How To Get Rid of Permanently Black Magic?

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How to Get Rid of Black Magic Permanently?

A Philosophy of Black Magic On being asked in an interview, the question, how to get rid of black magic permanently, the famous Indian mystic Sadhguru, answers that black magic is definitely a reality. For him, energy is just a force which can be deployed in both positive and negative ways.

There is nothing inherently divine or demonic about energy, and one can make anything out of it depending upon how they use it. In his opinion, black magic is something which others do as well that which we do to ourselves.

Traditional Notion of Black Magic: Commonly, black magic refers to the use of magical or supernatural powers for negative purposes. It involves elements of ritual and symbolism. Sadhguru understands these elements as theatrical.

For him, a major portion of black magic involves psychological weakening of the adversary. Ominous symbols such as lemons, skulls and blood seek to create a demoralizing atmosphere rather than having any powers in themselves as objects. These symbols seek to instill fear in people in a way that it becomes selfdestructive.

Importance of Symbols in Black Magic: Symbols work on the principle of applying one’s own psychology on themselves. However, that does not mean black magic is purely psychological, it does involve a certain science to deploy energies in a particular direction in order to cause harm.

How to Remove Black Magic Spell? Astrologer Gurudev advises building one’s spiritual strength to fortify one’s psyche against harmful influences. He calls this process “Spiritual Sadhana”. This provides adequate protection from negative energies without having to depend on counter black magic rituals and talismans.

How to get rid of it? If one is not well versed with spiritual sadhana then they can wear external protective objects like a rudraksha. He also advises going about one’s business as usual and focusing on other important things. In order to completely nullify the influences of black magic and develop spiritual sadhna, he asks people to sit in the sphere of something called the Dhyanalinga.

He describes the entrance to these spheres as containing the shrines of Vanashree and Patanjali at a fifteen-degree angle to the actual linga. This architecture is specially designed to minimize negative energies and maximize peace.

People afflicted with black magic are asked to walk through the entrance and sit at an angle of fifteen degrees with the shrine forwards or backwards depending upon the nature of their problem. This is a failsafe solution to all the demonic and

occult nature of problems and negative influences are shed in the powerful sphere of the linga.

Here, you can get the best black magic removal specialist in Toronto. Contact at +1 (647) 853-1233.

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