1 Peter

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Q. What do we understand by slavery in the world today? How is it different from Roman times? What should we be doing about it? Here, Peter is not suggesting the status quo should be changed, but rather that Christian slaves should ask for grace to submit to the authority of their masters, and glorify God. Most of us will have to interpret these verses in relation to being employed, but the fundamental truths are the same: we are to submit to those who are over us, whether they are kind or unkind, we are not to retaliate, we are to ask God for grace to do this – and we should be working for our master as unto the Lord.

SUBMISSION AND SUFFERING IS A CALLING (Read verses 21-25) Here we are challenged to look at suffering in a different way. Jesus acknowledged the authority of the Romans and said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s”. And even though he was innocent of any crime (v22) he submitted himself to death on the Cross – the “suffering servant”. Painful though it may seem, we can serve God’s purposes by accepting suffering. Verse 21 says: To this you were called (to suffering). Q. Why? And how can this be what God would want? (Think about our relationship with God, our walk with God and our witness to others; and think about the outcomes and the result of Jesus’ suffering.) Our true service is to the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls (v25)

1 Peter chapter 3 Wives and husbands (Read verses 1-7) Continuing his theme of submission and respect, Peter now addresses Christian couples. The meaning behind submission (in the original Greek) is that things are arranged in an orderly manner, so that the husband is the one who is over the family unit. This is a Biblical principle:

God the Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit

Governments, appointed leaders, citizens

Employers, employees

Husbands, wives, children

These are God’s ideals for a smooth running society. And whilst there are bad fathers, bad employers and bad governments, we are still expected to adhere to this order, unless it conflicts greatly with our Christian conscience. Q.What 3 qualities (in verses 2-4) are required in a Christian wife? Peter cites the example of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. Q.What 3 qualities (in verse 7) are required in a Christian husband? Note: there is no suggestion that the wife is inferior to the husband, or that the servant is inferior to his master. They are heirs together of God’s grace and eternal life. Indeed, the one who submits is called to be like Jesus who submitted to the will of his Father. 6

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