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Sixth Form a

The annual Sixth Form Ball took place back in December 2022 with a group of Sixth Formers organising it. They certainly partied in style with their well-deserved Gatsby Themed Ball.

Brian, Upper Sixth: “I’m thrilled we seized the opportunity to arrange such an event! The organisational journey may indeed be challenging and frustrating, but it is undoubtedly worthwhile! Thank you very much for the marketing and finance team’s assistance; without them, we could have faced a lot more unanticipated obstacles.”

Lucy, Upper Sixth: “One of our main aims as the School Officer Team was to make Sixth Form feel like a community, in which we decided to have the inaugural Staff and Sixth Form December Ball. We knew we had to put in a lot of effort to ensure it all came together and for everyone to have a good time. It was all worth it in the end as it was so much fun! Everyone got involved in dancing and singing the night away. All our hard work in planning the ball really paid off as everyone enjoyed it, and we feel the Sixth Form has become more cohesive as a result.”