ten little fingers,activities book

Page 35

Knotty Pentagon

1. Take a long rectangular strip of paper and tie the two loose ends into an ordinary knot.

3. Tighten the knot 4. a regular and crease well and PENTAGON. you will be surprised to see...

2. Gently pull the ends to tighten the knot. Regular Hexagon

1. Fold a rectangular sheet of paper into half.

3. There will be 6 layers of paper on the top corner. Fold it into a triangle

2. Fold the doubled up straight edge into three equal parts of 60 degrees each. Crease well

4.On opening you will see a regular HEXAGON in the middle.

Hexagonal Cobweb

5. If you make several parallel creases at the top corner then....

6. On opening you will see a set of nesting hexagons resembling a cobweb. Octagon

1. Fold a sheet of paper into half and then...

2. into a quarter.

3. Crease the 4 fold corner again into a triangle to make 8 folds.

4. Crease the 8 fold corner sharply.

5. On opening you will find a regular OCTAGON in the centre.

Sum of the angles of a triangle equal two right angles.

1. Cut a triangle from apiece of paper. Fold the top to meet at the base as shown.

2. Fold the left and right angles too.

3. The three angles of the triangle can be folded to form a 180 degree angle. The three angles when placed like this make a straight line.

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