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BURNS AND SCALDS. Calcarea Sulph.


neglected cases, there




Kali mur., or in

suppuration, Calcarea


should be given. Natruro. Phos. Is beneficial in some cases where there is a creamy, golden-yellow discharge.


SUGGESTIONS. In slight burns or scalds, the injured part should be held for a couple of minutes to the fire; the temporary increase of pain will be amply repaid by the prevention of future suffering and annoyance. In severe cases, however, it will be necessary to apply the remedy immediately. It is very essential in cases of burns and scalds to exclude the air from the wound as quickly as possible, therefore lint should be used and the medicine applied without removing. In severe cases, constitutional treatment must be resorted to, as the symptoms arise. The diet must be light, such as is applicable to fevers and inflammations in general.

CANKER. This slight, but painful disease consists of small white or grayish ulcers forming on the mucous membrane of the lips, mouth or on the tongue. They are very painful and at times create considerable disturbance in the system, in the shape of fever, etc. They usually arise from a stomach or liver trouble. They generally disappear in a few days, but not infrequently remain for an indefinite period of time. Kali Ttiur. is the chief, and generally only needed, remedy. Should malignant symptoms appear, Kali phos. will be indicated. Watery conditions, Natruni mur. Washing them with a solution of borax, or touching them with burnt alum, is beneficial.

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