Lawyers in Workers’ Comp Maximizing Your Claim

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Lawyers in Workers’ Comp: Maximizing Your Claim

Thursday, May 25, 2023.

Injuries on the job can make it difficult to file a workers’ compensation claim on your own. You may wonder how a lawyer can assist you if you have been injured while at work. An attorney can guide you through the entire claims process and even assist you in appealing a denied claim.

As you progress through the process, they'll advise you about your legal options and work hard to ensure these benefits:

• Disfigurement;

• Medical care;

• Partial wage replacement;

• Permanent disability;

• Physical impairment;

Determining Eligibility

Not all workers are eligible to file a workers' compensation claim. A knowledgeable attorney can assess your situation and determine if you meet the eligibility criteria based on state laws. This evaluation ensures that you have a valid claim and can pursue the benefits you deserve.

Some workers who aren’t eligible are:

• Agriculture workers and sellers;

• Licenses real estate agents;

• Railroad employees;

• State and federal personnel;

• Workers without set working hours (casual workers);

Collecting Evidence

Insurance companies may deny a claim by disputing the severity of your injury or attributing it to a pre-existing condition. A skilled attorney can gather relevant evidence, including expert testimonies, medical records,

accident scene footage, and co-worker statements, to build a strong case that supports your injury claims. By presenting compelling evidence, your lawyer can counter any false claims made by the insurance company.

Identifying Responsible Parties

Workplace accidents may involve third-party contractors or other entities whose negligence contributed to the incident. A workers' compensation lawyer can investigate the circumstances surrounding your accident and determine if additional parties are responsible. Holding these parties accountable can potentially lead to additional compensation through a claim or lawsuit.

Communication with the Insurance Company

Handling communications with the insurance company can be challenging, especially when they offer insufficient benefits. A workers' compensation lawyer can act as your advocate, negotiating with the insurance company to ensure you receive comprehensive benefits. Their expertise in dealing with insurers increases the likelihood of obtaining a fair settlement.

Appealing Denied Claims

If your workers' comp claim is denied, an attorney can guide you through the appeals process. They will help you file an appeal and represent you during hearings, presenting evidence and testimonies to demonstrate that your injuries are work-related. Having a lawyer by your side significantly improves your chances of reversing a denied claim.

Meeting Deadlines

Workers' compensation claims involve strict deadlines for reporting injuries and filing claims. A workers' comp lawyer ensures that all the necessary deadlines are met, preventing potential issues that could jeopardize your case. They will handle the paperwork and legal requirements, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Alleviating Stress

Dealing with a work-related injury is stressful, and navigating the workers' compensation process can be overwhelming. Hiring a lawyer eases this burden by managing your case, handling the legal aspects, and ensuring that your rights are protected. This support allows you to concentrate on your healing process.

Contingency Fee Structure

Most workers' compensation attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only receive a payment if you win your case. This arrangement alleviates financial concerns, as you won't have to worry about upfront fees or out-of-pocket expenses. You can seek legal representation without adding financial strain during an already challenging time.

Talk to an ATLINJ Georgia Lawyer

ATLINJ Georgia’s lawyers can be instrumental in successfully navigating the claims process. From determining eligibility and collecting evidence to negotiating with insurers and appealing denied claims, an experienced

attorney can maximize your benefits and provide the support you need. By alleviating the legal burden, they allow you to focus on your recovery and secure the compensation you deserve.

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