09_2007_The Free Office

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11.6 Support James is a live project and has strong vendor support, with regular bug fixes and version support, as with all other projects of the Apache Software Foundation. Apache Tomcat, for example, is a widely-used open source Web server, like we mentioned. James has wide and active community participation. The primary place for information related to James is the project page itself (http://james.apache.org ). Detailed instructions on how to configure various services inside James are available here. The James wiki (http://wiki.apache.org/james) is an extensive resource dealing with everything from installation to advanced troubleshooting. The FAQ section, along with the community forums, are also useful.

11.7 In Sum Since James is an ongoing project, many features are in the experimental stage. For example, TLS support for POP3 is not stable. The command line interface has a few bugs. The upgrade procedure is not automatic, and settings and files have to be manually copied into their respective folders. That said, James is a very good alternative for businesses looking to manage their mail and who don't want to use commercial products like Microsoft Exchange, Netmail, or IBM Lotus Domino. Since it is meant to be an enterprise mail server, large businesses with thousands of user accounts can use James without worrying about scalability issues.



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