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We've always enjoyed a bowl of Mac and Cheese - regardless of the time of year; however, at this time of year - there definitely feels like there couldn't be anything better then this as tem- peratures continue to drop! In NYC, there is an undeniable cheese destina- tion known as Murray's Cheese where you can purchase a number of meats, cheeses as well as to make your favor- ite buratta, as well as ordering your favorite grilled cheese sandwiches when you're in the Greenwich Village for lunch!

Earlier this year, we noticed that next door to the Bleeker flagship sat a com- fort pop-up destination called, Mur- ray's Mac and Cheese. Although we have been on a number of occassions, it's important to know a few things be- fore making your first order as there are over 30 mix-ins that you can do to make your own Mac and Cheese or you

can select from a menu that is already curated for your savory taste buds. The Mac and Cheese fast casual restaurant starts with its signature radiator pas- ta from Brooklyn's Sfoglini as its base, which is known for their authentic pas- ta. Made with only two ingredients, this pasta is an organic durum semo- lina along with water. It's fun texture allows it to be enjoyed well with their cheesy concoctions.

From classic Mac and Cheese, comfort food favorites and gourmet creations that all use Murray's cheese - Execu- tive Chef, David Elkins (he started at Murray's in 2017 - previously he was at Per Se and NoMad Hotel) keeps it interesting. Seasonally, you'll find in- gredients that allow you to change it up a bit. We have nothing but amazing things to say about the lobster that we added into our bowls this summer! During the month of October, to raise

funds for Breast Cancer Awareness, they offered a Beet and Capri Mac and Cheese where $1 went to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Size op- tions include: Snack Mac (8 oz.), Meal Mac (12 oz.), Hungry Mac (16 oz.) and Family Mac (28 oz). Enhance your or- der by adding $5 to include a soup or a salad and a select beverage (a number of waters, cold brew coffees and selt- zers are offered).

Although we don't like choosing fa- vorites, their signature offerings of Ca- bonara (Fontina, Mozzerella, Pancetta and Peas) and French Onion (gruyere, raclette, caramelized onions, and ba- con) are on our list for an upcoming visit - we also definitely want to create our own Mac and Cheese with Black RIver Blue Cheese, English Peas, Pan- cetta and Basil Pesto!

MURRAY'S MAC AND CHEESE 250 Bleeker St NY, NY 10014



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