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Suzhou, China

An XUTLU master student in the architecture department who was born in Alexandna, Egupt. and have got a BS degree in the architectura field from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Class 2018. On the architectural scale, I have two years of architectural work experience. Currently, I am working in a company in Cairo called MTA, and I have been expenencing different things in the architectural help, for instance, Videomaking and motion graphics. On the personal scale, I am friendly, cooperative and can do research besides working in teamworks or individually. Moreover, I worked as a teaching assistant in the small space design module in my first semester at XJTLU as I helped design the exhibition for this module to present the students' work. I have lots of different interests, and, always trving to think outside the box. And that is the main reason that keeps me trying different kinds of work in and outside the Architectural field.



January 18, 2023

Ciutat del la llum

December 28, 2022