Guru chandal dosha Remedies

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Guru Chandal Dosha is an astrological defect that is believed to bring negative effects to one’s life.

This can be caused by the presence of two malefic planets Rahu and Ketu, in a particular house of one’s birth chart.

The effects can vary from health issues, financial problems, and all sorts of misfortunes.

Fortunately, there are certain remedies that can help to reduce the impact of Guru Chandal Dosha.

These remedies include performing certain rituals such as chanting mantras, donating to charities, and wearing certain gems and stones.

All these remedies can help to reduce the negative effects of Kundli Dosha.

If you wish to read more about Guru chandal dosha Remedies then you are advised to download Karma Astro Vinay Bajrangi App now.

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