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Pressure on for Francine-Seth tandem

By Marinel cruz Inquirer.net

YOUNG stars Francine Diaz and Seth Fedelin, whose onscreen partnership—“FranSeth”—was launched via the mystery-drama “Dirty Linen,” admitted to feeling nervous about how the audience would react to their new tandem. They confessed that they expected to receive hate comments, too.


“Yes, we have been feeling the heavy weight on our shoulders since we joined this project’s story con. We were expecting to get a lot of negative comments or bashing from the audience, but thank God, there was none. Also, we chose to deal with the pressure by working hard to portray our characters well,” Francine told Inquirer Entertainment during a recent interview.

Francine and Seth used to be part of the now-disbanded The Gold Squad of ABS-CBN. They were first seen as a team in the drama series “Kadenang Ginto,” but Francine was paired with Kyle Echarri, while Seth was partnered with Andrea Brillantes.

“It helps that Francine and I are good friends. I actually asked her first if it was OK with her to work with me in a love team. We are determined to make this partnership work. We are aware that people are watching us to see what we will do,” added Seth.

The actor said the pressure is actually coming from the fact that the network, particularly Dreamscape Entertainment, invested in them and the project. “The company thought that pairing us up was worth a try. They’re observing us because this is our first project together. It’s up