Responsive Design & Millennials Or How to Stay Cutting Edge in Your Law Practice

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What is responsive web design? Responsive web design is just as the name implies – responsive. This design allows site owners to deliver quality content to audiences across devices. The offline browsing capabilities of HTML5 allow for the sites to be easily accessed ‘on the go’. As HTML5 enabled tablets and smart phones burgeon, it becomes increasingly important. Email newsletters and content included in hybrid HTML5 web applications increasingly are consumed on the move and in the absence of an Internet connection. In simple terms, responsive design means that website’s pages reformat themselves depending on which device they are being displayed on, ensuring that whether the content is viewed on a phone, tablet, or desktop computer, the website will remain userfriendly. When a site is built with a responsive framework, the content, images, and structure of the site responds to the screen size of the device that is accessing it. This means that the website will look similar on any device, and when there is less room, the structure of the page changes to fit the new space the site is contained in. Responsive design will optimize a user’s browsing experience by creating a flexible and responsive web page. By having a responsive site, the content will look great no matter what the screen size or device it is. Moreover, Google’s Developers and Web masters actually recommend using responsive web design due to the benefits it will give to business owners. It will consolidate the website without the need to have a separate mobile URL, making it easier to maintain the site.


The content of a website with a responsive design will look great no matter what the screen size or device it is.

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