discussing best practices for municipal governance and community relations.

The following week, from June 9-14, a bipartisan group of 15 state legislators also visited Israel with CAM. Participants included Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears of Virginia, Sen. Daniel Dawson of Iowa, Rep. Randy Fine of Florida, Sen. Robby Mills of Kentucky, and Rep. Christopher Todd of Tennessee. This delegation focused on state-level policies, economic ties, and educational partnerships between the U.S. and Israel. They explored ways by which policymakers can help combat the rise of antisemitism within their respective communities.

“It is crucial that we promote understanding and fight against the spread of misinformation and hate,” said Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears of Virginia. “By learning about Israel’s vibrant diversity and the complex realities I just witnessed, we can better understand and

combat antisemitism disguised as criticism of Israel. As state leaders, we have a responsibility to stand up against hatred and bigotry in all its forms.”

“Mayors and state legislators are on the frontlines of fighting antisemitism and building more inclusive communities at the local level,” said CAM CEO Sacha Roytman. “By providing these leaders with the opportunity to visit Israel, learn about its vibrant diversity, and make person-to-person connections, we can effectively counter misinformation about Israel while combating anti-

semitism at the grassroots level.”

Both delegations featured a diverse mix of Democratic and Republican officials from different backgrounds, reflecting the across-the-aisle support to combat antisemitism in the United States.

“It was inspiring to come together with state and city leaders to stand against antisemitism,” said Rep. Randy Fine of Florida. “This trip has shown that combating hate is not a partisan issue, but a human one.”

The trips also provided an opportunity for the two delegations to meet with

one another, share their experiences, and visit both Kibbutz Be’eri and the Nova Music Festival site to commemorate the lives lost in the Oct. 7 massacre.

“Bringing these delegations of elected mayors and legislators to Israel to witness firsthand the atrocities of Oct. 7 and the country’s remarkable resilience was crucial,” said CAM Chief Government Affairs Officer Lisa Katz. “The missions were inspiring and emotional, highlighting the urgent need for solidarity and informed action in the face of global misinformation and antisemitism.” ì

Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul joined a delegation of 12 other mayors on a solidarity trip to Israel.
The delegation, led by the Combat Antisemitism Movement, visited the site of the Nova Music Festival.

Fried Enters Cy Young Award Conversation

On April 17, Max Fried’s ERA had ballooned to 7.71. The babyfaced, unfailingly polite and thoughtful pitcher had just labored through five rocky innings against the Houston Astros – the team he had carved up in the 2021 World Series – and was continuing to struggle mightily with his command, control, and ability to pitch deep into games.

Considering his co-ace Spencer Strider had just been declared done for the season with an elbow injury and free agency was looming, this uncharacteristically sloppy start could not have happened at a less opportune time.

Speed ahead to late June. Over the past couple months, the most gifted Jewish ballplayer of the modern era has been so overpowering, simply unhittable at times, that he now has a chance to be the first Jewish pitcher to capture the Cy Young Award since Steve Stone received the prestigious honor following his 25win season for the Baltimore Orioles in 1980. Fried’s recent string of shutdown performances, which began with a threehit shutout of the Miami Marlins on the second night of Passover (his fourth career “Maddux” shutout of under 100 pitches), helped steer the Atlanta Braves back into contention in the NL East standings and remain squarely in the mix for October baseball.

“I saw a guy that right out of the gates got off to a little bit of a slow start and has settled right back into being Max Fried the rest of the way,” remarked New York Yankees manager Aaron Boone a couple hours before Fried pitched six innings of one-run ball in his most recent start against the Yanks this past Sunday. “He’s one of those guys that going into the season you talk about that’s probably going to be in the Cy Young mix, year in and year out, it seems the last several. To me, it seems like he’s been throwing that way now for the better part of a couple months now and he’s in the middle of another outstanding year. One of the game’s best.”

Pitching against the best team in baseball and a possible World Series opponent at sultry, hitter-friendly Yankee Stadium in front of a sold-out crowd

-- he’s such a big deal in New York’s Jewish community that his signed jersey in the team’s souvenir store goes for $500 -- Fried delivered a performance befitting a Cy Young candidate by only yielding a half-dozen hits without issuing a single walk in the Braves’ 3-1 win to take the marquee interleague series and put the five-game skid further in the rear view mirror.

“Definitely feel like I was able to command the ball a little better,” said Fried afterwards. “It was a hot one, so just trying to do my best to attack and get back in the dugout as quickly as possible. I just felt like it was a really great game.”

The most consistently effective pitcher in the NL over the past five years, the one with the everyman physique and golden arm, delivered a near-masterpiece against an imposing Yankees lineup, albeit one without sluggers Giancarlo Stanton and Anthony Rizzo. With his sevenpitch arsenal, Fried induced a succession of routine grounders and harmless fly balls – none of which left the yard -- while sprinkling in four strikeouts, including two of AL MVP front runner Aaron Judge.

After Fried got outfielder Alex Verdugo to ground into a rally-killing double play to end the sixth on his 87th pitch, the Braves’ bullpen blanked the Yankees for the final three frames as their ace improved to 7-3 with a 3.00 ERA.

Earlier in the month, Fried was actually far more overpowering against the Yanks’ longtime rival Boston Red Sox as he punched out a career-high 13 batters. Fried, who used a heavy dose of his nasty old-school 12-6 curveballs on that June 4th evening, commented afterwards: “I think it was just more of the location on a lot of them. Just happened to be one of those nights where I was getting swings and misses rather than weak contact. You just kind of take what the game gives you and just try to embrace a little bit more of a swing-and-miss game.”

The Boston performance was a departure from how things played out in Fried’s prior outing, a similarly dominating one, in which he induced a careerhigh four double plays over eight scoreless frames against the Washington Nationals on May 28.

All told, Fried should get a long look to represent pitching-rich Atlanta at next month’s All-Star Game. Going into Sunday’s matinee outing in New York, Fried, who since his 2017 rookie season has been the third winningest pitcher in all of baseball behind future Hall of Famers

In Max Fried’s last home start, against Detroit on June 17, the ace continued his recent run of dominant pitching at Truist Park by punching out seven and only yielding a single run // Photo Credit: Kevin Liles/Atlanta Braves/Getty Images

Clayton Kershaw and Justin Verlander, had a 2.00 ERA over his last 10 starts –although it bears mentioning that he wasn’t particularly sharp against the Orioles and Dodgers, both World Series contenders.

“I have no idea how the All-Star thing is going to shake out,” Fried said Sunday afternoon. “But I know we have a lot of deserving guys that I hope make it to [Arlington].”

As for the NL Cy Young, whether he receives the coveted hardware later this year may largely hinge on if his teammates, Reynaldo López and Chris Sale, replicate their scorching first halves. Together, the trio of top-of-the-rotation starters has kept the Braves afloat amidst the issues befuddling the lineup and devastating injuries to Strider and reigning NL MVP Ronald Acuna, Jr.

“I would say that the clubhouse is the same that it’s always been,” the 30-yearold southpaw Fried told MLB Network in

a live interview last week. “We’re a loose bunch. We love to have fun, but we know when it’s game time, it’s time to go out there and win. We haven’t been playing our best, but we’ve always kind of hit a little bit of a rough stretch in the middle of the year. It’s a long year and we know that we want to be firing in the second half.

“We’ve got over half a season left, that’s a lot of time.”

As June melts into July, the talk of Fried’s potential looming departure – and chance to land his first big-time contract as this winter’s most prized pitcher on the market -- has begun to heat up. That question, as to whether his post-2024 plans have been on his brain, inevitably came up in the MLB Network segment, to which Fried responded, “No. We’ve got so much time left in the season. I haven’t even thought about it.”

Over the next few months, Braves fans surely will. ì

Hyman Shines for Cup-Hungry Edmonton

For one six-week stretch this spring, there was no more prolific goal scorer on the planet than Edmonton Oilers winger Zach Hyman. During Edmonton’s run to the Stanley Cup Finals, the 32-year-old Toronto native, who grew up in a very observant Jewish household while attending both United Day School and later the Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto, was, as evidenced by his leading all playoff scorers with 14 goals heading into the Cup Finals against the Florida Panthers (who ironically drafted him way back in 2010), the most dynamic player in hockey – Jewish or otherwise.

Since he left his hometown Maple Leafs a few years back to join Edmonton, Hyman, who also moonlights as a children’s sports author and whose wife, Alannah, is expecting their third son this September, has been overshadowed by a pair of splashy teammates, Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl, both of whom are generational talents.

Not this year, though. Coming off a career regular season in which he potted 54 goals and tallied 77 points, Hyman exploded for 18 points in the first three rounds of the postseason to propel Edmonton to its first Stanley Cup Finals since 2006.

The production was so impressive that at one point in late April when Hyman was doing his thing against the Los Angeles Kings in the first round, he caught the attention of Shaquille O’Neal, who while making a cameo on the “NHL on TNT” show, picked up the moniker, “Shaq Hyman.” A few weeks later, after Hyman and the Oilers had just finished off the Vancouver Canucks in Round 2, the NBA Hall of Famer/mega celebrity/ regular “NBA on TNT” analyst received (on-air) a nifty personalized gift: a signed Zach Hyman jersey sweater that read “To Shaq, Thanks for all the support!” along with a custom-made, seven-foot stick. Shaq, in turn, flashed the autographed keepsake for the world to see while expressing his fondness for Hyman (“Zach, I love you brother.”)

For Hyman, the public recognition by the basketball legend took on greater meaning as his grandfather was a diehard fan of the Los Angeles Lakers and lived in California when Shaq starred for the storied franchise.

“That was cool, obviously I never thought Shaquille O’Neal would have my jersey and know who I am even, so that was pretty cool,” Hyman said afterwards.

After his run this spring, millions of other sports fans now know who Hyman is. Hockey players who become household names tend to be elite goal scorers and until this season he was never a guy who lit up the scoresheet on a nightly basis (last year, when speaking to the Atlanta Jewish Times, former Edmonton coach, Jay Woodcroft, referred to Hyman as “a Swiss Army knife type of player who does work for other people”).

Celebrity matters aside, by early June as the Oilers faced a seemingly insurmountable 3-0 deficit in the Cup Finals -at the time, Oilers coach Kris Knoblauch remarked that “hopefully Zach Hyman can write a storybook about this when it’s all said and done” -- it became painfully apparent to the entire province of Alberta that if the Oilers were going to be the first Canadian team to win a Stanley Cup since Mathieu Schneider and the Montreal Canadiens did so in 1993, Hyman was going to need to deliver. Through the first three games of the Stanley Cup Finals -- these were widely expected to come against Adam Fox and the New York Rangers before Florida pulled off the upset in the Eastern Conference Finals -- he didn’t register a single point. No worries. In a winto-stay-alive Game 4, the Oilers roared to a resounding 8-1 victory with Hyman pocketing a pair of assists; a couple nights later, Hyman picked up his first goal of the Cup Finals as the Oilers once again staved off elimination by dusting off the Panthers, 5-3, to send the series back to Edmonton for Game 6.

“I think hockey’s simple; you can go through systems, and you can go through structure, you can go through all the details but at the end of the day, it’s whoever wins the most battles,” said Hyman in the wake of Game 5. “That’s really it. Most nights, if you watch the game, it’s who’s winning the battles on the walls, who’s winning the net-front battles, in front of your net, in front of their net. That’s how goals are scored.”

Just as he doesn’t like to overcomplicate the game, Hyman has little interest in talking about his own on-ice performance.

“Every game there’s going to be somebody who steps up,” he added after Game 5 when asked to comment on his first Cup Finals goal. “I really think that if you go on a run and you win a Cup, you need different guys making plays on different nights. Of course, your best players have to be your best players, but you need everybody, so it doesn’t matter who’s scoring. It’s great to score a goal,

but at the end of the day, it’s the team. Everybody is so invested in every goal that it doesn’t matter who’s scoring them. It may kick-start it, it may not. It doesn’t matter to me as long as we’re winning.”

Hyman and the Oilers continued winning – in historic fashion. In what would be the penultimate game of the series, Edmonton notched a breezy, 5-1, Game 6 win, fueled in part by Hyman cashing in on a breakaway opportunity for his 16th postseason goal (the most in nearly 30 years) to give Edmonton a 3-0 advantage before the second intermission.

“The belief in the room was ‘we can do this,’ we stayed steadfast, and the belief outside the room was, ‘these guys are done.’ And then you win a game and the belief outside the room grows and you win another game and it’s like, well, they can’t lose at home now (Game 6),” said

Hyman, who’s been a very engaged member of Edmonton’s Jewish community -- just as he was in Toronto. In December 2021, he joined Rabbi Ari Drelich of a local Chabad in lighting the first Chanukah candle at a public menorah lighting.

“I think the message has been, that it’s been hard all year. I think it’s almost fitting we were in that spot (down 0-3). We just felt that if there was ever a team that could crawl out of it, we believed it could be us, the way the season’s gone.”

The Oilers ultimately fell to the Panthers in Game 7 after a hard-fought series. Irrespective of the ending to Hyman’s storybook season, or how much longer he plays at an elite level -- he’s been in the league for nearly a decade and there’s a lot of mileage on his skates – it was undeniable he emerged as a towering Jewish sports figure across all of North America this spring. ì

This spring, Edmonton Oilers winger Zach Hyman cemented his legacy as one of the most accomplished Jewish hockey players of all time // Photo Credit: Edmonton Oilers social media

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Talking Jews and News

For some reason (okay, I was invited) I agreed to take a 1 a.m. slot at an overnight Shavuot study program at Ahavath Achim Synagogue, to talk about Jews and news.

I kept that appointment, despite a partially completed root canal hours earlier.

An hour or so before my session, I stood in front of a table laden with the holiday’s traditional dairy-based foods, the most tempting being trays of lasagna and cheesecakes. Heeding my inner cardiologist, I abstained, though I might have nibbled an ice cream sandwich along with the two cups of coffee I drank to fortify myself.

After wondering who would turn up for a middle-of-the-night discussion titled “What makes the news Jewish?” I was surprised that 10 people joined me at a library conference table.

I made clear at the outset that I was there representing only myself and the 46 years I’ve spent committing acts of journalism for money.

I paraphrased Joe Alterman, executive director of Neranenah (formerly the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival), who often is asked “What’s Jewish music?” The answer, he tells people, is that it’s not only music written, performed, and produced by Jews, but also music influenced by and relevant to the Jewish experience.

So, what makes the news Jewish? Yes, it’s news about Jews, in Israel and the diaspora, but also news from beyond the Jewish world that impacts Jewish lives. I have applied a Jewish filter to write articles on politics, abortion, gambling, and school vouchers, for example.

“Jewish” news might be just one entry on a lengthy menu for the “secular” media, though Israel often is part of the daily special.

For Jewish news organizations, just about anything to which a Jewish individual, community, or group is connected can be newsworthy — the good, the bad, and sometimes, the ugly.

Palestinian uprising, in December 1987. The story line from Israel since has been one of almost constant crisis, usually around domestic politics, security/military affairs, and foreign relations.

Sometimes the news from Israel is less than flattering. I said (again, speaking only for myself) that to be honest with their readers, Jewish newspapers should resist being overly deferential toward Israel — just as they should toward individuals and organizations in their own back yards. Surely the community is past the point of moaning about airing dirty laundry in public.

Israel can pose a challenge, in part because of the intensity of opinions held by readers.

“Good” news out of Israel — much of it concerning medicine, science, technology, and the arts — receives generous play in the Jewish press.

The appetite for these subjects by major American news organizations noticeably declined beginning with the first intifada, the

Much of the Shavuot session centered on the Hamas-led terror attacks on Oct. 7 and Israel’s subsequent war against Hamas in Gaza. The holiday fell five days after an Israeli combat operation freed four hostages being held among civilians in two Gaza apartment blocks. (Note: As of this writing, 120 hostages remain, though more than onethird are believed dead.)

I was asked about something that seems obvious but apparently befuddled several news organizations, the difference between reporting that the hostages were “released,” which they were not, rather than “rescued,” which they were.

There also was a question about whether the Jewish press should do more (short answer: yes) to acquaint readers with two right-wing figures in Israel’s government, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, whose demands —among them, no ceasefire that halts the war against Hamas and unfettered development in the West Bank — threaten to bring down the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and send Israel to elections for a sixth time in little more than five years.

The discussion also touched on the tens of thousands of Israelis regularly marching in Tel Aviv and elsewhere in support of a deal to bring home the hostages, while also demanding accountability from the government for the Oct. 7 attacks and a “day after” plan for Gaza. They would welcome elections.

In response to a question about antisemitism on the nation’s university and college campuses, I pointed to examples of what I consider excellent reporting, the best of which has gone past generalizations to examine the circumstances at individual schools.

We could have continued the conversation about Jews and news and delved into other topics, but we needed to clear the room to make way for 2 a.m. Torah study.

On the way out, I again resisted the temptation to sample the lasagna or the cheesecake. ì

Dave Schechter From Where I Sit

Letters to the Editor

The AJT welcomes your letters. If you would like your letter to be published, please write 200 words or less, include your name, phone number and email, and send it to

Disclamer to our readers:

This section of the newspaper is a forum for our community to share thoughts, concerns and opinions as open letters to the community or directly to the newspaper. As a letter to the editor, we proof for spelling and grammatical errors only. We do not edit nor vet the information the letter contains. The individual signing the letter is accountable for what they share.

Letter to the editor,

Dave Schechter’s excellent column concerning the current war in Gaza was marred by his reference to Israel’s “retaliation” against Hamas. Israel is not seeking revenge for the atrocities Hamas inflicted on Israelis (and on people visiting Israel) on October 7. Israel is fighting to ensure that Hamas will not be able to fulfill its vow to inflict such atrocities on Israelis (and their guests), repeatedly, in the future.  Israel’s leaders realize that this requires that Israel score a decisive victory over Hamas. Yet, Israel has gone to great lengths to avoid killing Gazan civilians (even though Hamas was assisted on Black Saturday by Gazans who had been allowed to work in Israel and even though Hamas’ atrocities were cheered and celebrated by many Gazans).

When discussing the situation, we need to recall the opinion of Major John Spencer, head of West Point’s Modern Warfare Institute, who notes that Israel has achieved an amazingly low ratio of 1.5:1 between civilian deaths and combatant deaths while ratios as high as 9:1 have occurred in similar instances of recent fighting in densely populated areas like Gaza. We also need to recall that casualty figures reported by Hamas are often exaggerated and place all the blame on Israel, while ignoring how the activities of Hamas and other terrorist groups endanger the people in Gaza. Thus, while Hamas, early in the war, claimed an Israeli airstrike had killed 500 people at the al-Ahli hospital, it was later discovered that the damage was caused by a rocket (fired at Israel by Palestinian Islamic Jihad) which crashed in the hospital’s parking lot where it ignited munitions stored there. No more than 50 people suffered injuries. More recently, an Israeli precision attack on a building where two Hamas leaders were meeting was said to have killed 35 Gazans living in a “safe zone” nearby. Again, Israel had used the smallest possible weapon which would accomplish the mission, but sparks ignited munitions buried in the zone designated for sheltering civilians.

Toby F. Block, Marietta

Letter to the editor,

We are writing to bring to your attention a matter of significant concern regarding the recent appointment of Tyler Cherry as the Associate Communications Director in the Biden administration. We believe it is crucial for the public to be informed about Mr. Cherry’s past statements on social media, particularly those concerning the Israel-Palestine conflict, which he has recently disavowed. His previous comments are troubling and raise questions about his alignment with the current administration’s policies.

We are very concerned about Tyler Cherry’s appointment as the Associate Communications Director. Mr. Cherry recently disavowed his past statements on regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict, yet his past comments are troubling.

In a tweet on 7/26/2014, Mr. Cherry wrote, “Cheering in Bars to ending the occupation of Palestine - no shame and f*ck your glares. #ISupportGaza #FreePalestine.” Additionally, on 8/1/2014, he criticized the CA Young Democrats, Senator Boxer, and the CA Democrats for their stance on Israel, highlighting a “shameful voidance and disregard for civilian casualties in Palestine from ‘champions’ of Dem ideals.”

“The right can’t STAND to see a fierce Muslim woman at the helm of the resistance and thus have to make s*** up to smear her #IMarchWithLinda,” was tweeted on January 26, 2017.

Although Mr. Cherry stated on 6/23/2024, “Past social media posts from when I was younger do not reflect my current views. Period. I support this Administration’s agenda - and will continue my communications work focused on our climate and environmental policies,” his past tweets raise concerns.

As pro-Israel voters, the choice of someone who previously stated #freepalestine goes against Democratic Party pro-Israel policies. Mr. Cherry’s history of challenging Dem Party leadership on Israel policies suggests he may not support the administration’s stance on Israel.

Mr. Cherry’s appointment should be reassessed. It is crucial that the Associate Communications Director, a role that influences public perception and policy communication, be held by someone whose views and history align consistently with the administration’s international policies.

The last thing we need as Jewish and pro-Israel voters is a voice within the White House steering the administration towards a more negative stance on Israel. We urge you to reconsider Mr. Cherry’s appointment to ensure the administration’s messaging remains clear, consistent, and supportive of Israel.

Terri Kaminetsky

Judith Kandel, Los Angeles, California

Idit Kosti PhD

Jenny Alkon

Leah Glicksman

Uri Ben Yehuda

Cindy Smukler

Janice Hart

Alisa Berger, Lawrence, NY

Yaacov levy

Elizabeth Goldbaum

Dena Brody

Anabella Fischer, Aventura, FL

Suzanne Kolen Herz

Caroline Namdar

Rachel Greenberger

Howard Amiel

Doris Roubeni

Lawrence Stern

Mara Robbins

Linda Chernoff MD

Basheva Goldberg

Rebecca Robinson

Hoda Minoofar

Dr. Robert Bruckstein

Robin Goldstein

Miriam Rose

Rabbi Yankel Kreiman

Audrie Caracciola

Gideon Loebe

Reena Benedict

Dina Torgan

Rachel Luterman, Philadelphia, PA

Ramona Gamzeltova

D. Hermann Chasen

Debra Schaffer MD

Estee Lichter, New York

Dinah Miller Marlowe

Meet Tyler Cherry, the new @WhiteHouse Associate Communications Director, as of last week. Tyler wants to stop weapons sales to Israel. He also adores anti-Semites

Dor Tamid Launches New Full-Day Preschool

Hadassah Recognizes Jewish American Heritage Month

Congregation Dor Tamid, a Reform synagogue located in Johns Creek, is excited to announce the establishment of the Congregation Dor Tamid Early Learning Academy (CDTELA), a comprehensive full-day preschool program.

Congregation Dor Tamid extends its commitment to nurturing young minds with the launch of CDTELA. This innovative, synagogue-based early learning academy will provide a stimulating environment where children can explore, learn, and grow under the guidance and care of skilled educators.

CDTELA will offer a dynamic curriculum tailored to meet the developmental needs of its young learners, emphasizing hands-on learning experiences and fostering a love for exploration and discovery.

“We are thrilled to open the Congre-

gation Dor Tamid Early Learning Academy,” said Rabbi Jordan Ottenstein. “CDTELA will allow us to provide a nurturing space where children can have fun together and thrive academically, socially, and emotionally in this Reform congregational setting. I am so excited to meet all of our new students when they arrive in just a short time.”

Enrollment for CDTELA is now open, welcoming families seeking a vibrant educational experience for their preschoolers. The school will welcome students from six weeks old through PreK.

For more information or to schedule a tour, please visit or contact Stacey Jahanfar, Executive Director, at 770-623-8860 or sjahanfar@

Compiled by AJT Staff

Hadassah Greater Atlanta gathered on May 15 in fun and Hadassah camaraderie, during this important Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM). Members and friends of Hadassah enjoyed an afternoon with lunch while participating in various games. The proceeds of this event went toward Hadassah Medical Organization, supporting the muchneeded Gandel Rehabilitation Center in Hadassah Hospital, Mt. Scopus.

JAHM reminds us of the vibrant and varied American Jewish experience from the birth of our nation to the present time. Hadassah highlights the contributions and culture that Jews have passed down from generation to generation.

Savannah native Simone Wilker

explained, “Let’s not forget that Georgia is proud of the fact that the oldest Torah scroll in the United States is located in the museum at Congregation Mickve Israel in Savannah, Ga. The scroll dates back to the 15th century and is read from annually on July 11, the anniversary of the arrival of 42 Jewish settlers in Savannah in 1733.”

Celebrating our American Jewish heritage, Hadassah Greater Atlanta’s goal is to educate diverse public audiences about Jewish cultures and to encourage crucial conversations about American Jews, in the present and the future, especially in the struggle against antisemitism.

Compiled by AJT Staff

Bronfman Fellowship Selects 2024 Cohorts

The Bronfman Fellowship has selected its 38th cohort of intellectually curious high school juniors from across North America, among them an awardwinning playwright whose works have been staged in Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia; the co-founder of a program that brings together Israeli and Palestinian teen girls living in adjacent neighborhoods of Jerusalem; a firstdegree black belt in Shōrin-ryū, an Okinawan martial art; the creator of a blind mentorship program in New York that aims to build a warm community of visually impaired students; and a four-time recipient of the Gold Presidential Service Award who has volunteered more than 750 hours of community service.


The 26 fellows, who come from a broad spectrum of the Jewish community, will participate in a transformative, free fellowship-year experience in which they explore a rich, complex tapestry of Jewish texts and ideas in conversation with one another and a faculty team of leading rabbis, educators, and artists. They also interact with a group of Israeli peers who were chosen through a parallel selection process as part of the Israeli Fellowship, Amitei Bronfman. The new class of fellows will join a vibrant, lifelong alumni community that includes some of today’s most exciting Jewish writers, thinkers and leaders.

Congregation Dor Tamid has established its Early Learning Academy, serving students from six weeks old through PreK.
The 26 fellows selected represent a broad spectrum of the Jewish community.
(From left) Robin Hyman, Hadassah, Director Area Engagement, and Simone Wilker, Zionist Affairs Chair, Hadassah Greater Atlanta.
(Standing) Nancy Schwartz, Hadassah Greater Atlanta president; (seated, from left) Hadassah members Susan Linkwald, VP of Education for Metulla group, and Terry Nordin, President of Metulla group, HGA

Marburger Antique & Design Debuts Summer Event

Since 1997, the iconic Marburger Farm Antique Show, well-known by interior designers, collectors and culture seekers and based in Round Top, Texas, has chosen Atlanta to be the location of its first event outside of Texas. Featuring a summer and winter event, it will be held from July 17-20 at the historic Philip Shutze-designed Southern Exchange Ballrooms in downtown Atlanta, presenting 35,000 square feet of shopping with 60 dealers. The event is free and open to the public.

Marburger Farm Antique Show, owned and operated by Dallas-based Brook Partners, is a one-of-a-kind real estate firm dedicated to advancing culture and community.

Commenting on the inaugural Marburger Atlanta show, Mallory Culbert, director of dealer relations, shared, “We wanted to bring the Marburger experience to the Southeast as Atlanta deserves a spotlight show. Atlanta had a lot of dealers in the Southeast and was a prime location, since it is a global hub from

a density standpoint. Atlanta is filled with interior design projects in a radius nearby with tremendous character. This event will be filled with surprises as dealers have scoured the globe for what they source for our shows with rich insight into the history of each piece.”

Culbert adds, “Marburger Atlanta offers something fabulous for the professional buyer and public and Macy’s building was chosen due to its character and history. The remarkable shopping environment will be on two different levels, and in one fell swoop you can circle the globe covering centuries. Shoppers will remember the space as Macy’s, formerly Davison’s, and find a range of art to antiques, and a variety of European and American antiques, global relics, midcentury modern rarities, and postmodern treasures.”

Recent Marburger shows in Round Top, Texas, have drawn celebrity designers Kelly Wearstler, Martyn Lawrence Bullard, Kathryn Ireland, Carson Kressley, and Joanna Gaines as well as celebrities Gwen Stefani, Jenna Lyons, Brooklyn Decker, and Camila and Matthew McCo-


In celebration of this event with a first look at the treasures, Marburger will open its doors the evening before the show for a VIP Shopping Experience from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., July 16. The $200 ticketed preview event with a portion of preview ticket sale proceeds benefiting Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, is expected to draw hundreds of top names in design and culture from Atlanta and beyond.

The show is open free to the public from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., July 17-20, and closes at 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 20. For more information and to reserve free tickets to attend, visit marburgeratlanta. com.

Fernbank Artistically Emphasizes Natural Patterns, Wildlife and More This Summer

Exciting exhibits, events, films and more.

This summer, Fernbank Museum strives to ignite a passion for nature with new exhibits, events, films and more.

The new exhibit A Mirror Maze: Numbers in Nature spotlights common patterns found in nature, like a lightning bolt, tree branches and snowflakes or a gecko’s tail, a nautilus shell and a hurricane, that are used in everyday life. This immersive exhibit highlights four types of naturally found patterns — Spirals, Voronoi patterns, Fractals and the Golden Ratio — through hands-on activities that include composing a piece of music to explore symmetry and observing the patterns on your body through a twoway mirror superimposition. For the ultimate challenge, a 1,700 square-foot mirror maze reflects immersive patterns all around to test what’s really an opening to walk through and what’s a reflection.

Surrounded by nature, Fernbank is also a great place to get outside and explore. There are plenty of opportunities to search for the patterns highlighted in nature but also enjoy the beauty and wonder of the

Fernbank Forest and WildWoods. A special bonus: due to the canopy cover, the woodlands can be up to 10 degrees cooler than the surrounding area during the summer.

Opening June 29, Forest Forms will bring towering line sculptures to life in an artistic outdoor display. Visitors will be able to explore 18 larger-than-life metal sculptures of flowers and animals placed along the nature trails in WildWoods. Created by art-

ist Huelani Mei and Elemental Exhibitions, these pieces will feature creatures like foxes, rabbits, snakes and more ranging from 5 to 20 feet tall.

A night at the museum may not be exactly as portrayed in Hollywood’s imagination, but it is always a fun adventure. Fernbank... but Later is an all ages, after-hours summer series where science meets after-

hours fun through evening events that offer later access to the museum’s indoor exhibits, outdoor experiences and additional activities. Held on the last Friday of the month, the next events are on June 28, July 26, Aug. 30 and Sept. 27, all from 6 – 9 p.m. The popular adult-only (21+) event series, Fernbank After Dark continues to thrive on the second Friday of every month, featuring events, activities, music, tapas, alcoholic drinks and more for adults to indulge in a museum atmosphere that is kid-free from 7-11 p.m.

For more information about everything Fernbank has to offer this summer, including giant screen movies and events, visit

The Marburger Farm Antique Show will be held from July 17-20 at the Southern Exchange Ballrooms in downtown Atlanta.
Paid Content by Fernbank


Researchers Develop New Test for Ovarian Cancer

Two prominent Atlanta cancer researchers have come up with what they believe is one of the world’s first tests to detect early symptoms for ovarian cancer. The two, both with the Atlanta-based Ovarian Cancer Institute, are Dr. Benedict Bagnino, who is the president and chief executive officer of the organization, and Jeffrey Skolnick, the Institute’s scientific director. The pair have just submitted their findings to the Federal Food and Drug Administration to begin the formal process of government approval.

For Dr. Bagnino, who has worked for decades on the breakthrough, the development has been particularly welcome. Women with ovarian cancer often show no early warning signs. When they do, the disease is often in an advanced stage.

Ovarian cancer is very difficult to detect until it is well advanced.

As a gynecologic surgeon with a private practice, Bagnino often had the difficult task of telling a woman that her ovarian cancer was likely to be fatal.

“The first symptom of ovarian cancer may often not occur for a long time or not at all,” Bagnino said. “The first sign a woman may notice is an intermittent, partial small bowel obstruction. Unfortunately, by that time, it’s in stage three. And it’s very, very difficult to put this into permanent remission.”

The disease is the second largest cause of death among gynecological cancers in this country. There are over 20,000 cases each year. Seventy to eighty percent of those women do not survive. But, if the disease can be caught in its

early stages, Bagnino believes the new test could totally reverse those numbers.

The initial research to discover this test began more than a quarter-century ago with the work of John McDonald at Georgia Tech. Its development has been aided by the massive power of computers at the university, where Skolnick is director of the Center for The Study of Systems Biology. The new test is based on the development of a diagnostic computer formula or algorithm that is said to be highly effective in providing early detection of the illness.

In a recent study published in the journal, Gynecologic Oncology, the test has shown to be 98 percent effective in determining whether a woman has ovarian cancer, regardless of what stage the cancer may be in.

Where cancer is not present, it is 100 percent effective in ruling out a diagnosis of ovarian cancer as well. According to Skolnick, who is an expert in the use of computers in medical diagnosis, the test is a significant advance in the power of modern computers.

“It’s taken an immense amount of computer work to develop what is the best molecular signature to detect earlystage ovarian cancer. The test we have developed does that by analyzing the presence of affected metabolites out of over 250,000 of these biologic molecules that are present in the human body.”

Using the computer analysis of a sample of a patient’s blood, the test searches for the presence of over 34,000 kinds of metabolites associated with ovarian cancer that are created when the body breaks down biological materials.

“These metabolites are small mole-

cules in your blood that become what we would call ‘dysregulated’ when you have cancer,” Skolnick says, “so their concentrations change. That creates a signature that you can use as an icon to recognize whether the patient has ovarian cancer or not. And so, it’s kind of like an elevated cholesterol level to determine a patient’s potential to develop heart disease. It’s the same logical idea except that this is much more sophisticated.”

The FDA now must decide whether the test is promising enough to OK the start of full clinical trials, a process that could take a number of years. Both men, who have spent years developing the groundwork for the procedure, believe that a positive finding by the FDA could also lead to additional funding for the research needed to complete the final approval for the test.

Skolnick believes that the test -- which is now very expensive to use -- could ultimately be brought down in price to about $100 each. And that it could become as common as the pap smear, which is used to effectively screen for uterine cancer. The potential could have a far-reaching effect on saving women around the world from the disease.

In another important development in the work of detecting cancer in women, Sharsheret, the American Jewish organization that supports women affected by ovarian and breast cancer, has announced that it is expanding its work to include women in Israel.

Elana Silber, the organization’s chief executive officer said that the expansion had been under consideration for several years, but that the COVID pandemic had caused them to temporarily postpone the decision. ì

Dr. Benedict Bagnino is a gynecological surgeon who has worked for decades on an early test for ovarian cancer.
Jeffrey Skolnick is a Georgia Tech expert on the use of computers in biomedicine who helped develop an algorithm to detect ovarian cancer.


Helpful Tips to Keep Your Hearing Healthy

Robyn Spizman Gerson

The sound of silence can be a wonderful thing, unless it’s due to being hearing impaired and you or a loved one is experiencing hearing loss. Keeping your hearing healthy requires proactive and preventive measures. Healthy hearing affects your life in a monumental way and has an important impact on your brain health as well as your overall life.

Assisting a wide following of devoted patients, Dr. Meryl Miller, Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.), is the founder of ClearWorks Audiology, which is conveniently located across from City Springs. Dr. Miller shared her inspiration to enter the field of audiology and said, “I wanted to have an expertise in a field, and I was interested in healthcare. My dad recom-

mended I visit the career center at UGA, and I discovered audiology and fell in love with it. I love the mix of science and art and audiology keeps me challenged and learning every day. I heard on a podcast recently that humans’ superpower is communication via language, and the

thing that no other living being on earth has.

“This strikes me in two ways. First, I have the privilege of being inspired and energized by the people I serve daily via language and human connection. And second, I have the gift of maintaining and reigniting that superpower with my patients. I assist in returning to them the ability to understand and enjoy verbal communication. I feel so fortunate to be able to share in that process.”

ClearWorks Audiology makes the hearing process clear and a pleasure. Located in Sandy Springs next to Breadwinner Cafe, patients can pull right up to the office. Miller received her Doctor of Audiology degree from the University of Florida in Gainesville, and undergraduate degree in communication sciences from the University of Georgia. Her clinical residency was completed at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center Audiology Clinic.

Miller proudly commented, “I was part of a private practice for 10 years and learned from great mentors, Dr. Helena Solodar and Dr. Kadyn Williams, audiologists. After a short time, next at an ENT practice, I quickly learned that I belonged in a practice which only focused on audiology. I wanted to practice audiology as I had in my first 10 years, using evidence-based procedures. I wanted to focus on audiology evaluation and treatment procedures that research has proven successfully improve communication and it’s critically important that providers use evidence-based procedures.”

Steve Selig, a long-time patient shared, “I find Dr. Meryl Miller to be totally professional, experienced, and completely up to date. I give her top ratings

and just as important as her expertise, as with everything I do in life, I care how someone gets along with people. Meryl is a smart, delightful, caring, and highly competent individual and those qualities mean a great deal to me. I can’t say enough great things about her. Meryl has earned this praise and is very deserving of her success.”

Dr. Miller has clearly built her practice based on patient dedication, education, and extreme knowledge of the field. Regarding how often you should get a hearing test and starting at what age or when, she replied, “When you notice a change in how you hear and understand the people around you in any situation, or if someone tells you they notice a change in how you understand, it is time to have a hearing and communication evaluation. Outside of that, if you are around loud noise or loud music (frequent concerts, power tools, musicians -including classically trained, machinery, farm equipment, motorcycles, any sort of gunfire, etc.) and if you are over the age of 60, you should have a baseline hearing evaluation. A hearing and communication evaluation is painless and with no negative side effects.”

A referral is not required by ClearWorks for a visit, while many patients find Dr. Miller via their primary care physician, other professional recommendations, Internet search, and they are most proud of their patient referrals. She commented, “the greatest referral source is word of mouth. A current patient’s referral of their friends and family is humbling and the best compliment we can ever receive.”

What’s helpful to remember is the benefit of getting hearing aids early and

Meryl Miller, Doctor of Audiology
Dr. Meryl Miller at work at the microscope examining a patient’s ear canal with high magnification for best treatment view.

determining with a professional when it’s time. She explained, “There are so many benefits to wearing appropriately fit hearing aids. Reduced risk of depression, cognitive changes, falls, and people that treat their hearing loss have greater satisfaction with their lives and maintain engagement with their friends and family. Hearing aids should be used when there is enough hearing loss that amplification can be an effective treatment and when a person is motivated enough to act and improve their hearing. Audiologists understand that people aren’t necessarily excited about wearing hearing aids, but we know that they do want to stay connected to the people and world around them. I am told by patients that they don’t want untreated hearing loss to be one of their risk factors for cognitive decline, and I support that.”

Many people delay hearing health and yet, when a spouse, or family member encourages it positively and lovingly, a little motivation can go a long way. Miller said, “I believe most people delay checking their hearing because it makes them feel older and out of touch. I treat and partner with brilliantly smart and talented people; professors, physicians, attorneys, writers, therapists, artists, executives, entrepreneurs, creatives, travelers, and people that I enjoy being around and spend time with. They all want to be the best version of themselves and the best at what they do, and that cannot happen without effective communication.”

Miller adds, “When hearing becomes challenging, we reduce communication for enjoyment, and what remains is communication for purpose. And when communication becomes even more challenging, a person starts to feel left out and can get left behind. I would say to a family member, ‘Tell me how to talk to you in a way you can understand me, and I will do my best, but at some point, you will have to do your part as well and make sure you can hear and understand me, and that may mean checking your hearing.’ Communication only exists when someone can understand what is said. If you can’t understand speech, you can’t receive what your loved one is expressing.”

At the end of the day, hearing devices impact someone’s life. She noted, “I have watched people go from quiet and not involved in a conversation, to engaged and taking an active role in their care. I’ve seen a personality completely change from seemingly unfriendly to outgoing and personable. Not all successes are that extreme. We change how people communicate on work phone calls and increase their confidence at work and are told that hearing aids allow people to partici-

pate in conversation in a restaurant with friends. Our patients reconnect with the world around them in every way. It’s inspiring to watch.”

Miller elaborated, “While the shift is slow, there is a shift to a lower age demographic using hearing aid technology. This is exciting and important because people that address hearing loss sooner have far greater success and enjoyment with their hearing aids.”

The advances she is most excited about include, Earlens, a hearing aid that delivers sound in a completely different way from all other hearing aids. “Most hearing aids have a speaker that sits in the ear canal and amplified sound exits the speaker and makes the eardrum vibrate. Earlens directly vibrates the eardrum (which you can’t feel) creating the most complete sound quality that exists from a hearing aid. The result is a natural sound quality, a frequency range closest to that of the natural human ear, and the best hearing in noisy places like restaurants. I started fitting Earlens devices in summer 2022 and continue to be very excited by the technology and what it can do for my patients.”

She concluded, “I’m going to prove just how much of an audiology ‘geek’ I am and while I love hearing aid technology and all the exciting changes in sound processing and Bluetooth connections, there is one aspect of hearing that is the most incredible of all, and that is the hearing brain. I have always talked to my patients about the auditory system, but over the past few years, since starting my practice, it has become all the clearer that it is the most important piece of the puzzle in audiology. Think of how frustrating it is when you cannot understand conversation in a restaurant. That this frustrates us tells you just how powerful your hearing brain is. At our auditory peak, we can have distracting sounds all around us and focus in on and listen to a single voice.

“That’s incredible! Now think of a time that you heard a song that transported you to a memory that completely stopped you in your tracks because the memory was so strong. And think of a time that you heard a sound, even a very soft sound, that made your heart race in fear. Our hearing brain and the way it maintains our connection to the world around us will always be the most incredible and exciting part of hearing. I am devoted to enhancing the patient’s life and we are here to help you hear better and smarter.”

For more information visit ClearWorks Audiology ( ì


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M3 Offers All-Inclusive Yoga & Pilates

Have you ever felt like working out just isn’t for you? Like you’re not “fit enough” to go to the gym? Or maybe there’s an old injury keeping you home?

Then you need M3 Yoga and Hot Pilates.

Started by Nick Combs and Matt Chambers in Athens, Ga., what began as a six-person class has now grown into two different studios, with their Atlanta location having opened in January of last year.

Combs spent 17 years as a nurse and used his passion for yoga to help patients with multiple sclerosis, scoliosis, and Parkinson’s.

“I wanted everyone to be able to walk into a yoga studio and feel like they were a part of, you know, and that it wasn’t about necessarily what you’re able to do but more about how you’re able to adapt the practice to yourself rather than the other way around.”

Co-founder Chambers added, “We used to tell people M3 is a yoga studio for people who think they can’t do yoga. We wanted people to feel like no matter where they are that you can show up however you show up on any given day.”

This sentiment is echoed by instructor Holly Griffin, who has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and lupus, who said, “They (Combs and Chambers) are fully aware that I cannot demo certain things and they’re like ‘yeah just verbally say it then.’ Most studios (have the attitude) if you can’t get in a headstand then you can’t teach it, but you totally can.”

This philosophy doesn’t just apply to those with physical differences, but to members of other marginalized communities as well. Combs and Chambers have always emphasized that their studio is a place where everyone is welcome, no matter their background or identity, and that the micro-community of the studio should reflect the macro-community of their neighborhood.

Since day one, M3 has offered discounted memberships to “community warriors,” people like teachers, social workers, and other public servants, as a way of giving back to those who give so much for the community. M3 also offers scholarships to incentivize those who might have a financial barrier to entry.

Whatever your identity, background or ability, there is a place for you at M3.

The two even worked with Christy King after the death of George Floyd to ensure M3 was truly as inclusive and supportive as possible, especially for the Black, indigenous, and people of color community.

Combs said, “It’s easy to say that ‘I’m a part of the queer community so I don’t have to listen to that -- I already know,’ but in reality, we don’t know much.” Whatever your identity, background

or ability, there is a place for you at M3. From intense hot pilates to relaxing hatha yoga, come take care of your mind, matter, and movement with the incredible people at M3 Yoga and Hot Pilates. ì

Katie Gaffin
M3 Yoga and Pilates stresses inclusivity and even offers discounts to “community warriors,” including teachers, social workers, and other public servants.
The yoga studio chain M3 caters to clients dealing with multiple sclerosis, scoliosis, and Parkinson’s.

Levy Makes His Mark as Pickleball Champ

Pickleball has recently experienced unprecedented growth in the U.S., and especially in Georgia. Columbus native Mark Levy, a 5’4” energy packed and strategic thinking 77-year-old, has claimed the U.S. Championship two years in a row. Known for his good sportsmanship, superman Levy stated, “Even though I have won a gold medal in singles last year and doubles this year in Naples at the U.S. Open, my most memorable gold medal victory came at the Atlanta Open in 2021 six months after a total hip replacement as my first opportunity to play in a large draw in my age bracket which was 70-plus 4.0/4.5(level). My partner and I lost in the second round of double elimination and came back to win the gold. The temperature was 90-plus, and we played 14 grueling games!”

Levy plays at least three times a week for two hours. He laughed, “I would play more if my body allowed me that luxury. Playing competitive tennis for 50 years has broadened my mental toughness. Tournament play and social play are different for me. Tournaments, I always give 100 percent in every point. Social, I want it to be fun for everyone. Not being a large man, I was always extremely agile and quick.”

Age brackets can be factors. Someone 55 may perform stronger in an older bracket that caps at 70. Levy says “Not so fast. When you enter your age category, it does help a little to be on the younger side. However, age is a number. When you are playing in the 70-plus division, being 70 or 71 is an advantage over a 74-year-old. However, when you make it to over 75, we are all old and aged, it is what it is. My first tournament was with an 80-year-old man. We played in the over 60s. I have seen people playing in their mid-80s.

“Dealing with tournament pressure

and stress, Levy recounts, “When over 3,000 people are around and playing on 60 courts, it’s more than a normal match. You know the best of the best are there from all over the world giving it their best.”

Pickleball equipment is big business. Amazon sells two paddles and three balls for under $40. Then there are graphite and more costly variations.

Levy mused, “I have never been much on my equipment. There are so many wonderful paddles now being manufac-

Tips from the Pickleball Champ

* Learn to serve. Depth is the most important thing in pickleball. It can be hard or soft but deep is my goal. A good follow-through is important.

* Return the serve down the middle and deep.

* As you return the serve, move forward while hitting and try to get to the kitchen line.

* Learn how to dink.

* A third shot is most important. Mix it up between a hard drive and putting the ball in the kitchen

* Balance is so important. Think about having good balance.

tured. Some produce more power, others touch. I’m a finesse player so I look for both power and touch. I like a longer grip because I use a two-handed backhand. Always read in the descriptions to see what they offer. Joola, Head, Selkirk, Engage are amongst a few of the better ones.”

In terms of injuries, Levy stated, “My only injury was my fault at the Nationals in Dallas -- playing singles on the first day going for a ball I shouldn’t have. Smart thing would have been to simply say ‘good

shot.’ Fell badly and hurt my back.” As far as his diet is concerned, Levy says that he doesn’t eat healthily, but he watches his quantities.

Playing various sports as a child, including ping pong and tennis, Levy went to the University of Georgia, then worked in the automobile industry. He and wife, Devon, have four children, Karen, Sam, Daniel, and Joshua, and six grandchildren. Next up for Levy: Nationals in Arizona is the goal. ì

Pickleball by the Numbers

* As a sport in the U.S., pickleball has surpassed golf and tennis. Only cycling and running are more popular.

* In 2021, the largest age segment was 55-plus. Now players are skewing younger. The cohort of 18-34 constitutes 29 percent of players.

* Men (60.1 percent) still play more than women (39.5 percent), though female players are growing at a faster rate.

* 36 million (14 percent) of the adult U.S. population played last year. Another source claims that the U.S. has 43 million players.

* 130 new pickleball locations open per month. Atlanta is ranked fourth in the U.S. for total locations.

* The most popular pickleball states are Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North and South Carolinas.

At 5’4” Levy counts on his agility and strategy. His advice is to serve “deep.”
Levy (in blue) states that the third shot can be the most important.
Pickleball champion Mark Levy states that age is “just a number.”
Levy has claimed the Top Place Golden Ticket several times.

TRAVEL Kaplan Documents World War II Trip

Atlantan Alan Kaplan recently participated in a World War II trip to Germany and Poland, sponsored by the World War II Museum in New Orleans. The educational program, entitled “The Rise and Fall of Hitler’s Germany,” took the group to historic sites in Berlin, Krakow, and Warsaw.

Joined by his wife, Barbara, Kaplan provides a firsthand account of the many experiences the group shared. Read on to learn more about the Kaplans’ trip.

Berlin, Germany

My wife’s father and my own father served in the Second World War. My father, Marvin Kaplan, served first in dental school, and then as a dentist. My father-in-law, Homer Gordon, was a true hero. He was in a tank from the coast of France all the way to Berlin. In their honor and memory, we dedicate this trip to them. This is not a Jewish tour, but many of the sites that we will be visiting are such infamous sites as the Wannsee Mansion, Schindler’s factory, and Auschwitz.

While wandering around Berlin today, I noticed many of the parallels between Berlin in the 1930s and America today. Seeing iconic Berlin locations like Unter Der Linden, the Brandenburg Gate, and the Teagarden remind us of the infamy of the Final Solution. As history has told us, the Nazis were howling for the Jews as early as 1933 … One of my parent’s closest friends escaped just as the door was slamming behind him. His parents and his sister were murdered by the Nazis. We met his uncle at a family event, and he informed us that he begged his brother to leave but he refused to go. He refused to believe what was happening in this supposed civilized Germany. I believe that the Jews in Germany were shocked and mystified by what was happening just like we are today … Now it is the Palestinians, but in the 1930s, Jews needed to be eliminated simply because they were breathing air. We don’t understand how in a few short months, the world seemed to forget “never again.”

In the center of Berlin is the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. It is next door to the American Embassy and one block from the Brandenburg Gate. The monument demands to be seen. It is impossible to miss … It is almost five acres and consists of hundreds of stelae organized in rows and columns. It is disorienting and frightening.

On our first day of touring in Berlin, we visited Wannsee Mansion, the site of the infamous Wannsee Conference. In February 1942, 15 senior officials of the German government, the Nazi party, and SS leaders met at Hitler’s villa on the shores of Lake Wannsee. At this conference, they discussed and began to implement the Final Solution. These officials discussed cooperating on the planned deportation and murder of European Jews … As we enter the beautiful grounds we are met by a jarring photograph of an Israeli hostage in Gaza, Alex Danzig. This photo is a shocking reminder of all the hostages in Gaza and why things change, they

stay the same.

Krakow, Poland

Outside of Krakow is the AuschwitzBirkenau concentration camp …. We have seen pictures of the camp. We have heard the testimony of survivors. We have seen movies. We have seen stacks of bodies. Images that will never leave our minds. Nothing compares to seeing it in person. As you enter the camp, you are met with the infamous train railing and the building, and you are filled with horror. More than a million individuals were murdered in Auschwitz. Ninety percent of them were Jews just like you and me. They were from all over Europe. Extermi-

nation on an industrial scale. According to our guide, in late 1944 over 400,000 Hungarian Jews were killed in 56 days. Mathematically, that is 6,000 murders per day when they knew that they were losing the war. Words fail me. You can enter via the same tracks that the trains entered. Yahrzeit candles appropriately litter the track. You then walk a short distance to the selection platform where 75 to 80 percent were sent immediately to the gas chambers which are another short walk … The words of Ben Hirsch, the designer of the Breman Holocaust Museum, rings in my ears. Hirsch was a Holocaust survivor on the last kinder transport out of Germany.

Alan and Barbara Kaplan pictured at the Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Europe.
Barbara joins a survivor of Auschwitz and Mauthausen.
Alan and Barbara pictured in front of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Monument.
Alan is shown at the Warsaw ghetto wall featuring the Warsaw ghetto map.

His younger siblings were left behind and they were murdered. Hirsch asked, “Who kills children?”

A short walk from the selection platform leads to a ramp and on to the gas chamber. People were undressed and were sent into these exact gas chambers. It happened right here. On this exact spot. No one survived. Mass murder was committed here. This is what genocide looks like -- literally next door was the crematorium. As they were retreating, the Nazis attempted to destroy the evidence of their unforgivable crimes. You can feel their souls. Spontaneous repetitions of the Mourner’s Kaddish are necessary to remember the dead and to especially comfort the living. At the nearby museum, more evidence of the extermination is seen -- a room of Zyklon B cannisters, tallit, and even thousands of eyeglasses are preserved. And finally, the typical Nazi welcome, “Arbeti Macht Frei,” or “work will make you free.”

Warsaw, Poland

The highlight of any visit to Warsaw is a visit to the Polish Jewish Museum or Polin. The museum is on the site of the

Warsaw ghetto, and directly outside is a beautiful statue commemorating the Warsaw ghetto uprising. The Hebrew word “Polin” means either “Poland” or “rest here.” Jews have lived in Poland for 1,000 years. The museum looks clear eyed at Poland’s past, including its antisemitism. No subject is forbidden, and everything is documented in the museum. Nothing is sanitized including the Holocaust … Polin is a comprehensive museum.

For hundreds of years, Poland was the center of the Jewish world. Poland became more tolerant of Jews as Spain, Austria, Hungary, and Germany were expelling them. This period from the 15th to the 17th centuries is known as the golden age of Polish Jewry. Jews were protected. One of the quotes on the wall remarks, “Their hatred of us in this country has not overwhelmed us as in the German lands. May it remain so until the coming of the Messiah.”

Shtetl life is also commemorated in the museum … Polin ends with the horror of the Warsaw ghetto, the Warsaw ghetto uprising and the Holocaust … Our guide stressed that while some Poles helped the

Jews, many did not. He also noted that until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Poles of his age group knew nothing of this history.

Warsaw and all of Poland is filled with monuments commemorating Jewish suffering. Outside of Polin there is the famous sculpture of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Portions of the ghetto wall have been preserved and signs marking the location of the ghetto are everywhere. Another monument memorializes the famous steps over the street in the Warsaw ghetto … There is even a movement by the local government to restore the ancient Jewish cemetery. Too little and too late you say, but at least they are making an effort.

Another highlight of our trip was meeting with three Polish survivors of World War II. One of the gentlemen was a member of the resistance and one was a nurse during the war. They were used to carry messages between members of the resistance. One gentleman was captured and sent to Auschwitz and then to Mauthausen concentration camp where he spent the war engaged in slave labor in a quarry mine, and then he made parts

in the Messerschmitt jet factory. He was a prisoner for six years.

Our final night in Poland was at the house of our guide, Alex Richie, DPhil. Alex’s house is in a suburb of Warsaw and was the headquarters for Gen. Herbert Otto Gille, commander of the fifth SS Panzergrenadier Division, “Wiking,” during the battle of Radzymin … After dinner, her husband, Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, spoke. He is the deputy foreign minister of Poland and the son of the same named Wladyslaw Bartoszewski. The elder Bartoszewski was detained in a SS round up in September 1940. He was held in Auschwitz until April 1941. He then joined the Polish resistance. As part of his war time resistance, he assisted the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto uprising in 1943. After the war, he gathered information about Nazi crimes, the concentration camps and prisons. This brought him to the attention of the Communist government who imprisoned him as well. Due to his help for the Jews during the war, he was invited to Yad Vashem in 1963. He lived in Israel from September to November 1963. In 1966, he received the medal of Righteous Among the Nations. ì

The train track leading to Auschwitz-Birkenau
Pictured is one of the five gas chambers used by the Nazis at Auschwitz.
Wannsee Mansion, the site of the infamous Wannsee Conference, in Berlin.
The selection platform located outside of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
Alan Kaplan stands outside the gates to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
Barbara Kaplan is pictured in front of one of the five crematoriums located at Auschwitz-Birkenau.


Domans Experience Sultans, Buddhists & Bats

Laura Doman and husband, Alex, spent a month touring on land and ship to Singapore, Brunei, Borneo, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand.

Laura said, “We came away with a deep appreciation of history, architecture, traditions, beautiful landscapes, and religious differences. And skirmishes! As we saw many a Buddha statue had lost its head to invaders with different theological views.”

The Domans found Singapore to be an exciting modern city and financial center with a heart in ecology, many strictly enforced rules, and religious tolerance. In contrast, Alex commented, “Muslim Brunei is an absolute sultanate with massive oil wealth concentrated in the hands of the very few. Strict laws prohibit public criticism of the sultan and outlaw adultery, pornography, alcohol, drugs, and anyone living openly as LGTBQ+. Brunei sits at the tip of the island of Borneo, best known for its environmental protections and as the home of fierce headhunters. Safely, we didn’t meet them

Laura poses with a resident of Thailand’s elephant preserve. Please note that the animals are well-trained, lovingly treated, and extremely well fed, with plenty of space to exercise and drink.

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or see any shrunken heads on display.”

Laura enjoyed the spectacular St. Paul underground river in the Philippines. She said, “A speeding catamaran brought us to this underground cathedral with its extensive network of tunnels and soaring rock ceilings extending hundreds of feet into the air. Fortunately, the hordes of bats clinging to the walls and ceilings were asleep as our boat glided silently along, with our guide illuminating the way via flashlights.”

The Domans hopped to Vietnam and Cambodia with its rice paddies, poverty, grazing cows and water buffalo, and garbage strewn along the roads. They saw “water villages” – ramshackle homes with corrugated roofs on stilts along the sides of rivers and canals.

She continued, “We saw these in Brunei, too, but oil wealth permits families to fill their homes with beautiful furniture and modern electronics, although the sultan required the exteriors to remain traditionally authentic (rundown) and owned only by their original families and other villagers. The Vietnamese and Cambodians, in contrast, were just dirt poor.”

They explored the Cu Chi tunnels outside of Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), an extensive network of underground tunnels in which North Vietnamese guerrilla fighters lived, traveled, and attacked enemies during two wars: the French in

World War II and the South Vietnamese and U.S. (the American War). Alex said, “Their favorite modus operandi was camouflaged booby traps that impaled enemy soldiers with poison-ladened bamboo spikes. Other devices led their victims to fall into deep pits lined with spikes, plus the occasional deadly snake thrown in for good measure.”

Angkor Wat is a favorite for U.S. tourists -- with its corn cob-shaped towers, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Domans found the Bayon temple is known for Buddha faces carved into its towers, while Taprum is famous for trees intertwined in the ruins. One bodhi tree featured the head of a Buddha peering out from amongst its roots.

Laura and Alex visited monks in their monasteries, then heard stories from survivors of the Khmer Rouge, including those who had lost limbs to the land mines. They found Thailand, in contrast, to be “practically resplendent. The lavishly adorned Buddhist temples near the royal palace in Bangkok were a feast for the eyes.”

Tuk tuks, boats, and motorbikes transported them to Chinatown’s gold shops and night markets, and through floating markets operating alongside busy railroad tracks and on the canals.

To top off the trip, Laura exclaimed, “Most exciting was a visit to the royal

Khmer dancers of Cambodia are known for their glittering headdresses, graceful movements, and expressive hand gestures.


Thai elephant preserve, where we rode and fed elephants and learned about their care. Visit and join the volunteers dedicated to preserving both Asian and African elephants. It’ll open your eyes to a different world. “ For Jewish context, they saw a synagogue in Singapore, locked away under tight security where only Jews can visit. There are Chabads in many of these countries. Alex stated, “Of all the countries, Singapore was the most welcoming, tolerant, and multi-denominational. Brunei and Borneo, as strict Muslim countries, did not make us feel comfortable, and we were glad to have short visits there. The Philippines is largely Christian; and Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand are primarily Buddhist, though Islam is the second most common religion.” ì

The Domans found Buddhist temples that are known for their beauty, inside and out.
Angkor Wat is a Hindu-Buddhist temple complex in Cambodia and considered the largest religious structure in the world.
The Domans enjoyed Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, an expansive nature park showcasing horticulture, ecology, and environmentalism.
This bodhi tree earned its claim to fame for having grown up and around a decapitated Buddha head.
Alex snapped this photo of a Thai temple guardian in Bangkok.

Weinsteins Tour Jewish Sites of Central America

Germaine and Bruce Weinstein headed south of the border for a threeweek Central American trip spanning Curacao, Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, and Mexico, attending to Jewish sites along the way.

According to Bruce, Germaine held the secret weapon by being fluent in Spanish. “It was phenomenal that she got us into places venturing out on our own, that we never could have otherwise … from bargaining for emeralds to communicating with tribal leaders.”

The trip began to Curacao where they visited a 1500s-era synagogue where only five people were admitted at a time. Always jovial, Bruce said, “The real trick to getting around there was me wearing a Braves hat. Who knew they were such big baseball fans? Even in customs, we were pulled out of the long line for preferential treatment to talk about ‘Los Bravos.’

Andruw Jones seems to be a favorite.”

Then on to Cozumel and the modified rainforest in Belize. Germaine noted

another synagogue in Barbados dated to the 1600s alongside a cemetery. She said, “We had to walk three miles to get there.

It was riveting seeing real Jewish graves back to 1600 to 1700 with Sephardic names … also, they were above ground

like in New Orleans.”

The couple enjoyed the new and old parts of Cartagena, Colombia. Germaine

The Weinsteins sought out historic Jewish sites like the old synagogue in Curacao
Bruce posed with the Embera chief in the Panamanian rain forest.
Bruce was a little nervous about standing in a human sacrifice area.

was able to bargain with the 30-plus emerald merchants to bring jewelry back to the grandkids. They visited a convent with pious nuns asking for donations. Bruce recalled, “I was ready to be generous until I saw the big pro-Palestinian sign (actually Germaine saw the sign in Spanish), and I said, ‘I’m Jewish. Take the sign down if you are asking me for donations.’ A fascinating site for me was all the forts with cannons overlooking water built to ward off pirate attacks. Panama had forts with the indentations of where they were hit.”

Next up was Honduras and Guatemala, known for SCUBA diving and water sports. Germaine and Bruce went down in a mini submarine to get a closeup view of sea life. In the coral factory, they saw a Star of David and thought that to be unusual tracing it back to the Jewish family that still operates the coral jewelry store.

History buff Bruce said a favorite stop was Costa Maya touring old temples where a remarkable dig was discovered in 1950 with artifacts from 300 B.C. Archeologists from Tulane University excavated it over a 10-year span.

Happy to recount bizarre stories, Bruce said the Mayans were into human sacrifices. “They had teams of athletes and sporting events, but wait, the captain of the winning team got burned to death as an honor. Ouch!”

Onto the logistics and locks, the Weinsteins adventured down the Panama Canal which took six hours and joined the Atlantic and Pacific on the


sides as they advanced levels. From there, they extended two days to explore the rain forest, nearing a Chabad (Panama City) where “everyone asked about Rabbi Yossi New at Congregation Beth Tefillah.”

When we were touring, they asked us to come back to help make a minyan. Feeling guilty, we did return and found 100-plus people. Apparently, they told everyone that same story!”

They drove two hours down a bumpy road from Panama City to the only hotel in the rain forest, which was rustic, with snakes and monkeys. Then they took a canoe for a tribe visit.

“We took candies in our pockets to meet with the Emberas.” Germaine noted, “They lived off the land and had their own language which, luckily, I could understand. I chatted with the chief … they had no TV, huts were off the ground, outhouses, lots of tree bark, they wore no shoes … some were polygamous. Meanwhile, over the hill came more canoes with Orthodox Jews in black hats and dark suits in 90-degree heat.” The chief explained to Germaine the village children went to Panama City on a two-hour boat ride for school where there they had to wear clothes and shoes.

Germaine and Bruce, through this adventure, were based on a three-week Oceana cruise out of Miami as a backdrop in addition to venturing out on their own. Bruce laughed, “We almost missed the cruise because we assumed it was out of Fort Lauderdale and had to high tail an Uber to make it. That’s good advice, “Know before you go.” ì

The fish scurried about in the submerged boat trip.
Bruce stands guard at San Fillipe Fort built in Guatemala in the 1600s.

Cuba is Filled with Mystical & Cultural Contrasts TRAVEL

Miriam Saul, born in Cuba, was sent to the United States as a child, and still leads missions to support the Cuban people. Preparing for their recent trip, each traveler packed a suitcase filled with items to support the needs of the Cuban people. These included medicines, clothes, children’s toys, books and toiletries. Cubans either lack the money or the items are not available.

Read on to learn about some of the highlights of Saul’s most recent mission to Cuba.

Cuban Cigars & the Tobacco Farm

The travelers visited a tobacco farm and watched as the proud owner rolled a Cuban cigar.

Traveler Eddie Goldberg shared, “Charleston, S.C., was a large southern town when I grew up in the 1960s surrounded by tobacco fields and the city housed a large cigar factory in the downtown skyline. I went to Cuba in 2007 with Miriam Saul then and enjoyed the trip immensely because it was like going back to the 1950s. When Miriam offered a chance to revisit this past spring, I was delighted to go and join a long list of friends. This trip differed from the first one because it included a tour of a tobacco farm and included a demonstration of cigar rolling.

"The experience was another reminder of perceived happier times of the 1950s. It was a real treat to be with friends as we learned about curing of the famous Cuban cigars and watched the farm owner roll and smoke a cigar straight off the curing rock. I, being an avid non-smoker, did not participate, but I enjoyed watching my friends shock me and light up. Most were women!”

Cemeteries & Synagogues

Traveler Bonnie Cook discussed the tour’s stops at local cemeteries and synagogues.

She shared, “We visited the two synagogues in Havana. The Sephardic Center, where we heard from a delightful man who told us the history of the Jewish community in Cuba, from the time of Christopher Columbus. A small but warm group of people welcomed us with open arms, so appreciative of the little help we could bring them so that they keep up their place of gathering, worshiping, taking care of the elderly, and keeping Jewish life alive in Cuba.

"We also visited the Conservative

synagogue, Beth Shalom. There are less than 1,000 Jews in Cuba today, the majority living in Havana. They are proud Jews and embrace their Judaism. They have lived peacefully, for the most part, amongst their neighbors. Only recently have they begun to witness some antisemitic events and language. It is amazing to see synagogues without any security, because it is not needed. The highlight of our visit there was the Kabbalat Shabbat service where the youth of the congregation lead the entire service very accomplished and absolutely delightful. And

the service was the same as if you were in any country in the world with our common language of Hebrew and tradition.”

Making a Difference

Saul reflected, “Our group really made a difference; we shared gifts everywhere we went, and we heard how bad the situation is in Cuba for the Cubans. Every stop we made we brought things that were needed and will hopefully make the next few months a little easier to bear.

“We also brought a tremendous amount of material and monetary sup-

port to both synagogues in Havana. The private Jewish pharmacy will be able to continue to dispense life-saving medications and over-the-counter meds to its members and beyond. I have my own selfish reasons for continuing these trips. I continue to admire the braveness of my parents by making the ultimate sacrifice of sending me to family abroad. I can never forget that or ignore the hardships of how my life would have been.”

Due to many new requests for another personal trip to Cuba, Saul will be planning a Spring 2025 Cuba trip. ì

Miriam Saul enjoys leading missions to her home country of Cuba // Photo Credit: Danny Saul
Large mosaic sculpture by Fuster // Photo Credit: Ron Rosen
Centro Hebreo de Cuba // Photo Credit: Judy Robkin
This tobacco farmer impressed many on the tour with his expertise and knowledge // Photo Credit: Eddie Golberg

Enjoy the Persian Charm of Chelo DINING

Atlantans continue to pour praise on Persian cuisine, which is springing up like, well, kabobs over hot cakes. Or maybe it’s the Middle Eastern aromas that call to us.

Opened in Historic Roswell in late 2023, Chelo keeps many traditional Iranian elements, but covers a wider geographic swath. Tangential to the cuisine is the upbeat atmosphere both indoor and out, and the on-site management where Turkish owner, Mehmet Iyibas, stays on the floor, from table to table chatting to assure that the food is well prepared.

In Pano Karatassos’ “school of restaurant success,” things tend to go well when top brass takes a keen interest on who’s who and what’s what, making everyone feel important.

Our server was upbeat and happened to be Lebanese with some Jewish relatives as he was from Brooklyn and chatted about his Birthright trip.

We started with the requisite courtesy taftan of feta, walnuts, watercress, and radishes which lends fragrances of what’s to come. Then we ordered Cold Mezze: highly touted shareable Chelo dip ($12) with feta, labneh, green olives, garlic, jalapeno, which was tasty and not overly spicy as the “j” word might portend.

Next, the Muhammra appetizer ($14) was with a whirl of walnuts, harissa, tomato paste, panko, and pomegranate molasses-- sweet and spicy at the same time, topped with an artsy sprinkle of arils (the seed pod inside the pom). The Chelo tabbouleh was full of flavor thanks to the garden-fresh parsley as a base to the tomatoes, bulgur wheat, oil and lemon. For next time, Hot Mezze could be feta cheese rolls and Kashke Bademjan (fried eggplant, cream of whey, mint, crispy onion).

Always a table favorite is chargrilled Chilean sea bass (large portion $48) with onion, saffron, onion and citrus (with choice of polo). Perhaps the acme of the fish was the chargrilled salmon kabob ($32) -- guessing that a good deal of butter went into it. These kabob chunks are actually served log style. Next time, another option would be the whole bronzini ($36) stuffed with rosemary, thyme, garlic, citrus and olive oil.

Table dessert splits were baklava ice cream sandwich ($12) and a molten chocolate cake which perhaps was not prepared on site, as the former being the

preferred choice. Other desserts: cherry chambourg, Middle Eastern or vanilla ice creams, Kunefe (shredded phylo dough, kefir cheese, simple syrup, and pistachios.)

Get used to traditional menu terms like bargs, koobideh, sultani, and chinjeh Diners are encouraged to mix and match “polo” rice dishes, with twists and combos of fava beans, dill, saffron, scallions, fenugreek, lentils, raisins, and crispy onion. The operative word is tahdig, crispy golden crusted Persian rice which literally means “bottom of the pot” in Farsi. It’s pan-fried, fluffy and buttery on the inside coated by the golden crust often called “laced” or “layered.” Some refer

to it as ‘building a rice cake” where the steam cooks the rice and while the outside crisps and looks like it came from a mold. Most Iranians use Basmati rice. Note that “Chelo” means “plain steamed rice” in Farsi, whereas “polos” has the other ingredients folded in. “Chelo” can also mean “the two step rice preparation.” The Chelo kabob is considered to be the national dish of Iran dating back to the Qajar Dynasty.

Chelo’s letters are graphically displayed at the entrance romantically backed by framed pink roses. Chelo’s outdoor patio is an oasis with its welcoming yellow umbrellas. Inside, try to request a booth lining the sides. The hum and buzz

of happy people enjoying the time acts as a backdrop under the hanging vertical blossoms. No one seemed to care that they are plastic. Local Persian epicurean Kamy Deljou gave his stamp of approval, “I like the authenticity of Chelo’s food and the humble ambiance.”

Chelo has valet service Wednesday through Friday during dinner hours or free parking at nearby Roswell City Hall. Limited onsite parking is available. Lunch is from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dinner is from 4. to 10, Sunday through Thursday, and from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m., Friday and Saturday.

Chelo is located at 964 Alpharetta St. For more information, call 470-294-1167. ì

Owner Mehmet Iyibas cordially mingles with guests to assure well-paced service.
The baklava ice cream sandwich is a sweet place to end.
The Chargrilled Chilean Sea bass is seasoned with citrus and saffron and choice of polo.
This comfy setting is warm and inviting.

Chai Style Home

Folk(s) at the Lake

One of America’s most expert collectors and purveyors of folk art, Steve Slotin, and wife, Amy, hopped right off the “city train” to land on expansive and pristine lake property in Gainesville, Ga.

Native Atlantan Steve graduated from North Fulton High School, as his legendary father was head of athletics at the Jewish Community Center. This is all a backdrop for their bustling operation of the Slotin Auction House and Folk Art Show, dating back to 1994 in Buford where their auction hall is a converted old grocery store. Amy said, “That’s where volumes of the most important folk art are bought and sold.”

Now decades of expertise have brought an out-of-the-box and stimulating collection to the Slotin’s own 8,000-square-foot home.

Folk art is deeply rooted in culture

and tradition and often passes through generations. For Slotin, it includes handmade elements from new and used, often recycled elements, bold, graphic, and just plain joyful. Animated Steve recounts the circumstances behind each piece.

“Folk art was often overlooked and only recently has come into its own. I get calls that ‘so and so’ died and left yards of supposedly unwanted art. I’d hop on a truck and drive to Iowa and return with a fabulous collection.”

Family members often didn’t understand the art’s importance. It was common to see entire folk art environments like Floyd Graber’s giant religious hand painted signs discarded as trash.

Amy added, “These artists had little to no education and didn’t produce art to sell. They may have been more driven to preach or to decorate their own environment.”

Tour the Slotins’ colorful display of discovering and positioning “outsider” art.

Marcia: What are we seeing here?

Steve: Certainly a wide range -- walking sticks, snakes, Bible-driven preacher art, peacocks, angels, devils, eagles,

masks, African American art, some photography. Artists like Henry Bridgewater, Mary T. Smith, H.A. Brown, Jake McCord, Myrtice West, James Harold Jennings, B.F. Perkins to name a very few … our favorite collection might be the Lanier Meaders face jugs in the dining room. Lanier’s kiln was just a few miles from Camp Barney Medintz. Initially, it was Southern Folk Pottery I really fell for.

Amy: I call it “self-taught art masterpieces.” These artists had no formal education.

Marcia: How did you stumble into this?

Steve: After I graduated UGA, I sold Cliff Notes. I got fired because I was spending more time looking for art than selling. I was ahead of the curve in the early 1990s when few knew about folk art. The High Museum had no permanent collection like they do now (as does MOMA). I got in on the ground level and began educating and bringing together buyers and sellers.

Marcia: How does the auction operate?

Steve: We have two major sales an-

nually: Fall and Spring, where we include phone and online bids. This last glossy catalogue was 139 pages with almost 1,000 items-pieces from Thornton Dial to Lonnie Holley, Howard Finster, Bill Traylor (a freed slave), Clementine Hunter (African American Memory painter from the Louisiana plantation) and graphically beautiful works of Bahamian Amos Ferguson.

Marcia: How did lake house construction flow?

Steve: We wanted to be away from the bustle of the city, at the foothills of the mountains by this beautiful body of water. The property sat for five years after we tore the old structure down, before we began building. We actually hauled these huge granite pieces for the outside of the house from Elberton (granite capital of the world) and had it polished. If the block of granite has white veins, it’s not suitable for headstones, so we made a whole house out of granite that would have been thrown away -- a lot like the folk artists who create out of discarded materials.

Amy: Steve drew the whole plan out first as basically three stacked trailers.

Amy and Steve Slotin relax with Blue Tick hound Opal, who is the star of their social media. (Right) This Alaskan Inuit doll was found by the Slotins on their camping honeymoon.  // All Photos by Howard Mendel


Right: (Right of fireplace) American flag walking sticks are placed by Henry Bridgewater’s Blond using found materials like men’s socks for her tube dress.

Below: Famous folk artist/preacher Howard Finster created these angels hovering over “Red Devil,” by Jake McCord.

Left: The Slotin living room abounds with interesting alcoves and colorful folk art. The granite fireplace is recycled material from a quarry in Elberton.

Buckhead architect and family friend, Paul Muldawer, designed the front entrance. We wanted it low key. Steve’s parents gave us the mezuzah.

Marcia: Explain how the kitchen came together.

Amy: We never had a designer here. Steve would spring an idea and draw it. After the house had a basic frame, Steve built a mock “cardboard kitchen” with all of the appliances, counters, cabinets built to scale using tin foil. It didn’t last long. A huge storm rolled through and that was the end of it.

Steve: The chairs at the kitchen bar look like they are suspended from the countertop. In reality, they are cantilevered, bolted into the floor behind the cabinetry. It’s great for sweeping -- no legs on the ground. On our Alaskan honeymoon we picked up this handmade doll by Inuit artist, Ursula Paniyak, made of seal skin and dressed in a traditional outfit, from Alaska. After we got married, we set off on a four month camping honeymoon.

The long wagon train carving, “Borax 20 Mule team,” has history. Before railroads, 18 mules and two horse wagon trains traveled the Mojave Desert to mine borax. I found this in South Dakota, an artist who created meticulous farm, equipment, wagon, ranch dioramas and bought the entire collection. It fits right over our windows opening to the lake.

Marcia: How does Camp Barney Medintz fit in?

Above: Amy stands in the dining room by one of their favorite collections Lanier Meaders, Jug Pottery.


Amy: My dad, Stan Nadel, “Noodles,” came down to open Camp Barney Medintz in ’63. Steve and I met at camp at 17 and married there a decade later. I wore a traditional white gown, and Steve wore denim overalls with a sunflower boutonniere (the invitation noted it was ‘blue jean optional’).

Marcia: Last word.

Steve: I feature Opal, our Curator Dog, with her favorite art on social media. She gets the most likes of any of posts.

Amy: I call Steve “the P.T. Barnum of Folk Art” -- building the biggest events with wild interesting art and people. ì

Above: Floyd Graber decorated his yard with these giant handmade Biblical signs and filled the yard with blooming flowers. When he moved, his yard art was being discarded when Steve rescued it.

Below: The home’s exterior is made from granite that was rejected for headstones and polished for reuse. Architect Paul Muldawer sketched the entrance on a napkin.

Above: Animated Steve Slotin delights in sharing the stories behind the art. He stands by a B.F. Perkins “Peacocks.” (Right) “Hunters Shooting Crows” by Clementine Hunter, born on Hidden Hill Plantation which was the inspiration for the harsh conditions described in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”

Below: Steve designed the kitchen with a cardboard model. Note that the cantilevered chairs appear to be suspended. (Above) Steve found “Borax 20 Mule Team” that fit perfectly atop the windows.


Tarica Dreams in ‘Boho Funk’ Art

Artist Marguerite Tarica may be best known for her treatment of the female form, but she describes her genre as “inspired color and texture, patterned with a boho funk mixed with Impressionism and Expressionism.”

Growing up in Morningside, Tarica Walsh earned a BFA from SCAD (formerly Atlanta College of Art) coupled with training alongside local artist Faye Mitchell. Her artistic trajectory began at age seven when she spent hours laboring at the dining room table, sketching figures and fashions (from the feet up) from the Sears catalogue.

“I have painted and sketched ever since I can remember,” she said.

Her style has evolved over the decades. Originally, Marguerite painted women without faces. She explained, “I left out facial details because I felt the essence of a soul did not need a face to express the inner being. Some people, including a college professor at SCAD, remarked that my work reminded them of Klimt because of the patterns and colors I use. I have always been inspired by Monet’s use of light and texture.”

She uses acrylic, decoupage, pastels, paper for a dimensional effect, sometimes with beads and unique jewelry; for another medium, she brings other peoples’ photos to life.

While she still primarily features women, years ago her art could be chaotic and abstract. She stated, “These paintings reflected some serious health problems I had at the time. Some of my more ‘folky’ pieces are giant canvases painted from black and white photos of family snapshots. I used those flat black and white photos of my mother and father on their honeymoon in Daytona Beach (1956) or the standard photo of me with my older siblings, Mark and Stella, to transform the pictures into life.”

Marguerite’s sister, Stella, commented, “I believe I have a painting or drawing representing all of the stages of my sister’s inspirations. I have a couple of rather psychedelic pieces, a couple of women with faces, and a folk art style garden piece that fills a large space in my sunroom. My favorite of all may be those black and white photos brought to life.”

Tarica states that she is amazed at the emotional reactions her paintings elicit. She offered, “One painting, ‘Depression Days,’ is simply a re-imagining of a family

standing in front of their home, possibly from the ‘30s. This client took one look at it and began crying. She said it reminded her of her childhood. This reaction and others like it inspire me. Of course, I paint as an expression of my own thoughts, feelings, and emotions, too.”

Sometimes an idea for a painting originates from a nightmarish dream. About 20 years ago, she had a recurring dream that always had the same devastating ending. She felt something other-

worldly led her to her art studio where she created a piece called, “The Premonition.” She explained, “Unfortunately, the premonition came to be. Art is powerful; it is the ultimate release for me.”

Tarica’s work was selected for display at the Piedmont Park Arts Festival. She said, “Being chosen to show my work at this venue was always a feather in my cap. In the ‘80s, I would say it was a real honor to be in this venue surrounded by amazing and diverse people and their art.

Since then, I have had shows in some of the arty cafes in Norcross and Chamblee, boutiques, and the Inman Park Festival.”

Tarica can be found painting in the wee hours in her home studio by the glow of candlelight, listening to ‘90s music. She recalled, “Usually I have an idea in my head … with proportions drawn out … but I also have been known to change lanes midway through my creative expression.”  She can usually complete a piece in two days or less. ì

Tarica stays up until the wee hours by candlelight to paint.
Marguerite Tarica poses by this painting, “The Waiting,” owned by Stella and Larry Gordon.
Marguerite sometimes avoids faces to express the essence of the soul.
“The Debutante” painting resides in a collection in Stone Mountain.
Tarica uses imagery and light to create her final effect.

Bon Jovi & Paul Heller Forge New ‘Heart’ of Nashville

When famed musician Jon Bon Jovi opened a new venue, he went to the heart of the entertainment district in Nashville: Broadway Street. When esteemed Nashville designers Anderson Design Group wanted a centerpiece sculpture for their club, they came to Atlanta artist Paul Heller. This unique project is part of a trend to demolish rundown “honky tonk” clubs to rebuild as high-end establishments with large live music venues, attractive rooftops, and quality food.

The new Jon Bon Jovi (JBJ) Nashville includes a three-story atrium live music venue that is the tallest and largest along Broadway Street. At the center of the atrium hangs a seven-foot-wide iconic sculpture of JBJ’s famous “Winged Heart with Dagger,” a logo used on his tours and as the cover of his “Greatest Hits” album.

Paul Heller created this 200-pound behemoth with the help of a great Atlanta team, including Jason Webster, a talented wood artist, and innovative engineer and professional painter Jordan Scales. First, they formed the three-foot wide, twofoot-deep sculptural heart from 24 layers of progressively larger plywood using automated CNC technology.

Next, Heller mounted hundreds of mirrored red tile pieces that were applied concentrically from a heart at the center of the sculpture. Heller estimates there are more than 500 mosaic pieces, many of them custom cut to fit the curving form. Heller emphasized, “Attention to artistic detail was paramount in this piece, and this commitment is a characteristic of all my creations.”

The wings and dagger portions are crafted of wood and carved to create depth. The blood droplets at the bottom of the sword are hand blown red glass that glimmer when lit. The lower portion of the dagger is made of metal leaf to enhance an authentic sword appearance.

Once completed, the creation was carefully transported from Atlanta to Nashville and installed using a huge 40foot boom lift. “This piece will be seen and photographed by hundreds of people every day, so it had to be perfect,” stated Heller.

Nashville has been particularly welcoming to Heller and has become the largest market for his mosaic and illuminated glass art. In addition to JBJ Nashville, he has creations in two other live music venues, two hotel lobbies, and sev-

eral homes. Opening in June 2024 is The Local, a live music venue in Hendersonville, Tenn., 30 minutes outside of Nashville. Here, Heller will have three large pieces: an eight-foot Hollow Body (2X) guitar, a five-foot-wide abstracted piano form, and a four-foot diameter circular logo with the club’s name.

Paul’s art journey is evidence that it’s never too late in life to pursue a new undertaking. “I started this at 55 years old with essentially no formal art training. I took one very basic mosaic course at Spruill Center for the Arts in Dunwoody. From there, my passion, carpentry background, and creativity took over as I kept developing this unique art form. I’m a

self-taught folk artist,” he stated.

Heller’s early years included working three summers at Captain Tom’s boat rental near his family’s lake house in Wisconsin. Oddly enough, these carpentry and fiberglass skills learned from building and repairing boats and piers gave him the base skills to problem solve just about anything.

His unique art form of illuminated 3D glass art combines three very different disciplines. Carpentry is used to make 3D forms out of plexiglass, fiberglass, and wood. Glass cutting and some custom coloration techniques are used to create intricate stained-glass shapes. Electronics using LEDs create vivid and

colorful radiating light that viewers find captivating, intriguing, and beautiful.

Heller has two other local installations: Atlanta’s largest infusion center, Piedmont Cancer Institute, with a hopethemed, 9’ x 6’ mural entitled “When You Choose Hope, Anything’s Possible,” a Christopher Reeve quote. This includes two glowing butterflies flying toward a daisy and a small flower bud to symbolize hope and rebirth.

At Temple Kol Emeth, Heller has a lit glass 10-foot shofar that is a replica of the temple’s new logo celebrating its recent 40th anniversary.

For more information about Heller’s art, please visit ì

Heller’s centerpiece hanging sculpture at JBJ Nashville.
Paul Heller at JBJ Nashville in the “heart” of the Broadway Street entertainment district.
Jason Webster alongside the iconic massive piece.
This eight-foot Hollow Body guitar by Heller hangs at The Local in Hendersonville, Tenn.


‘Man in Full’ Hits Home for Atlantans

Will the real Charlie Ackerman please stand up? In 1998, author Tom Wolfe had Southern drawls awaggin’ with the publication of 742-page novel, “Man in Full,” billed as Southern fiction.

With award winning “Bonfire of the Vanities” behind him, and with his Jewish wife in tow, Wolfe stormed his way through Atlanta courting power brokers and modeling characters ranging from egotists, visionaries, politicians, and wheelers alongside a snapshot of race relations in the city labeled “too busy to hate.”

Twenty-six years later, Netflix premiered “Man in Full,” starring a crass desperate Jeff Daniels portraying Charlie “Crocker” … who is even more bizarre than the protagonist in the book. The bigger inner circle buzzing question … “Is Crocker, the real estate high roller, based on Temple Sinai and Berman Commons (and tons of others) benefactor, Charlie Ackerman?” and “Is Sam Massell the mayor?” Neither Wolfe, Ackerman, nor Massell is alive to deny; but with some snooping, the pieces don’t necessarily conform.

Netflix’s “Charlie” is unhinged as he fears forfeiting his properties back to the bank. He grabs rattlesnakes with bare hands, his language is foul, he’s dishonest and vindictive, yet he runs the show like he owns it. Inner circle friend of local Charles Ackerman, Freddie Halperin, said, “We had some wild times together buying a racehorse (winning by a nose at Kenland!), running the Peachtree Road Race then immediately heading out to the Isle of Rhodes. The problem was Charlie got in a fight with his date, and totally rerouted the yacht to arrange her ‘hasty’ exit. He could be mercurial, yes, he was a risk taker, but he was an honest businessman who traveled the world; and although properties went under, here and there, he never was desperate to the extent of Crocker in the series.”

Perhaps the real truth teller is Ackerman’s fourth wife, Joanne, to whom he was married the longest (25 years). His first wife was a Cherokee Indian and now resides in Buckhead. She recalled when Tom Wolfe came to town, wined and dined the couple as “he was fascinated by Charlie. We went to Art Basel with them. The book’s character was a collection of many men, Tom Cousins, John Portman, Herman Russell, in addition to my Charlie … even Charles Loudermilk (Aaron

Rents mogul). In the book, there’s one scene with the character looking out at the skyline, pointing and naming these various men.”

Upon Ackerman’s demise, Massell said, “As far as I’m concerned, Ackerman should be credited with creating the skyline of Buckhead.” He built Tower Place in what was at the time a residential area just a block from Peachtree and Piedmont. Similar to Crocker’s travails, Ackerman later lost the development to the bank.

Although they were divorced at the time of his death, Joanne states that she did not want the divorce and would have remained to care for him as his Parkinson’s progressed. Both strong personalities, she said, “Charlie knew he could not brow beat me. He was not vulgar like Crocker in Netflix, nor did he use foul language. I was warned when we were dating that ‘he was a snake in the grass. Oh. I could not stand Jeff Daniels’ fake accent. Nothing like Charlie.”

Labeling Ackerman as a genius, Joanne recalled that he was respected because in doing big deals, he did not take a “cut” off the top, as was/is common practice.

In this writer’s last interview with Mayor Sam Massell, when asked if he was featured in “Man in Full,” he responded “loosely.” More recently, son Steve Massell recalled, “All I know is dad did not like Tom Wolfe blowing into town all dressed up snooty and snazzy looking for material.”

Halperin said that Ackerman, during all his success here, went to Georgia State to earn a degree in anthropology. According to a reliable source, “What’s even more outrageous, Ackerman wanted to spend two months driving around India. So, he ran a countrywide ad for a female companion, got 1000 responses, and ended up selecting a local gal who was way younger. They just happened to fall in love, too. Actually, she showed up at his funeral.”

Joanne, who was 15 years Ackerman’s junior, said, “For our honeymoon, we went for three months to Africa. While climbing Mt. Kenya, Charlie left me (out of competitiveness). I got caught in a dense fog. I almost got lost but chose the correct path when put to the test. I was furious with him for putting me in danger. As his way of apologizing, he tried to buy me a 50-karat topaz gemstone, which I refused.”

But was she the blonde young Netflix wife? Joanne demurred, “Almost everyone had blonde wives.”

Ackerman died in 2017 at age 84. A native New Yorker, he picked Atlanta for its growth potential. Massell said, “I couldn’t imagine someone moving to a city, jumping into real estate without knowing the streets, restaurants or synagogues … but his decision was our good fortune.”

Netflix, “Shmetflix,” sometimes the truth is more “mercurial” than fiction, sans the vulgarity. ì

Charlie Ackerman’s former wife, Joanne, still has the original “Man in Full” inscription by Tom Wolfe.
Glowing at their wedding day, fourth wife, Joanne, shared some wild adventures with Charlie. Rabbi Phil Krantz performed the ceremony.

To try to feature as many pets as possible, there is one entry per person. If you have more than one animal, please send a photo of the animals together. And please fill out the form including all animals on one entry.

Is your pet the next cover star for the AJT’s 2024 Pet Section? Tell Jewish Atlanta about your pet and send us a photo before July 8, 5 p.m.



Jeff’s Place Cafe - 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Need a place to host your Monday-morning business meeting? Looking to meet a friend for breakfast and coffee? Craving some bagels and lox before heading into the office? Join Jeff’s Place by learning more at

86 Years after Kristallnacht, has Germany changed? - 7:30 p.m. Join Chabad Intown and Intown Jewish Academy for an inspirational evening featuring the Rebbe’s guidance for our world in 2024. To commemorate this event, we have invited Rabbi Y.M. Wagner from Krefeld, Germany, to present a lecture titled “Ready or Not - Here We Come: Jews in Germany Today.” RSVP at


Brain Health Bootcamp – 11 1 p.m. Join a fun, social class to strengthen your mind and body to stay sharp! With age serving as the greatest risk factor for cognitive impairment or memory loss, JF&CS is taking action with the Brain Health Bootcamp. The first of its kind in Atlanta, it is designed to provide memory enhancement techniques through cognitive stimulation, physical exercise, education, and socialization. Join by visiting https://bit. ly/451GNDC.


Jewish Women’s Torah and Tea - 7:45 to 8:45 p.m. Join the Jewish Women’s Circle of Decatur for a weekly discussion on the Parsha and contemporary Jewish issues. Find out more at https://


Puppet Palooza Saturday - 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Piccadilly Puppets and Stage Door Theatre have teamed up to bring five individual puppet shows to the stage. The shows are recommended for ages 3-8. Purchase tickets at https://bit. ly/3qN5ODB.

Mike and Amy Concert Under the Stars - 7 to 9:30 p.m. Come join Cantor Mike and Amy from CDT for a Concert under the Stars. Followed by Fireworks! Visit for more information.


Kabbalah and Coffee - 10 to 11 a.m. NEW SERIES: Exploring the Mysteries of Kabbalah and Life. A Weekly Study Series with Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman IN PERSON ONLY and Broadcast on YouTube. Learn more at https://bit. ly/4aXgHVd.

Kabbalah Café - 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. Fuel up your week with the transformative teachings of Kabbalah as you enjoy a gourmet hot breakfast and coffee bar. You’ll study text-based spiritual wisdom that gives you practical guidance to living a healthy and empowered life. Find out more at https://bit. ly/4b888GK.


Jeff’s Place Cafe - 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Need a place to host your Monday-morning business meeting? Looking to meet a friend for breakfast and coffee? Craving some bagels and lox before heading into the office? Join Jeff’s Place by learning more at


NCJW/ATL Supreme Court Review/ ADL Watch Party - 12 to 2 p.m. In the National Council of Jewish Women Atlanta office, Courts Matter watch party: The ADL and the Constitution Society will do a Supreme Court Review with an all-star cast featuring Dahlia Lithwick and Erwin Chemerinsky. Learn more at

Women’s Torah and Tea - 8 to 9 p.m. Weekly women’s group with Chabad of North Fulton offers in-depth and fascinating exploration of the chassidus book of Tanya. Find out more information at


Mitzvah House Torah Class – 8 to 9 p.m. Join the Mitzvah House for a weekly Torah class for men and women. Snacks for the body and soul. Find out more at


Torah Reading: Korach

Friday, July 5 Light Candles at: 8:34 PM

Saturday, July 6 Shabbat Ends: 9:35 PM

Torah Reading: Chukat

Friday, July 12 Light Candles at: 8:32 PM

Saturday, July 13 Shabbat Ends: 9:32 PM


Knit and Crochet Group - 1 to 3 p.m. Join Dor Tamid and crochet and knit beanies for premature babies from home. Learn more at https://bit. ly/3VY3R1j.

Stitch and Kvetch with Rabbi Adler - 1:30 to 3 p.m. Join Congregation Etz Chaim for a fun afternoon of schmoozing, kvetching, and fun! Bring your cross-stitch, needlepoint, and knitting for this weekly activity in Phillip’s Library. Get more information at https://


Dive Into Shabbat - 5 to 7 p.m. Celebrate Shabbat with family and friends at the MJCCA outdoor pool and splash pad. Bring your own picnic or purchase refreshments at the Snack Bar. Open swim begins at 5 pm followed by Shabbat songs and blessings with Rabbi Glusman at 6 pm. Free ice pops, challah, and grape juice are provided! Bring your friends and enjoy this unique Shabbat celebration. Find out more at


Cub Scout Pack 1818 Water Olympics - 3 to 5 p.m. Boys and Girls grades K-5 and their families are invited to a fun-filled afternoon of water game challenges! So, cool off with food, fun, and more and learn about “Scouting with a Jewish Twist.” RSVP at https://


Roasted Butternut Squash Soup with Crispy Garlic Croutons

Here’s a super-easy, delicious and healthy soup for Yom Tov or any night. Garnish with some crispy garlic croutons to take it to the next level!


Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

2 butternut squash, cut in half lengthwise and seeds removed

1 head garlic, top cut off to expose all garlic cloves

Haddar Salt, for sprinkling on garlic, plus additional to taste

3 tablespoons Tuscanini Olive Oil, plus more for roasting garlic

1 onion, chopped

1 parsnip, diced

1 sweet potato, diced

1 (32-ounce) container vegetable broth and 2-4 cups or 6-8 cups water Pereg Pepper, to taste

pinch of nutmeg (optional)

Crispy Garlic Croutons

20 cloves garlic oil

Tuscanini Sea Salt


1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Place butternut squash flesh-side down on a cookie sheet lined with Gefen Parchment Paper. Roast in preheated oven until soft, 45 minutes to one hour, depending on size of squash.

2. Meanwhile, place head of garlic in the center of a piece of foil, cut-side up. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and wrap tightly in foil. Place in a small baking pan and roast in oven for 40 minutes. When squash and garlic are ready, remove from oven and let cool for a half hour.

3. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in large pot. Add onions and sauté until translucent, about seven minutes. Add sweet potato and parsnip and sauté for another five minutes. Next, scoop out the cooled butternut squash and add to pot. Unwrap garlic and squeeze the garlic out of the peels into the pot. Add broth and/or water to the pot (amount needed depends on how thick you want soup), and season with salt and pepper (and nutmeg, if desired). Cover and bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then lower to medium-low and cook for an hour or until vegetables are soft. Blend with a hand blender until smooth.

4. Garnish with crispy garlic croutons (see below) and serve. Prepare the Crispy Garlic Croutons

1. Place about 20 garlic cloves in a ramekin. Pour in enough oil to cover them halfway. Sprinkle with sea salt and mix to coat. Roast on 375 degrees Fahrenheit until light brown in color, about 25 minutes. Remove from oven and let harden and cool before serving.

Recipe by Yitty Iwaniski

Recipe Source:

The Paper

Abe is sitting on a bench in Piedmont Park reading an antisemitic newspaper. Solomon, his best friend, walks by, sees the paper, and stops – in shock.

“What are you doing reading that paper?” he asks. “You should be reading the Jewish Times.”

Abe replies, “The Jewish Times has stories about intermarriage, antisemitism, problems in Israel – all kinds of troubles of the Jewish people. I like to read about good news. This paper says the Jews have all the money, the Jews control the banks, the Jews control the press, the Jews control Hollywood! Better to read nothing but good news!”


Hotzeplotz phase

n. A period of life when a person feels lost and aimless, often experienced by young people just out of college.

“Ever since Myron got his PhD in philosophy, he doesn’t know what to do with himself except debate the meaning of life. We hope it’s just a hotzeplotz phase.”

From the Yiddish word hotzeplotz, meaning “middle of nowhere.”

Israeli Brands

Difficulty Level: Challenging


1. Israeli brand (software) 4. Israeli brand (freelancing)

10. Israeli brand (pharmaceuticals) 14. Happening 15. “Now there’s ___!”

16. “Almighty” one, in a 2007 Steve Carell film

17. Israeli brand (confections)

19. Kind of bean or yard

20. “It’s either ___ them” 21. Some Ivy Leaguers

23. Jets are found in it, for short 26. Complete

27. Cookie selling org., originally 30. Israeli brand (software) 35. “Delay them!”

37. Fangorn Forest resident

38. Mattress material

39. Sci-fi creature, with “The” 40. Israeli brand (dairy products)

42. Israeli brand (clothing)

44. Israeli brand (skincare)

45. Verdi opera of note

46. “The Hunger Games” star’s nickname

48. Khaki shade

49. Hart or Hartenstein, e.g. 51. Israeli brand (beverages)

53. “I” problem?

54. Tie that binds, in Japan?

56. It’s mixed in Israel but not Palestine?

57. First name of a Jewish singer


whose album dominated the mid-90s

60. Talmudic Rav

64. Be an obedient dog, perhaps

67. Israeli brand (beverages)

70. “The Simpsons” character wearing a Walkman

71. Hole ___ (ideals)

72. Rend

73. Israeli brand (software)

74. Israeli brand (clothing)

75. Org. that would not enjoy this puzzle.


1. 2008 bank failure, for short

2. Lupino and Wells

3. Hugs and kisses, in a note

4. Not nearby

5. “Serpent” suffix

6. Like Wrigley’s walls

7. “Hairspray” matriarch

8. Recited easily, with “off”

9. Word before “to go”

10. Top scores, sometimes 11. Mendes or Peron

12. It’s 6 in Judaism

13. Nonspecific amount

18. Notable Bnei

22. Burns and Harris

24. Sports org. known for it’s corruption

25. Corp. treasurer, perhaps

27. AKA Israeli army radio

28. Bratislava native

29. Hudson River city

30. Do over, in Hollywood

31. Part of a baseball game

32. Some artists have one at home

33. Heavenly protectors? (for short)

34. Possible text response

36. “Frankly,” in texts

41. Wet-dry ___

43. T-shirt sizes

44. Missing from the Marines

47. Jehoshaphat’s father

50. Chamira or Mevaser

51. Joyce on “Stranger Things”

52. Rend

55. Simple

57. It’s found in some 44-Across products

58. They’re exchanged, but not usually under a chupah

59. “Good Will Hunting” director

Gus Van ___

61. Bosnian, e.g.

62. Quoted

63. Little handfuls, so to speak

64. Start of many do-it-yourself


65. TLV abbr.

66. Chaim of note?

68. Speech from the Rav or Rev.

69. Chicken General


Judith Eagle Appel 86,


Judith (Judy) Eagle Appel, 86, of Atlanta, died June 8, 2024, after a 10-year-long, valiant battle with cancer. Born and raised in Montgomery, Ala., Judy was predeceased by her twin sister, Joan Eagle Fuerst, and parents, Adolph J. Eagle and Roslyn Freehling Eagle. Judy is survived by her beloved husband of 63 years, Samuel Appel, and was a devoted mother and mother-in-law to Audrey Appel Cohen (Jack), Adam Appel (Mindy), and Andrea Appel Rapowitz (Joel). Judy was also a cherished grandmother to Aaron, Hannah, and Emily Appel, and Jake Cohen (Bailey Cohen) and Rachel Cohen-Noebes (Pierre-Joseph Nebens).

Judy’s legacy of love and compassion lives on not only in the hearts of her human family but also in the memories of the many beloved, four-legged rescues for whom she provided so lovingly. Judy’s journey led her to Atlanta, where she met and married Sam, with whom she would go on to raise three remarkable children. Prior to this chapter of her life, Judy pursued her education at the University of Alabama. Judy followed in her mother’s footsteps by opening her own interior design boutique, China Cabinet Limited. With a keen eye for elegance, Judy carefully curated a unique collection of high-end products at her store.

Judy created beautiful, delicious meals and warmly hosted our Jewish holy days and Thanksgiving. Our family will deeply miss these traditions. Judy’s spirit will endure, offering inspiration and guidance to all who were blessed to have known her. Judy Eagle Appel will be deeply missed but forever remembered with love and gratitude. May her memory be a blessing.

A graveside service was held to honor Judy’s life at Arlington Memorial Park on Sunday June 9, 2024. In lieu of flowers contributions can be made to heros-may or

Mary Hampton Goodman 64, Atlanta

Mary Hampton (Lowry) Goodman passed away on May 23, 2024. A beloved wife, mom, Mimi, and teacher, she will be fondly remembered by many whose lives she touched.

Mary is survived by her husband of 60 years, Allan Jay Goodman, their children, Ann and her husband, Jon Bignault, Neil and his wife, Amy Goodman, four granddaughters, and a great-grandson, who she loved with all her heart.

“Mary Hamp” was born on Oct. 1, 1940, in Henderson, N.C., to Gordon A. Lowry and Sara (Covington) Lowry, and grew up in South Boston, Va. Mary attended Agnes Scott College where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology.

Mary married Allan Jay Goodman of Charlotte, N.C., in 1964. They welcomed their first child, Ann, in 1965 and the couple welcomed a son, Neil, in 1968.

Mary began her career at Woodward Elementary in DeKalb County, Atlanta, Ga., teaching “English as a Second Language.” She would later teach Language Arts at Sequoyah Middle School for many years, and she earned her Master of Education from Georgia State University while teaching full-time.

After retiring, Mary’s favorite role was as Mimi to her four granddaughters, Sarah, Sophie, Emma, and Samantha, and her great-grandson, Joshua.

There will be a family celebration of life later this summer.


Rita Spiegel Marokko 99,


Rita Spiegel Marokko, 99, passed away on June 11, 2024, in Atlanta.

She is predeceased by her husband, Eugene, and sister, Teddy Haber. Survivors include her nephews, Michael Haber (Rose), Martin Haber (Wayne), great-niece, Erin Bagen (Ethan), great-nephew, Jeff Haber (Allison) and four great-great nieces.

Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Rita’s early career was in interior design and lighting. She became an elementary school teacher as a second career at Governors Island Coast Guard Station in New York harbor, taking a ferry to and from work every day. She retired to Canaan, N.Y., with her husband where they enjoyed nature and country life in contrast to years in the Big Apple.

Rita eventually moved to Atlanta to be near family and started an entirely new phase of her life. She traveled extensively with her sister. Her concern for others led her to become a child advocate for kids in the foster-care system. Her ceaseless energy and thirst for knowledge led to a wide range of pursuits such as classes, theater, lectures, and other forms of arts and learning.

Rita was a strong advocate for literacy and phonics. She taught reading to kids with a range of learning abilities. In her quest for learning and sharing, she was known for clipping articles of interest to share with family and friends.

Rita will be remembered for her independence, strength, and strong will. Everyone that knew her recognized her perseverance and pursuit of the betterment of herself and those around her.

In lieu of flowers, donations to Weinstein Hospice Atlanta and are appreciated. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care, 770-451-4999.

Obituaries in the AJT are written and paid for by the families; contact Editor and Managing Publisher Kaylene Ladinsky at or 404-883-2130, ext. 100, for details about submission, rates and payments. Death notices, which provide basic details, are free and run as space is available; send submissions to


Does Your Name Tell Your Story?

Some folks are given their names at birth and are quite comfortable with it for their entire lives. Some folks do not consider changing their name whether the name works to tell their story, whether the name feels too cumbersome, or strange to the ear. Let me give you an example or two or three of names that stop me in my tracks: Ever, Sunlight, River, Sunday, August, Spain, America, Prince, Apple, and Egypt.

In my very own family, all of whom I dearly love, cousins and sisters alike, have changed, altered, or chosen names using a totally different language, building an alternative story if you will, to identify ourselves and to tell our story.

Then there is Iris who is now referred to as Tamara (or as I insist on calling her “T” or Tamar); Carole, who became Khana, and yes of course I refer to her as Chanala -- did you expect I would leave her name without a nickname?

Regardless of what’s recorded on their birth certificates, my loved ones know who I’m talking to when I say Pookie (no rationale, I just love the word and it fit so well), Babu (great story for another missive), Mushy (no story, just a mishigas of mine), Sabu, Peninala, Enrico, Lijey (I have no story on this one either, just another mishigas), Richie Rich, Zacharia, Jacksonian, Buzhy (sorry, no excuse or story, just one of those moments of enlightenment), Jacobi, and Josepho.

Wait, there’s more. RJ, Avi, M, and Little Bear. My husband, Gene (z”l), was Geno. For years I referred to him as Schmuckler,

I am notorious for anointing folks with a nickname. Marilyn is now Maggie, and I’ve gone even further, and Maggie is Mags to me. Joyce is now Joycie to me (well, OK, the truth is I am the only one who has been calling her Joycie since she was an infant. She is all grown up now, successful and revered in her field; however, to me she is still, and I fear will always be Joycie.)

which was his last name, and is, of course, still mine. One day I heard him express he no longer wanted me to refer to him with his last name. So, I went back to the nickname I called him when we first started dating, Geno.

I, on the other hand, was blessed by my parents who anointed me with a name while still in the hospital when I was born. However, when my mother and father told the nurse what their choice of a name was, a name both my parents had agreed upon, and the name that would appear on my birth certificate, and eventually on my driver’s license, and my passport, this nurse went a bit off the rails.

“Oh my goodness, you can’t give her a name like that. It will label her for the rest of her life as a foreigner. No, you must give her an American name, one she would be proud to wear.”

If your curiosity is growing by leaps and bounds, I can explain. I would never leave my readers without an ending to the story.

The nurse was an American (my parents were European immigrants), named Sandra, or Sandy. She had the chutzpah to

suggest the name Sandra to my confused parents. I can’t imagine what they were thinking, or how heartbroken they must have been upon hearing her response. After all, as an American she must know such things. They went with her suggestion.

However, the story of my name is far from over. My parents would usually refer to me with the nickname of Shaindle. At my baby naming at our synagogue, they gave me the name they loved: Shaina Friedel (pretty and happy).

You thought the journey of my name ended in synagogue that day. No, my friends, it certainly did not end there. When I was in first grade, I fell in love with the name Faith. No, I don’t remember why. So, I added that to my name and for most of my life, I was Sandra Faith.

In 1986, my mom took sick with cancer. Before she died, she asked me to change my name back to Shaindle, mouthing the words, “You are my Shaindle.”

I honored her by legally having my name changed. When I did, I felt as if my long journey of searching and defining who I was had ended. I felt in my heart and my soul I had finally come home. ì

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