Asap bed bug detection

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ASAP Bed Bug Detection ASAP is independently owned and not an exterminator trying to sell you more services. By locating the exact spot of the infestation your extermination cost can be reduced substantially. Our dog and handler are certified by the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association (NESDCA) and can take care of all your inspection needs in a timely manner. Our canine team trains daily with live bed bugs and continues to update their techniques by participating in advanced canine workshops.

Use a Dog K9 inspections outperform human inspections. In field research performed by the University of Florida, the NESDCA-certified canines tested averaged a 98% accuracy rate* in detecting the odor presence of live bed bugs and viable eggs. Visual inspections, even by trained pest management professionals, are estimated to be only 17 to 30% accurate. This is because bed bugs can hide under carpets, in baseboards, inside mattresses and box springs, in electronics, and behind walls–areas that are virtually impossible for a human to inspect without dismantling the room’s contents. An immature bed bug can be smaller than a grain of salt. That is not a deterrent to our canines who can detect the odor of bed bugs with virtually no disruption to your home’s contents. *University of Florida’s research publication: “Ability of Bed Bug-Detecting Canines to Locate Live Bed Bugs and Viable Bed Bug Eggs.”

Bed Bug 101 Bed bugs are small parasitic insects that mostly feed on human blood. They cause a number of health concerns such as skin rashes, allergic reactions, and psychological effects. Female bed bugs can lay up to 12 eggs at a time and between 300-500 eggs in a year. Adult bed bugs are no more than Âź of an inch in length, and immature bugs are virtually colorless and microscopic! Bed bugs are hitchhikers and can be easily carried from one place to another. Bed bugs can be found in a variety of settings, not just in the home! Bed bugs can feed at any time of day or night, although they prefer nighttime. In order to eliminate bed bug infestations, an approved pesticide and/or heat therapy provider must be used. These extermination methods need to be performed by a reputable exterminator. The challenge of this process is identifying where the problem exists. Trained scent detection dogs are proven to be 98% effective in detecting live bed bugs as well as their eggs. This is compared to only a 17-30% accuracy rate by even the most trained exterminators. Bed bugs can hide in places like base boards, inside mattresses, electronics, and in walls; all of which are impossible for a human to detect without dismantling your home or place of business.

Inspection Pricing & Protocols Residential Inspections Pricing is based on the square footage of your home. Our base price for home inspections begin at $75 depending on location and size of job. We offer packages which include pre-treatment and posttreatment inspections. We encourage you to call or email us for more details. Commercial Inspections Pricing is based on an hourly rate. We offer packages which include pre-treatment and post-treatment inspections as well as monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly inspections. Same day or emergency bed bug

inspections are available to help alleviate the stress and confusion that can occur when a bed bug is found on-site. If you are in need of a building-wide inspection, we have half day or daily rates to meet your budget. Please call or email us so we can tailor a plan to fit the needs of your business. Remember bed bugs can be anywhere. If you need your car, new furniture/mattress, luggage, clothing, student’s dorm room/apartment, etc. inspected, we can help! How to prepare for ASAP: At least 2 hours prior to the search: • Extinguish all smoking materials • Turn off any odor products such as plug-ins At least 20 minutes prior to the search • Turn off all air conditioners, heaters, fans and ceiling fans • Close all windows, doors, etc. • Turn up all bed linens so box spring/mattress seams are exposed Please make sure the following types of items are not accessible during the search • Chemicals, household cleaners • Food & candy • Toys, litter boxes, pet food & water • any drugs or medications Noise & human distractions must be kept to a minimum. We will ask the resident to vacate the area to be searched (example: step into another room). Pets/animals must be moved to an area not involved in the search. We cannot search areas where pesticides have been applied in the last 30 days. We cannot search areas where tracking powders have been used (such as DE). All insecticide & pesticide dusts must be vacuumed with HEPA filter 24 hours prior to the search. All rodent baits, glue boards and snap traps must be removed. Areas that are cluttered with garbage, debris, feces, dirt, food, clothing, boxes, etc. will not be searched as they present a hazard to our canine and severely compromise the effectiveness of the canine’s ability to perform her job. Upon arrival, the handler(s) will assess the areas to be searched to ensure these protocols have been followed. Failure to follow protocols will result in the ASAP handler being unable to search the area(s) in question. Additional fees may apply.

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