San Francisco Edition -- April 22 -- 28, 2016

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APRIL 22-28, 2016 • NORCAL ASIAN JOURNAL • (650) 616-4150

From the Front Page

Deguito admits lying to conceal people… PAGE A1 t

structed me,” Deguito said, adding that she could not also understand why Wong would order the transfer of the money to the account of Go. Wong is a junket casino operator and one of the key personalities tagged in the controversy. “You are telling us that Wong instructed you, who do you expect the committee to believe?” Osmeña said. “You know that the four individuals own the accounts. Theoretically, if they exist, the owners of the four accounts…should have been the ones telling you, giving you instructions. Why did you receive instructions from Mr. Wong?” Deguito explained that it was

Wong, who referred the four account holders and that the junket operator “acted as their authorized representative to inquire balances and instruct me for further instructions.” However, RCBC’s legal chief Maria Celia Estavillo contradicted Deguito’s claim. “Your honor, it’s not allowed. There are no documents to support what she’s saying,” Estavillo said. “And in fact, your honor, in her letter to us, she categorically told us that it was Mr. Lagrosas who gave her instructions on the transfer of funds to Mr. William Go so she’s contradicting her own written statement to the bank,” she added. Asked by Osmeña why she gave

a different statement to the bank, Deguito said: “At that time, I was not prepared to reveal the identities of the referrals of the account and who were the people involved [in the controversy] so that was the advice of my lawyer.” “You did not want to name Mr. Kim Wong? That’s what you’re saying? And you’d lie and say it was Mr. Lagrosas who gave you the order. Is that so?” “Yes, your honor,” Deguito said. “You’re now saying that it was not Mr. Lagrosas, who gave you orders to transfer it to the account of (Mr. Go)?” the senator asked again. “Yes, your honor, it was really Mr. Wong who instructed me,” she said. (

Veritas survey: Poe has 9 out of 10…


people and building community), she also got the lowest on awareness with only 48.7 percent. The survey also showed that Duterte got the lowest point on the aspect of listening with 44.6 percent and building community with 36.8 percent. Santiago took bottom in the quality of empathy with 40.9 percent while Roxas fared poorly in the aspect of conceptualization with 48.3 percent. Binay got the smallest percentage in five qualities: healing – 24.5 percent; persuasion – 33.7 percent; foresight – 44.6 percent; stewardship – 31 percent; and commitment to growth of the people – 25.3 percent. The qualities chosen in the survey are the same traits used in international surveys for servant

cent. He pointed out that had this been a school grade, none of them would have met the passing grade of 75 percent. “The 59 percent is low, but it is more than half,” said Pabillo. Only two, Poe and Santiago, managed to get more than 50 percent in the overall ranking. The Manila prelate said the survey was done to help guide voters in choosing their next leader, adding that aside from the traits of a servant leader, voters should also consider electing someone who has strong programs on the environment, economy, educaSen. Grace Poe tion and other issues. He added that the electorate leadership. Manila Auxiliary Bishop Brod- should also look into the candierick Pabillo explained that he is date’s views on life – abortion, saddened to see that the highest suicide, euthanasia and drugs. “One good vote. You only have overall rating was only 59 perone vote so you should vote wisely,” Pabillo said, hoping that the results of the Truth Survey would reach the candidates so they “could see how the people rate them. They could still change, just in case they win the election.” Veritas president Fr. Anton Pascual clarified that “servant leadership is only one tool, but it is a good tool to evaluate (the candidates). We are not endorsing, but (only encouraging) conscience voting.” Poe said she was overwhelmed by the result and thankful that the electorate appreciated her “brand of service.” n

CARMON IN “SURVIVOR.” This file photo shows the infinity pool at the Tugawe Cove Resort in Caramoan in Camarines Sur. According to a notice from the provincial government posted by Bicol Standard, Gota Village Resort and the islands of Sabitang Laya, Lahos, Matukad, Catanhawan, Pitogo Bay, Tupan Lagoon, Inayun-ayunan, Tayak and Mantapas will be closed to the public from April 15 to July 22 to accommodate filming of the reality show, “Survivor.” Also off limits to the public are parts of Lahuy, Panama ricefield and the Sohoton River. file photo

Supreme Court appears divided on arguments… PAGE A1 t

Sotomayor noting that there are insufficient resources to deport the millions of undocumented immigrants in the nation. Arguments for the case were heard by eight justices and comes after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February. Scalia was known for his conservative views. That only eight justices are hearing the arguments could affect the outcome of the case. If the court ends up voting in an evenly split 4-4, the immigration programs would stay blocked and would be sent back to the district court in Texas that first issued the injunction. Asian immigrants eligible In the United States, there are at least 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States, two-thirds of whom have resided in the country for more than a decade. Of those, about 400,000 undocumented Asian immigrants would be eligible for the programs, called the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) and expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The latter builds upon a program Obama approved in 2012.

For advocacy organization Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Los Angeles (Advancing Justice-LA), both programs are seen as standing on the right side of the law. “In the last five decades, [presidents] from both sides of the aisle have taken executive action to shape immigration priorities,” said Stewart Kwoh, president and executive director of Advancing Justice-LA in a statement. Anthony Ng, immigrant rights policy advocate at Advancing Justice-LA, said in a statement that a ruling against DAPA and expanded DACA doesn’t only affect undocumented immigrants, but their families, neighborhoods and communities.

“While the legal battle ensues and anti-immigrant campaigns on the state and national level continue, we must remember that these actions have a real human cost,” Ng said. Opposition to executive action Those opposed to Obama’s executive actions say he was trying to go around the Republican Congress. “Basically the president has stepped in and taken over what normally would be associated with Congress,” said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, according to CNN. “Congress makes the laws.” Texas Solicitor General Scott


Duterte’s rape comment…


Rape is a crime and no laughing matter. We should all be outraged at abuses against women.” United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) bet, Vice President Jejomar Binay, has also spoken strongly against Duterte’s remark calling him a “crazy maniac,” while urging the people not to vote for him. Former Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)

Secretary Mar Roxas commented that rape is a serious crime and “anyone who laughs at the ultimate assault on the dignity of women should not be allowed to wield power.” Senator Miriam Santiago who is also a candidate for the presidential race, expressed that Duterte crossed the line and people should express their feelings through the ballot. Duterte already issued an apology stating, “I apologize to the Filipino people for my recent remarks in a rally. There was no intention of disrespecting our women and those who have been victims of this horrible crime,” he said. “Sometimes my mouth can get the better of me.” Duterte’s apology was accepted by his avid supporters but added that he is not afraid that the statement would cost him the presidency. He also said he will not apologize for the things he has done “to protect our people, especially the weak and defenseless, from crime.” He also added that if ever he gets elected, he will protect women, children and families “from the horrors and disorder of crime.” n

SC issues…


Overseas absentee voting started on April 9 despite minor glitches, according to the poll body. It also declared that the start of the overseas absentee voting was “generally good.” Comelec records show that 593,772 overseas Filipino voters are in the Middle East and Africa, 344,848 in Asia-Pacific, 275,729 in North and Latin America, and 161,718 in Europe. n

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