Remove Oil Stains from Asphalt Surface

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Any asphalt surface you have, would look really ugly with oil stains present on it. According to the experts, it is not just the question of looks, but we cannot overlook the damage that chemicals present in different kinds of oils can cause to the asphalt surface. Therefore, it is very important that an oil stain, as soon as it is visible, you should start making efforts to remove the same. Experts of asphalting company Sydney give the following tips related to the same.

The first step you would take is arranging a cleanser, but at the time of buying, ensures that you refrain away from those containing solvents as they may damage the asphalt. The best option is the cleansers recommended by a trusted asphalting company in Sydney that has been offering services like asphalt installation, repair or maintenance services. The next thing to focus upon would be the eco-friendly solvents and you can also use liquid dishwashing soap — the kind used for washing dishes in the sink, not in the dishwasher.

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From here onwards, the cleaning process would begin and in the beginning, you will have to fill a pail of the appropriate size with warm water. The next step would be adding the cleanser and stirring well and because a soapy solution is required, don’t be frugal in using the solvent.

Using the prepared solution, you will have to cover the stain generously and let the solution suit there for a good 15-20 minutes. If the solution dries, don’t be shy about using more of it on the stain.

Then, the next step would involve scrubbing the area, but avoid doing it with a wired or bristled brush and choose a good quality scrubber brush for the same. Stop scrubbing if the brush is loosening gravel or pieces of the asphalt; this means that the asphalt has been compromised, and you may need to replace the area.

The next step would involve rinsing the area using clean water and it the stain is present there, the entire process has to be repeated all over again.

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