5 minute read

How courts determine child custody in California

welfare of the child. Family Code §3006. Examples would be decisions such as where the child shall attend school, whether the child can travel to another jurisdiction or state, legal decisions involving the child. In cases where joint legal custody is ordered by the court, either parent alone can make decisions concerning the health, education, and welfare of the child unless otherwise specified in the order.

In making its determination on child custody issues, the court considers various factors depending on the specific facts of the case. The court usually follows the public policy of ensuring and encouraging the child’s frequent and continuing contact with both parents after the divorce unless it would not be in the best interest of the child. Fam. Code §3011. If the court is inclined to order sole custody to one parent, the consideration boils down to which parent is more likely to allow the child frequent and continuing contact with the noncustodial parent. Family Code §3040(a)(1). A major factor that would tilt the courts decision are incidents or history of child abuse and domestic violence. This can be from the part of a parent, a parent’s co-habitant, or other person to whom a parent has a relationship with. The childs amount and nature of contact with the parents is also another factor considered. Fam. Code §3011(c). Other factors that can be considered are the parent’s use of controlled substance, prior criminal convictions and registration as a sex offender, and existence of restraining order against a parent. The family code requires that the parties go to mediation and attempt to agree on the custody issue prior to the court hearing the contested case. Family Code §3170(a). If the case is not settled in mediation, it gets decided in court through a contested hearing. At times, the court will order a child custody evaluation if it determines that it would be in the best interest of the child. The court may also appoint a minor’s counsel if it feels it would be in the best interest of the child. Family Code §3150(a). The court retains continuous jurisdiction over issues of child custody and support until the child reaches 18. This means the order may be modified all throughout this period if there has been a


change in circumstances.

* * * Please note that this article is not legal advice and is not intended as legal advice. The article is intended to provide only general, non-specific legal information. This article is not intended to cover all the issues related to the topic discussed. The specific facts that apply to your matter may make the outcome different than would be anticipated by you. This article does create any attorney client relationship between you and the Law Offices of Kenneth U. Reyes, APLC. This article is not a solicitation.

* * * Attorney Kenneth Reyes is a Certified Family Law Specialist. He was President of the Philippine American Bar Association. He is a member of both the Family law section and Immigration law section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association. He is a graduate of Southwestern University Law School in Los Angeles and California State University, San Bernardino School of Business Administration. He has extensive CPA experience prior to law practice. LAW OFFICES OF KENNETH REYES, APLC. is located at 3699 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 747, Los Angeles, CA, 90010. Tel. (213) 388-1611 or e-mail Kenneth@ kenreyeslaw.com Visit us at www. kenreyeslaw.com.

(Advertising Supplement)

Minding Your Finances

Atty rAymond BUlAon

READ this if you owe the IRS money and can’t pay.

If you just received a letter from the IRS for a tax bill that you can’t pay, you’re probably wondering what will happen next if you don’t have the money to pay them. Or perhaps you already know that you owe the IRS but for whatever reason, have just ignored all the letters you’ve received to date because you never figured out what you can do. And now they just sent you a final 30-day letter saying that if you do not pay, they can do all these bad things to you. There are also people who have not filed their tax returns for years and are afraid to come out and face whatever consequences there might be. Relax. It’s most likely not as bad as you think if you act now. IRS problems have a way of ruining all aspects of your life. They take a toll on you FINANCIALLY, PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY. They’re there when you go to bed at night and they’re there when you wake up in the morning. The IRS is relentless and is the WORST CREDITOR you can have.

People with IRS Problems are always looking over their shoulders for the IRS. Once you owe the IRS money, they become very aggressive in their collection attempts. They can: (a) take all the money you have in your bank account through a BANK LEVY (b) Serve your employer a WAGE GARNISHMENT order (c) Take your assets and sell them at an auction (d) File a federal tax lien against your home.

If you own a small business, PAYROLL TAXES are the worst. The IRS can close your business, sell your assets, and hold you PERSONALLY LIABLE for the unpaid taxes.

The IRS leaves no stone unturned in its never-ending quest to collect taxes. Imagine having the IRS attack your pension, Retirement or Social Security Check!

Taxpayers with IRS problems can never build up retirement funds or assets. When you have IRS problems, there is NO END IN SIGHT! You get up every day with this incredibly large problem on your shoulders. You wonder if today might be the day when the IRS shows up at work, at home, or if they decide to take your money in the bank or your paycheck. This is a HUGE BURDEN TO CARRY EVERY DAY?

SOLUTION: Are there ways out of IRS problems? Yes, there are. But you must make the decision to end them and no one else can decide that for you. When you decide that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and you want the things that everyone else has and YOU’RE READY TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, there are options available to you! I can help you end the misery of debt problems, including IRS problems. I do all the talking with the IRS. I will handle all the meetings and correspondences with the IRS. I will keep the IRS away from you and your family so that you can go to work and carry on a normal life. Your IRS problems will not go away by themselves. Let me help you understand your options in ending your IRS nightmare! If you owe $10,000 or more in IRS taxes, call my office at 866-477-7772 and schedule a free attorney consultation.

* * *

NOTE: Due to the current lockdown order caused by COVID-19, I am offering free consultations BY PHONE to anyone who needs help in dealing with their debt problems.

* * * None of the information herein is intended to give legal advice for any specific situation. Atty. Ray Bulaon has successfully helped over 6,000 clients in getting out of debt. For a free attorney evaluation of your situation, please call RJB Law Offices at TOLL FREE 1-866-477-7772. (Advertising Supplement)

Her sewing machine...

From Page 9 very skilled at it and I always wished I could be as skilled as her. It never happened (laughs), but I never want to stop using my sewing machine because a lot of my fondest memories of my mom are of watching her sew.”

Interspersed among her recent Facebook posts of gettogethers with friends and pictures of stray cats are some of her newly sewn creations. There’s an upcycled black tote made with fabric scraps “ para walang sayang at walang tapon ” and a denim bag that she crafted out of a pair of Richard’s old jeans. Marina has had the white Brother sewing machine for eight years now and said it’s the “star” of her work table at home.

Richard is a known foodie and sometimes makes a big batch of lip-smacking pork adobo that he sells to friends with Marina’s help. His favorite thing is a 30-inch Tefal pan for deep frying.