Asian Outlook | Spring 2020 Issue #2

Page 21

Quarantine Receipes to Try


By Tao Yang

ow that self-isolation is in full swing, many of us feel the boredom that we kept away with social and academic activities creeping in. Some of us are chilling with Tik Tok all day, some started baking, and some shaved their head. To keep ourselves entertained, we are slowly beginning to undertake a new craft, so here are some simple recipes crafted by your AO Layout Editor :)

Japanese Style Ramen (1 serving) Flavor Profile: Unami, Savory, Sweet

Ramen is fairly simple to make and has great aesthetics and nutritional value. I would often make ramen for friends during our hangouts. It is very accessible as most households have some, if not all, of the ingredients necessary. • 1 Wegmans soba noodles or regularly packed ramen • Chicken stock • 1 spoonful Ponzu citrus sauce • Half spoonful of white miso (flavor to taste) • Seaweed • Protein of choice (egg, sausage, cold cuts, etc) • Scallions • Salt and pepper 1. Boil a pot of water to rinse the noodles. When boiled, put the noodles in for 7 – 9 minutes 2. In a separate pot, boil a mixture of water and chicken stock of two parts water per onepart chicken stock. 3. When boiled, add the Ponzu sauce and miso into the stock. Stir well until miso dissolves. 4. Strain the noodles and put the noodles into the prepared stock. 5. Cut scallions and seaweed into desired shape and size, and add them to the bowl 6. Pan-fry your choice of protein and salt to taste, and add to bowl. Photots taken by Tao Yang Background from Sous-Vide

Vol. XXXVIII, Issue 2 21

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