
Page 81

mask n Action prfcKed A d v e n t u r e of t h e h e r o i c M.i'.k team In more danger filled mission* aoainst the e v i l f o r c e s o f Venom. Man and machine I n v a l i a n t defence of the world a n d I t ' s treasures. A n exhilarating challongo to all gamers whatever their Interests.



From the Instant the starter shouts "Gentlemen start your pedals" to the l a s t Oi uplllng moments, you'll bÂŤ b a n g i n g tw.wi-, w i r h Ave of the meanest t o u g h e s t tilkora. to nvcr pomp pedals And i f t h a t ' s not enough the course is something special too:- Potholes. Manholov. Cakeholes, Acahotos. Bolder* Skunks. Snakes. Chasms. Oii slicks. Icepatches. Bridges, Bear B traps and much more. So cilmb aboard your Veto Mark IV and set o f f i n pursuit of that coveted Yellow Jersey a n d experience t h e agony and ecstasy of International ^ H H ^ P ^ B ^ M i cycling a Âť I t really W ... ^ C\-

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