Myths and Facts Related To Using Asphalt

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Myths and Facts Related to Using Asphalt For several decades, asphalt has been the most preferred material used in the construction of roads, pavements, carparks, etc. Another fact is that despite being so popular, it has failed to put a halt to the misconceptions that people have in their minds regarding this material. This is mainly because of the fact that asphalt companies Liverpool have realised the versatility of this material and started using it to deliver better results.

Here in this PDF, we will cover top five myths that people have in their minds and the facts surrounding them.

HAS A HIGH CARBON FOOTPRINT The top myth that people have is that using this material is not good for our environment because of higher carbon footprint of the same. The fact is that as compared to 2-3 decades back, these footprints are much lower and in fact, asphalt has a lesser footprint as compared to concrete production and its usage.

Apart from this, asphalt companies Liverpool experts say that this material can also be recycled and thus, there is no chance that it will contribute in filling up landfill sites.

ASPHALT PAVEMENT IS EXPENSIVE It has been observed that people avoid using asphalt because of the mindset that this material is expensive as compared to concrete. In this regard, asphalt companies Liverpool experts say that this is totally untrue and in fact, asphalt is much more costeffective as compared to several other materials. At the same time, the maintenance related expenses are also very insignificant and this is another major USP. All this happens because of this material being highly durable, strong and weather and water-resistant too.


This was certainly a problem till around 2 decades back, but as of now, the usage technique has transformed a lot to make asphalt live a really long life.

The duration of this life can be extended significantly with the help of timely look after, care and maintenance offered by the experts and reputed asphalt contractors Liverpool.


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