Samedaypapers review- Is it scam???

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Overall      1/5 Quality Price Support Delivery

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1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5

Top Reviewed Websites Overview

Reviews (1) 217 Reviews Last reviewed 22 Jun, 2020

About Website:

Headquarter: USA

Pricing: NA

Establish: 2016

Size: NA

Serving Country: 1 121 Reviews Last reviewed 20 Jun, 2020

Payment Option: PayPal, MasterCard, Visa

Refund: Yes

Discount: Yes

Rework: Yes

Refund Policy: Yes

Services: Dissertation and essay

18 Reviews Last reviewed 08 Apr, 2020

Recent Articles We are going to put a complete review on covering the following aspects: Table of Content i. Quality of Assignment

iv. Delivery

ii. Price Structure

v. Customer Support

iii. Offers & Discounts

vi. Revision & Refund Policy, the US-based online academic help platform promises to provide the students with a plethora of benefits to curb all their academic issues. It claims itself to be an advanced and highly efficient virtual platform, coupled with features like unmatched paper quality, secured payment methods, timely assignment submission, and many such. Upon opening the website, a user will visualize blowing their own horn saying topnotch, original papers and professional academic assistance online are available with them. A visually appealing website in every manner, has put glimpses of student reviews, quick order placing tab, their process to work on the assignment orders, and the range of benefits on the homepage. To check if all that said is being done by the website, we took an online tour across reviewing platforms.

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Recent Articles

Quality of Assignment say that they offer high quality, and original paper writing services, coupled with thorough checking and proofreading services. Right when you click-open the website, the attribute of quality assignment providing facility be a focus for the eyes. This is not all; guarantees like plagiarism-free guarantee, professional writers working to ensure quality and immediate support are brought into consideration to prove the legitimacy of the assignment they create for students.

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However, the following screenshot from a reputed website stands tall to prove that all claims by

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Recent Articles After researching a bit across the internet, we would say to the students asking ‘is safe to buy or worth buying,’ try and avoid this website. As we have found out, it's not a highly efficient virtual platform to seek academic assistance. Though the company provides a wide variety of writing services, the prices of do not match quality. The example that we have given above, and the others we have found on the internet, the website is definitely not a place to spend hard-earned money.

Price Structure

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The information found on the website of about their price structure is not much: apart from the fact that they have secured payment gateways like Visa, MasterCard, and

The Coronavirus outbreak or COVID-19 pandemic has

PayPal. And that without pre-payment, students can enjoy the process of quality assignment support and pay once they have watched the actual progress and are satisfied. Once the customer

are being harmed, education happens to be...

approves an order, he can pay for it. Moreover, in the process of selecting the writer, checking samples, are also there. Promises like secure and convenient methods of payments, and complete data safety can be found on the homepage too. However, if you are here to get answers for questions like ‘How much does cost,’ or ‘if is really budget-friendly prices’, check the screenshot below:

brought the world to a standstill. Of all the sectors that

Source: This is what we have found and feel the same about Apart from a couple of affirmative reviews, we failed to find out something that can strongly support the promises made by the website. So if you are concerned and want to know ‘is a good brand’ or ‘can student relies on price list’- our answer is no. with high prices and not-so-promising assignment quality, is not a reliable source to seek assistance.

Offers & Discounts does not have any established price-chart for the students to find it beforehand that how much an assignment would cost to them. Moreover, there is huge price discrimination between a high school and a graduate-level assignment. Needless to say, not a single declaration of discount, offers, bonuses and freebies on the site is available. While the testimonials published on the homepage claims that the first-time users have enjoyed coupon codes and special pricing, we found nothing there. If you are someone who has questions like ‘Is offer discounts and deals?’, or ‘Is offer discounts real’, we are sorry to break the bubble. We never found the slightest hint of the website offering discounts and offers on the total assignment rates. We have pasted a screenshot from a trusted website above for you to decipher the disparity among claims and the actual scenario. Our findings are that makes fraudulent promises and that students should stay away from the website and go for some other trusted sources to seek academic support.


Is service delivery deadline is good? We had to put some good hours in use to find out the answer. Well, there’s not much claimed about the delivery process of assignments by the website itself. But keeping their brand-name in mind, we hoped that we would be able to receive good reviews about the website. We hoped that students who have hired writers from the website must have received their assignments on time, as the name of the website simply claims to deliver complete papers on the same day. But to our surprise, the screenshot says it all about what we have found-


Is illegal? Is the delivery of the services by writers scam? We don’t want to sound harsh, but yes, there’s no point to relying on the website. It is a scam site which is unable to deliver the complete assignment to their clients’ right within the deadline.

Customer Support We found no particular process of customer support benefits that adheres to. There is a brief description that the customer support benefits are available 24*7, and the promises of executives being available round the clock, a phone number, and a tab for live chat option. But surprisingly, when we tried to find is the customer support helpful enough, we could not connect.

Source: It turns out; it’s not only us who cannot find anything reliable on the website of The screenshot above shows that is not a legal option to seek assignment help. So if you ask we have any complaint about customer support, yes, a lot. Despite our repeated calls and emails, no one cared to answer.

Revision & Refund Policy There was not a single word invested on the website to address the issue of refund and revision policy that adheres to. if you ask us is there any possibility of a refund from the website, we would say ‘no.’ Reason? Look it yourself-

Source: Is can refund your money without hassle? We are afraid, but it's no. The service provider might be a legit one, and there might be some students who were benefitted from the website, but we do not recommend their services. Our study about the website has flagged only warning signs.

Conclusion So, we agree that is not able to provide high-quality service or deliver a unique assignment within the deadline to their clients. The customer support services are not at all

available round the clock, and there remains nothing like refund policy. Though there are a number of claims and promises on the website, in actual nothing seemed to be working for real time clients. In a scale of 1 to 5, we would like to give only 1.5-star rating.

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Samedaypapers is an untrustworthy service  Reviewed By Karina Ortiz on 14 May, 2020

I got an assignment full of errors and wrong information. All this after I gave them all the instructions and told them all about the references. The writer himself said he would take care of it. Samedaypapers is an untrustworthy and disappointing service.

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