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LIFESTYLE: innovation

INNOVATION NATION InBUSINESS looks at the latest innovations and technologies that are shaping our future. In this issue: eco-friendly products.

THE QUARTZ BOTTLE While much of the discussion around our penchant for throw-away packaging and its impact on the environment has been focused on plastic bags and coffee cups, bottled water has managed to stay somewhat under the radar. While there have been plenty of reusable bottles on the market which encourage us to use water sources at home, at work and at the gym, saving money and environmental harm in the process, none have quite captured our imagination enough to change our habits. The Quartz bottle certainly has that potential. It is not only reusable and insulated to keep your drink cool, but it also cleans the water you put inside it through UV-C light. At the press of a button the light will have eliminated the most harmful germs in 60 seconds. It charges over USB and can last about two months from a single charge. Pre-orders are now available from its website.


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Newry-based STATSPORTS, which creates sports performance monitoring technology for professional athletes, has signed a $1.5 billion deal with the US Soccer Federation. It will see four million registered footballers in the US wear their APEX Athlete Monitoring device.

InBUSINESS | Q1 2018

10/05/2018 15:07

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