The Cheat Detector – How to catch a cheat!

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The Cheat Detector – How to catch a cheat! Unfortunately, most days of the week we have some of our most experienced private investigators out on the ground, catching cheating partners with their ‘little bit on the side’. We hate to say it, but we find that most of the time when there is suspicion and reason to think that an affair is happening, it usually is. Always trust your gut. Occasionally you can be wrong, but that’s a good thing, right? Here is an insight to the main things you need to look out for: 1 - Mobile Phones When someone changes their behaviour and becomes more secretive than usual with their phone, it’s no surprise that alarm bells should be ringing. 1. Have you noticed that they have started to put their phone on silent, or do not disturb? 2. Have they stopped allowing you to use their phone, or look at it without them peering over your shoulder? 3. Do they leave the room to take calls? 2 - Appearance When your partner has met someone new, they may not even realise it themselves, but they will probably be making subtle changes to their behaviour and appearance in order to impress their new love interest, right under your nose.

1. Have you noticed that your partner has started dressing differently? 2. Have they bought new clothes, statement pieces perhaps?



3 - Schedule (Theirs & Yours) As you can imagine, when there is someone new on the scene, someone who is cheating will be trying to find ways to squeeze their new lover into their routine. Things to look out for: 1. Longer working hours/working away. 2. Excuses – Have you noticed that there is always ‘something’ happening that means your partner isn’t around when they should be. 4 - Hobbies & Interests Things to look out for:

1. Has your partner suddenly decided to go to a gym or get into shape? 2. Have they joined a new club? 3. Have they become interested in something that they had never mentioned before or even showed any interest in? Just a few reasons to be cautious and vigilant when you’ve got a gut feeling that your partner is cheating. One thing to take note of is, when you start to speak to your partner about their new hobbies, do they become dismissive or vague when you decide to talk about it? This may be a way of them hiding what they get up to and trying to not speak about it so that they don’t slip up and accidentally get caught out. 5 - Sex A change in sex and intimacy can be an indicator that your partner is cheating. Dry-spells aren’t unheard of and happen in most relationships at one point or another. However, it can work both ways, so it can be a little confusing. 1. If your partner suddenly starts to show you an overload of attention (love-bombs) this could be to try and show you how much you mean to them, how attracted they are to you and to try and mask any doubt you may have that they are getting their needs satisfied elsewhere, as they are getting what they need at home. Smoke and mirrors. 2. Alternatively, if sex diminishes or becomes completely nonexistent it can be a sign that your partner is no longer

interested in intimacy at home and they are fulfilling their desires with someone else. 3. It could even be the fact that the amount of sex has stayed the same, but things just feel ‘different’. Only you will know what feels right and wrong. 6 - Money Transparency, for many this is a key factor in a relationship. It shows honesty and trust. So, when your partner becomes discreet around money, there is usually a reason for it. It could be innocent and they could be planning a big surprise. But we have found that this is not always the case. Some of the signs: 1. Have you noticed unusual transactions coming out of your partners bank account? 2. Do they seem to have less money than you would expect? Unexpected financial struggles? 3. Has your partner stopped saving or planning for bigger things? Such as holidays, buying a house, a new car etc. Let’s be realistic, building a relationship with someone new costs money. Date nights, meals, drinks, hotels, travel are all areas where your partner may be spending their cash. Look out for receipts, bank statements, even post in the mail as this can all be evidence of infidelity. 7 - Communication

As with all sorts of relationships, whether business, friendships, or love, communication is key and it is one of the first things that breaks down when things just aren’t right. This can happen in many ways: 1. Is your partner no longer willing to engage in conversation? 2. Do they show disinterest when you tell them about your day? 3. Do they change subject of the conversation? 4. It’s widely known that around 70% of communication is expressed through body language. If you notice your partner’s has changed, it can be a sign that there is trouble in paradise. If this blog about how to spot a cheating partner resonates with you and you feel you need to find answers, get in touch today to see how we can help 01217518292 or 07794050470.

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