Cracks That Only Asphalt Companies Blacktown Should Handle

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Cracks That Only Asphalt Companies Blacktown Should Handle Cracks are a very common occurrence in our pavements because of various natural and man-made reasons. Often they are minor and don’t pose any threat to the structure or danger to humans. But still, it is recommended that the experts from top asphalt companies Blacktown are hired for getting them treated.

Not all of them require immediate attention, but some of them certainly do and we have discussed about them here in this blog post.

Ice Cracks According to reputed asphalt contractors Blacktown, it is very important that the cracks caused by ice formation or weather change are tackled immediately. The changing temperature causes small amounts of water to freeze under the surface and repeated thaw cycle gives birth to cracks that can expand really fast, if not treated on time. When they grow up, they make the entire area look ugly and not to mention that they also make the area risky for humans.

This is why these cracks should never be ignored and as soon as they are discovered, handled with the help of the experts working at the top asphalt companies Blacktown. In a majority of cases, you will find them using rubberised asphalt to seal these minor cracks.

Alligator Cracks These cracks are given this name because they resemble the skin of an alligator and this means that as they form, they cover a good amount of space on the pavement. Just like the one discussed above, these cracks also require immediate attention of reputed and skilled asphalt contractors Blacktown because they too grow up really fast. These alligator cracks are basically formed because of the weak area either on the base or on the top layer and they can also be formed because of the poor drainage system round the pavement area. If ignored, the entire area would require reconstruction and based on the severity of the damage, asphalt contractors Blacktown will decide what action to take to mitigate them.


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