10-10 MySTIE Framework

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Malaysia is an open and small economy with scarce resources. To move up the global innovation and competitive value chain, Malaysia must focus its efforts in developing key S&T and socio-economic drivers that ensure sustainable economic development. In this context, Malaysia must invest in key S&T drivers that deepen the impact of socio-economic drivers and target key priority niche areas to establish global leadership. To ensure the 10-10 MySTIE Framework contributes to nation building, a systematic ecosystem approach needs to be taken. It must incorporate strategic collaborative partnership approach among players such that they create a multiplier effect for inclusive development. This is to ensure no community is left behind in the transition to a developed nation and future-proof sustainable development. The 10-10 MySTIE Framework will enable the deployment of high impact projects to address needs of communities as well as quality of life at specific localities across Malaysia. The mechanism comprises 6 steps, premised upon an ecosystem approach (8i STI ecosystem enablers) as follows :


Build an understanding of the emerging global technologies (10 S&T Drivers) and how they impact your core operations and influence key socio-economic areas.


Identify niche areas for priority investments to build positions of global leadership based on strengths and needs in your core business, in relation to the emerging global technologies.


Define a holistic approach (8i STI ecosystem enablers) to ensure systematic development that deepens the impact of S&T drivers on socio-economic development.


Foster an ecosystem-wide collaboration with key players for the deployment of high-impact projects at identified localities to create multiplier effect for shared prosperity.


Initiate locality-specific STIE ecosystems to inclusively harness resources and talent to enhance return on value and improve the quality of life of the rakyat.


Conduct regular foresighting to ensure the STIE ecosystem is adapting to change and is able to mitigate risks associated with uncertainties and volatilities.


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