2 minute read

Unleashing Creativity: Your OSHC in

Nurturing Children’s Mental Wellbeing

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the awareness of fostering creativity in children can sometimes take a backseat. With busy schedules and the timetables of the traditional classroom, the creative development of young minds can be easily overlooked. However, through our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) programs, we not only recognise the significance of creativity but actively foster it, providing a haven where children can flourish mentally, emotionally and socially.

Creativity is more than just having fun with some art materials, it is a dynamic force that stimulates various facets of children’s cognitive, emotional, and social development. For example, engaging in creative activities such as painting, storytelling or drama allows children to express themselves, and is a powerful tool for problem-solving, critical thinking, and self-expression.

We work hard on fostering a healthy holistic approach to children’s development in our care, whether it’s through movement, games, sports or other experiences. We are constantly striving to provide the ideal setting to nurture children and their creativity to recognise and express who we are and what we stand for. So how exactly are we doing it?

powerful emotion that imbued the works was at times very moving. I could clearly see this was a great emotional outlet for the children”. Big Art 2024 returns with the addition of Big Art Fridays, where every Friday in After School Care will focus on various art and creative experiences for the children, and Big Art days during each Rocketeers school holiday program.

In addition to the everyday access to art and creative activities, Camp Australia has introduced our Big Art Comp, which is a celebration of children’s artworks that have been created during Your OSHC and Rocketeers. Proving a huge success since its launch, the 2023 edition of the Big Art Comp was judged by Kerry Evitts, a Melbourne-based artist, and resulted in receiving over 1,700 entries from across the country along with a large prize pool being awarded to the top finalists.

Evitts, who also has a history of working in mental health commented, “It was an honour to view all of the artworks the children had created and the

We encourage the collaborative nature of these creative activities to promote social development and serve as an outlet for children to express their emotions and individuality. Through our OSHC programs, we are also providing a sanctuary where children can explore their creative potential without time constraints or the fear or making a mistake or mess, which in turn, will form a supportive and inclusive community to foster positive relationships and trust amongst children.

About Camp Australia

Australia’s largest provider of Outside School Hours Care (OSHC), Camp Australia has a mission of Guiding Children’s Growth through enriching experiences that go beyond just care. Partnering with over 500 schools nationwide, Camp Australia provides Your OSHC (Before and After School Care), as well as Rocketeers (Vacation Care) programs for children aged 5-12, alongside the best educators who help to develop children’s confidence, curiosity and resilience through unique experiences that help them to learn and grow through the power of purposeful play.
