ASPM April 2010

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!"#$%&'(%)(*&#"%+%,-"./%0121% By the time you read this Easter Day may have passed. But it’s still appropriate to wish you “Happy Easter” because Easter is a season not just a day – sometimes called the “Alleluia!” season; a time of year when praise, and thanksgiving to God for new life, are the themes. It feels like a good moment to round up and celebrate so many examples of new life flourishing in our parish right now. Now We Are Six! The Cornerstone will be six years old at the end of this month. It continues to fulfil the vision we set for it and is maintained to a high standard. This month Doug Colwill retires from his role as leader of the Management Team which he has done since year one. I’d like to express immense thanks and appreciation to Doug from myself and everyone in the church community and the whole parish for the wisdom, skill and care with which Doug has nurtured and guided The Cornerstone through its vital infant years. Thank you Doug – and now may you have the opportunity to enjoy The Cornerstone as an “ordinary” parishioner. Taking over from Doug as Management team leader I’m delighted to say is Robert Newman who will take up the role fully from mid-summer. Growing church This Easter Day we will have admitted 9 children into their First Holy Communion and also Kate and Rhys Williams will have been baptised. Congratulations to all! Next month, a confirmation service is planned for Thursday 13th May, which is Ascension Day, when the Bishop of Reading will join us and we expect three adult candidates from All Saints to be confirmed. We also look forward very much to a joyful and exciting moment at the end of June when the Revd Helen Charlton, currently a deacon, will be ordained to the priesthood by the Bishop of Reading in Reading Minster. Congratulations also to John Boylan, one of our two


Authorised Lay Preachers, who has fulfilled all the requirements of his training to be authorised to preach in public worship. He may now be reauthorised for a further 5 years subject to PCC agreement (which has not met at the time of writing this) which I’ve no doubt will have agreed by the time you read this. Welcome to Revd Caroline Kramer and family Following a patient wait until the Diocese found her a house after she was appointed last November The Revd Caroline Kramer is to join us as full-time Associate Priest at the end of this month. This will complete the planned changes to roles in our clergy team whereby Michael Johnson works full-time across the town in Fresh Expressions, principally on the StageFright project , and Caroline will be involved in some key areas of ministry in our parish which are so in need of additional leadership input and development. We look forward very much to welcoming Caroline, her husband Kris, and their four children Living Faith for the Future This is the name of the Oxford Diocesan Vision which is helping all parishes, including ours, really to keep focus on our priorities as a church to live and share the love of God with our local community. Our church group leaders met last month in one of our regular Leadership Forums. We shared an exciting morning planning for new ways to nurture the spiritual life of our community and individuals. There was a urgent sense at the meeting of the need to work hard to welcome and provide for people for whom our current events and activities are not suitable. There is a strong and encouraging desire in our church to widen access and opportunity for more of our neighbours to enjoy a growing awareness of God’s love in everyday life. Watch this space for more news of these developments and a chance for you to get involved in fresh initiatives. Happy Easter! !"#$%&'(%)*(+


We believe in life before death

Christian Aid Week 2010 ! 9-15 May For info – Valerie Kemp (0118 978 2586)



Please leave items for publication in the Magazine tray in the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contributions can be typed, handwritten, or e-mailed. All Saints PCC Wokingham, is a Registered Charity, Nbr. 1127585


Andrew McKenna (977 3812) Email:


Sheila Longley

(978 4193)


Andrew McKenna (977 3812)


Sheila Longley & team

(978 4193)






!"#$%&'()*'+,,-.#$/' Rector Associate Priest Designate Honorary Asst. Curate Honorary Asst. Curate Community Priest Church Wardens

Parish Office

The Revd. Canon David Hodgson The Revd. Caroline Kramer The Revd. Colin James The Revd. Helen Charlton The Revd Michael Johnson Jo Robinson John Smith Margaret Raggett Jo Asplin

Children and Youth Safeguarding Co-ordinator and Children’s Advocate Margaret Raggett Crêche Leader Rachel Garlish Junior Church Co-ordinator Harriet Swinyard Youth Church Co-ordinator (Acting) Revd Michael Johnson Friday Night Youth Drop-In (FDI) Co-ordinator Lorraine Hodgson Worship and Music Director of Music (inc. Choir) David Rance Music Group Leader Gail Houghton Head Server Chris Gilham Deputy Head Server Ruth Smith Bible Readers’ rota Joyce Baldry Tower Foreman John Harrison Flower Guild Chairman Pam Gilbey Worship Rota and Prayer Lists Co-ordinator Revd Colin James Lay Co-Chair of Worship & Music Development Liz Rippon

979 2999 (TBA) 978 1515 978 9153 979 0098 978 9730 979 0948 962 9378 979 2797

962 9378 978 2602 979 0098 979 2999 947 6734 979 2797 978 3948 978 7065 978 8506 978 5520 978 5694 978 1515 979 2797

Parochial Church Council Vacant can you be of help? John Smith 979 0948 Stephen Smith 979 4407 John Alp 979 2797 Margaret Hawkins 962 9792 Dickon Snell 978 1044 Stewardship Co-ordinator Jo Robinson 978 9730 Gift Aid Co-ordinator Peter Whittaker 978 6225 PCC Secretary Deputy PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Deputy PCC Treasurer PCC Treasurer’s Team


!"#$%&'()*'+,,-.#$/' Stewardship Recorder Electoral Roll Officer Leadership Forum Convenor

Jim Creech Joyce Baldry Barbara Smith

377 4194 978 8506 979 4407

Pastoral Care contacts Home Communion Barbara Smith Healing Prayer Group Jack Hayley Pastoral Care contact Jo Robinson Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals Parish Office

979 4407 979 2797 978 9730 979 2797

Churchyard Steward

John Smith

979 0948

Clergy days off:

David Caroline Colin Michael

Thursday (TBA) Thurs/Friday Saturday

The Parish Office (0118 979 2797), in the Cornerstone, can be contacted about church related issues (Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals). It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.15 am to 1.00 pm and for urgent matters or by telephone on Monday and Thursday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. e-mail: Postal address: All Saints website: The Parish Office, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE

The Cornerstone : For room bookings and general enquiries please phone 0118 979 7778. Administrator Monica Martin is in the office: Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday 12.15-4.30pm, Wednesday 2-5.30pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail:


01$/2-3'(4'5""'6(-)4/' Services at All Saints' Church embrace a wide range of formats. An outline is given below but for details and information about occasional services, see the weekly leaflet.

Sunday Services 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m.

11.15 am. 11.15am

Holy Communion. A said service with a brief address using the traditional language version of the Common Worship Order One Eucharist Parish Communion. The service is sung, with hymns, and follows Common Worship Order One Eucharist. Children are catered for in the Crèche and Junior Church. The last Sunday in the month is Parish Communion for the Whole Church and often includes Parade, children are present throughout, and contribute to the worship. Prayer for Healing with Laying on of Hands is offered regularly at certain Parish Communion services (see diary). Coffee is served after the service and this is the weekly 'social gathering' of the Congregation. Please come and meet us there if you are a visitor to the church or would like to get to know us better.

(1st Sunday) No Service (2nd Sunday) Holy Communion. A said service using the Book of Common Prayer.


(3rd Sunday) No Service Occasionally Baptisms will take place during this time


(Some 4th Sundays) Matins using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a sermon.

6.30 pm.

(1st - 3rd Sundays) Evensong using the Book of Common Prayer with sermon. Choral Evensong is sung usually on the first Sunday of each month (An alternative form of worship on 4th & 5th Sundays ; and Services of Healing)


Weekday Services Morning and Evening Prayer are said, using Common Worship Daily Prayer, at 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day from Monday to Saturday. All may, and are encouraged, to attend. These services may be led by a Priest or members of the Laity.

Holy Communion is celebrated as follows: Monday Tuesday

9.30 am. 9.30 am.

Wednesday 10.00 am.


(Common Worship Order One) (Common Worship Order One with short address, followed by coffee) (Simple form of Common Worship Order One and short address (particularly for parents and child minders of babies and pre-school children)

in various Residential Homes

Major festivals are also marked by additional celebrations of Holy Communion. Please see the Parish Diary elsewhere in the magazine, or for whole year’s dates, see leaflet “Days to Remember at All Saints”. '

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Home Communion: If anyone knows of a housebound parishioner, either temporarily or long term, who would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office (979 2797).

Confirmation, Welcome or Growth Groups: Anyone interested in confirmation, a refresher course, or learning about the Christian faith is invited to join one of the Eureka! groups or a confirmation course - contact Barbara Smith on 979 4407.

Baptisms: are usually conducted at a special afternoon service on the last Sunday of each month; or occasionally in Sunday morning services if requested. Baptisms can be booked via the Parish Office (979 2797).

Wedding Bookings: Clergy are available in the Cornerstone on Monday from 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm and on Saturday from 10.30 am - 11.30 am on an appointment basis. Please book via the Parish Office on 979 2797

Transportation: Pat Forsyth (979 7023) or Sue Farrington (978 2371).



Flower Guild Often as Easter approaches we are worrying whether the spring flowers and blossoms will be past their best and not available for us to use in church. This year is quite the reverse. In the hedgerows a few of the hazel catkins, have still not opened and the black thorn is showing no sign of life. Quite strangely it seems that the pussy willow is becoming impatient and can’t wait to come into bloom. If the same applies to our gardens we will have a very short spring with all the bulbs and blossoms flowering at once – what a picture they will be. The next Guild Meeting will be in the Cornerstone at 8pm on Tuesday April 13th. I hope those of you who cannot manage Wednesdays or Thursdays will take this opportunity to come along. We will be using tulips or cala lilies to make an arrangement where the flower stems will be manipulated and either held in place by twigs or their container. Tulips and to a certain extent calas all move as they absorb water, this type of arrangement should mean that the flowers will stay where you position them. If you choose tulips you should purchase them on the previous weekend so that the stems have time to lengthen. You may need to leave cala lilies out of water for a short while before the meeting to allow the stems to soften slightly. A round fish bowl style vase can be used if you would like to make your arrangement right inside a vase, otherwise bring bare branches and what ever style of container you like. The arrangement can be either vertical or horizontal – I will put pictures of example arrangements on the flower guild cupboard in the vestry. If in doubt about what to bring do please phone one of us. Pam Gilbey April 18th 25th

Flowers in church during April Mrs S Newman Mrs S James Mrs L Barrell Mrs T Freeston


For information contact: Pam Gilbey (978 5694) or Margaret Whitaker (978 2307)






! In April, we will be exploring the concept of ‘home’ in our monthly meeting. This is based on a Mothers’ Union resource and will be led by Valerie Flook. The deanery has decided to hold a quiet day on Thursday 29th April at Arborfield. The leader will be Hazel Berry. The day will start at 10 for 10.30 am and should finish between 2.30 and 3pm. It is helpful if you would let Valerie know if you wish to attend so Arborfield know approximate numbers. Tea or coffee will be provided but you will need to bring a packed lunch. The diocesan retreat in May will be held at Parmoor, Henley this year and will be led by Rev. Joan Impey. The retreat is structured so it is possible to attend for a single day or for the full three days. Bookings can be made through the diocesan office in Oxford. We look forward to welcoming Martin Haslam as our speaker in May. Martin will talk about his trip to Siberia. Visitors are always very welcome at our meetings and anyone who is interested in hearing this talk is warmly invited to attend. The Mothers Union has many resources available. These include prayers, study material, resources for baptism and bereavement and a wide selection of greetings cards. Branch member Valerie Flook is the diocesan MU Enterprises representative and she is able to obtain a wide range of resources and gifts. A small selection is available to purchase in the Cornerstone after the 9.30am service on the last Sunday of the month and orders can be taken. Topical prayers are always available on the Mothers Union website. At the time of writing, there is a prayer for Haiti and prayers for Lent and Eastertide. (cont.)


More information on The Mothers Union’s work worldwide can be found on the website Alternatively, !"#$%&&'()& you can call Valerie (978 7363) or Mary (978 2678) for more information on more local matters or for a lift to *(+)& meetings.



Tues 13 Apr

9.30am 8.15pm

Thur 29th April

10.30am Quiet Day – Arborfield Church Hall.

4th – 6th May Tues 11th May

Corporate Communion Branch Meeting – ‘Concept of Home’.

Diocesan Retreat at Parmoor. 9.30am 8.15pm

Corporate Communion Branch meeting – Talk on Siberia.

MARK TIME 25 April is St Mark’s Day. Can you identify various “marks” from the Bible and famous people called Mark? (answers pg.26) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Writer of “Tom Sawyer” and “Huckleberry Finn” God put a mark on him so no one who found him would kill him Rapper “Marky Mark” and actor(“Boogie Nights” , “The Departed”) Which prophet tells of a man commanded by God to mark the foreheads of all in Jerusalem who hate the bad things done there? Former Welsh international footballer and manager, nickname ”Sparky” Where did followers of The Beast in Revelation wear his mark? (2 possible answers) Lead guitarist in Dire Straits and an OBE English film critic in, “The Observer” and on TV’s “Culture Show In Arthurian legend, King Mark was King of which part of Britain? Sculptor whose, “Ecce Homo” was on show in Trafalgar Square


Rev. FE Robinson commemorated This year is the centenary of a great Victorian ringer who died on 16th February 1910 and was buried at All Saints three days later on 19th. Francis Edward Robinson was born in Begbroke, Oxfordshire on 6th January 1833, and grew up in Stonesfield. His father was a clergyman, but Francis Edward didn’t go into the Church until his mid thirties. Prior to that he worked at the Old Bank in Oxford. For the major part of his ministry – some thirty years – he was Vicar of Drayton, Berkshire (now Oxfordshire). He moved to Wokingham in 1908 after serious illness persuaded him to retire, but he made a remarkable recovery and became as active as ever. He learnt change ringing after a visit to Appleton in 1859, where he was taught by Alfred White (of Whites of Appleton Bellhangers, who rehung our bells in 2004). He went on to become one of the most prolific ringers of his day. He rang in many record length peals, some taking 8 or 9 hours, and he became the first person ever to ring 1000 peals, which he achieved on 9th August 1905. He wasn’t just a practical ringer, he was also a reformer and organiser. When a Diocesan Guild of Bellringers was proposed by Rev. Dolben Paul (one of the ringing clerics who had founded the Sonning Deanery Society of Change Ringers the previous year) it was FE Robinson who rose to the challenge by presenting to its inaugural meeting in 1881 a ready made plan for how it should operate, with himself as a key player. He became the Guild’s first Master, a post that he held until his death in 1910. Although he achieved his fame before coming to Wokingham, we feel a special attachment to him. His grave has been kept tidy by a ringer for the last 25 years, and key anniversaries have been marked by special ringing here. There was a peal on the day of his funeral, recorded by a peal board in the tower. There was another peal in February 1990, 80 years after he died, and a quarter peal (after an unsuccessful peal attempt) in August 2005, on day of the centenary of his 1000th peal. This year there was a peal on the centenary of his death, and a quarter peal a



few days later (after another unsuccessful peal attempt). There is more information about FE Robinson, on the tower website: John Harrison

All Saints Church Social Committee WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT THE EASTER BREAKFAST (see pg. 34) CELLOPHANE WRAPPERS. Thank you very much for the terrific response. Please continue to bring wrappers (not plastic) on the first Sunday in the month and give to Su McArthur at 8.00am service and any committee member at 9.30am. PLASTIC POTS. Again thank you all very much for the response. We now have enough and do not need anymore. THE CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY TABLE. The table will be in the Cornerstone following the 9.30am service on Sunday 9th May – see you again in the autumn. Contacts for Social Committee Mavis Mason 9792940 and Diana Clifford 9792614 but during the month of June please contact Mavis only.


A CAN'T - MISS EVENT ! Maundy Thursday 1030am At last we can reveal an astonishing secret that emerged during the work two years ago to create the Gathering Space - the existence of an ancient underground cavern beneath that part of the churchyard. We had to keep quiet about it at the time to protect it, but now the contents have been classified and catalogued and can be revealed. It's an amazing collection of historic artefacts. They range from the sizeable to the minute. At the larger end of the spectrum there's a Church of England formulary, which was a large bench intended for a bishop and several of his entourage to occupy. There's also an intricately-carved stone soderer - in olden times this would have been hidden from public view on the back of the picture behind the altar. Our experts discovered a tiny but charming set of dice, believed to have been smuggled into church by junior choir members of old for entertainment during boring sermons. And there's a small green bottle of acolyte, which was very effective for getting candle wax off carpets, although too dangerous for modern-day use. Early in the nineteenth century, one of our Rector's predecessors went on a pilgrimage to St David's in Pembrokeshire and, as was the custom, he wrote up his trip in an exquisitely illustrated journal. This triptych, as it was known, is still in remarkably good condition. And tucked inside there's a visiting card, badly affected by damp, bearing the name and coat of arms of Sir Ebrill Ffole who hosted him there. Have you ever wondered why our tower has only two clock faces? Well the other pair of faces are here, badly damaged. It seems that the workmen 250 years ago clumsily broke two of them so didn't bother to put them in place. What a shame. And here's a real surprise. Carefully preserved in this vault on parchment are the deeds clearly proving that All Saints owns what is now the traffic island at the top of Station Road, between the council offices and the Hope & Anchor pub. We hope to get PCC and diocesan permission to


sell this land so as to squeeze a house onto it. The proceeds would be used to re-roof the church. These are just examples of the wealth of interest. Once this vault had been discovered it soon became apparent that access was really by means of a long-ignored hatch in the boiler room, down the outside steps behind the vestries. This has all been tidied up, made safe and made secure. So the way is now clear for you to come and see for yourself this wonderful collection of thirty nine historic articles. Simply turn up on Maundy Thursday at 10:30am and prepare to be amazed. Stephen Smith

Afternoon Tea & Entertainment Of song, dance and a sing a long May 9th 2010 at The Cornerstone 3-4.30 pm Are you over 60? Then this is for you. Do join us and bring a friend. Lifts can be arranged We look forward to seeing you RSVP by May 2nd Margaret tel 9629378 Diana tel. 9792614 Mavis tel 9792940


7($-/2'8-($&'53$-"'9:;:' Thursday

Monday to Saturday

Maundy Thursday

1 7.45pm

Sung Eucharist


Good Friday 9.00am





Gathering in Cornstone for service to send cross to the Marketplace







Holy Communion


Tu 08.15 pm Serendipity


Holy Communion




Communion for the Whole Church


Th 08.00 pm Julian Group


**No Service




Choral Eucharist




Easter 2




Holy Communion




Parish Communion




BCP Eucharist




Evensong (Said)






Easter 3




Holy Communion



Parish Communion (Laying on Hands)


Tu 08.15 pm Serendipity We All Saints Fellowship


**No Service


Th Healing Prayer Group


Evensong (Said)




Sa Mo


Easter 4



Holy Communion




Communion for the Whole Church




**No Service



3 + 4.30pm Holy Baptism






Evening Prayer



<=/-.'>-/4'53$-"'9:;:' Thursday

Maundy Thursday - 1st April



Eucharist and Washing of Feet: Archer - People's Setting



Wash me throughly - S S Wesley Nolo mortem peccatoris - Morley


Good Friday - 2nd April


Solemn Liturgy




Hymns Music

The Reproaches - Victoria


Easter Day - 4th April


Eucharist: Peruvian Gloria - Kemp


Archer - St Mark's Setting Hymns



An Easter Carol - German, arr. Praetorius

Final Voluntary

Fugue in G minor "The Great" (BWV 542) - J S Bach


Evening Choral Eucharist


Missa Brevis - Andrea Gabrieli


Hymns Music

An Easter Carol - German, arr. Praetorius

Final Voluntary

Fiat Lux - ThĂŠodore Dubois


Easter 2 - Low Sunday - 11th April



** No Choir **


Hymns Final Voluntary



Said Evensong with Piano


<=/-.'>-/4'53$-"'9:;:' Sunday

Easter 3 - 18th April



Eucharist (Healing): Archer - St Mark's Setting


Hymns Music

I was glad when they said unto me - William Boyce

Final Voluntary

Introduction-Chorale and Menuet Gothique - Leon Boëllman


Said Evensong with Piano


Easter 4 - 25th April


Whole Church Communion



Hymns Music

The Lord is my shepherd - Howard Goodall

Final Voluntary

Prelude to a Te Deum - Charpentier


Evening Prayer


Easter 5 - 2nd May


Eucharist: Archer - St Mark's Setting



Hymns Music

If ye love me - Tallis

Final Voluntary

March in G - Smart


Choral Evensong


If ye love me - Tallis






Stanford in C


Hymns Music

Up, up, my heart - Crüger

Final Voluntary

Pæan (Five short pieces) - Percy Whitlock




THE GREATEST ACT OF HEALING Having come through the season of Lent, a period during which we reassess our relationship with God, and recall how we have succeeded or failed in our service to our Lord and Master in our daily life, we now celebrate the glorious season of Easter We have probably in our reading of the scriptures, been reminded of our Lord’s ministry of teaching, of healing and of his example of how to live a life on earth without sin. We may also have read how his disciples and followers, whilst strong in their belief in Jesus as their Saviour, who would free them from the oppressive regime of the Roman occupation, heard him speak of his imminent departure from this life – “A little while, and you will no longer see me, and again a little while, and you will see me” (John. 16, 16). I am sure that we would have been equally mystified by these words. So imagine their feelings of despair and disbelief when his life lived with love and compassion, with his miracles of healing and his example of a life perfectly lived, should all come to an end with his ignominious death on the cross as a criminal among criminals! There was also the added fear that as his followers they might suffer a similar fate. So in spite of the fact that Jesus had told them that these events would happen, they were in astonishment and disbelief when they heard that Jesus had risen from his tomb. Even after several appearances to them following his resurrection they found it difficult to comprehend what was happening. When Jesus met with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, Jesus found it necessary to remind them of what the scriptures had said about the prophesies of Isaiah and other prophets, and his own



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warnings to the disciples that these things would have to happen in order to fulfil his ministry. We are told that Jesus was persuaded to stay the night with the two disciples and that during supper he took bread and blessed it and gave it to them. It was then that they realised that it was truly the risen Jesus that they had been with. He then disappeared from them and Luke records them as saying “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening up the scriptures to us?” (Luke. 24,32) Luke records that they then met up with the eleven disciples telling them of their experience with Jesus. At this time Jesus appeared to them all, and in their fear and disbelief they thought they were seeing a ghost. To convince them that they were not seeing a ghost he showed them his hands and his feet. Luke records their reaction in his words, “While in their joy they were disbelieving and still wondering, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate in their presence.” (Luke. 24, 41-43) Jesus then went on to explain the scriptures as he had done to the two disciples and concluded by telling them to stay in Jerusalem and await his sending to them the promised power of the Holy Spirit. This we now know came to them in the startling events of the Day of Pentecost. All was then made clear to them and they were filled with the power and strength to start their commission of spreading the good news of the Gospel. Such was the birth of Christianity in the world and the establishment of Christ’s Church which has survived through many trials and torments for the past two millennia, continuing Christ’s ministry of love, forgiveness, compassion, healing of body mind and spirit and a holy and righteous relationship with God our Father and Creator. Imagine what might have happened if the events of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection had not happened. Jesus would have been recorded in history as a remarkable teacher and prophet, and our inheritance of the Christian Church would never have happened.


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0118 978 7879 Berkshire Counselling Centre The Cornerstone Norreys Avenue Wokingham RG40 1UE Email Website


I therefore believe that Christ’s crucifixion was the greatest act of healing ever! “…by his wounds we are healed”. (Isaiah.53,5) Jack Hayley Members of the Group are Gill Allen, Maggie Bateman, Jack Hayley Mary Hughes, Anne Penn, Joan Thomason, Joan Watts and Karen Wellman. Please let us know of any need for healing prayer support. Confidentiality is assured. The Laying on of Hands will be made available at the Parish Communion on Sunday 18th April. The next Healing Service will held on Sunday 30th May at 6.30pm. .

MARK TIME QUIZ ANSWERS (from pg 11) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Mark Twain Cain (Genesis 4,15) Mark Wahlberg Ezekiel Mark Hughes On the forehead or the hand (Revelation 14,9) 7. Mark Knopfler 8. Mark Kermode 9. Cornwall 10.Mark Wallinger





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All Saints’ Fellowship

Welcome to Fellowship’s new program with meetings in the Cornerstone De Vitre Room on the third Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm for 7.55pm. Everybody is very welcome and the cost to visitors is £1.50. Wed.21st April ARMCHAIR EXERCISES – get fit for spring with Mrs. Jill Hibbitt. It will be really lovely having Jill back again after her remarkable recovery from a fractured hip last year. A lovely lady, full of life and an inspiration to all of us. Jill always donates her fee to the Arthritis Association having suffered with severe arthritis herself for many years – can’t wait to see you again Jill!

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Wed.19th May. FLORAL DESIGNING – WHAT’S THE END RESULT? Mrs. Kate Thomas Wed.16th June PUPPY WALKING – GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND Mrs. Heather Rees Wed.21st July


Contact for Fellowship is Diana Clifford 979 2614.


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?$1@'1=$'$#(*#$/AAA' I was excited by David’s letter in the March magazine regarding maximising the potential for flexibility of space in All Saints Church. I have long been an advocate of removing pews in churches after experiencing several years of worship in the Russian Orthodox Church in Ennismore Gardens in Kensington. There, people gather for the Liturgy and stand throughout their worship which continues often for two hours or more. Chairs are scattered about the periphery of the interior and are used by those who are unable to stand for any length of time. I found that children standing with their parents were less likely to feel hemmed in and felt able to move about more easily without their parents feeling they had to “rein” them in or feel over-conscious of others around them. With the emphasis on liturgy and mystery, of silences, candles, icons and incense etc, I found an air of holiness and sanctity exuding throughout the church and the worship, and the lack of pews was positively enhancing and freeing. I read David’s letter following a particularly well attended parish Eucharist when I needed to search for a pew space in both north and south aisles. I am not always comfortable asking people to “move along” bearing in mind that some will be expecting their children to join them later and others are saving a place for sides-people, etc. Once people are in their pew it can give the impression to others that it is now their “space” for the duration of the service, although I have no doubt this is certainly not what is intended by the incumbents of the pew who clearly got there earlier than me! I accept this discomfort is my “problem” and not theirs! The removal of pews would free up space for people to gather for worship. It would allow more “psychological space” around people and



allow for more flexible arrangements for alternative forms of worship and expressions of the human spirit such as dance; music; art; etc. I, for one, would commend All Saints community to consider the removal of pews throughout the church-and the earlier the better! David Chapman

EUSTACE CRESCENT COMMUNITY FLAT Each Tuesday term time afternoon a Mother & Toddler group called 'Sunbeams' is held at the flat and ran by Chris Pape from the Baptist Church with a Christian theme. For a couple of Tuesdays each term another person is needed on the rota to help with children's play, chatting to the mums, making tea etc. It is a small friendly group and you need to be C.R.B. checked, be at the flat from about 1.40pm to 3.30pm and then enjoy! For information and a chat about it please contact Diana Clifford 9792614.

STREET WALKERS Do you think this is something with which you could help in the community? It involves being known to and talking with young people in our streets. C.R.B. checked is required. For an informal talk and information please contact Chris Pape at the Baptist church - telephone 9792614 for her number.



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STEPHEN SPACKMAN 17 Telford Crescent, Woodley Reading, RG5 4QT Tel: 0118 969 5325 Mob: 0778 673 791


ARE YOU THE MISSING PERSON? If you are a caring person and would like to help those in the community who are less fortunate than ourselves, and enjoy a good social life as well, why not come along to one of Wokingham Lions Club’s meetings to find out more about us and what we do? We are well known for organising the Wokingham May Fayre – but due to this, and other successful events, we need more members to follow our international motto – “We Serve”. We meet at the Committee Room, Wokingham Town Hall on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. for 8:00. Or contact Wokingham Lions Club on 0845 833 7384 for further details.



EASTER BREAKFAST SUNDAY 4th APRIL 7:15 am approx. In the Cornerstone following the 6.00am service Tickets £2.50 each for full or vegetarian £1.25 each for continental Available at Sunday 8.00am service from Su McArthur Sunday 9.30am from committee member Money with booking please and the last date for booking is TUESDAY 30th MARCH Contact Mavis Mason 9792940 Diana Clifford 9792614 WE WANT TO WELCOME LOTS OF PEOPLE SO DO COME!




Baptisms 14 Feb. 28 Feb.

Burials 23 Feb.

Alexander Thomas John de la Pascua Cameron Matthew Kelloway Lucy Rose Florence Watts Hannah Charlotte Frame

Ernest Henry Marshall

Age 84

Burial of Ashes 15 Feb. Bessy Covell Armitage 16 Feb. Leslie Arthur Webb 28 Feb. Charles John Porter

Age 90 Age 72 Age 87

At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 1 March Doreen Florence Roberts 1 March David Wallace Finnie 2 March Edward Nathan Harris 10 March June Hosegood 17 March Albert Kennett

Age 93 Age 86 Age 89 Age 79 Age 96

Number of Sundays Sundays Week days


5 945 180



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