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It is always nice to be asked to write this boarding update for Ackworth Today, it is a great way for me to re ect on the great ti es and temporarily escape from the day-today tasks of running a boarding house. We have spent a lot of time since returning from the festive break talking about positive relationships and how our behaviour can in uence those around us. There are many wonderful characters that fill our boarding house, and it really is a privilege to watch them grow and ourish into fine young people.

This term we have enjoyed several trips including crazy golf, lazer quest, bowling, shopping trips and a visit to the cinema. When we go on trips, the boarders always show incredible levels of independence and fine behaviour. It is such a joy to spend time with them outside of the school environment, and I know my colleagues agree.

Six of the boarders blew me away with their performance in the school production, Legally Blonde. I was so proud of their dedication and commitment to the hard work involved. I wish you could have all been there to see it.

You will have heard the news that I am heading for pastures new at the end of this academic year. It was exceptionally hard to break the news to the boarders. They all mean so much to me and I will miss them all so much. I will be involved in the recruitment process for my replacement, and I will ensure that whoever gets the fortunate opportunity of working with your children is the right person. The boarders will also be involved in the process.

As the daffodils begin to bloo and we gain daylight, the boarders will be making the most of everything that Ackworth has to offer, and will be enjoying every moment with them before I depart.

Nicola Gilbert, Head of Boarding

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