PHOTOFX – Photos To Fight Xclusion (EN)

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Theoretical framework

3.1. The power of dialogue. Photovoice, Photojournalism and Reports 3.1.1 Power of Dialo gue

The heart of dialogue is listening. This requires us to not just hear others' words but to also hear our own thoughts, which can change when we are truly able to receive others' input. But first, wemust take pause in our responses to deeply consider what others are saying to us. Dialogue is important because when you have dialogue it shows the character's personality, emotions, and actions The reason why authors use dialogue in their pieces of texts is to help the reader to get to know the character while also revealing the character's emotions and actions. The guiding values for a successful dialogue can be felt and experienced as listening, trust, openness, respect, honesty, awareness, courage, vulnerability, participation, inclusion and creativity.

What is the importance of dialogue in the community? Building societies through effective dialogue, community members share ideas and information, build and rebuild them, contributing to the development of society and individuals. Dialogue is an effective way of communicating with family members. What are the main 6 purposes of dialogue? 1. It makes the story advance. A major feature of dialogue is that it moves the story forward in a 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

more straight-forward way than a narrator's explanation would It develops the characters. Characters can also evolve through dialogue It brings dynamics It provides realism It defines characters It provides information.

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