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THE PHENOMENON THAT IS DIZZY!! T h a t ever p o t e n t i a l o m e l e t t e Dizzy is a n e g g s t r a o r d i n a r y l i t t l e f e l l o w , isn't he? C r e a t e d by t h e now ' f a m o u s ' Oliver T w i n s he's w o n t h e h e a r t of a r o u n d a m i l l i o n g a m e s p l a y e r s , p u t t i n g his p o p u l a r i t y up a m o n g t h e Robocop s t a k e s . Now t h e T w i n s h a v e f i n i s h e d Dizzy's t h i r d e p i c , R i c h a r d Eddy begins to w o n d e r w h e t h e r t h e n a t i o n isn't going c o m p l e t e l y potty!


he Oliver Twins (Philip and Andrew) are renowned for being loud, enthusiastic and quite pleasantly dotty, so there's no point talking to them unless you've psyched yourself up for it. Right. Here goes. Hello? HELLO!' bawls an Oliver Twin down the CRASH blower. It's Philip! Hello!! Sorry, it's only me!! You've only got one twin to speak to!! Andrew's really ill!!' (a

noise of coughing, spluttering and general illness comes from the background). Right then. Hello Philip. So, tell me. has the nation really gone Dizzy dotty? Oh yes! Completely! Hundreds of thousands of people are playing the Dizzy games. He's probably the most popular character ever created on computer. He's better than any licensed character

y'know!' Really? Oh yeah! Y'know we had a game called Fast Food which was released not long after Dizzy II, well that had a guest appearance' by Dizzy and it really made the game. It sold even more than the original Dizzy did. He's great!" Good grief! Is there any way to save the nation's sanity? 'Well, it's a bit late now, isn't it? But, did you know that Dizzy nearly never

happened?' Gosh! Pray, tell. Before Dizzy we were mairy producing action games, y'kiow — all the simulator types. Aid then we did this game callei Robin Hood (fun platform ja«) which was followed up by Qosf Hunters. They were quite different. The main charades in both games were men, but ye were fed up of drawing and animating people, so i tried


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