Atlanta Jewish Times, VOL. XCVI NO. 3, February 15, 2021

Page 35


How to Avoid Stress and Anxiety A year have to control. Actually, facing and dealago, few of us ing with your feelings can help you feel knew what more in control.” When you are feeling overwhelmed, was about to come our way. Dr. Garber said, “Do yourself a favor and As a result of return to the present and experience a the past year’s bite-sized break from worry. Instead of c h a l l e n g e s , repetitive negative thoughts, take refuge namely deal- in the present and enjoy the moment. ing with social Anything you do that is enjoyable can Robyn isolation and help reduce stress: savor a favorite food, Spizman Gerson d i s t a n c i n g , read a book or take a walk,” he continued. “Mindfulness takes us away from Jewish Atlantans have learned to become more emotionally resilient. To help us worries and helps to ground us. Connect with people who you continue to combat can reciprocally share stress, three Atlanta your feelings with and experts in the field lift each other up.” of human behavior David Woodsfelpulled upon scientificlow of The Woodsfelbased evidence when low Institute for Couoffering suggestions ples Therapy weighed for improving our in on chronic moodimood and outlook on ness. “Ask yourself, life. what are my feelings “COVID is multitelling me? Let yourplying the stress and self feel your feelings. anxiety all of us are Explore them. See feeling,” said Stephen where they lead. Is W. Garber, a psycholothere something you gist at the Behavioral need to understand? Or Institute of Atlanta. Stephen W. Garber of the change? Or do? Or not “Realizing that ‘under Behavioral Institute of Atlanta shares insights on mindfulness. do? Trust your feelings; stress, we all regress’ is the first step to accepting and manag- let them guide you,” he said. “Moods happens to the best of us. ing the feelings we are all dealing with. If you come from a long line of worri- It’s a good idea to share your fear, your ers, you come by worry naturally, which pain, your vulnerability. It is not such a makes things more difficult. Recognizing good idea to share your grumpiness. If this can help you put your feelings in per- your mood will bring others toward you, with compassion, share it. If your mood spective.” will push others away, Dr. Garber condon’t share it.” tinued, “Worry and Regarding pracfear have a survival tices he recommends value when you recbecoming more posiognize a problem and tive. Dr. Woodsfellow problem solve.” When suggested, “Gratitude, you worry, Garber kind words, and acts said to ask yourself, of service. Think “Am I just spinning about all the good my wheels, stuck in things in your life and my head and obsessput your appreciation ing about things or in words.” To couples, am I problem solving? he suggests, “Give Defining a problem compliments every and coming up with day. Do little things possible solutions can for each other, daily help you feel more in David Woodsfellow encourages touch each other, and control,”he said. positive ways to connect. do something nice to“Accepting the things you cannot control is difficult. gether. Every day.” Another Atlanta psychologist Beth When you try not to be anxious, you can make yourself even more anxious. It is Seidel said, “Most of the work I’m doing important to realize when you are anx- is with people who are struggling with ious, step back and accept you do not anxiety and depression. I am teaching

them how to be aware of what elevates and not what you can’t do so that you feel their anxiety and depression and better more empowered.” Dr. Seidel points to technology that manage it. Two main things I suggest can help. “I also like is deep breathing to Calm and Head Space, get their body to rewhich are two apps lax and the second is that provide all kinds self-talk, which is balof resources to help ancing your thoughts you manage anxiety because anxiety disor depression. From torts our thinking. I meditation to sleep teach them how to mediation and even insert truth and facts tracking your mood to balance the worried during the day.” or negative thinking,” On a final note, she said. Dr. Seidel offers deep “With more seribreathing methods. ous issues, it is impor“Belly breaths slow tant to focus on what down your heart rate, you do have control blood flow and relax over and what you do Psychologist Beth Seidel focuses on helping patients your muscles. Breathe not. The techniques reduce anxiety and worry. in through your nose still work either way, and out through your mouth, where you since when you are aware of your feelcannot push out any more air like you are ings, you do not feel as helpless. It’s imbreathing and blowing our birthday canportant to balance your thoughts, which dles. You want your stomach to deflate and don’t always have to be positive, but the then breathe back in through your nose and awareness can help you manage the worout through your mouth again.” ì ry better and focus on what you can do


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