Aspire January 2021

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! A fourteen year old writer's thoughts on statelessness.

WELCOMING 2021 WITH CREATIVITY AND SCIENCE! Research paper on logistic differential equations.



Zakopene, Poland

Here’s to a year where we don’t judge anyone, support our loved ones, accept people’s choices, prioritize our mental health, and appreciate the little things in life. This Year, let’s be amazed by the beautiful amalgamation of red and yellow hues of the sunset, every single evening. Gaze with wonder-filled eyes at birds nibbling on cereal, as if all of their moves astonished us like a child. Let our pinkish noses, frozen in the cold make us ecstatic, because of how wonderful life is. It is time to now live by, “How rare and beautiful it is to even existence. “- Sleeping At Last (Saturn) Human existence is an inexplicable yet spectacular phenomenon, and we need to devour everything that makes it baffling yet pleasant. Wishing all of our readers a very Happy New Year. Aspire is nothing without its readers. Saba Shahid (Editor in Chief, Aspire Magazine)

About the Cover

Warsaw, Poland

This picture was taken by Zara Grace at the National Memorial Arboretum, alrewas, UK

Zakopene, Poland

These beautiful pictures are taken by our young photographer Alessandra Jabłonowska in her native country Poland.

About Us

Saba Shahid Co-founder

Anubhooti Jain Co-founder



Working as a young researcher at the New York Academy of Sciences. A science student of 11th Grade. Has been conferred with the Junior Editor National Award for newspaper creation. Udaipur, Rajasthan India

A student of humanities in the 11th grade.. She's highly passionate about English and has been conferred with a state-level award in the International English Olympiad. She has experience with blog writing and works as an editor for a blog. Udaipur, Rajasthan India

Salma Mohammed Ibrahim Nalkhande Head Of Design


A student in year 11. Highly passionate about UX/UI design, graphic designing, and creating illustrations. Working as a design team member in several STEM, SDGs, and social initiative organizations. Soon to be attending Middlesex University to pursue a UK based degree in bachelor's of graphic designing

Dubai, UAE



A note for the new year from the editor in chief. O U R


Article by Julina Savela



Featuring Stanford Student Shaurya


A fourteen year old's article on an important social issue M E N T A L




By Mohd Farhaan





An article on the beautiful city of lakes; Udaipur. A R T



Masterpieces by young students



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W E L C O M E 2 0 2 1


Our planet, adorned with beautiful sights, such as high mountains, long rivers, and blue oceans, will not live forever. There are numerous ways in which the earth can pass away, or in which human life on earth can easily get exterminated, and it’s only a miracle that we’re still living on to this day. For example, an enormous asteroid, so big that it would leave and our entire Earth in a devastating condition where no life would be able to survive, can knock into our atmosphere - similar to when dinosaurs were exterminated due to the meteorite impact that occurred 65 million years ago. Or, a volcanic eruption, that spits out so much ash that the sun wouldn’t be able to get into our atmosphere and cause a new ice age to begin, can occur. And, in about 6 billion years, even the Sun will die. But even before that, it will expand into a red supergiant star so big that it’ll swallow Mercury, Jupiter, and perhaps even the Earth. Our planet will not live forever. We are not even sure if the universe will live forever.



However, a devastating meteorite impact or volcanic eruption will not happen in hundreds or thousands of years and by then we will hopefully have the technology to prevent this. And the other events will not happen in millions or billions of years. This means we’ve got a long time of potential life on Earth - meaningful intelligent life that can observe and enjoy the beauty of our extraordinary planet in this magnificent universe. Sadly, we are only speeding up the time for destruction. In only less than ten up to a hundred years, our entire human civilization could possibly get eradicated due to a global pandemic, nuclear war, or evil artificial intelligence. Furthermore, we only have 7 years left until the tipping point; a point when there will be no regrets to turn back the time and save our planet from climate change. We can't let millions and billions of years of potential life shrink down to a century, or perhaps to only a few decades.

Because these are not mere predictions like the Armageddon or fictional stories like the terminator. Climate change is real. And nuclear wars or evil artificial intelligence, are not improbable happenings. It’s all real. And it’s all possible. Still, we don’t put near enough resources to prevent these occasions. Instead, the most popular political questions are about taxes, the military, or other unimportant questions in comparison to what we are about to face. Mostly this is not due to people having no knowledge of these crises, but because they choose to ignore the problems. As, although several data charts and scientific information prove the existence of, for example, climate change, people continue to undermine the arguments.

It’s true that you cannot argue with people who are burying their heads in the sand and won’t act for a better world, for a better future. However, there are some people we need to convince - for survival. First above, we need to convince our politicians, as they are the ones who make the laws, and the rules and they are the ones able to change the mind and behavior of their citizens. They are the ones who can make real change. Second above, we need our children to be part of this fight. Our children are the future; full of hope, faith, and great visions of a better world and a better future. Even the smallest soul can stride for humanity. However, as a lonely man, you cannot do much. We are all in this together, and so, we need to fight together. Therefore, we also need the older generation to act.

TO CONCLUDE So my dream today is that we all take action regardless of age, position, or other beliefs. And my dream today is that politicians, and other rule-makers, start caring about the climate and start considering the negative consequences due to modern technology, as possibilities of nuclear wars, evil artificial intelligence, or anything alike so that we can prevent these events. Because if we don’t, human life on earth won’t be able to survive for much more than perhaps a hundred


years - and that would totally destroy my dream and vision of this earth being the home for my children, for my grandchildren, and for great-grandchildren and for millions of generations after that. In fact, they wouldn’t have any home at all. Life wouldn’t survive. And isn’t it just life that gives meaning and significance to the universe - and not the other way around? In my eyes, without life, space is nothing but a big mathematical structure without any purpose

whatsoever. So please, let us not waste those millions and billions of years of possible human life on Earth just for nothing. Let us all work together to shape a slightly better world and a slightly better future. And let us all take care of Earth, our one and only planet, to shape a sustainable planet also for future generations. Let us all fight together. For the sake of the future of our home, our planet Earth.



Divyanshi Rakhecha, 16 Udaipur, India

We all know that nature is our ultimate solution and also we cannot deny the fact that she is most beautiful at places where she is untouched and undisturbed. All would probably agree with me that " she is miss universe " with snowflake studded snow crown on cool winter breeze as her hair, with summer elegant body covered with orange autumn leaves, with this greenery as her smile, with these bird's song as her voice, with petrichor as her fragrance, with water as the shine of her eyes, with this land as her bosom protecting every one of us. She is beautiful anywhere. But Let's muster up the courage and knock on the door of truth. The truth that she is no more beautiful everywhere. Her body is no more elegant and is transformed into stone with a zillion of bruises. Her eyes have dried up, her lips are not green, and no more hair of cool breeze. Oh!! How sad?! Are you able to see her snow crown, her pride melting with the warmth we created for her? No matter if our eyes have not yet turned into NILE if your heart has not sunk into your boots, if your legs are not trembling and if your soul is not dying yet. Wait!! We are actually leaving one truth. You want to explore it, so let's grab our kerchiefs because we may cry. That ... That she is not that old magnanimous altruist lady anymore. She has now turned into a cruel felon misanthrope with floods, droughts, scarcity as her weapons. Look!! Her aura, the ozone is depleting. Oh!!! CFC can we stop you!? Her eyes have now turned into DARVAZA GAS CRATER: the gate to hell. Do you know about it or have you ever seen it?? Oh !! Hey, the irony!!! Here comes the lie. =No, it's scary. Actually, it's not scary, it's the reality that we are afraid of. Afraid of losing our kiths and kins, afraid of losing our pleasures and treasures. Aren't we ?? Actually right now we are like those little ants moving slightly in that line passing the gate to hell. And look!! One drop of tear after encountering all this. Let me ask you one question - Have you ever been brutally beaten up and suffered atrocities? Yes yes, you are right, we did it. Yes, I'm also not just blaming myself or just you. We all did it. It's not her fault, it's our harsh truth. I do not know how to end this. It's like an ocean and we also haven't stopped yet. Have we? I CAN STILL SEE THE SMOKE AND FEEL THE WARM OF HER BURNING SOUL. LET'S DO HER JUSTICE AND BRING OUR MOTHER BACK BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE BEFORE THE REALITY HITS US AND SAY - HEY! YOU ARE AN ORPHAN NOW!!..


The scars left behind The society apprises you to hide your scars, But these barbs are the actual bars. What to conceal, from whom to conceal, Why are these scars intended to be healed? In life, there are some we trust blindly, But these scars are the only one that remind me. They find me, Through everything, they guide me. I never want them to heal, As what it defines is the real me.

Ananya Chauhan, 16, Udaipur, India

One man alone A beach full of corpses, Spouses crying in woe. And there is this man, Standing all alone. All his relatives came from afar, Just to make a huge spoil of war. He kills an army, to settle his debt. He killed all those men, to earn a house and a bed. There he lies in his bed, Thinking of his home. Will he die just a little more?

Nuh Chakkiwala, 14, Udaipur, India



Beneath an endless horizon filled with all kinds of fantasies, all kinds of dreams, all kinds of suspended imperfect rocks you call stars, and a moon that longs to talk to me. I sit in a tiny house that stands at a silent corner of a narrow street, in a small town with millions of sad souls walking through it. I sit with a diary covered in mud, a pen slipping through my wet hands. I continuously make efforts to find a dry page to fill it with all the rage that is building inside me bit by bit. I turn the pages subconsciously, my mind stopped at the street. The wet street, the pothole that appeared out of nowhere, my brown diary that slipped into it, from my wet hands, the rain soaking every emotion of mine, my clothes dripping wet with each water droplet sliding past my broken umbrella and onto my clothes. My thoughts circle back to my hands that by now are making efforts to wipe off the neverending stream of tears mixed with rain. The light passing through the sad mixture, forming a rainbow at the tip of my pen.


The rage that up till now was blocking my thoughts, turned into something poetic, my thoughts flew away as if they never existed. I tore away the pages that till now were my greatest possession. I was left with nothing but loose off white pages exuding water on the wooden floor. I let go of the captivated emotions inside me..and with a flood, they came and turned my life upside down..they ripped off every band-aid I had put on to mend my broken heart. The band-aids came off and once and for all... I took that pen and broke it into pieces as I cried to my very soul. Three of my possessions lay broken in that room.....the pen, my heart, diary.

Maitreyi Sharma, 16 Udaipur, India


The Clock Struck 12 The clock struck 12, welcoming a new year and a new beginning. Laying in my bed that January night, replying to every “Happy New Year� message, I was prepared to fulfill all my new-year resolutions and check as many things off my bucket list as I can. Or, at least, I thought I was prepared. That day, the world woke up unaware of the year that will lie ahead. As unaware as a newborn is, about the journey of life. Everyone had their plans, their dreams, and their aspirations. So did I. But little did we know that none of it would take the aspired route. In the first month, news about a certain disease came floating about. Escalating fears in other parts of the world, this disease was so much as a social issue rather than a personal concern. By February, it had set foot in more countries, bringing with it an unanticipated change in the way of living. However, that was just the calm before the storm. With the onset of March came unforeseen and scary news about a huge rise in the number of positive cases. This was the start of the uncertainty that still pertains today. Reality sat in as schools were called off here. Offices were shut. Public places were declared offlimits. Life being forced to a halt. Everyone thought or rather wished that this fog that has clouded our lives will soon clear out to give way to a normal, better life. However, as I said, nothing took the aspired route. The Janta Curfew soon turned into Lockdown and the lockdown has now turned into a lifestyle.


April and May were 90 days of adjustments, changes, ambivalence, loneliness and hopelessness. Virtual life had started to spread its roots into our lifestyle and since then, there has been no stopping. June saw a slight adaptation to this abnormal lifestyle but by July the longing for it to be all over started to take shape. By September, we started to hunt for joy in all the little things and for a ray of hope in any and everything possible. Music usually cleared my head. Temporarily, that is. In the last quarter of the year, we all wished that somehow God puts a full stop to this seemingly never ending sentence. October and November honestly brought nothing new to our lives. Now, stepping into the last leg of this rollercoaster year, I realize that life can’t always be hunky dory. God takes tests, and maybe 2020 was one of them. A test, which can only be aced by one with a healthy mind and a positive outlook on life. A test, in which it’s the survival of the fittest, quite literally that is. Thus in December, our only saving grace is the tiny spark of hope in our hearts still wishing that 2021 will come along like a sunny morning after the dark of night. Shining light, clearing the fog, bringing warmth to our lives and taking away all the problems. A ray of sunshine that leads our way to a healthy and safe life wherein we are free to step out of our houses without constant fright.

manveen Kaur, 14 Delhi, India


Shaurya Sinha

(Stanford Class of 2025) If you’re someone who has done myriads of research related to the American college application process, then you certainly know who Shaurya Sinha is. He has been our savior, and for the “30% gang” (his Indian viewers) he has been nothing less than a messiah. Be it middle schoolers, or twelfth graders, his videos have been of help to all of us. People who have been longing to go study abroad in a good university, have been rescued by Mr. Sinha through his educational videos on YouTube. He has been kind enough to provide all of us with free resources and has made applying abroad for higher education doable. His complete honesty, his eloquence, and his charm along with all of his accomplishments make him a wonderful individual.


Eighteen-year-old Shaurya’s journey is one of the most inspiring ones. He is the founder of an organization called SpectraVerse, which works towards bringing differently-abled candidates meaningful employment for financial stability and human dignity. Through SpectraVerse he has successfully employed 62 differently-abled candidates, working with over 24 companies in the food and beverage, Hospitality, IT/ITeS, and Retail industries. He is the recipient of The Pradhan Mantri Bal Shakti Puruskar (National Child Award for the year 2020) and has tons of remarkable achievements which include, being a student at the Yale young global scholars, being a delegate at the Sakura Science plan, and many more. He also runs a course titled Sleep-deprived dreamers to assist young students in their college applications. Check out the link below http://www.sleepdepriveddreamers. com/



AVANI SOOD, 14, Bangalore, India Fourteen year old Avani on statelessness. Where are you right now? At home, sitting on the couch, maybe at your desk. At school. At a job. In a mall. At a grocery store. You probably won’t have a fear of being arrested. You’re innocent. You abide by the law. You have a good family. You live in a country, with an army at its borders, protecting you. You’re a citizen.

In international law, a stateless person is someone who is "not considered as a national by any state under the operation of its law". Some stateless people are also refugees. However, not all refugees are stateless, and many people who are stateless have never crossed an international border.

Now, out of all of these, let me take out just one factor. Just one. The one you probably didn’t even notice. Citizenship. How hard could it be, you’d think. No birth certificate, or basically, no proof of your existence. No education. You can’t see a doctor. You can’t open a bank account, can’t get married.


No job. Not even the dignity of an official burial and a death certificate at your demise. By just taking out that one in factor, you go from having everything, to basically nothing. That’s how 13 million people live, each day. This is known as Statelessness. Basically, a person is regarded as Stateless, when they’re not recognized officially by any state. It is often considered as an invisible problem since the ones facing it are “invisible”. They remain unseen, unheard. This can be caused due to various reasons. Some may be born stateless, while others can lose their nationality. One of the causes may be loopholes in the existing nationality laws. These loopholes are caused due to various reasons. It could be discrimination, conflicts, gaps in State succession, etc. The majority of stateless people were born in the countries in which they have lived their entire lives. Many states do not allow mothers to confer their nationality to their children, on an equal basis as fathers. This can result in children being left stateless when fathers are unknown, missing or deceased. Gender discrimination is a major cause of statelessness.


Statelessness means a waste, of individual potential, of human capital, and of development opportunities. It can stagger the development of a country. Stateless people are especially vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking. There may be many crimes committed against them, or by them. Since most are unemployed, they may resort to alcohol, drugs, etc. due to the trauma. They may resort to crime, since the situation has a huge psychological impact on them, and, perhaps for some sort of income. So, statelessness in a country can have massive impacts on the crime rate. Luckily, people are already working towards this. On 4 November 2014, UNHCR launched the #IBelong Campaign to End Statelessness by 2024. To achieve the goals of the #IBelong Campaign, the Global Action Plan to End Statelessness: 2014 – 2024 establishes a guiding framework comprising 10 Actions to be undertaken by States, with the support of UNHCR and other stakeholders. As a student, I call you, to help end statelessness. To be a humanitarian. To bring peace.


We have won over many challenges in the past, giving our best to overpower them in the present and no doubt, we will keep it up in the future as well. But what if something extraordinary happens tomorrow? What about having an experience never known before? Maybe a chat with the extra-terrestrial it can be. This topic may not be of your interest or is not so important as compared to climate challenges and Artificial intelligence, but we have come across many incidents and proofs which compel us to broaden our thinking and mentality. On July 8th, 1947, the Roswell Daily Record announced the capture of a flying saucer in Mexico. People made all sorts of conspiracies but still till date it is known as the most mysterious incident that ever happened.



M A G G 0

17, NEW DELHI, INDIA Will you be able to believe that in this vast 6,648 billion sq. km Universe, life established only on Earth? Was our Universe really created from the Bing Bang Theory or did it originate from a cosmic egg? Yes, you read it correctly, symbols of eggs have been found in different parts of the world including Portugal, Greece, Africa, Egypt, and even on Easter Island, which dated back to 3500BC. There are chances of this egg being the symbol of birth or rebirth. In the religious texts of Sanskrit, a word called brahmana has been used to describe the universe. This word is made by joining two words, which are ‘Brahma’ and ‘Anda’. In Indian mythology ‘Brahma’ means the god who created the universe and ‘Anda’ means an egg.


Even in Greek mythology, the term ‘Orphic egg’ is used to describe the same, which was dropped by Zeus to originate Earth. Now I’ll throw a question at you if these egg symbols found all over the Earth were made around 35oo BC, then how do you think the ancient people knew that humans were born from eggs? The night of Nov 5th, 1975 lead to the best-known UFO alien abduction case in the history. Travis Walton was abducted by Extraterrestrials and returned after a day of the five-day search. The incident had five witnesses, but still, it has not been proved right or wrong till date. The question here is not to prove such stories and incidents wrong instead the question is, are we ready to accept being from another planet or galaxies, who would have been developed much more than us in the field of technology?




Nazifa Islam, 16 London, UK

“Being a good doctor means being incredibly compulsive. It has nothing to do with flights of intuition or brilliant diagnoses or even saving lives. It's dealing with a lot of people with chronic diseases that you can’t cure, you can only help.

Medical training demands that doctors master at least the basics of a host of scientific disciplines—anatomy, pharmacology, molecular biology, computer science, epidemiology, nutrition and diet, psychology, etc.

Add a subheadYou can make a difference in their lives, but you do that mostly by drudgery—day after day, paying attention to details, seeing patient after patient and complaint after complaint, and being responsive on the phone when you don't feel like being responsive.” (John Pekkanen in MD—Doctors Talk About Themselves)

The guilt is poured on as articles appear almost every day in literature, lamenting how little doctors know about some important issue or another—doctors miss depression, don't ask about sexual behaviors, misunderstand familial abuse, don't know enough about subcultural beliefs, haven't been brought up to date on the functioning of any given system, have not read up on drug interactions, ignore patients' spiritual needs.

We are trying to make doctors too good today, and that is the problem.


Doctors reel under the

The best way to produce a

breadth of expertise they

good (sympathetic and

are supposed to master. As

humane) doctor is to force

society becomes

student doctors to become

increasingly medicalized, and social problems that used to be the jurisdiction of law or religion fall under the rubric of medical care, doctors are expected to understand more as they heal our social and our physical failings.

patients. They should have tubes of blood drawn over a few days by poor phlebotomists, have a nasogastric tube inserted, undergo a thorough sigmoidoscopy, and even be made to spend a night confined to a hospital bed, plugged into an intravenous

Doctors simply cannot

drip, and then be subjected to

assimilate so much

harried and uncaring staff

information. In truth, any

while bedridden. This

doctor must, of course, be

trenchant exercise will

technically proficient and know the craft of medicine. However, the good doctor must be able to understand patients in enough breadth to call on others - nurses, social workers, insurance specialists, whatever

produce far more empathetic doctors than lectures on sensitivity and humanism by some academic ethics professor - purely because living through something is vastly different from having it presented to you on a screen.

necessary—to help restore the patient’s health.


gives back to those who commit to the endeavor of understanding all the intricacies thereof – being able to study medicine would mean networking with like-minded individuals who possess resilience and grit. Some of the qualities that a good doctor should possess are


Medicine is the field that

measurable, others are not but one thing everyone in the medical field can agree on is that the opportunities that come hand in hand with medicine are immense in volume and invaluable in character and so, only those that are most dedicated to the profession succeed.


AI usually works around the use of algorithms or an instructed set of functionalities that a machine performs by analyzing the given complications to achieve maximum success with minimal human input. AI is developing constantly to learn from data and automatically enhance its problem-solving skills continuously. It is capable of predicting the most complex of the future outcomes by analyzing a given set of previous upshots (complications)

Aryan Singh, 16, Gurgaon, India

Artificial Intelligence, as the name suggests deals with the programming of artificial beings i.e machines in such a way that they can solve real-life problems by thinking like human beings, therefore ‘Artificial Intelligence‘ to produce agreeable results collectively.


What Is Artificial Intelligence?



Do we need AI?

Uses Of Artificial Intelligence

Perhaps the answer is yes, we do need AI. Not because it looks fancier to get our work done by a half living being without its own brain who’ll work on our command but because these beings can carry out our work with much higher preciseness than we can do ourselves. Another reason why we need AI is that the algorithms that are designed specifically for these machines allow them to quickly identify mistakes, self-correct, and learn at a faster pace than humans can do. AI engages in analyzing the given stumbling block and experiments within itself by hit and trial and observes all the outcomes of different possible solutions and then presents the best solution of all observed to us. Therefore the need for artificial intelligence is here and very much real.

Now that you’re convinced (hopefully) we need artificial intelligence, you’d be curious to know how are we optimizing AI to our benefit. Well, here are some examples of artificial intelligence implemented in the real world: Research Purposes In Universities –USC has launched The Center Of AI in Society with their stated primary goal to ” develop, test, iterate, and demonstrate how AI can be used to tackle the most. difficult societal problems…. ” –Stanford Researchers are utilizing AI to analyze satellite images and identify areas where people dwell in high poverty.


CyberSecurity Machines are quicker in identifying their potential weak points than humans, at the same time better than us at meticulously correcting their flaws leaving minimal shortcomings in their system, therefore reducing the risk of successful cyberattacks. Education – Indus International School, Bangalore has perfectly implemented the use of AI in education. The school has robots as assistants of the human teachers, built for 8 lakh each, 3 robots have been inducted into the academic faculty of the school. These robots, like Alexa or google assistant use automatic speech recognition to search the net on the queries of the students and answer back just like your phone does to you or your Alexa does.

Healthcare Sector -AI has played a significant role in the advancement of surgical procedures by deploying pioneering technology which has helped surgeons carry out onerous surgical mechanisms with greater ease, reducing the risk of failure and relieving some burden off the medical staff. Also, AI is used in the interpretation of medical images that would otherwise be cumbersome to analyze. Creation of Medicines for different diseases Workplace Safety Induction of AI has ruled out high chances of serious injuries in the construction sector and has made workstations a safer place for workers.


Logistic Differential Equations Shehzail Abbas, 17, Delhi, India

WHAT ARE EQUATIONS? To put it in layman’s terms, equations are a way of expressing or generalizing physical data (set of numerical values) that we gather from various sources and for various reasons to solve complexities of a similar manner. The specific type of equations are generally targeted to solve one type of problem but there are cases in which these equations yield meaningful results when used in complexities not directly but somehow related to the original problem they were designed to solve. This pliability of the equation is common in mathematics to some extent but what if I say that you can determine the periodicity of a dripping faucet as well as determine the population of any species from previous years’ population count with just one type of equation, while the concept of binding two completely different equations may seem absurd to some. But with the help of logistic differential equations like yn+1= ky(1-yn) both the aforementioned problems can be solved.


Exponential functions are generalized by f(x)= a^n where a R, a>0, and n≠1 is commonly used to describe an indefinite growth of slope. Exponential equations are different from logistic differential equations only in the sense that they have some limitation on the growth of slope which rules out the indefinite growth seen in exponential equations, such growth is also known as logistic growth. This restriction or limitation is introduced in the equation using parameters, like in the equation Yn+1=kyn(1-yn), ‘(1-yn)’ serves as a factor to control growth rate. For those of you wondering what is yn and how it restricts the equation from blowing, it is the fractional percentage of the theoretical maxima (any value greater than that of Y ). Therefore the value of yn will vary between 1 and 0 thus acting as a limiting factor, theoretical maxima and yn will be discussed later.



Now let's understand each parameter of the equation using the case wherein we would determine the population of a species supposedly that of goats. A simpler approach to this problem would be to find out the rate at which the population is growing and then multiply it with the previous year's population to get the current population count as shown below. yn+1=kyn Where yn+1is the year's population being calculated and in the previous year's population. Taking k(rate of growth of population) as 2, i.e., the population doubles every year

This graph shows an overview of how things would look. Here we can clearly see that the population grows constantly without any constraints which are practically impossible as there are environmental factors that restrict a species to grow infinitely. If you are wondering how I took y-axis as time then if you go on iterating the equation you will also land on the same conclusion for example: yn+1=kyn (n Year)(n≥0) y1=(2)(100) (initial population = 100)(n=0) y2=(2)(y1)=(2)(200) … on and so forth

So in order to perform an effective mapping we need an equation which has some kind of restricting parameter or factor and we might just have the perfect one. Now let’s try solving the problem using yn+1=kyn(1-yn) Now that we know the significance of yn, it’s time to understand how the numeric part works, i.e., determining and pluggingin the values of yn Supposedly the initial population of goats is 20% of the theoretical maxima then the value of yn would be 0.2. Let’s assume the value of K as 2 and iterate the equation using these values.


yn+1=kyn(1-yn) (n Year)(n≥0)

y1=(2)(0.2)(1-0.2)=0.32 (initial population = 0.2)(n=0) y2=(2)(0.32)(1-0.32)=0.4352 y3=(2)(0.4352)(1-0.4352)=0.49160192 y4=(2)(0.49160192)(1-0.49160192)=0.4998589445 y5=(2)(0.4998589445)(1-0.4998589445)=0.4999999602 y6=(2) (0.4999999602)(1-0.4999999602)=0.5 y7=(2)(0.5)(1-0.5)=0.5 y8=(2)(0.5)(1-0.5)=0.5

X-axis⟶ year Y-axis⟶population

Here we can see that the population of the first year increases approximately by 12% with the following increase of 5% and so on until it reaches 50% of the theoretical maxima. This equilibrium of population achieved is known as the upper limit or carrying capacity of a logistic curve. If you analyze the above data carefully then you will quickly conclude that it actually makes sense, first, the population grows relatively fast, and then with the passing years, it comes to a constant value where the mortality and birth rate forms a dynamic equilibrium. The studies were done by ecologists also suggest that the population of a species always tries to stabilize itself at a constant value(upper limit) and this value differs from species to species depending upon factors like weather compatibility, duration of the reproductive cycle, mortality rate, etc. Now let's try to change the value of the initial population to 70% of the theoretical maxima and see how it affects the data


y1=(2)(0.7)(1-0.7)=0.42 (initial population = 0.7)(n=0) y2=(2)(0.42)(1-0.42)=0.4872 y3=(2)(0.4872)(1-0.4872)=0.49967232 y4=(2)(0.49967232)(1-0.49967232)=0.49999978525 y5=(2)(0.49999978525)(1-0.49999978525)=0.5 y6=(2)(0.5)(1-0.5)=0.5

X-axis â&#x;ś year Y- axisâ&#x;ś population

Analyzing the above two examples we can conclude that the constant value(upper limit) of the population remains the same after iterating the equation irrespective of the initial population for a given value of the growing population. In the next article, I would be discussing the variation of growth rate with the equilibrium value and how it gives rise to an intriguing observation which we will use to calculate the periodicity of a dripping faucet.


Mental Health of Students The New Education Policy revolutionizes India's old education system but has failed to acknowledge the key factor leading to success in adulthood. We have already realized that students are restless, deprived of their office, and are compelled to learn inside the imperatives of a force imbalanced framework. It's the very framework that puts the priority on since quite a while ago held structures and approaches over compelling conditions for learning. We as a whole hear the calls of our students who are on edge, discouraged, and unfocused. Most schools follow a one-size-fits-all model. Right from pre-primary, the same stringent demands are made on children without taking into account that children come from varied backgrounds and are not always able to cope with the cognitive and learning demands made on them. The gap is widened due to the lack of an empathetic environment at school and sometimes even at home. Second, ‘success’ is constructed in a particular way in the education system. Marks and ranks matter above all else, and children are expected to excel at all costs. The outcome is a very serious climate where the strain to perform brings about pressure. It is good enough to be disgraced or given 'ramifications' for not having the right stuff. The focal point of the schooling framework stays on the evaluations of the students, while their psychological wellness stays a no-no idea that is barely ever raised.


Counselors in mitigating emotional well-being concerns– remain to a great extent missing from the scene of India's schools. With alarming suicide rates of 28 attempts per day, Our educational system seems to be normalizing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety and condemns anyone who opposes it. Instead, what should be done, is have qualified professionals in the field of mental health help children on a day to day basis. Regular psychological evaluations will help bring up the quality of our educational system by a significant margin. While the new educational policy gives more freedom in taking subjects, if students aren't mentally capable of handling mental issues, it renders the new education policy almost obsolete.

Mohn Farhan ,15 Gurgaon, India

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Kashvi Javria,14

Udaipur, India

AMELIORATION IN THE INDIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM Changes are always in proceedings so correspondingly education should also be in occurrence with everybody, there should be no holding back. Many theories prove that if you know you can conquer the world, then you can conquer the whole world, you don’t need anything else. Taking the instance of DR. APJ Abdul Kalam - He had the quest to learn and that’s all that matters because nothing can dim the light that shines from within. He had the will and the knowledge and is now known to all of us as the father of missiles. He himself preached a pensive quote on the impact of learning, which is- Education is the most powerful weapon which can change the world.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” -MAHATMA GANDHI


Jyotirao Phule; one of the most important social activists for women and education in India. He has helped education to spread in India widely by promoting that 'education should be gained by everybody despite all prejudices'. True education signifies empowering others and leaving the world a little better than the one we found this was his message of education; which has still been pursued and would forever be. Today’s youth is amenable to taking every step to enhance our education system. .In the prevailing times, our literacy rate has been 77.7%. We aspire to make it 100% soon. The Indian education system has been evolving all these years.

I feel as pleased as punch that we have grown our education system so much but nothing in life is perfect, and everything needs refinement. So here are the amelioration that would make our education system enhanced- Today we live inside a pragmatic world, so the budding youth of our country must have a pragmatic application but the education that the students gain in the schools is a lot based on theories.

'Education should be gained by everybody despite all prejudices' -JYOTIRAO PHULE


Now the theoretical understandings in the world, which is the aim of philosophy, is not a matter of great practical importance to animals or even the most civilized men. So we must gear up now and amend this problem. To succeed in this world, a pragmatic approach is very important An epitome would be America; Why are the people generally successful as the major reason being their pragmatic approach. Until we get equality in education, we won’t have an equal society.

Hence the closure is that everybody despite any caste or religion should be allowed to every educational institute and should be given equal rights. I aspire that every child in the world has the privilege to learn ..and those who have it, would never take it for granted, all the amendments mentioned above would take place slowly and we would make the system a better one. We all should remember that-” An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”.

Many students of the general category are baffled about them not being allowed to a certain college/ institute or mainstream exams like IIT-JEE, NEET, as of just a loss of a handful of marks while other students belonging to Other Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes, are allowed to the same college while losing much more marks than that of the general caste students. Education is the key to opportunity in our society and the equality of educational opportunities must be the birthright of every citizen.



Coming to appreciate my Indian Heritage

"India's heritage and openness made it my home.", says Sana Haidary. For me welcoming and accepting my Indian heritage was hard to come by. Moving from luxury and big cities from the US all the way to a small city where discomfort could be perceived often, liking the country which I am now proud to be a part of was a journey. At the age of seven, I came from the US to Udaipur and was thrown into an environment of discomfort, evident poverty, not sufficient experience with the native language, and a different school and new people. My peers all with names I could not pronounce, names like “Preeti” or “suryodita” were hard to wrap around my American accent which was evidently shown with every word I spoke. Of course, it was a struggle to embrace my surroundings and culture which I had previously not been exposed to. I would learn kindergarten Hindi in second grade and excel brilliantly at English, whereas my peers were just starting to learn the language. I was filled with anger and hatred towards the country that ripped me away from an old life and comfort, my home as I would say. And that anger did not go away quickly, with my parents being on the receiving end of it. My dad always told me he did a good thing bringing me here, exposing me to Indian culture and heritage. That it would teach me values. But I only understood what he meant by that with time. With every Indian festival I celebrated, or every Indian dish I tried, with understanding the beauty in the language all it has to offer; I do now understand what he meant by that.


It pushed me out of my comfort zone, taught me how to engage with others respectfully, how to accept and understand other religions and castes. It was only when I was presented with the opportunity of going back to the place I once called home did I realize I wasn’t ready to leave yet. I had learned so much about the country, I understood the city like the back of my hand. I realized maybe the place I used to call my home had now expanded into India. Last year I switched schools and I was exposed to about 3540 different cultures and nationalities. Most of them being American. Me calling myself American all these years, I should have felt right at home with them. But it was my Indian friends that brought me a comfortable environment. The term code-switching is when you are part of more than one culture. The way I would behave with my Indian friends would be different from the way I behave with my American friends. This change of behavior, accent, and body language is what codeswitching is called. It’s a very common thing nowadays with the newer generations getting opportunities to live in new countries. I am proud to now call myself India- American, finding a way to combine both my home as cultures. My experience has not only taught me to be more open and inviting but also how being part of India isn’t something to should be embarrassed to admit. It has so much beauty, color, culture. So much to offer. Its heritage and openness made it my home. Sana Haidary, 15 New Delhi, India



UDAIPUR By Aditya Gupta, 17, Udaipur, India

Hariyali Amavasya

Rath Yatra


A culture is an expressive form like art, music, dance, ritual, religion, and technologies. It encompasses the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals. To define the culture of the city and especially of my city ‘Udaipur’ is a task where words will be less and expressions will be more. Udaipur is a hub of cultural heritage from the bygone age. Udaipur receives more than a million tourists from all over the world every year. My article will cover the most colorful and vibrant subject of culture that is ‘Festivals’ a set of customs, traditions, and values of a society or community, a set of knowledge acquired over time.. Local festivals of Udaipur attract visitors and researches with its colorful and harmonious objectives. Udaipur is a land of concepts and chivalry.

Every day in Udaipur is a pleasurable day with a fiesta with a number of fairs, processions, and events. Udaipur is a living heritage city that provides an experience to its visitors a lot to carry with themselves – an array of delightful memories. Festivals in Udaipur is a commitment and continuation of the legacy that is associated with it. These ceremonies, celebrations, and traditions are still followed by the people of Udaipur. Although there are many festivals celebrated by the various caste and communities in Udaipur. The following are, more or less, commonly observed by the people. • Shivaratri • Gangaur (Mewar Festival) • Gavri • Teej • Dashamata • Basant Panchami • Sheetala Ashtami • Janmashtami • Hariyal Amavasya Mela • Jagannath Rath Yatra • JalJhulani Ekadashi • Dussehra • Holika Dahan Ceremony.



Heritage means what we inherit from our ancestors and our past. When we hear the word heritage... the only country which comes to our mind is INDIA. Each ethnic group in our country has its own tale of origin and its set of unique traditions and culture. The Ministry Of Culture plays a vital role in the preservation and promotion of art and culture. The highlights of Indian heritage lie in the treasure of its art, architecture, classical dance, music, flora and fauna, and the innate secular philosophy of its people. A visit to the heritage sites is like a walk through Indian history. Even food in India is a legacy and part of Indian heritage, differing in look taste in every state of India. And the heritage of India attracts is the only reason which attracts people throughout the world to visit India, and also around 17.5 million foreigners have done their migration in India just because of our heritage. Mughals had played a vital role in Indian heritage as they were really devoted to India. some people may think that they were very desperate but Mughals were the only people who had grown up with the heritage of India.


We can take an example of Mughal emperor ‘Shah Jahan’ who made ‘Taj Mahal’ in the memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz which later became the seventh wonder of the world....few of you might say that this was his desperation but no it was his love for his wife and his country India. Heritage lives in all parts of India: From Kashmir to Kanyakumari. In India people still use the cups of mud and all the visitors of India have tasted Indian tea. Women of India play a vital role in building the heritage of India as they still make the pots, cups, plates of mud... And I think all of you who have not visited India should also taste food which is served on the dishes of mud... I am sure that you will be in love with Indian heritage after that.

Ketna Acharya, 16 Udaipur, India


Shloka Agarwal, a student of Mayo College Girls School, Ajmer took the spectacular initiative of raising funds by selling organic mango pickles which she prepared through a traditional method called ‘Chunda’. She managed to raise 85000 rupees to distribute masks, sanitizers, and grocery items to those in need.

Shloka Agarwal, 14 Udaipur, Rajasthan

We rise by lifting others.



How a 16-year old started an initiative to help our furry friends amidst the Pandemic ! "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France. It was in April when the pandemic had started to spread in the city. People were afraid; everyone stayed in their homes. The city saw a complete lockdown for the first time in its history. The streets looked lifeless with no human activity visible. Markets that were once crowded were now completely deserted. As I was sitting in my room and reading a novel, a sudden, loud screech startled me.

I rushed to the balcony only to find the fourth victim of a stray dog attack that week. The increasing attacks by stray animals had created a sense of terror in the minds of the locals. This problem had now turned into a massive challenge that our community was facing. India houses the largest number of stray animals in the world - and stray dogs were a common sight in our locality too - but this was the first time when they had started to behave so wild!


Disturbing scenes of stray To understand the reason dogs fighting for the little food behind the subtle change in available had become a the behavior of these animals, common sight. We were I decided to conduct a study hearing more guttural by observing their daily mewing sounds, screeching, activities closely. On close hissing, yowling and growling observation, we discovered sounds these days. All the that dogs had vanished from aforementioned sounds were the surroundings of religious signals that a fight was places, where people offered brewing between these stray them milk, biscuits, and even animals. The scarcity of food leftover food. was forcing them to react Meat shops had stopped wilder than ever. The Covid-19 throwing their remaining pandemic has created havoc animal waste outside, for all of us- and the stray prompting the stray dogs and animals are among the worst cats to leave their assured hit. We quickly realized that food joints. Surroundings of the reason behind the restaurants, hotels, and increase in the aggressiveness roadside food stalls were other of stray animals was hunger food joints of dogs and cats and starvation. This is when I which were closed now. decided to start 'Winplaws – an initiative to feed the stray wings, paws, and claws in our surroundings.'


Within the first week itself, we saw a significant decrease in the number of cases in our locality, where a stray animal had attacked a pedestrian. Within the first three months of the organization, we were able to bring this level down to zero and were able to feed more than 400 stray animals. Thus, by observing and executing, We were able to tackle this major challenge in our surroundings.

Today, Winplaws is active in six countries and continues to expand. We make our own digital posters, as well as write, run a monthly blog! We at Winplaws work towards the rescue and rehabilitation of injured, abandoned, and abused animals and also facilitate their adoption, training, medical care, and promote awareness about animal rights. Together, we can all build a safe haven for our furry friends! Don't forget to check out our website at vanshikapandey2634.wixsit or our Instagram page @winplaws


PHOTOGRAPHY Nitya Dutta, 17 Udaipur, India

Diya Mogra, 18 Udaipur, India

Zara Grace, 18 Leicester, England



Poorva Vyas, 16 Udaipur, India

Sadhika Tadinada, 14 Gurgaon, India

Isha Goyal, 16 Udaipur, India

Yashika Choudhary, 14 Udaipur, India


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