July 28, 2017

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Hit the Books Friday

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Breaking Reince

Scaramucci Comments Inflame Fierce White House Fight White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci speaks to members of the media at the White House in Washington. In a pull-no-punches, impromptu CNN interview Thursday that he said was authorized by the president, Scaramucci went after chief of staff Reince Priebus in graphic terms. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) Page 3


Friday 28 July 2017


Chinese billionaire convicted in United Nations bribery case By LARRY NEUMEISTER Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — A Chinese billionaire who wanted to build a United Nations center in Macau was convicted on Thursday of paying more than $1.7 million in bribes to U.N. ambassadors to get it done. The verdict was returned after a day of deliberations in Manhattan federal court against Ng Lap Seng, one of China’s richest men. Ng was convicted of bribery, conspiracy and money laundering charges. Prosecutors presented evidence that Ng from 2010 to 2015 bribed two U.N. ambassadors, including a U.N. General Assembly president, paying one $50,000 monthly at the scheme’s peak to create a center to serve struggling Southern Hemisphere nations. Defense lawyers contended the payments were ordinary. But the center was never built. Ng looked at jurors as the

Ng Lap Seng, center, leaves federal court in Manhattan, Thursday, July 27, 2017. Ng, a Chinese billionaire who wanted to build a United Nations center in Macau was convicted Thursday of paying over $1.5 million in bribes to U.N. ambassadors to get it done. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

verdict was announced but otherwise did not display emotion. U.S. District Judge Vernon S. Broderick tightened Ng’s bail conditions, saying he

was now “literally under house arrest,” confined under $50 million bail to a luxury Manhattan apartment where he has remained for most months under 24-hour

guard since his September 2015 arrest. “He cannot leave that apartment. No ifs, ands or buts about that,” the judge said. No sentencing date

was set. Ng, 69, could face up to 65 years in prison. Ng’s lawyer, Tai Park, did not immediately comment. After the verdict, he told the judge there were multiple avenues for appeal. “Nothing has changed other than the presumption of innocence is no longer there,” Park said. “We’ve been preparing him for this eventuality.” In a statement, Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said Ng “corrupted the highest levels of the United Nations.” “Through bribes and no-show jobs, Ng turned leaders of the league of nations into his private band of profiteers,” Kim said. The verdict was a triumph for prosecutors who navigated thorny legal issues surrounding immunity given to U.N. diplomats before winning the cooperation of suspended Dominican Republic Ambassador Francis Lorenzo, who pleaded guilty to charges and testified against Ng. q

US admiral stands ready to obey a Trump nuclear strike order By ROD McGUIRK Associated Press CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — The U.S. Pacific Fleet commander said Thursday he would launch a nuclear strike against China next week if President Donald Trump ordered it, and warned against the military ever shifting its allegiance from its commander in chief. Adm. Scott Swift was responding to a hypothetical question at an Australian National University security conference following a major joint U.S.- Australian military exercise off the Australian coast. The drills were monitored by a Chinese intelligence-gathering ship off northeast Australia. Asked by an academic in the audience whether he would make a nuclear attack on China next week if Trump ordered it, Swift replied: “The answer would be: Yes.” “Every member of the U.S. military has sworn an oath to defend the constitution

U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander Adm. Scott Swift addresses an Australian National University security conference in Canberra, Australia Thursday, July 27, 2017. Swifts said he would launch a nuclear strike against China next week if U.S. President Donald Trump ordered it and warned against the military ever shifting its allegiance from its commander in chief. (AP Photo/Rod McGuirk)

of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and to obey the officers and the president of the United States as commander and chief appoint-

ed over us,” Swift said. He added: “This is core to the American democracy and any time you have a military that is moving away from a focus and an

allegiance to civilian control, then we really have a significant problem.” Pacific Fleet spokesman Capt. Charlie Brown later said Swift’s answer reaf-

firmed the principle of civilian control over the military. “The admiral was not addressing the premise of the question, he was addressing the principle of civilian authority of the military,” Brown said. “The premise of the question was ridiculous.”The biennial Talisman Saber exercise involved 36 warships including the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, 220 aircraft and 33,000 military personnel. Governments needed to engage with Beijing to understand why the Chinese did not accept that the United States had the same access rights within China’s exclusive economic zone, Swift said. “The dichotomy in my mind is why is there a different rules-set applied with respect to taking advantage of UNCLOS in other EEZs, but there’s this perspective that there’s a different rules-set that applies within another nation’s (China’s) EEZ? “ Swift said.q


Friday 28 July 2017

Scaramucci threats, insults inflame fierce White House fight By JULIE BYKOWICZ JONATHAN LEMIRE Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s new communications director exploded the smoldering tensions at the White House into a full-fledged conflagration Thursday, angrily daring Trump’s chief of staff to deny he’s a “leaker” and exposing West Wing backstabbing in language more suitable to a mobster movie than a seat of presidential stability. In a pull-no-punches, impromptu CNN interview that he said was authorized by the president, Anthony Scaramucci went after chief of staff Reince Priebus in graphic terms. “The fish stinks from the head down,” he said. “I can tell you two fish that don’t stink, and that’s me and the president.” Not even a week into his new job, Scaramucci accused unidentified senior officials of trying to sabotage him and committing a felony by leaking information. But the personal financial information that he said someone had “leaked” about him had simply been obtained through a public records request. Then in an interview published by The New Yorker late Thursday, an angry Scaramucci used an expletive to accuse Priebus of being a “f------ paranoid schizophrenic” and White House chief strategist Steve Bannon of trying to burnish his own reputation. He also threatened to fire White House staffers who leaked about a dinner he had with the president. “They’ll all be fired by me,” Scaramucci told the magazine. “I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I’ll fire tomorrow. I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus — if you want to leak something — he’ll be asked to resign very shortly.” By day’s end Scaramucci sounded calmer, though not regretful. “I sometimes use colorful

language. I will refrain in this arena but not give up the passionate fight for @ realDonaldTrump’s agenda. #MAGA,” he tweeted. The tag at the end stands for Trump’s “Make America Great Again.” White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders referred reporters to the tweet. The president’s senior counselor, Kellyanne Conway, had earlier speculated in a Fox News interview that unnamed forces were out to get Scaramucci, saying: “Somebody is trying to get in his way and scare him off.” “There are leaks and then there are people using the press to shiv each other in the ribs,” she said. Meanwhile, no one in the White House took up for Priebus — including Priebus himself. Newly promoted press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders avoided giving a direct answer when asked whether Trump has confidence in Priebus. The past 24 hours provided the clearest evidence yet that Scaramucci and Trump, both brash New Yorkers, are cut from the same cloth. One of their shared techniques: publicly shaming members of their own team. Scaramucci’s goading of Priebus came as Trump continued to fume publicly and privately about his attorney general. Trump has been critical of Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Justice Department investigation into whether the president’s campaign had anything to do with Russian interference in the election last fall. “It hasn’t been my best week ... for my relationship with the president,” Sessions acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press in El Salvador, where he was on a mission to increase international cooperation against gangs. He said he would stay in his post and fight for Trump’s agenda “as long as he sees that as appropriate.”q

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, center, is interviewed as he walks back to the West Wing of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, July 25, 2017. In a pull-no-punches, impromptu CNN interview Thursday that he said was authorized by the president, Anthony Scaramucci went after Priebus in graphic terms. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

A4 U.S.

Friday 28 July 2017


Republicans strain for modest ‘skinny’ redo of ‘Obamacare’ By ERICA WERNER ALAN FRAM Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Battered by repeated failures to repeal or replace “Obamacare,” Senate GOP leaders retreated to a narrow approach Thursday that would undo just a few of the most unpopular elements of Barack Obama’s law. Democrats vowed opposition as the Senate pre-

pared for a bizarre Capitol Hill ritual, a “vote-a-rama” on amendments that promised to last into the wee hours of Friday morning. The “skinny repeal” they were considering was being touted as a way for Republicans to get something, anything, out of the Senate after frittering away the first six months of Donald Trump’s presidency trying unsuccessfully to abol-

ish the current law. Talks with the House would follow, with the aim of crafting a compromise repealand-replace bill that could pass both chambers sometime in the fall. Whether Republicans can make it that far looks iffy at best. But Trump tweeted his encouragement, albeit with an ominous touch: “Come on Republican Senators, you can do it on Healthcare. After 7 years, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. is surrounded by reporters as he arrives at the Senate chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, July 27, 2017, as the Republican majority in Congress remains stymied by their inability to fulfill their political promise to repeal and replace “Obamacare.” (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

this is your chance to shine! Don’t let the American people down!” The “skinny bill” strategy emerged after Republicans barely succeeded earlier this week in opening debate on health legislation in the narrowly divided Senate, winning the procedural vote to do so thanks only to Vice President Mike Pence breaking a 50-50 tie. Hours of debate followed, as well as a few amendment votes that starkly revealed Republican divides. On Tuesday, on a 57-43 vote with nine GOP defections, the Senate rejected a wide-ranging proposal by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to erase and replace much of the Affordable Care Act. Then on Wednesday, a straightforward repeal measure failed 55-45 with seven Republicans joining Democrats in voting “no,” even though nearly identical legislation had passed Congress two years earlier. That left Republican senators hunting for other options, and the skinny repeal rose to the top. The measure has not been finalized, but senators have said it could eliminate Obamacare’s two mandates — for individuals to carry insurance and for employers to offer it.q


Friday 28 July 2017

Rust Belt Wisconsin looks to fill high-skill jobs at Foxconn

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker speaks in the East Room accompanied by House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., Foxconn CEO and founder Terry Gou, and Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, July 26, 2017. Trump said that electronics giant Foxconn will build a $10 billion factory in Wisconsin that’s expected to create 3,000 jobs. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

By IVAN MORENO SCOTT BAUER Associated Press MILWAUKEE (AP) — A Rust Belt state that built a manufacturing legacy through assembly-line jobs will have to quickly transition to a more highly skilled workforce now that Foxconn has selected Wisconsin as the site of its coveted U.S. electronics plant. “This will not be your grandfather’s factory,” said Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technology Council. “This will be a high-tech facility that will attract workers of various skill levels to produce products that will really define where the economy is going to go for years to come.” Foxconn is best known for making iPhones and other Apple products in China. It entered into a memo-

randum of understanding Thursday to build its first U.S. manufacturing plant in Wisconsin — a decision cheered for its potential to transform the state’s economy. But many questions remain, including the type of jobs the Taiwan-based electronics giant will offer and whether it will follow through on its plans. The deal calls for finalizing terms of the agreement — which will require a special legislative session to approve a $3 billion incentive package — no later than Sept. 30. Foxconn said its $10 billion factory — at a yet-to-bedetermined site in southeastern Wisconsin — will initially bring 3,000 jobs and eventually employ 13,000 workers. It would be a substantial gain for a state that currently has 472,000

manufacturing jobs and is still recovering from factory layoffs — including the closure of a General Motors plant after the 2008 financial crisis. Foxconn has not said what type of jobs it will offer in order to produce liquidcrystal display panels that are used in televisions and computer screens. But the average salary for the jobs will be nearly $54,000, suggesting some of the higherend positions will be engineers, software developers and people proficient in computer-assisted design,

Still said. Economists elsewhere note highly skilled postings aren’t always easy to fill. “For an indicator I would look at Michigan. There’s lots of workers in Michigan and there’s lots of advanced manufacturing jobs in Michigan, and most of them are difficult to fill,” said Stefanie Lenway, dean of the Opus College of Business at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis. Lenway also said that making LCD screens doesn’t involve people “because people create defects on

the glass and that’s expensive,” so it’s unclear how many of the jobs will be for assembly workers. Still said worker shortages for higher-skilled jobs are common around the country and it’s a challenge that Foxconn could’ve faced with any of the other states it was considering — Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas. But Wisconsin officials say the state’s higher education system is capable of producing enough employees by the time the plant opens in 2020. q

A6 U.S.

Friday 28 July 2017


Troubled trucking firm faces scrutiny after Texas deaths By RYAN J. FOLEY Associated Press IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — The trucking company linked to the recent deadly human smuggling case in Texas had promoted itself as an American success: a family firm whose hard-working drivers helped keep the U.S. economy running. But behind that image was a cutthroat business that flouted federal laws for years, yet managed to stay afloat despite financial troubles and tangles with prosecutors, regulators and tax collectors, according to public records and interviews with former drivers. Now, Pyle Transportation faces the biggest threat to its survival yet after one of its contract drivers was charged Monday in the deaths of 10 immigrants found in a sweltering Pyle trailer in San Antonio’s 100-degree heat. Investigators are scrutinizing Pyle’s claim that it knew nothing about an operation that federal authorities

In this Monday, July 24, 2017, photo, Brian Pyle, owner of Pyle Transportation Inc., the Iowa trucking company linked to the deadly case of immigrant smuggling in Texas, speaks to reporters in Schaller, Iowa. The company had long promoted itself as an American success: a family firm whose hard-working drivers helped keep the nation’s economy running. Pyle has denied any knowledge of human smuggling. (Jared Strong/Carroll Daily Times Herald via AP)

have described as sophisticated and possibly linked to a Mexican cartel. Federal regulators have launched an investigation into the company’s safety record.

The driver, 60-year-old James “Bear” Bradley Jr., has told investigators that he was unaware any immigrants were in the trailer, saying he heard their pleas

after stopping Sunday at a Walmart to urinate. Investigators say dozens of immigrants were packed into the dark trailer after being smuggled across the bor-

der. Company owner Brian Pyle has denied any knowledge of human smuggling, but declined to comment Monday on the company’s operations and did not return additional messages left Thursday seeking comment. On its website, which has since been taken down, Pyle Transportation advertised its fleet of high-end rigs and boasted of delivering refrigerated shipments of meat and produce on time to customers from its rural Iowa base. Playing upbeat music and flashing photos of smiling truckers, the site touted love of country, faith in God and the company’s slogan: “Keepin’ it Cool Since 1950.” Two of Bradley’s former Pyle colleagues were stunned to learn about the deaths and struggling to understand what happened. “They are always looking for ways to save money and make money,” said Moffitt, who has known Bradley for 30 years.q

Alleged mastermind of Jamaican lottery scam pleads guilty By BLAKE NICHOLSON Associated Press BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A Jamaican man accused of masterminding a lottery scam that defrauded dozens of mostly elderly Americans out of millions of dollars has pleaded guilty to conspiracy, and a federal prosecutor says more defendants in the case might do the same. Lavrick Willocks, 28,

reached an agreement with federal prosecutors in North Dakota earlier this month and appeared in court Thursday to enter his plea. Prosecutors dropped 65 other counts of wire fraud, mail fraud and money laundering. Willocks faces up to 40 years in prison, though prosecutors have agreed to recommend a much lighter punishment of about

10 years because he cooperated with authorities. The government also will recommend that he pay restitution. U.S. District Judge Daniel Hovland didn’t immediately schedule sentencing. Willocks, who has a bachelor’s degree in hospitality administration from Southern New Hampshire University, told Hovland that he got involved in lottery

scams in October 2009 when he returned to Jamaica and wanted to help his mother through financial problems. “If you don’t know somebody, it’s hard to get a job,” Willocks said. Authorities say the scam operated out of a Kingston, Jamaica, mansion where Willocks lived with his mother, Dahlia Hunter, who also is charged. At least 90 mostly elderly Americans

lost a total of more than $5.7 million. The case has a total of 15 defendants, including Willocks and his mother. “I’m hopeful we can really move forward with this case and have some closure,” he said. Another defendant, Gregory Gooden, who was arrested in Jamaica last month, has an initial appearance scheduled Friday in federal court in Bismarck. q


Friday 28 July 2017

Inmates’ escape video shows everything is caught on tape walls. At one point Nayeri stops and gives a thumbsup. Jonathan Tieu squints as the light of the cellphone is shined on his face. The inmates eventually reach the roof of the Orange County Jail. The video does not show how the inmates got to the ground. Previous reports said they rappelled down using bed linens. On the video, Nayeri says they had industrial rope, a toolbox, a duffel bag and new clothes. The next clips show the men taking turns posing at the corner of HaightAshbury in San Francisco. There are scenes from inside a van where they were sleeping. “This is our casa for the moment. This is our crib. Water, all the basics,” In this Jan. 22, 2016, image taken from a video released by attorney Salvatore P. Ciulla on Wednesday, July 26, 2017, on behalf of defendant Adam Hossein Nayeri, an escapee of the Orange County Jail, Nayeri gives a thumbs-up after crawling through a previously cut metal screen on a wall to reach plumbing shafts within the jail walls at the prison in Santa Ana, Calif. (Salvatore P. Ciulla via AP)

By MICHAEL BALSAMO Associated Press SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — In an age when everything else is captured for public consumption on a smartphone, why not your own jailbreak? Inmates who broke out of the maximum-security wing of a Southern California jail last year did just that with a smuggled cellphone and through an attorney released it to the public Wednesday, complete with glossy voiceover from one of the convicts. It shows the kind of images usually relegated to movies like “The Shawshank Redemption,” with the three inmates shimmying into a vent and crawling through plumbing shafts. It was provided to The Associated Press by an attorney for escapee Adam Hossein Nayeri. The crisply edited video has a pop-music soundtrack and includes TV news clips about the escape and subsequent manhunt. It also contains voice-overs by Nayeri, recorded after their capture, giving his version of events, praising the cab

driver the trio kidnapped and railing against the legal system. One clip shows the inside of the maximum-security dorm room, known as Module F, at the jail in Santa Ana. How the inmates got the cellphones and were able to record in jail is not clear. “You know, a lot of people like to credit us with some Houdini escape act all in eight minutes flat. It’s an interesting myth,” Nayeri says in voiceover to the video. “In reality we did leave that mod after count. Not the one they’re claiming though. I left that module at least eight hours earlier the night before.” Inmates in the cramped dorm seem to know Nayeri is recording, but do not react, except for fellow escapee Bac Duong, who flashes a grin. The video then shows the escape. Nayeri carefully lifts a sawed-off bunk bed leg, exposing a previously cut metal screen on a wall. The screen is set aside as he disappears into a vent. The trio crawls through plumbing shafts within the

Nayeri says. “Friday night in San Francisco, a special Friday night in San Francisco.” A marijuana pipe is flashed. They hold up a bottle of Jack Daniels. The men led authorities on a weeklong manhunt before they were recaptured. The video does not show their recapture. Instead, Nayeri narrates the final two minutes of the edited video. “We scared a lot of people and caused a lot of anxiety and fear and at the end of the day I can’t say I feel good about that. I can’t.” In another section, Nayeri refers to Long Ma, the taxi driver they are charged with kidnapping, and who drove them north. “This man is truly a hero,” Nayeri says. “He just radiat-

ed this calm fatherly presence.” Photos show Ma with Tieu on a beach, appearing to pose for the camera. Nayeri’s attorney, Salvatore Ciulla, did not respond to questions Wednesday about why he was releasing the video, when the voiceover was recorded and who edited the recordings. Lt. Lane Lagaret, an Orange County Sheriff’s Department spokesman, has said the department wouldn’t comment on a video that “seeks to make light of criminal actions.” The Orange County district attorney’s office said it would be inappropriate to comment on the video because the case is in litigation.q


Friday 28 July 2017


EU leaders look to work in Libya on migration

By FRANCES D’EMILIO Associated Press ROME (AP) — Sending Italian naval units to help Libya’s coast guard could prove to be a “turning point” in efforts to stop traffickers from sending hundreds of thousands of migrants toward Italy’s southern shores, Premier Paolo Gentiloni said Thursday. With the foundering of a European Union plan to redistribute thousands of migrants rescued at sea and brought to Italy, Gentiloni said his center-left government would brief lawmakers next week about Libya’s request for Italian navy vessels to patrol its Mediterranean shores. Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Serraj, who leads a U.N.backed unity government based in Tripoli, met in Rome with the Italian leader on Wednesday and asked for the assistance. Gentiloni said his government was working out the details of a proposed naval mission. “The request that came to us from the Tripoli government for collaboration and assistance for the Libyan coast guard can be a turning point in handling the situation,” Gentiloni said. “The fact that the Libyan authorities ask Italy to collaborate, and not to substitute, (in the role of) fighting traffickers is important.” The premier noted that Italy already has furnished Libya’s coast guard with speedboats and training

Italian Police check people during a blitz outside Milan’s main train station, Italy, Wednesday, July 26, 2017. Authorities have detained several dozen people in response to an increasing public security issue as the city deals with a new wave of migrants. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

aimed at improving Libya’s own patrols. Traffickers, exploiting widespread lawlessness in the violencewracked, fractured north African nation, have sent hundreds of thousands of migrants in unseaworthy smuggling boats toward Italy over the last few years. Military ships from European nations, vessels organized by aid organizations and commercial cargo frequently pick up men, women and children making the perilous Mediterranean Sea crossing. Lately, most of those rescued at sea have been economic migrants from African nations unlikely to win asylum.

Italy has acknowledged the problem of might happen to migrants who are prevented from reaching Italy and returned to Libya. Rescued migrants have told Italian authorities and humanitarian organizations about torture, rape, forced labor, beatings and other atrocities they suffered in Libyan camps while awaiting their turn to be smuggled out by sea. The Italian government’s strategy foresees international organizations on the ground helping to guarantee the proper treatment of those forced to return to Libya and their eventual repatriation to their homelands.

However, organizations that work with refugees have expressed doubts that Libya’s deteriorated security situation would allow them to properly carry out such a humanitarian mission. Analysts have said that some of the very militias that support Serraj and help him hold on to power in western Libya also profit from trafficking, complicating chances for the success of anti-trafficking patrols. Meanwhile, long stretches of Libya’s coastline are not under the control of Serraj’s supporters. Lawmakers from Italy’s far-left parties might balk at approving a naval mission to Libya.q

Polish: government will target media after courts By VANESSA GERA Associated Press WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The leader of Poland’s ruling party said Thursday that the government intends to “decentralize” the media after it completes a “radical” overhaul of the judicial system that the European Union has denounced as violating democratic norms. Law and Justice party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the most powerful politician in Poland, said he expects “very strong resistance” to his conservative nationalist

movement’s plans to decentralize the media. He didn’t give details, but his party leaders have previously announced plans to limit foreign ownership of private media companies in Poland. Many Polish newspapers have German or Swiss owners, while an American company owns a major private television broadcaster, TVN. The party has consolidated power since 2015 in a way that has alarmed human rights officials and the EU,

taking control of public media and the constitutional court and purging civil servants and military leaders to replace them with loyalists. Kaczynski vowed to quickly complete the overhaul of the court system despite President Andrzej Duda’s rejection this week of two bills giving the ruling party more power over the Supreme Court and other aspects of the judicial system. Duda did, however, sign into law a bill giving the justice minister power

to name the heads of all lower courts, in what critics see as a blow to the country’s system of checks and balances. The planned judiciary changes sparked large nationwide protests for more than a week. Kaczynski spoke in two broadcast interviews, first on TV Trwam and then on Radio Maryja. Both are Roman Catholic outlets friendly to his party. Kaczynski said Poland’s universities also need “deep change.”q

Boris Johnson lends support to Australia-UK free trade deal By KRISTEN GELINEAU Associated Press SYDNEY (AP) — British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Thursday that he supports a proposed free trade agreement between the United Kingdom and Australia, as his country looks to strengthen its relationships with allies ahead of its departure from the European Union. Johnson and his Australian counterpart, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, announced the two nations would boost trade, intelligence-sharing and military ties following an annual meeting in Sydney that included the defense ministers of both countries. “As we go through the process of leaving the arrangements of the European Union, we are going to widen our horizons and work even more closely,” Johnson told reporters. “We have today reaffirmed our shared goal of concluding a free trade agreement as soon as possible after we leave the EU.” Johnson, who had advocated for Britain’s EU departure, said any deal would include an “open and generous” visa regime for Australians looking to travel to the U.K. “What we will be able to do once we take back control of our immigration arrangements is to have a system that is fair,” he said. “We want to welcome talented Australians.” The ministers were short on specifics over what impact a trade deal would have, though Johnson did have an answer for a British journalist who asked whether it would result in cheaper Australian wine for Britons. “Never mind Australian wine, which is, of course, delicious,” Johnson said. “There are tariffs on Scotch whisky in this country which seem to me to amount to a cruel deprivation of the Australian people of Scotch whisky at the price they could have it.q


Friday 28 July 2017

UK police: Corporate manslaughter possible in tower fire LONDON (AP) — British police said Thursday they have “reasonable grounds” to suspect that local authorities may have committed corporate manslaughter in a deadly high-rise fire in London. The Metropolitan Police force said it has officially informed the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, which owns the Grenfell Tower public housing block, and the management group the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Association that they are under suspicion. The news came in a letter from police sent to residents of the building. The letter said a senior representative of each body will be interviewed about the fire as part of the police investigation. The police force confirmed

to The Associated Press that the letter is genuine, but stressed it does not mean a decision has been made on whether to charge any individual or organization. Police have said for weeks that their investigation will consider whether anyone should be charged with a crime. The force said Thursday it was “considering the full range of offences, from corporate manslaughter to regulatory breaches.” At least 80 people died June 14 when an early morning fire ripped through the west London high-rise. It was the deadliest fire in Britain in more than a century. Huge investigations by police, fire officials and others are underway to determine how a blaze that started with a refrigerator in one apartment got out of control so quickly in the

People attend a vigil near Grenfell tower in London, Thursday, July 27, 2017. British police said Thursday they have “reasonable grounds” to suspect that local authorities may have committed corporate manslaughter in a deadly high-rise fire in London. (Victoria Jones/PA via AP)

24-story building. Attention has focused the building’s new aluminum

cladding, installed during a recent renovation, and authorities want answers

fast because thousands of other buildings in the country could be affected.q

Greek police see leads in money laundering suspect’s phone

By COSTAS KANTOURIS Associated Press THESSALONIKI, Greece (AP) — A cellphone seized during the arrest of a Russian man the U.S. wants extradited for allegedly laundering vast sums through bitcoin transactions should provide key data for the investigation, Greek police said Thursday. The U.S. Department of Justice has identified the suspect as Alexander Vinnik, 37. It said he allegedly laundered more than $4 billion through BTC-e, one of the world’s largest digital currency exchanges — which he allegedly operated. The suspect was arrested Tuesday while on holiday with his family in the Halkidiki area of northern Greece, which is popular with Russian tourists, and a prosecutor ordered his detention pending the extradition

process. Police said they seized electronic equipment, including mobile phones, two laptops and five tablets, from his hotel room. The suspect denies wrongdoing, and said he will fight extradition to the U.S. Thessaloniki security police chief Avraam Aivazidis told The Associated Press that officers who arrested the suspect at a hotel near Ouranoupolis — next to the all-male monastic community of Mount Athos — grabbed his cellphone before he could lock it, ensuring vital data were not lost. “He did not have time to shut it down,” Aivazidis said Thursday. “That was the important thing for us.” A police official said one officer distracted the suspect’s attention during the arrest while another snatched the cellphone out of his hand.

The official spoke only on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to discuss details of the case with the press.

A Department of Justice statement said Vinnik has been indicted by a grand jury in the Northern District of California, on charges

including money laundering, conspiracy to commit money laundering and engaging in unlawful monetary transactions.q






Friday 28 July 2017


Gaza power-sharing deal moves ahead with parliament meeting By FARES AKRAM Associated Press GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Rival Palestinian lawmakers came together for the first time in a decade on Thursday in Gaza’s parliament, the latest sign that an emerging Gaza powersharing deal between the territory’s Hamas rulers and a former Gaza strongman is moving forward. Mohammed Dahlan, a former Gaza security chief and Hamas rival, praised

the new partnership, addressing the gathering by video conference from his exile in the United Arab Emirates. “We have made mutual efforts with our brothers in Hamas to restore hope for Gaza’s heroic people,” Dahlan told the lawmakers. The gathering included dozens of legislators from Hamas, several Dahlan backers from the Fatah movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

and independents. Fatah legislators loyal to Abbas stayed away from the meeting, underscoring the deepening rift in the movement. Dahlan fell out with Abbas in 2010. The legislature has been idled since Hamas routed pro-Abbas forces, then under Dahlan’s command, and took over Gaza in 2007. Over the past decade, only Hamas lawmakers met in parliament to pass reso-

lutions concerning Gaza. The Western-backed Abbas, who administers parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, stayed away from Gaza. In an interview with The Associated Press over the weekend, Dahlan revealed that the power-sharing deal with Hamas aims at easing a crippling Israeli-Egyptian blockade on Gaza, help resolve acute power shortage and pay reparations for hundreds of families

who lost members during Hamas-Fatah infighting. In recent months, Abbas has taken severe measures against Gaza to squeeze Hamas and force it to cede control, slashing salaries of former Palestinian Authority public servants there, asking Israel to scale back electricity supplies and reducing other services. Hamas, short on options and allies, sought help from Dahlan.q

US-backed Syrian fighters now control almost half of IS city By SARAH EL DEEB Associated Press RAQQA, Syria (AP) — Heavy fighting broke out Thursday as U.S.-backed Syrian fighters captured almost half of the Islamic State group’s de facto capital of Raqqa. But the push into the city in northern Syria slowed due to stiff resistance and large amounts of explosives planted by the extremists, a spokeswoman for the fighters and monitors said. The assault on Raqqa by the Syrian Democratic Forces, a Kurdish-led fighting coalition, began June 6, backed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes and U.S. troops advising the local forces. Since then, the SDF has made steady advances from the eastern and western sides of the city, reaching the walled old quarter. The fall of Raqqa, the extremist group’s self-proclaimed capital, would be a huge loss for IS, which earlier this month lost the Iraqi city of Mosul. But

Syrian children and youths gather on a street as they look at a U.S. armored vehicle convoy pass on a road that links to Raqqa city, northeast Syria, Wednesday, July 26, 2017. The U.S. has up to 1,000 troops in Syria mostly involved in training and advising the local forces against IS. Kurdish forces have gained confidence in light of open U.S. support to their forces, particularly as the battle for Raqqa took off. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

much tougher fighting still lies ahead. Army Col. Ryan Dillon, spokesman for the U.S.-led

coalition fighting the Islamic State group, said 45 percent of Raqqa was under the control of the SDF.

In a series of tweets, he said the SDF cleared about 9 square miles of terrain this past week fighting against

“stiff, sporadic resistance” from IS militants entrenched in Raqqa. Commanders on the western Raqqa front line said there were about 800 meters left before SDF forces moving from east and west would connect — tightening the noose on IS. The battlefield Thursday was busy with hundreds of SDF fighters taking cover inside destroyed buildings less than 500 meters from IS combatants. SDF troops lobbed dozens of mortar shells at the militants, who sent out armed drones above the SDF forces Meanwhile, senior U.N. humanitarian official Ursula Mueller told the U.N. Security Council by video from Jordan on Thursday that an estimated 20,000 to 50,000 people remained in Raqqa. She said the city was encircled and “there is no way for them to get out.” Since April 1, over 200,000 people have fled their homes in the area around Raqqa, she said. q

AP Interview: Yemen factions said to have pledged easing aid By KARIN LAUB Associated Press AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Warring sides in Yemen’s civil war promised visiting U.N. agency chiefs to clear obstacles to aid delivery in a nation where cholera is spreading rapidly and hundreds of thousands of children are severely malnourished, the head of the U.N. child welfare agency said Thursday.

The growing suffering of Yemen’s civilians, including millions of children, is the result of fighting that erupted in September 2014 and is driven by regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran. The U.S. has backed a Saudi-led coalition with intelligence, satellite imagery and billions of dollars in weapons sales. The way to end to end the entirely man-made disaster is clear,

said Anthony Lake, the executive director of UNICEF. “Stop the war,” he said, addressing those involved in the civil war, both inside and outside Yemen. Lake said ordinary people around the world should feel “immense pity, even agony, for all of these children and others who are suffering, and they should feel anger, anger that this, our generation, is scarred

by the irresponsibility of governments and others to allow these things to be happening.” In Yemen, he stood by the bedside of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition, accompanied by mothers who had struggled to get them to the hospital. “What stays with you is their eyes,” he said of the children. “Their eyes are looking up at their mothers with

this look of trust, and we won’t know for how many that trust will be fulfilled and they live, and (how many) others will die.” Lake was joined by the heads of the World Food Program and the World Health Organization during the Yemen tour. The trio met with officials from the rival governments to win assurances that obstacles to aid delivery would be removed.q


Friday 28 July 2017

Venezuela unrest continues as polarizing vote nears By FABIOLA SANCHEZ CHRISTINE ARMARIO Associated Press CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Days before a polarizing vote to start rewriting its constitution, Venezuela is convulsing to a rhythm of daytime strikes and nocturnal clashes. The most recent violence drove the death toll from nearly four months of unrest above 100 Thursday. Most of the dead in antigovernment protests that began in early April have been young men killed by gunfire. The toll also includes looters, police allegedly attacked by protesters and civilians killed in accidents related to roadblocks set up during demonstrations. The count by the county’s chief prosecutor has been highly politicized, with the opposition and other government agencies reporting varying tolls and causes of death that focus blame on the other side.

When Neomar Lander, 17, was rushed bloody and lifeless to a hospital in early June, officials came out within hours to say he had been killed by a homemade bomb he was carrying. Opposition leaders maintained he was hit by a canister of tear gas fired by National Guard troops standing above the bridge where he was found dead. “They try to question the humanity of the other side as a political tactic, and I think that ends up discouraging and dismaying people,” said David Smilde, a Tulane University expert on Venezuela. The protests began following a Supreme Court ruling that stripped the opposition-controlled National Assembly of its remaining powers. Though quickly reversed, the decision ignited a protest movement against socialist President Nicolas Maduro fueled by anger over triple-digit inflation, hours-long lines to

Brazil’s President Michel Temer speaks at Planalto presidential palace in Brasilia, Brazil. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)


Brazil president’s approval ratings hit a new low, 5 pct SAO PAULO (AP) — A new poll in Brazil shows President Michel Temer’s alreadyabysmal popularity ratings have hit a new low as corruption allegations continue to swirl around him and others in government. Just 5 percent of respondents in the Instituto Ibope survey released Thursday approved of Temer’s job performance, while 70 per-

cent gave him either bad or terrible ratings. In the institute’s previous poll from March, 10 percent approved of Temer and 55 percent rated his performance bad or terrible. Ibope interviewed 2,000 people July 13-16 for the latest survey, which had a margin of error of 2 percentage points.q

Supporters of Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro cheer during a rally in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 27, 2017. Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has provoked international outcry and enraged an opposition demanding his resignation with his push to elect an assembly that will rewrite the troubled South American nation’s constitution. Sunday’s election will cap nearly four months of political upheaval that has left thousands detained and injured and at least 100 dead. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

buy basic food items and deadly medical shortages. Addressing a multitude of government supporters dressed in red Thursday, Maduro called on Venezuelans to vote in Sunday’s controversial election for

delegates to an assembly that is to rewrite the constitution. He posed the vote as a choice that Venezuelans must make between being either “a free country or a colony of the empire” — Maduro’s term for

the United States. Earlier, officials announced a host of security measures that were being enacted including an order that no political protests be held between Thursday and Tuesday.q


Friday 28 July 2017


Wife of Zimbabwe’s leader tells Mugabe to name successor

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace attend a rally in Marondera. Zimbabwe’s first lady on Thursday publicly urged her 93-year-old husband to name a successor, wading into a subject that President Mugabe has regarded as taboo. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi)

By FARAI MUTSAKA Associated Press HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe’s first lady on Thursday publicly urged her 93-year-old husband to name a successor, wading into a subject that President Robert Mugabe has regarded as taboo. Grace Mugabe, whose political influence has been growing, previously said the

world’s oldest head of state could rule from the grave. “If God decides to take him, then we would rather field him as a corpse” in the 2018 election, she said early this year. But in comments shown by state broadcaster ZBC, the first lady on Thursday said she had been arguing with him about naming a successor: “He says no, no,

no.” With her husband in attendance, she told members of the ruling ZANU-PF party women’s league: “I am asking him now in front of you ... You, president, don’t be afraid. Tell us your choice, which horse should we back. Because we respect him, his word will be final.” The audience cheered, though the presi-

dent’s response was not immediately clear. The president, who has led the southern African nation since 1980, already has started campaigning for next year’s vote. He has repeatedly said he will not choose a successor. The 52-year-old Grace Mugabe, who heads the ZANU-PF women’s league, has become increasingly powerful. Her decisions have carried more weight at times than those of the country’s vice presidents, and she has been headlining her own political rallies since 2014. While she is seen as a potential successor to her husband, she has sent mixed signals. She has said she has no problem becoming president but on other occasions has said she has no such ambitions. On Thursday, the first lady used a biblical analogy of a son who organized a feast to crown himself because his father was close to death. She said naming a successor “has been the trend in other countries,” ZBC reported. Some analysts have suggested that Robert Mugabe, who visibly struggles to walk these days,

could call an early election. His party’s secretary for administration, Ignatius Chombo, last month said Mugabe could call an election in February or March. He can only do that if Parliament, where his party holds a majority, chooses to dissolve itself. The constitution stipulates the earliest date Mugabe can call an election is in July 2018. Fights to succeed Mugabe have intensified in recent months, with Cabinet ministers and military generals trading insults on mainstream and social media over the issue. Mugabe and his wife have warned against senior party officials anointing themselves as successors. A Cabinet minister, Jonathan Moyo, has repeatedly tweeted that Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, a close Mugabe ally since the 1970s war of liberation from white minority rule, has done so. Mnangagwa has denied the claim, saying he is loyal to the president. Mnangagwa leads one of the two factions setting themselves up to succeed Mugabe. q

Ethiopia to give ID cards to Rastafarians long stateless By ELIAS MESERET Associated Press ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Ethiopia will issue national identity cards for the nearly 1,000 Rastafarians who long have been seen as stateless in the East African nation, the government announced Thursday. The decision means they can enter without visas and live without residence permits. The move also affects Ethiopian Jews and foreign

nationals who have made positive contributions to the country. “These individuals have long been unable to enter and leave the country easily,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Meles Alem told The Associated Press. “In the case of Rastafarians, we have three generations of people residing here that have blended well with our citizens. But sadly they were neither Caribbean nor Ethi-

opians so were somehow stateless. This national ID will address this problem.” Close to one thousand Rastafarians live in Ethiopia, especially in the capital, Addis Ababa, and a southern town called Shashamane. Ethiopia’s last emperor, Haile Selassie, granted land for the Shashamane settlement for black people who helped fight off Fascist Italian forces in the 1930s. Rastafarianism, which be-

gan after the emperor came to power, has followers who believe he is god. “We are overjoyed,” said Ras King, a prominent member of the Rastafarian community who first came to Ethiopia in 1982. “We are extremely happy because this has fulfilled our confidence in our forefathers’ vision for a united Africa and black people from the West. As usual, Ethiopia has led the way and set

the example for the rest of the continent in recognizing the Rastafarian movement.” Ethiopian Jews, also known as Beta Israel, have a significant presence both in Ethiopia and in Israel. The foreign ministry said the thousands of people who will be issued the new identity cards still cannot take part in elections or engage in the country’s security and defense sectors.q


Friday 28 July 2017

Happy Island Miracles in Pictures and Words ent countries. This is a book that tells the stories of immigrants who make up for the multicultural society that Aruba is. A world within an island, a cocktail of people. The book is visibly enriched with a picture of each interviewed immigrant and an image of her/his country as well as a map with the country’s location. In the back you will find a list with all nationalities living in the island and their numbers.

ORANJESTAD - Books, they can shake your world upside down. A good book can change your mood like that perfect vacation spot that energizes your spirit. Take these two together and what you get is a vacation book, a memory of that wonderful, heavenly place where you spent your valuable leisure time. Aruba Today dived into a local book store and wondered which Aruba books thrill the visitor’s mind. Sylvia Wouters, store manager at Bruna Book Store, gladly helped us out and informed us about a small selection of Happy Island miracles in pictures and words. ‘Aruba Point to Point’ by Federico Cabello “Beautiful pictures of Aruba, this is a perfect coffee table book to dream away with”, explains Sylvia. The book has 192 full color pages and more than 400 photos in a landscape format of 9.1 x 6.6 x 1.1 inches. In the words of the author: “Slipping beyond a dynamic tourist industry to discover its wild and undeveloped beauty. Starting at the extreme north of the

island, at California Lighthouse, I travel south along pristine beaches of white sand and calm, translucent seas, passing hotels, sailboats and shipwrecks as I go. At the southern tip, it is hard not to wish that the island would never end. Then back up the rocky East coast, where time and the eternal embrace of the waves have opened secret bays and stunning beaches in the shelter of rock walls. From beach to beach, point to point, cave to cliff to boat to bird, Aruba truly is... One Happy Island.” ‘Bird Wildlife of Aruba’ Hardcover by Greg Peterson Popular book that gives an overview of Aruba’s birds together with descriptions. The book contains full page photographs of over two hundred species of birds taken in Aruba’s wildlife. A checklist, for scientific and educational purposes, is at the end of the book containing the names of all bird species that can be found in Aruba. Where possible, the status (resident, migrant, vagrant, introduced) and abundance

(common, fairly common, uncommon, scarce, and rare) of the particular bird species will be added to the checklist. ‘Island Life, Aruba’s BestKept Diary’ by Rona Coster The book is a selection of columns written by Rona Coster between 1992 and 2004. The column appeared for the first time under the title Island Life in 1992 in The News, a local English-language newspaper. The Island Life columns were very factual and had a very strong educational undertone. Marking its 25th anniversary the column has become part of Aruba’s history and collective memory. “For those who were part of history to remember those days and for the next generations and Aruba’s visitors to learn about our islands valuable traditions, movements and contributors”, quoted by Karin Swiers, the book’s editor and publisher, at Visitaruba.com. ‘We Are Aruba’ by Linda Reijnders Worldly life tales of islanders that come from 76 differ-

‘Aruba Monuments Guide’ by Michel Bakker and Olga van der Klooster Aruba! Everyone knows this tropical island in the sun with pearly white beaches and palm trees swaying in the trade winds. But there’s more to Aruba than this. It has a fascinating history, a diverse culture and a rich architecture. Traces can still be found of the original indigenous inhabitants, and of the gold industry and aloe plantations. The islands architectural heritage includes historic churches, a

fort and a lighthouse. And you will come across the islands characteristic cunucu houses wherever you go. This guide will lead you through this wonderful cultural heritage along three routes: one driving route around the entire island, and two walking routes in the cities of Oranjestad and San Nicolas. You will discover places known only to insiders. And of course this guide also provides historical backgrounds and practical information. ‘Modern Caribbean Flavors’ by HelmiSmeulders This is “the” book about the contemporary Caribbean kitchen with healthy recipes made with fresh and local ingredients. With recipes for Tropical Quinoa Salad with Mango & Pomegranate Seeds, Sweet Potato Salad, Goat Merguez, Watermelon Sangria or Plantain Soup, the Caribbean vibe enters your kitchen, and you feel for a bit you are back in the tropics again….q


Friday 28 July 2017

In Korea, Taekwondo Youth Shows that Aruba’s Got Talent!

Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort)








ORANJESTAD - The office of Aruba Today had the honor to welcome the visiting stars of Brazil Taekwondo Stichting who made a round of visits to the island’s media. The reason: the Train Hard Fight Smart team of Brazil Taekwondo Stichting won four medals during an in-

ternational championship at Korea. The young team members trained hard to achieve these titles and are determined to keep on going strong. “We are aiming for the Olympics - you always have to set your goals high”, says the proud coach Alberto Klaber.q


Friday 28 July 2017

Loyal Guests Honored at the Divi Village Beach Resort

DRUIF BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure of honoring a very special couple who are loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba as Distinguished Visitors at the Divi Village Beach Resort. The symbolic honorary title is presented in the name of the Min-

ister of Tourism as a token of appreciation to guests who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 consecutive years. The honorees were Mr. James and Mrs. Kimberly May and their children Mr. Cody and Ms. Carrie May from Pennsylvania, celebrating their 10th consecutive annual visit

to Aruba! James, Kimberly, Cody and Carrie are loyal members of the Divi Village Beach Resort and they love Aruba very much because of the friendly people, fun in the sun, the climate, the beaches and the restaurants. They say that being on Aruba and staying at the

Divi Village Beach Resort is like being at their vacation ‘home-awayfrom-home.’ The certificate was presented by Ms. Marouska Heyliger representing the Aruba Tourism Authority together with associates from the Divi Village Beach Resort.q


Friday 28 July 2017

Real Island Life: Notes From A Day On Aruba!

PALM BEACH - First of all, I like to welcome you to my island in the sun. Aruba’s weather is always so predictable (hot and windy) and that might be the main reason you decided to come visit us. Of course besides the sun there is much more like: beaches, restaurants, shopping, gambling, activities and more. Talking about all those fun things to do here, if

you live on the island full time, and work every day, you might forget that we truly live in a paradise. Of course on your off day you might go swimming or drive around but it is after a few more days at home when you start realizing how beautiful our island really is. So I took some time to “smell the ocean breeze”...... I truly think that all locals

with anything you like to drink cold, and start driving. Of course you can get in an air-conditioned car, but also nice for the experience are the open-air jeeps. In that case all you need is to protect yourself with sun block because our sun is really strong-I recommend Aruba Aloe brand! Packed with a towel and the ice cooler I started driving along the coast line.

to swim. Calm and shallow waters, lots of space to lie out and catch some sun. If you pick a spot close to the Snack Container where they sell burger and refreshments you can enjoy 24-7 “golden oldies”. Music you grew up with...... After a few hours of “vegging” on the beach staring at the turquoise ocean and listening to the birds that fly by and walk around it

Never realized how many different shades of blue really exist in the ocean. I counted at least 9 different types of blues-just like you see in famous movies like the “blue lagoon”. First stop was the famous Charlie’s Bar in San Nicolaas Main Street. Generation after generation of Charlie’s have been running this cozy place, where you can spend hours looking around and identifying all the things visiting tourists have left behind to personalize the bar, like baseball caps, business cards, license plates and of course weird kind of souvenirs. Go check it out yourself..... Up to Baby Beach and Rogers beach. These are the places locals go. This is where we teach our kids

is time to get some food. Zeerovers in Savaneta is the place to go. Simple, clean and oh so good! The freshest fish on the island, brought in directly by our local fisherman. You order by the piece and or pound and as little or as much as you want. The price for fish and chips is so good that you for sure would ask: “is that all”? No fancy dinner ware, just plain easy simple plastic but I promise you that you will be licking your fingers while enjoying a few drinks and the best sunset on the island, island style........ You see now that a day in Aruba can fly by as long as you have fun enjoy every moment of it. Yes, you are in PARADISE!!!q

should do so, once in a while, to appreciate where we live and what we have.� Enjoy breakfast outside in your patio or yard. Breathe in and out.... Let it sink in a little. No rush and no hurry. Take time to enjoy your fresh squeezed lemon juice from your backyard trees with a fish omelet (left over’s from last night’s incredible catch of the day). Grab an ice cooler, fill it up


Friday 28 July 2017

NCAA rule ending two-a-days forcing teams to adjust By STEVE MEGARGEE AP Sports Writer The two-a-day football practices that coaches once scheduled to toughen up their teams and cram for the start of the season are going the way of tear-away jerseys and the wishbone formation. As part of its efforts to increase safety, the NCAA approved a plan this year that prevents teams from holding multiple practices with contact in a single day. The move has forced plenty of schools to alter practice calendars, with many teams opening their preseason as early as this week. Officials don’t mind if it causes a few logistical headaches as long as it reduces the head injuries that had become all too common this time of year. According to the NCAA’s Sport Science Institute, 58 percent of the football practice concussions that occur over the course of a year happen during the preseason. Brian Hainline, the NCAA’s chief medical officer, says August also is a peak month for catastrophic injuries resulting from conditioning rather than contact, such as heatstroke and cardiac arrest. “There was just something about that month really stood out,” Hainline said. “We couldn’t say with statistical certainty if this was because of the two-a-days, but there was enough consensus in the room and enough preliminary data that it looked like it was because of the two-a-days.” Some coaches believe the benefits could go beyond reducing concussions. Continued on Page 22


J-Mart, K-Mart power D-backs over Braves Arizona Diamondbacks’ J.D. Martinez (28) points to the sky after hitting a two-run home run as Atlanta Braves’ Tyler Flowers, left, kneels at home plate during the eighth inning of a baseball game Wednesday, July 26, 2017, in Phoenix. The Diamondbacks’ Martinez hit two home runs and the Diamondbacks defeated the Braves 10-3. Associated Press Page 20


Friday 28 July 2017

Morris’s 88th-minute goal gives U.S. Gold Cup title By JANIE McCAULEY AP Sports Writer SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) — As the victorious American players bounced so hard the podium shook, medals round their necks, a beaming Bruce Arena in the back raised his arms to the air right along with them as gold confetti began to fall. The U.S. resurgence is off to an impressive start since Arena returned late last year. Another CONCACAF Gold Cup crown, and now on to more important business: qualifying for next year’s World Cup. Former Stanford star Jordan Morris scored a tiebreaking goal in the 88th minute , and the United States beat Jamaica 2-1 on Wednesday night for its sixth Gold Cup title and first since 2013. Jozy Altidore’s goal on a 28-yard free kick in the 45th minute beat backup goalkeeper Dwayne Miller after Jamaica captain Andre Blake left early with a hand injury. Je-Vaughn Watson tied the score when he got away from Morris for a 4-yard volley off Kemar Lawrence’s 50th-minute corner kick. Morris, who left nearby Stanford in his junior year, has won the 2015 NCAA title, the 2016 MLS championship with Seattle and now the 2017 Gold Cup. He got the breakthrough goal with a 14-yard rightfooted shot after Gyasi

United States players celebrate after beating Jamaica 2-1 in the Gold Cup final soccer match in Santa Clara, Calif., Wednesday, July 26, 2017. Associated Press

Zardes crossed. Jermaine Taylor tried to clear with a header and the ball was knocked by Clint Dempsey with a leg back to Morris. “I was nervous. It was my guy that scored on the goal, so I was trying to make up for it any way that I could,” Morris said. “Obviously. I take responsibility for that. But luckily I could put one in the back of the net.” It was the fifth international goal for the 22-year-old Morris, who tied 16-year-old Canadian Alphonso Davies for the tournament lead with three goals. “That was like a dagger in the heart,” Jamaica coach Theodore Whitmore said.

Arena took a moment after the final whistle to congratulate Morris for the pretty shot but also for how he answered from a mistake. The U.S. extended its unbeaten streak to 14 games (9-0-5) under Arena, who became the first coach to win three Gold Cup titles. “Bruce brought in a new energy,” goalkeeper Tim Howard said. “He just gave us a tremendous lift.” The Americans had a chance to go ahead in the 19th minute when Altidore’s swerving 30-yard shot was parried by Blake, who dived left and then beat Kellyn Acosta to the rebound at the 6-yard box. Acosta collided with Blake

and appeared to kick the keeper’s right hand before Jamaica’s Damion Lowe cleared. Blake’s hand was wrapped but he couldn’t continue and was replaced by Miller four minutes later. As Blake left the field, he acknowledged the cheering fans with a wave of his left hand, then later emerged for the medal ceremony with his hand bandaged after receiving seven stitches that will be in for 10 days. Nothing was broken. “It was a pretty bad cut, I knew I wasn’t able to continue,” Blake said. “It happens sometimes.” Altidore put the U.S. ahead with a curling shot past

Miller’s outstretched right hand into the upper corner of the net just beneath the crossbar, his 39th goal in 108 appearances. Lawrence, who scored in a 1-0 semifinal win Sunday against Mexico, took another corner kick in the 75th minute moments after Alvas Powell’s shot from close range deflected off Graham Zusi — a sequence that had Howard yelling at his defense. U.S. captain Michael Bradley earned the Golden Ball at the tournament’s top player. Using a lineup with about half its regular starters — the rest are in preseason with European clubs — the U.S. reached its record 10th final. The Reggae Boyz were a surprising final opponent after they stunned Mexico in a semifinal Sunday to reach the title match for a second straight time. With 18 of 22 starters from Major League Soccer, this was a rematch of the 2015 Gold Cup semifinal won 2-1 by Jamaica at Atlanta. For the first time since replacing Jurgen Klinsmann in November, Arena kept his lineup unchanged. He inserted the 34-year-old Dempsey in the 55th minute. Chunks of turf came loose yet again at Levi’s Stadium, the $1.2 billion, 3-year-old home of the NFL San Francisco 49ers. The field has been an ongoing issue.q

Bob Bradley named first coach of MLS expansion club LAFC By GREG BEACHAM AP Sports Writer LOS ANGELES (AP) — Bob Bradley has been named the first coach of the Los Angeles Football Club, the MLS expansion franchise due to begin play next year. Bradley is the former coach of the U.S. men’s national team and the most accomplished American coach in international club soccer history. He had long been rumored to be a target of the deep-pocketed LAFC ownership group, which

hopes to make an immediate MLS splash when it enters the nation’s secondlargest market to compete with the LA Galaxy, the fivetime MLS Cup champions. LAFC will formally introduce Bradley on Friday at the Natural History Museum in downtown Los Angeles, next door to the site of the club’s under-construction new stadium. The 59-year-old Bradley has no players just yet on his new team, but he has a lengthy list of coaching accomplishments. He

In this Oct. 15, 2016, file photo, Swansea manager Bob Bradley directs his players during an English Premier League soccer match against Arsenal at The Emirates Stadium in London. Associated Press

became the first American coach to lead a Premiership team last season, although his tenure in charge of Swansea City lasted just 11 games. Bradley coached the U.S. team from 2006-11, winning a CONCACAF Gold Cup title in 2007 before becoming the only coach in 80 years to win a World Cup group and reach the knockout rounds in South Africa in 2010. After leaving the U.S. team, Bradley eschewed MLS jobs and embarked on an international career. q


Friday 28 July 2017

AL Capsules

Sale Away: Red Sox ace Ks 11 in 4-0 win over Mariners SEATTLE (AP) — Chris Sale pitched seven innings of three-hit ball, 20-year-old Rafael Devers became the youngest Boston player to hit a home run since Tony Conigliaro in 1965 and the Red Sox beat the Seattle Mariners 4-0 on Wednesday to stop a four-game losing streak. Sale (13-4) struck out 11, reaching double digits for the 14th time this season. A day after his big league debut, Devers homered in the third off Andrew Moore (1-3) for his first major league hit. Sandy Leon hit a two-run homer off Moore in the fourth. YANKEES 9, REDS 5 NEW YORK (AP) — Luis Severino (7-4) struck out nine over seven innings, allowing a pair of unearned runs and three hits as New York completed a two-game sweep. Didi Gregorius hit his fourth homer in three games and Todd Frazier hit his first homer for the Yankees, who have won consecutive series after going 0-8-2 in series after sweeping Baltimore from June 9-11. The Yankees have won eight of 12 following a 7-19 slide. Cincinnati has lost three straight and is 2-11 since the All-Star break. Homer Bailey (2-5) lost his third start in a row, giving up seven runs — five earned — and 10 hits in sixplus innings. RAYS 5, ORIOLES 1 ST. PETERSBURG, Florida

(AP) — Evan Longoria and Steven Souza Jr. homered, and Alex Cobb (9-6) gave up one run and four hits in seven innings. Longoria’s two-run homer off Ubaldo Jimenez (4-7) put Tampa Bay ahead 2-1 in the sixth, and Souza hit his 21st homer this season in the seventh against Darren O’Day. CUBS 8, WHITE SOX 3 CHICAGO (AP) — Jake Arrieta (10-7) gave up two runs and three hits in 6 2/3 innings and the World Series champions moved a season-high six games over .500 at 53-47. Chicago leads the NL Central by a half-game over Milwaukee after trailing the Brewers by 5 1/2 games just two weeks ago. Anthony Rizzo had three hits and four RBIs, helping the Cubs improve to 10-2 since the All-Star break. Addison Russell hit a solo homer in the ninth. Top prospect Yoan Moncada hit his first career homer and Alen Hanson also went deep, but the White Sox lost for the 11th time in 12 games. Third baseman Yolmer Sanchez committed a costly error and James Shields (2-3) lasted just fourplus innings. The White Sox played without All-Star outfielder Avisail Garcia, who is expected to miss a couple weeks after an MRI revealed a strained ligament in his right thumb. BLUE JAYS 3, ATHLETICS 2 TORONTO (AP) — Justin Smoak hit a tying two-

run homer in the ninth off Santiago Casilla (2-5) and Kendrys Morales homered on the next pitch. Toronto has hit consecutive homers six times this year, the last three occasions involving Smoak and Morales. Joe Biagini (3-8) pitched two-thirds of an inning. ROYALS 16, TIGERS 2 DETROIT (AP) — Eric Hosmer matched his career high with five hits, including his first major league grand slam, and had six RBIs and four runs. Hosmer entered with 117 homers but had not hit one with the bases loaded until he connected off Warwick Saupold in a nine-run seventh inning. Bruce Rondon was ejected with one out in the ninth after hitting Mike Moustakas on the back with a pitch, which caused both benches to empty. INDIANS 10, ANGELS 4 CLEVELAND (AP) — Rookie Bradley Zimmer homered and drove in the go-ahead run with a seventh-inning double as Cleveland won its sixth in a row, matching a season high. Zimmer hit a leadoff homer and broke a 2-all tie with a two-out double against Ricky Nolasco (4-12). Bryan Shaw (4-4) was the winner. MARLINS 22, RANGERS 10 ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — Dee Gordon homered on the first pitch thrown by Yu Darvish (6-9) and Miami set a franchise scoring record, topping a 20-1 win over

Boston Red Sox starting pitcher Chris Sale throws against the Seattle Mariners in the first inning of a baseball game, Wednesday, July 26, 2017, in Seattle. Associated Press

Atlanta on July 1, 2003. Christian Yelich hit a solo homer in the first for the Marlins, and Marcell Ozuna’s three-run triple in the fourth made it 9-2 to chase

Darvish (6-9). J.T. Realmuto and Giancarlo Stanton later went deep, with Stanton hitting a 468-foot drive for his major league-leading 33rd homer.q


Friday 28 July 2017

NL Capsules

Martinez hits 2, Marte homers in Diamondbacks’ 10-3 rout PHOENIX (AP) — J.D. Martinez homered twice and Ketel Marte hit an insidethe-park, two-run homer. Martinez has homered three times in three days, his first home runs since he was acquired from Detroit. Patrick Corbin (8-9) gave up two runs and seven hits in six innings. Aaron Blair (01) allowed five runs, five hits and five walks in three innings. GIANTS 2, PIRATES 1 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Brandon Belt hit a tiebreaking double in the seventh against Tony Watson (5-3) on a routine fly that left fielder Starling Marte had trouble seeing because sun and wind. Jeff Samardzija (5-11) allowed one run and four hits in seven innings, and Sam Dyson worked the ninth for his sixth save. NATIONALS 8, BREWERS 5 WASHINGTON (AP) — Bryce Harper extended his hitting streak to a career-high 18 games, then was ejected for arguing with plate umpire Chris Segal after striking out in the eighth inning with runners at the corners. Washington said it will put star right-hander Stephen Strasburg on the disabled list Thursday with a nerve impingement that is causing pain in his right forearm. The move will be retroac-

Arizona Diamondbacks’ Ketel Marte (4) smiles as he celebrates his two-run inside-the-park home run with Daniel Descalso (3) during the third inning of a baseball game against the Atlanta Braves, Wednesday, July 26, 2017, in Phoenix. Associated Press

tive to Monday, and Nationals manager Dusty Baker said Strasburg will miss one turn. Ryan Zimmerman and Adam Lind had tworun doubles in a seven-run eighth inning. Milwaukee’s Domingo Santana hit a first-inning home run that landed on the concourse beyond the left-field stands, a drive that would have traveled 476 feet unimpeded, according to MLB’s Statcast. Ryan Madson (1-0) pitched

a scoreless inning, and Jacob Barnes (3-2) wasted a 2-1 lead. PHILLIES 9, ASTROS 0 PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Aaron Nola (8-6) struck out a career-high 10 over six innings, allowing four hits. He is 5-1 with a 1.49 ERA over his last seven starts. Cameron Rupp hit two home runs and had four RBIs. Maikel Franco homered and doubled and Tommy Joseph had two doubles for the Phillies, who

had 14 hits while setting season highs with five doubles and nine extra-base hits. Mike Fiers (7-5) allowed three runs and five hits in four innings. CARDINALS 10, ROCKIES 5 ST. LOUIS (AP) — Paul DeJong hit his eighth home run in July, a two-run drive in the first off Jeff Hoffman (6-3). Randal Grichuk had a career-high four hits and Harrison Bader had three hits in his second major

league game. Carlos Martinez (7-8) struck out eight and gave up five runs and seven hits in six innings for his first win since June 16. St. Louis has won four of five while Colorado has lost four of six. The Rockies announced after the game that they have acquired right-hander Pat Neshek from Philadelphia for minor league pitchers J.D. Hammer, Alejandro Requena and infielder Jose Gomez. PADRES 6, METS 3 SAN DIEGO (AP) — Luis Torrens had three RBIs, Manuel Margot homered and Jhoulys Chacin (10-7) gave up two runs and four hits in 5 1/3 innings. Brad Hand got three outs for his fourth save, extending his scoreless string to 17 1/3 innings. Steven Matz (2-4) gave up six runs and nine hits in three innings and is 0-3 in his last five starts. DODGERS 6, TWINS 5 LOS ANGELES (AP) — Justin Turner hit a game-ending single with two outs in the ninth off All-Star closer Brandon Kintzler (2-2) as Los Angeles rallied from a 5-0 fourth-inning deficit to win their fifth straight and improve the major leagues’ best record to 71-31. Kenley Jansen (5-0) pitched a scoreless ninth.q

Hall of Famer Karrie Webb leads Ladies Scottish Open IRVINE, Scotland (AP) — Hall of Famer Karrie Webb shot a 7-under 65 in cold and windy conditions Thursday to take a one-stroke lead over Cristie Kerr in the Ladies Scottish Open. “When we were warming up and our first few holes, obviously it was really cold and really windy,” Webb said. “I looked at the scoreboard and saw that Cristie Kerr shot 6 under, and I was like, ‘What course did she play today?’” Webb played the final 10 holes in 7 under at Dundonald Links.

The 42-year-old Australian star birdied the par-4 ninth, made five straight birdies on Nos. 11-15 and added another birdie on the par-5 18th. “I sort of really hung in there through the front nine and made a nice birdie on 9 to turn at 1 under,” Webb said. “Then just really started swinging at it well and hitting it quite close and had some good birdie chances and made the most of them.” She won the last of her 41 LPGA Tour titles in 2014 at the Founders Cup.

Kerr closed with a birdie on the No. 9 in her bogey-free round in the event sanctioned by the LPGA Tour for the first time. It has been part of the Ladies European Tour since 1986. “It was still tough to stand over the shots that you needed to execute, and it’s never easy here. So, I’m very pleased with the score,” Kerr said. “I just controlled my ball really well out there, with the crosswinds and trajectory and I had a great day. I just kind of hit the ball where I was trying to hit it in the ar-

USA’s Christie Kerr on the 1st green during day one of the Ladies Scottish Open being played at Dundonald Links, North Ayrshire, Scotland, Thursday July 27, 2017. Associated Press

eas I was trying to hit it in, and made some putts, as well.” Fellow major champions Stacy Lewis and Inbee Park were tied for third at

69 along with Sei Young Kim, Lina Boqvist and Pornanong Phatlum. ANA Inspiration winner So Yeon Ryu had a 71, and Michelle Wie shot 72.q


Friday 28 July 2017

Ledecky back on top, while new generation emerges for US men By PAUL NEWBERRY AP National Writer BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — On a night when Katie Ledecky returned to a more familiar spot — the top rung of the medal podium — the U.S. men’s team began passing the torch to a new generation at the world championships. Step aside, Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte. You’ve got a worthy successor in Chase Kalisz. Sorry, Nathan Adrian. It’s Caeleb Dressel’s time to shine. Kalisz extended American dominance in the 200-meter individual medley on Thursday with a bit of Olympic redemption, ably filling the void left by Phelps’ retirement and Lochte’s absence in Budapest. “Big congrats to my little bro!!!” Phelps wrote on Instagram to his former training partner at the North Baltimore Aquatic Club. “Love ya dude!!!” The 20-year-old Dressel put the United States back on top in swimming’s glamour event, pulling away to a dominating win in the 100 freestyle while Adrian gladly settled for the silver. “He crushed it,” said Adrian, the 100 gold medalist at the 2012 London Olympics. “He’s going to be incredible for years to come.” Ledecky earned her fourth gold of the championships by anchoring the U.S. victory in the 4x200 free relay, taking over with a slight lead before powering away to win by a full body

length. About 24 hours after settling for silver in the 200 free, when she was passed on the final lap by Italy’s Federica Pellegrini , Ledecky returned to form on a team that also included Leah Smith, Mallory Comerford and Melanie Margalis. “I knew I would have a big race,” said Ledecky, who now has 13 golds in the world championship career, along with that lone silver. “I had an off day yesterday. It happens. You just try to bounce back as best you can from it and move forward.” The U.S. was just 0.13 seconds ahead when Ledecky took over for Margalis. The Americans finished in 7 minutes, 43.39 seconds with a comfortable 1.57 margin over China. Australia took the bronze. “Diving in when our anchor is a multi-time world-record holder just gives you the most confidence you can have,” said Smith, who led off. Also Thursday, Olympic champion Mireia Belmonte of Spain stayed on top in the women’s 200 butterfly, finishing strong to deny Katinka Hosszu another gold before the home crowd. Hungary’s “Iron Lady” was leading at the midway point, sending the packed house at Duna Arena into a frenzy, but Belmonte blazed past her to win in 2:05.26. Germany’s Franziska Hentke grabbed the silver,

United States’ Chase Kalisz celebrates after winning the gold medal in the men’s 200-meter individual medley final during the swimming competitions of the World Aquatics Championships in Budapest, Hungary, Thursday, July 27, 2017. Associated Press

leaving Hosszu to settle for bronze. Also, Brazil’s Etiene Medeiros took gold in the women’s 50 backstroke, which isn’t an Olympic event. The silver went to China’s Fu Yuanhui, while Aliaksandra Herasimenia of Belarus earned the bronze. Kalisz extended American rule of the 200 IM with his first major international championship. The Americans have won the event at eight straight world championships, not to mention at the last four Olympics — with Phelps or Lochte winning every time. “The U.S. has always been dominant in IMs, and that’s been one of our proudest traditions,” Kalisz said. “Michael and Ryan have been

Clarendon loses triple-double to stat correction By DOUG FEINBERG AP Basketball Writer NEW YORK (AP) — For the third time in just over a year the WNBA took a triple-double off the record books. Layshia Clarendon appeared to be the sixth player in league history to achieve the statistical feat on Tuesday night when she had 15 points, 11 assists and 10 rebounds in Atlanta’s overtime win over Phoenix. Two of her assists were later taken away in a league review when they were dis-

covered to be stat errors. The WNBA confirmed to The Associated Press that both the stat corrections were accurate. Temeka Johnson still has the last triple-double, garnering 13 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists for the Seattle Storm in 2014. Last year Brittney Griner and Angel McCoughtry both had tripledoubles rescinded in July after stat errors were found in their games. All three games occurred in Atlanta. “Though we are disappoint-

ed to see Layshia lose her triple-double, we appreciate the hard work put in by the league office to make sure everything is correct,” Atlanta Dream spokesman Dan Goldberger said. “We will continue to look at ways to equip our stat crew with the tools necessary to provide a clean box score at the end of the evening.” Clarendon took the stat change in stride. “For me, last night was always about the win,” she said. q

the centerpiece of that for almost 15 years now.” But Kalisz is still miffed about a silver medal in the 400 IM at Rio , a setback that ended America’s Olympic dominance of that event stretching back to the 1992 Barcelona Games. “It took a toll on me for a few months,” he said. “The second I turned it around into motivation was kind of when I started making leaps forward. I think of that moment every single day. I never forget it.” The American reign of the 200 IM began with Phelps’ coming-out at the 2003 worlds in Barcelona. Lochte had won the last two world titles. Neither is in Budapest, of course. While it was Phelps’

choice to step aside, Lochte missed out on a chance to qualify for the U.S. team because of a suspension for his embarrassing antics at last summer’s Olympics . Kalisz made sure the Americans didn’t miss a beat, finally breaking through on a big stage. He had a bronze and a silver at the two previous worlds. His first gold was a huge surprise. Kalisz was only fifth after the opening butterfly lap but stormed back to win in 1:55.56. Japan’s Kosuke Hagino claimed the silver, with the bronze going to China’s Wang Shun. “If you had told me that this would be my first world title, I would have definitely laughed at you,” Kalisz said.q


Friday 28 July 2017


In this May 12, 2017, file photo, Washington Wizards guard John Wall celebrates as he stands on the scorer’s table after Game 6 against the Boston Celtics in an NBA basketball second-round playoff series in Washington. Associated Press

Wizards announce contract extension NCAA rule ending two-a-days for John Wall forcing teams to adjust

In this Dec. 27, 2016, file photo, Florida State running back Dalvin Cook (4) runs as head coach Jimbo Fisher looks on during NCAA college football practice in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — John Wall signed his $170 million, four-year contract extension that owner Ted Leonsis said provides the Washington Wizards with long-term stability. Team President Ernie Grunfeld announced the completion of the deal Wednesday. Wall said in a video posted on Twitter that he had agreed to the extension that begins in 2019-20 and includes a player option for 2023-24. Wall, a four-time Eastern Conference All-Star, is the third player this summer to get a designated player “supermax” extension, joining Houston’s James Harden and Golden State’s Stephen Curry. “John is an exceptional talent and a cornerstone for our team,” Leonsis said. “It’s John’s unique blend of skill and leadership that makes us a championshipcaliber team.” The Wizards now have their big three locked up. Earlier this offseason they matched a $106.5 million, four-year offer sheet forward Otto Porter Jr. signed with the Brooklyn Nets and last summer signed guard Bradley Beal to a $128 million, five-year contract that goes through 2020-21. Porter was temporarily

Washington’s highest-paid player, but that honor now belongs to Wall, the No. 1 pick in the 2010 draft out of Kentucky who set career highs with 23.1 points, 10.7 assists and 2.0 steals last season. Wall has averaged 18.8 points over seven NBA seasons. “Returning to the only team I’ve known in my professional career was an easy decision for me,” Wall said. “I understand my role as the leader of this franchise and I will continue to work hard to improve my game and make our team better. ... I’m excited to bring them and this city continued success and a team they can be proud of.” The Wizards have made the playoffs three of the last four years. Wall averaged 27.2 points a game as Washington got to Game 7 of the second round this spring before losing to Boston. “He has constantly worked to improve and expand his game and has developed into an all-NBA player who has elevated our franchise,” Grunfeld said. “We are thrilled that he will continue to lead us through the prime years of his career and look forward to watching as he solidifies his place among the greatest players in our team’s history.”q

Continued from Page 17

“I don’t think you’re going to have the number of injuries that you had, especially the soft tissue injuries — hamstring pulls, quad pulls, groin pulls,” Louisiana Tech coach Skip Holtz said. Teams still can hold two practices on a given day, but one of those practices can only be a “walkthrough” that includes no contact, helmets, pads or conditioning activities. Three hours of recovery are required between a practice and a walkthrough, though meetings can be held during that period. “It just makes all the sense in the world,” Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh said. Most programs were trending away from two-a-day practices long before this decision. More than three-quarters of the 89 Football Bowl Subdivision teams that responded to an Associated Press survey on the subject said they conducted multiple practices on certain days last year. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, teams made sure one of those workouts had limited or no contact. Those teams won’t have to change their approach too much. Hainline said he didn’t know exactly how many

programs were still holding multiple contact workouts on certain days before the NCAA ruling, but he said it was more common in the Division II ranks than among FBS schools. Coaches say that because players are on campus working out all year, there’s no need to work them quite as hard once preseason practices begin. “Back in the day, we used two-a-days to get in shape,” Florida State coach Jimbo Fisher said. “You weren’t there all summer. You didn’t come until the second half. They didn’t train from January until June like they do now.” Marshall athletic director Mike Hamrick, a member of the Division I football oversight committee, agrees that times have changed. As an example, he cites the grueling workouts Paul “Bear” Bryant held at Texas A&M during the 1950s, which were chronicled in the book and ESPN movie “Junction Boys.” “There ain’t no ‘Junction Boys’ anymore because the players are in tip-top shape when we start football practice,” Hamrick said. Even so, some players say they’ll miss the grind. “Going through a two-aday is tough, and that’s a

big part of football,” Kansas State offensive lineman Dalton Risner said. “That builds you for the season. I wish that could go back to what we used to do.” While two-a-days already were going out of fashion, this new rule is still forcing teams to adapt in other respects. Although the NCAA is preventing multiple full-scale workouts on the same day, teams are still permitted to hold 29 total preseason practice sessions, the same as before. That creates a dilemma for coaches trying to hold that many practices without the benefit of two-adays. Chris Ash of Rutgers is concerned increasing the length of training camp conflicts with new NCAA rules about time demands placed on athletes and could end up increasing the overall amount of contact practices. “We’ve got to manage five weeks of training camp very carefully,” Ash said. Division I schools received a blanket waiver for this season allowing them to start practice one week earlier than usual. Nearly twothirds of the FBS programs that responded to the AP survey are starting practice in July rather than in August, as is customary.q


Friday 28 July 2017

Why Twitter won’t ban President Donald Trump By BARBARA ORTUTAY AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Twitter has made it clear that it won’t ban Donald Trump from its service, whether the president follows its rules against harassment or not. That’s no surprise: The president’s tweets draw attention to the struggling service, even if tweets mocking reporters and rivals undercut Twitter’s stated commitment to make the service a welcoming place. The company has been cracking down on accounts that violate its terms, and Trump’s critics say he has broken Twitter’s rules multiple times. Calls to ban Trump from Twitter, largely by liberal activists, writers and Twitter users, sounded even before he became president. They were renewed recently when the president posted a mock video of him “body slamming” a man whose face was covered by CNN logo. Groups such as the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press condemned the video as a threat against journalists (a White House aide

said at the time that the tweet should not be seen as a threat). THE CASE FOR TRUMP Twitter does ban harassment and hateful conduct, but there is a lot of wiggle room as to what constitutes such behavior. For instance, though it may be crude to tweet that a TV host was “bleeding badly from a face-lift,” they are at best in a gray area when it comes to violating Twitter terms. When asked about Trump, Twitter says it doesn’t comment on individual accounts. But CEO Jack Dorsey told NBC in May that it’s “really important to hear directly from leadership” to hold people accountable and have conversations out in the open, not behind closed doors. It also makes business sense: Trump’s tweets are constantly in headlines, calling attention to Twitter and, ideally, getting more users to sign up. For now, it doesn’t appear to be helping. On Thursday, Twitter said its monthly average user base in the April-June quarter grew 5 percent from the previous year to 328 million, but it

This Wednesday, April 26, 2017, photo shows the Twitter app on a smartphone in Philadelphia. Twitter Inc. reports earnings, Thursday, July 27, 2017. Associated Press

was unchanged from the previous quarter. Twitter’s stock fell more than 9 percent to $17.75 in pre-market trading Thursday after the numbers came out. Twitter has never turned a profit. On Thursday, the San Francisco-based company reported a second-quarter loss of $116 million, or 16 cents per share, compared with a loss of $107 million, or

15 cents per share, a year earlier. Revenue declined 5 percent to $574 million from $602 million, inching past Wall Street’s muted expectations. IMPORTANT TWEETS Free speech advocates agree it’s better for Trump to stay. Emma Llanso, director of the Center for Democ-

racy & Technology’s Free Expression Project, said Trump’s tweets are “very clearly politically relevant speech” and are even being cited in court cases challenging the president’s policies. For example, a U.S. appeals court used Trump’s tweets in June to block his travel ban on people from six predominantly Muslim countries.q

Chief Justice Roberts: Technology poses challenge for court By NICK PERRY Associated Press WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts said Wednesday he thinks rapidly advancing technology poses one of the biggest challenges for the high court. Speaking at an event at the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, Roberts also repeated his concern that the confirmation process for Supreme Court justices has become too politicized. And he advised that having a written constitution, which some in New Zealand favor for their country, imposed constraints on judges. Roberts answered questions posed by the university’s law dean, Mark Hick-

ford, for about an hour. Hickford did not ask any questions about U.S. President Donald Trump, who has criticized judges including Roberts and imposed a travel ban on people from six mostly Muslim countries that has been challenged in the courts. The Supreme Court said last week the Trump administration can enforce a ban on refugees but also left in place a weakened travel ban that allows more relatives of Americans to visit. At the New Zealand event, Roberts said technology was a real concern. “There are devices now that can allow law enforcement to see through walls. Heat imaging and all this kind of thing,” he said. “Well, what does that

do to a body of law that’s developed from common law days in England about when you can search a house?” He said the court had correctly determined that accessing an iPhone was problematic under the constitution’s Fourth Amendment. “I’ll say it here: would you rather have law enforcement rummaging through your desk drawer at home, or rummaging through your iPhone?” Roberts said. “I mean, there’s much more private information on the iPhone than in most desk drawers.” He said none of the Supreme Court justices are experts in the area and it is going to be a particular challenge for them to

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts attends an event at the Victoria University of Wellington on Wednesday, July 26, 2017, in Wellington, New Zealand. Associated Press

make sure they understand the issues and for lawyers to explain them. Asked about the benefits of a written constitution, Roberts said he didn’t want to offer advice to New Zealand but that the U.S. Constitution had a constraining

purpose and affect. “The framers of the constitution hoped they were drafting a document that would withstand the test of time, and they used, in many instances, very broad and capacious terms,” he said. q


Friday 28 July 2017

Shares in AstraZeneca dive as key cancer drug trial fails Associated Press LONDON (AP) — Shares in Anglo-Swedish drugmaker AstraZeneca plunged as much as 17 percent Thursday after a new lung cancer treatment proved less successful than the company had hoped. AstraZeneca said human trials of the drug Imfinzi failed to meet the goal of improving progression-free

survival rates in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Investors saw the results as a major setback because the company had hoped the study, known as Mystic, would show Imfinzi to be more effective than standard chemotherapy. “Analysts have been waiting for the numbers from the Mystic trial for months and had, admittedly tenta-

tively, booked in billions of dollars of future sales from the combination therapy,” said Nicholas Hyett, an equity analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown. “Those healthcare billions will now be going elsewhere.” AstraZeneca reported the findings along with second-quarter financial results that were less than rosy as the loss of patent protection for

two blockbuster drugs hurt sales. The company has been seeking to develop new treatments to fight off competition from generic drugmakers. The potential for such drugs was repeatedly described as one of AstraZeneca’s strengths when it fended off a takeover bid from U.S. drugmaker Pfizer, which makes Viagra. Second-quarter

revenue declined 10 percent to $5.05 billion as sales of the cholesterol drug Crestor fell 40 percent. Sales of the anti-depressant Seroquel XR dropped 58 percent. Net income totaled $477 million compared with a loss of $3 million in the same quarter last year as AstraZeneca reined in costs and increased sales of cancer drugs.q

Shell preparing for world economy that shifts away from oil

By DANICA KIRKA Associated Press LONDON (AP) — Royal Dutch Shell is planning for the day when demand for oil starts fading as major economies move away

from oil and increasingly turn to electric-powered cars, Chief Executive Ben van Beurden said Thursday. Van Beurden welcomed recent proposals to phase out passenger vehicles

powered by fossil fuels in Britain and France, saying they are needed to combat global warming. Shell is looking at “very aggressive scenarios” as it makes plans to remain competi-

tive in a world that gets more of its energy from renewable sources and less from crude oil, or “liquids,” he said. “The most aggressive scenario - much more aggressive than what we are seeing at the moment, by the way - with maximum policy effect, with maximum innovation effect, can see us peaking in liquids consumption somewhere in the early thirties,” he said as Shell reported secondquarter earnings. “If there are a lot of biofuels in the mix, that may mean that oil will peak in the late twenties, but then everything has to work up.” Van Beurden’s comments come amid increased focus on the future of the industry after the Paris climate agreement saw governments commit to tougher action on emissions and shareholders push for more long-term plans. Britain this week pledged to ban the sale of new cars and vans using diesel and

CINCINNATI (AP) — Procter & Gamble reported profit and revenue that beat Wall Street expectations, but it wasn’t good enough for at least one major shareholder. The world’s largest consumer products maker posted fiscal fourth-quarter profit of $2.22 billion, beating Wall Street forecasts and the $1.95 billion posted in the same quarter last year. But the company has consistently trailed its competitors, drawing the ire of activist investor Trian Fund Management, led by Nel-

son Peltz. In a statement, Trian said P&G “needs to address the root causes of this consistent underperformance, including deteriorating market share across most of its categories and excessive cost and bureaucracy. While P&G says it is addressing the underperformance issue, shareholders have heard similar promises in the past and results have not materially improved.” The maker of Tide detergent and Charmin toilet paper has been shedding underperforming brands

for years in an attempt to boost profits. Its shares are up almost 7 percent in the past 12 months, but have lagged behind competitors Unilever, Johnson & Johnson and Colgate-Palmolive for years. Trian, which FactSet lists as the fifth largest shareholder with approximately $3.3 billion of P&G shares, suggested appointing Peltz to the Board of Directors. “Nelson Peltz has been involved with numerous successful turnarounds of consumer brands and businesses, and adding him to the

P&G Board will help P&G become best-in-class,” Trian said. “As a motivated independent director, he will have a laser focus on long-term shareholder value creation that can accelerate positive change at P&G.” Revenue for fiscal 2017 was $16.1 billion, which beat Street forecasts of $16 billion, but was effectively flat from 2016. On a per-share basis, the Cincinnati-based company said it had profit of 82 cents. Earnings, adjusted for restructuring costs, were

This photo shows the Shell logo at a petrol station in London. Royal Dutch Shell is planning for the day when demand for oil starts fading as major economies move away from oil and increasingly turn to electric-powered cars. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

gasoline starting in 2040 as part of a sweeping plan to tackle air pollution. France announced a similar initiative earlier this month. Car makers are also moving in this direction. Volvo says that by 2019 all of its cars will be powered by electricity or hybrid engines. “It’s not a surprise that the international super-majors are starting to accept a future with the question of just how much oil and gas is needed,” said David Elmes, an energy industry expert at Warwick Business School. “They realize that is now in their planning horizons and therefore needs to be discussed with shareholders because it is influencing the decisions today, and one might argue that has been prompted by shareholder activism.” Shell has already begun to respond to changing energy demand by increasing its focus on natural gas, van Beurden said. q

85 cents per share. The results topped Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of 10 analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of 78 cents per share. P&G had earnings of 69 cents per share for the same quarter last year. The Cincinnati-based company said organic sales — a closely-watched figure that strips out the effects of foreign currency swings, acquisitions and divestitures — rose 2 percent quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year. q

P&G beats 4Q forecasts but irks activist investor Trian


Friday 28 July 2017

Falling tech stocks pull US indexes off their record highs

Trader Ryan Falvey, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, July 26, 2017. Stocks are opening higher on Wall Street as several big companies including Boeing and AT&T report solid results. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

By STAN CHOE AP Business Writer NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. stock indexes pulled back from their record highs Thursday after an afternoon swoon for technology companies helped overshadow another big day for telecoms. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index fell 2.41 points, or 0.1 percent, from its record set a day earlier to close at 2,475.42. The Nasdaq composite likewise fell from a record, down 40.56, or 0.6 percent, to 6,382.19. The

Dow Jones industrial average was an exception, and it rose 85.54, or 0.4 percent, to 21,796.55 to set another all-time high. Stocks had been on track for another quiet day of gains in a year full of them, but Apple, Microsoft and other technology stocks suddenly changed direction in the afternoon. After being up as much as 0.6 percent in morning trading, tech stocks in the S&P 500 finished the day down 0.8 percent. It was the worst

performance among the 11 sectors that make up the index. Software company CA had the biggest loss in the S&P 500 and fell $3.55, or 10.2 percent, to $31.10. It began to plunge around noon, following reports that merger talks between it and BMC Software have ended. F5 Networks was another tech stock that helped lead the S&P 500 lower. It reported weaker revenue for the latest quarter than analysts

expected and gave a forecast for earnings this quarter that fell short of some analysts’ forecasts. Its stock lost $9.18, or 7.2 percent, to $119.02. Close to half of the companies in the S&P 500 have reported their earnings for the latest quarter, and the results have been mostly encouraging. Not only are profits growing, so are revenues for many companies. But expectations were high coming into the reporting season, and shares rallied accordingly. Now, companies’ stocks are getting less of a boost than usual when they report earnings that are above analysts’ forecasts, said Nate Thooft, senior portfolio manager at Manulife Asset Management. “And for those few that are disappointing, they’re getting penalized significantly,” Thooft said. Stock prices are dropping more than usual when companies fall short of expectations, he said. Twitter dropped $2.77, or 14.1 percent, to $16.84. It reported better-thanexpected quarterly results, but it also said that its monthly average user base did not grow from the prior quarter. Health care stocks were also weak, and drugmaker

AstraZeneca sank after it said its lung cancer drug Imfinzi did not reach its goals in a clinical trial. U.S.listed shares of AstraZeneca lost $5.06, or 14.9 percent, to $28.88. Industrial companies also struggled, and Johnson Controls tumbled $3.18, or 7.3 percent, to $40.14. It reported weaker-thanexpected revenue for the latest quarter and trimmed the upper end of the range for its forecast for full-year earnings per share. On the opposite side were telecom stocks, which rallied for a second straight day. Verizon Communications had its best day in more than eight years after it reported more revenue than analysts expected. Many more customers added wireless phones than Wall Street had forecast. Verizon jumped $3.41, or 7.7 percent, to $47.81. Verizon’s big day follows AT&T’s, which had its biggest move since 2009 on Wednesday after it reported stronger-than-expected earnings. Over the last two days, AT&T has climbed 8.8 percent, and Verizon is up 8.7 percent. Facebook climbed $4.83, or 2.9 percent, to $170.44 after it reported strongerthan-expected earnings. q

Online-shopping energizes UPS earnings in second quarter

By DAVID KOENIG AP Business Writer DALLAS (AP) — If you buy diapers online later this year, UPS begs you to avoid placing the order right around Thanksgiving or Christmas. To drive home the point, the company with the big brown trucks will impose special surcharges for shipments during peak holiday weeks. UPS executives gave more details about their planning for peak season on Thursday as they discussed second-quarter earnings, which rose 9 percent to $1.38 billion. The profit topped Wall Street expectations, but UPS said earnings in the third quarter will be flat

compared with a year ago, and tax benefits that helped fourth-quarter results last year won’t be repeated. UPS shares fell 4 percent, closing down $4.50 at $107.79. United Parcel Service Inc. and rival FedEx Corp. are riding a boom in online shopping. It’s what helped to lift UPS revenue in the crucial U.S. domestic

package-delivery business by 8 percent. Despite the better-than-expected second-quarter profit, UPS on Thursday stuck by its guidance for full-year earnings. That could reflect concern that the June quarter bump was exaggerated by fuel surcharge and workers compensation items, and that currency rates will continue to reduce over-

seas revenue. The conservative forecast disheartened investors, who drove shares down 4 percent, to $107.77. The holiday season is always critical for shippers. The growth of online shopping has filled their planes and trucks but also raised costs. Dispatching trucks

to deliver single packages to homes costs more than bigger shipments to businesses. If the delivery companies make a mistake in forecasting demand, they can wind up unable to carry the load or, on the flipside, overspend on seasonal workers and extra transportation.q


Friday 28 July 2017


Conceptis Sudoku

6 Chix


Mother Goose & Grimm

Baby Blues


Yesterday’s puzzle answer

Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Sudoku increases from Monday to Sunday.


Friday 28 July 2017


Forbes: Amazon’s Bezos was briefly world’s richest man By ANICK JESDANUN AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos briefly became the world’s richest man Thursday in Forbes magazine’s tracking of wealth, as stock in his ecommerce company hit an all-time high. Microsoft founder Bill Gates reclaimed the lead by afternoon, as Amazon’s stock fell nearly 1 percent for the day to $1,046. Amazon shares have been trading at a record high. They hit $1,083.31 at about noon Thursday. According to securities filings, Bezos owns about 80 million shares, or 17 percent; those shares were valued at more than $87 billion at the peak. Bezos also owns The Washington Post through a holding company. Forbes said Bezos’ net worth was about $90.6 billion when the market opened Thursday. Gates had $90.1 billion. Forbes said Gates would have been the undisputed leader had he not given billions of dollars away to various philanthropic causes. Bezos issued a request for philanthropic ideas in a tweet in June, just before Amazon announced a $13.7 billion deal for organic grocer Whole Foods. The changes in Bezos’ fortune coincided with Amazon’s report of a 77 percent decline in quarterly profit on heavy spending.


Dr. Dassen Tel. 583 1822

San Nicolas


Aruba Beach Club week 30 July 29/ aug.5th Units 4 pers. kitchen 2 qsize bedr Close to the beach $650 Call: 583 4403 /560 3297 ________________________________207904


In this Jan. 28, 2016 photo, billionaire Amazon founder and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos talks in Washington. Bezos briefly became the world’s richest man Thursday, July 27, 2017 in Forbes magazine’s tracking of wealth, as stock in his e-commerce company hit an all-time high. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Shares fell another 2 percent in after-markets trading as the company missed Wall Street’s expectations on profit. Amazon said it earned $197 million, or 40 cents per share, in the second quarter, down from $857 million, or $1.78 per share, a year ago. Analysts surveyed by Zacks investment Research were expecting earnings of $1.40 per share on revenue. Revenue grew 25 percent to $38 billion, compared

with $30 billion a year ago. That topped expectations of $37.2 billion. But Amazon has long been known for investing the money it makes back into its businesses. For the second quarter, Amazon reported operating expenses of $37 billion, a 28 percent increase from a year earlier. Part of Amazon’s spending involves opening new warehouses and filling them with employees. q

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Aruba Airport 524-2424 American Airlines 582-2700 Avianca 588-0059 Aruba Airlines 583-8300 Jet Blue 588-2244 582-7896 Surinam Venezolana 583-7674 Aruba Foundation For those Visually Incapasitated Tel. 582-5051 AL-ANON group Sabana Liber #8, Noord Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081 FUNDACIONS Respetami Tel. 582-4433 Centro Diabetic Arubano Tel. 524-8888 Narcotics Anonymous Tel. 583-8989 QUOTA Club Tel. 525-2672 Women in Difficulties Foundation Tel. 583-5400 Bloodbank Aruba Tel. 587-0002


Friday 28 July 2017

Warming to worsen dead zones, algae blooms choking U.S. waters By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — Projected increases in rain from global warming could further choke U.S. waterways with fertilizer runoff that trigger dead zones and massive algae blooms, a new study said. If greenhouse gas emissions keep rising, more and heavier rain will increase nitrogen flowing into lakes, rivers and bays by about 19 percent by the end of the century, according to a study in Thursday’s journal Science . While that may not sound like much, many coastal areas are already heavily loaded with nitrogen. Researchers calculated that an extra 860,000 tons of nitrogen yearly will wash into American waterways by century’s end. The nutrients create lowoxygen dead zones and

In this image provided by NASA, taken Aug. 3, 2015, phytoplankton is seen off the coast of New York, top and New Jersey, left.Associated Press

harmful blooms of algae in the Gulf of Mexico, Great

Lakes, Pacific Northwest and Atlantic coast.

“Many of these coastal areas are already suffering

year-in, year-out from these dead zones and algal blooms,” said one of the researchers, Anna Michalak, an ecologist at the Carnegie Institution for Science at Stanford University. “And climate change will make it all worse.” When waterways are overloaded with nutrients, algae growth can run amok, creating dead zones. Algae can also choke waterways with “green mats of goop on top of the water” that are giant floating blooms, Michalak said. The blooms often have toxins that can pollute drinking water. In 2014, a bloom on Lake Erie fouled tap water for half a million people in Toledo, Ohio, for more than two days. The study, which is based on computer simulations, found the Northeast and Midwest will be hit hardest by the increase in nitrogen runoff. q

How loss of Arctic sea ice further fuels global warming

The Finnish icebreaker MSV Nordica sails through sea ice floating on the Beaufort Sea off the coast of Alaska while traversing the Arctic’s Northwest Passage, Sunday, July 16, 2017. Associated Press


For much of the year, the Arctic appears as a crumpled white sheet of ice and

snow before great chunks break off around the edges in spring, forming a sea

of floes that gently dance across the frigid waters. The floating ice slowly shrinks throughout summer until another winter season starts. Because of global warming, more sea ice is being lost each summer than is being replenished in winters. Although sea ice is likely to continue forming each winter, it may be restricted to even higher latitudes. Less sea ice coverage also means that less sunlight will be reflected off the surface of the ocean. The water will absorb more heat, further fueling global warming. Sea ice forms when the top layer of water reach-

es freezing point, usually around the start of October. As temperatures continue to fall, this first-year ice grows downward until it is several feet thick. If the ice survives the following summer melt, it becomes second-year ice. Another cycle and it becomes multi-year ice — which is the toughest kind. Sea ice plays an important role in the global climate system by cooling the surrounding water and air. It helps maintain ocean and atmospheric currents that affect weather that is characteristic for certain parts of the world, such as the comparatively mild temperatures found in western Europe.q


Friday 28 July 2017

‘Son of Sam’ film brings to life New York 40 years ago By DAVID BAUDER AP Television Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Geraldo Rivera dates the low point in modern New York City history to Aug. 9, 1977. That was the day before police arrested David Berkowitz, the serial killer who called himself “Son of Sam.” He terrorized the city for a year with latenight shootings, killing six and wounding seven, and primarily targeted young women sitting in cars. The time is vividly brought to life in the Smithsonian Channel documentary, “The Lost Tapes: Son of Sam,” premiering Sunday at 9 p.m. EDT. The Investigation Discovery network is airing its own retrospective on the crime spree that airs Aug. 5. Producer Tom Jennings has made similarly styled documentaries on Pearl Harbor, the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King and the 1994 Los Angeles police riots. The idea is to trace the story through news reports shown at the time, trading in retrospective for a “you are there” feel. Since police were largely flummoxed until the end, news producers sent crews

out on the streets to interview New Yorkers about how they were coping. As such, “The Lost Tapes” offers a rich portrait of what the city was like that summer 40 years ago. It isn’t pretty. The city was grubby, crime-ridden and scared, in the midst of a hot and sticky stretch that included a blackout-induced night of lawlessness. “1977 was an awful, awful year in New York City,” said Rivera, who appears as a studly ABC News reporter in the documentary, painted into a pair of jeans. “It was a year of the blackout, it was a year the city seemed totally dysfunctional, coming apart at the seams.” Fanned by news reports, and Berkowitz’s own oddball letters sent to newspaper columnist Jimmy Breslin, the “Sam” saga whipped up fear among young people at a usually carefree stage in their lives. Many turned down dates or parties to stay home. Since the killer appeared to favor women with long, dark hair, women across the city cut or died their hair. “You wouldn’t let your kids go out,” Rivera recalled. “It was the kind of crime spree

In this Aug. 11, 1977 file photo, serial killer David Berkowitz, known as “Son of Sam,” arrives at Brooklyn Courthouse in New York. Associated Press

that was so irrational. His victims were people that everyone could relate to and everyone was subsequently fearful that they could be next.” Berkowitz, he said, was the Joker in Gotham City. The New York City Police Department formed a 200-person task force to solve the crime. It was deeply personal for police, said Bill Clark, a former city homicide detective who was on the task force.

Detective work was difficult because the crimes seemed random, with few building blocks of commonality. Many undercover officers worked all night on the streets, hoping to catch the shooter in the act. “The city became a victim and the police became a victim,” Clark said. “We’d go home and our wives and neighbors would say, ‘you’re detectives, why didn’t you catch the guy?’

How do you tie people together to a crime when there’s no tie?” Eventually, mundane police work cracked the case. When a witness reported a strange man on the street near the final shooting, police checked traffic tickets that had been issued in the area and traced them to Berkowitz’s car and Yonkers, New York, home. After his arrest, there were more newspapers sold in the city than there had been after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, said Lawrence Klausner, author of “Son of Sam.” Berkowitz remains in an upstate New York prison, reportedly a born-again Christian. Producer Jennings said the story crafted through the news reports takes viewers back into time better than any of the other documentaries he’s done. Interviews with the thick-accented residents recall a “New Yawk” middle class that has shrunk considerably in 40 years. “The New Yorkers themselves became an important voice in this — the frustration, the fear they felt and the elation when it was solved,” he said.q

Hillary Clinton calling new book ‘What Happened’ By HILLEL ITALIE AP National Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Clinton is calling her new book “What Happened” and promising unprecedented candor as she remembers her stunning defeat last year to Donald Trump. “In the past, for reasons I try to explain, I’ve often felt I had to be careful in public, like I was up on a wire without a net,” Clinton writes in the introduction, according to publisher Simon & Schuster. “Now I’m letting my guard down.” Simon & Schuster told The Associated Press on Thursday that Clinton’s book will be a highly personal work that also is a “cautionary tale” about Russian interfer-

ence in last year’s election and its threat to democracy. In public remarks since last fall, the Democrat has cited Russia as a factor in her defeat to her Republican opponent, along with a letter sent by then-FBI Director James Comey less than two weeks before the election. Comey’s letter, sent to Congress on Oct. 28, said the FBI “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation” into the private email server that Clinton used as secretary of state. Days later, Comey wrote that the FBI did not find anything new. “Now free from the constraints of running, Hillary

takes you inside the intense personal experience of becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major party in an election marked by rage, sexism, exhilarating highs and infuriating lows, strangerthan-fiction twists, Russian interference, and an opponent who broke all the rules,” according to Simon & Schuster. “In these pages, she describes what it was like to run against Donald Trump, the mistakes she made, how she has coped with a shocking and devastating loss, and how she found the strength to pick herself back up afterwards.” “What Happened” is scheduled to come out Sept. 12 and has evolved

In this Sept. 21, 2016, file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton pauses as she speak during a campaign stop at the Frontline Outreach Center in Orlando, Fla. Associated Press

since first announced, in February. It was originally billed as a book of essays that would “tell stories from her life, up to and including her experiences in the 2016 presidential campaign,” as opposed to a memoir centered on the race. Clinton’s

loss has already been the subject of the best-selling “Shattered,” a highly critical book by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, and a more sympathetic account, Susan Bordo’s “The Destruction of Hillary Clinton.”q


Friday 28 July 2017


Steven Spielberg opens up about life, filmmaking in HBO doc By SANDY COHEN AP Entertainment Writer BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — Steven Spielberg isn’t afraid to talk about his flops. “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” is his least favorite film in that franchise, says documentarian Susan Lacy, who spent more than 30 hours interviewing the filmmaker for “Spielberg,” premiering Oct. 7 on HBO. Spielberg also acknowl-

edges some mistakes in “1941,” Lacy said Wednesday at the Television Critics Association’s summer meeting. She said she only expected to have four interviews with the traditionally private filmmaker, but that they ended up meeting 17 times. “I can only guess that turning 70 is a turning point for many people,” said Lacy, who created and

Director/producer Susan Lacy speaks in the “Spielberg” panel during the HBO Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour at the Beverly Hilton on Wednesday, July 26, 2017, in Beverly Hills, Calif. Associated Press

produced the “American Masters” series on PBS for decades. Spielberg turned 70 in December. She also spoke with Spielberg’s parents and sister, as well as scores of his collaborators, including Daniel Day-Lewis, Matt Damon and Tom Cruise. The most compelling thing about Spielberg, both to his colleagues and to Lacy, is his deep knowledge of and enthusiasm for the medium, she said. “I could not believe how articulate he was about the process of making films and his process of making films, and how much fun he had talking about it,” she said. “Every actor I interviewed — and I interviewed everybody... that’s what they were most impressed with: How much he understands the process of filmmaking and how he sees ahead when he’s

shooting... There are very few filmmakers who have that skill, and it impressed everyone.” Lacy described her subject as both a populist and an artist, saying his early work reflects his life in the suburbs and as a child of divorce and his later movies pay homage to the classic Hollywood filmmakers he admired, such as William Wyler and John Ford. She said Spielberg never tried to influence her documentary’s approach and that he didn’t see the film until it was finished. When he called Lacy to say he liked it, she let out a twoyear-old sigh of relief. “I didn’t allow myself to go there: What happens if Steven Spielberg doesn’t like the movie?” she said. “If I’d thought about that, I’d probably have been frozen and immobilized and not


able to do it.” “Spielberg” focuses on his work as a director. Lacy said she doesn’t get much into his philanthropic efforts or his various projects as a producer. The documentary’s most valuable message for future filmmakers and other creative people, she said, is Spielberg’s belief in himself. “Having a vision and sticking to it and not letting anybody get in the way of it is probably the best lesson you can learn from Steven Spielberg,” Lacy said. “The decision to make ‘Schindler’s List,’ a 3 ½-hour black-and-white movie about the Holocaust, that didn’t come out of any kind of focus group. That was a belief that it was something he needed to do.” Spielberg won his first directing Oscar for the 1994 film, which was also named best picture.q


Friday 28 July 2017

For Philadelphia Phish fan, it’s time to make the doughnuts By JOSH CORNFIELD Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Phish announced its 13-show run in New York with a video in January that showed giant doughnuts rolling through the city. That got Felicia D’Ambrosio’s phone buzzing, with calls from friends hoping that might mean a role for the Phish superfan and co-owner of a Philadelphia doughnut and fried chicken shop that had made doughnuts dedicated to the band in the past. “Well, no, I don’t want to work on Phish tour,” thought D’Ambrosio, who has been to more than 100 shows. Then came the request. From the band. Time to make the doughnuts. Doughnuts are everywhere in Phish’s “Baker’s Dozen” residency at Madison Square Garden, which kicked off last week and lasts until Aug. 6, from the tickets to a huge mural to the thousands of Federal Donuts being given out to fans each night. The band is even working each night’s custom flavor into its

setlists. The band “never stops surprising me and delighting me and I trust them,” D’Ambrosio said. “To us at Federal Donuts, it’s this weird collaboration of this thing you love and this thing you love.” Phish doesn’t need gimmicks to draw fans to their mostly sold-out shows, but they are known for playful gags on stage. One song features guitarist Trey Anastasio and bass player Mike Gordon performing while jumping on trampolines, and drummer Jon Fishman’s other instruments include a vacuum cleaner. It was Fishman’s standard outfit — a blue dress covered with red doughnut shapes — that first inspired D’Ambrosio to whip up The Fishman — a blue vanilla raspberry doughnut with a pink glaze — ahead of a 2015 show. Mark Welker, the executive pastry chef at New York’s Eleven Madison Park and NoMad, took notice of the Fishman doughnut and another Federal Donuts creation, The Fluffhead, named for a classic Phish song — and when

In this March 6, 2009 file photo, vocalist Trey Anastasio, left, and bassist Mike Gordon of Phish perform in Hampton, Va. Associated Press

the band came to him for a recommendation on a doughnut maker for the residency, he recommended D’Ambrosio. “I knew their doughnuts are really, really good. They’re fans. This is the only option,” Welker said. The band sent its flavor ideas to Federal Donuts chef Matt Fein, who came up with his interpretations to send back to the band. “Then they were like, ‘yea, rock and roll, go for it,’” D’Ambrosio said. “It was nice and simple.”

For the Phish strawberry doughnut, Fein said that his muse was a Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Dessert Bar. He made the shortcake topping out of freeze-dried strawberry and doughnut crumbs. “It’s neat to get their take on what they wanted and then be able to put my name on it,” Fein said. “Most of the flavors they chose were pretty traditional. That being said, they said growing up they only really had traditional”

doughnuts. Federal Donuts employees are putting in overnight shifts to get the doughnuts made in Philadelphia and shipped up to New York for each show — but Fein said the fact that the band is working the flavor into the show makes the extra work totally worthwhile. Coconut on the first night brought a cover of Harry Nilsson’s “Coconut” (“she put the lime in the coconut”), strawberry had the band performing the Beatles’ “Strawberry Fields Forever” a capella, and night three’s red velvet meant an opener from the Velvet Underground and the Phish classic “Wading in the Velvet Sea” to end the second set. Tuesday nights “jam-filled” honey-dipped doughnut saw the band extending songs that even it doesn’t usually jam to. “Lawn Boy” usually lasts a few minutes, but went on for a half hour. It wound up trending on Twitter. Welker said that his favorite part has been watching D’Ambrosio’s reaction when “Strawberry Fields Forever” began.q

Larry David says his blunt ‘Curb’ character is no Trump By LYNN ELBER, AP Television Writer BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — Larry David says his irascible, mouthy character on “Curb Your Enthusiasm” is “about a quarter-inch” away from David himself. But David said he bears no resemblance to another blunt talker, President Donald Trump. “I don’t consider myself a (expletive),” he told a TV critics’ meeting Wednesday, brushing off a reporter’s question about whether Trump represented a rival as David’s HBO comedy returns after a long absence. Jeff Garlin, who co-stars on the comedy, chimed in. “Our president is not funny, and Larry’s funny. So I don’t see the competition,” Garlin said. “I think one is completely sad, and one you escape from the horribleness of the sad

one.” “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” which last aired six years ago, is back for a 10-episode ninth season starting Oct. 1. Besides Garlin, cast members include Cheryl Hines, Susie Essman and J.B. Smoove, with Elizabeth Banks, Bryan Cranston and Lauren Graham among the guest stars. David was asked why he decided to bring the show back now. “Why not?” he answered. “I’m not a miss-er, so to speak. I don’t really miss things, people, that much. But I was missing it and I was missing these idiots,” he said of the cast members who joined him to promote the show. “So I thought, what the hell.” He also tired of people asking him if the show was coming back — but he wouldn’t put to rest ques-

tions about whether this would be its last season. David spent a fair amount of time playing with reporters as he, sometimes, answered their questions. Asked if the TV version of Larry David might eventually become lovable someday, David replied, sarcastically, “No, no he’s not. But fascinating question.” Would his character eventually have to face everyone he had wronged? That apparent nod to the series ender of “Seinfeld,” which David created with Jerry Seinfeld, induced real or feigned irritation. “I guess that’s a ‘Seinfeld’ reference? A ‘Seinfeld’ finale reference? What are doing? I braved traffic to get here,” David said. “Shame on you.” David also will be seen on the upcoming season of PBS’ genealogy series

Actor/creator/executive producer Larry David speaks in the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” panel during the HBO Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour at the Beverly Hilton on Wednesday, July 26, 2017, in Beverly Hills, Calif. Associated Press

“Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr.” In it, he finds out he has a family connection to Bernie Sanders, the senator and former presidential hopeful that David played on “Saturday Night Live.” There’s a connection as

well to Judith Sheindlin, TV’s “Judge Judy,” who makes an appearance on “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” The reason he picked her and not another TV judge, David said, is he knew Sheindlin because she’s part of his ex-wife’s family.q


Friday 28 July 2017

Businesses, cities cashing in on total solar eclipse crowds By ADRIAN SAINZ Associated Press BARTLETT, Tenn. (AP) — Millions of eyes will be fixed on the sky when a total solar eclipse crosses the U.S. in August, and it’s likely many of them will be safely behind the special glasses churned out by a Tennessee company. American Paper Optics ramped up production for this year’s eclipse and expects to make 50 million paper and plastic eclipse glasses. John Jerit, the company’s CEO and president, said they began preparing about two years ago. During his almost 27 years making safety glasses, he’s only seen one total solar eclipse, in France in 1999, but will be going to Nashville for this one. “It’s a life experience,” Jerit said during an interview at his company’s office in the Memphis suburb of Bartlett. “When that two minutes is over, or however long you’ve got, the question that you really want to hear is, ‘When is the next one?’” His company is one of many businesses — hotels, campgrounds and stores — taking advantage of the total solar eclipse — when the moon passes between Earth and the sun. The moon’s shadow will fall in a diagonal ribbon across the U.S., from Oregon to South Carolina. The rest of the U.S. will experience a partial eclipse, along with Canada, Central America and a bit of South America. Cities and towns along the path of totality — where there will be about 2 ½ minutes of darkness — are gearing up for the crowds. St. Joseph, Missouri, population 76,000, is in a prime location and officials are bracing for tens of thousands of eclipse watchers to descend on the city, said Beth Conway, spokeswoman for the St. Joseph Convention & Visitors Bureau. The city’s restaurants, gas stations and stores are preparing for the onslaught — the city’s largest arts and music festival with the nick-

In this May 20, 2012, file photo, the annular solar eclipse is seen as the sun sets behind the Rocky Mountains from downtown Denver. Associated Press

name “Total Eclipse of the Arts” is scheduled on the weekend leading up to the eclipse on Monday, Aug. 21.

glasses, posters and blue and yellow T-shirts decorated with a drawing of the city’s skyline and an iconic railroad bridge, and with

phenomenal,” she said. “It’s just blown our minds.” At the Tennessee factory, a constant whirring sound fills the factory as large sheets of paper are fed into machines. One cuts out the eyeholes in the pre-printed frames, another inserts the protective film lenses. Then the glasses are punched out of the sheets and packaged. About 50,000 glasses can roll off the assembly line per hour, Jerit said. Paper glasses cost about 20 to 25 cents to make, and they are sold to distributors for about 45 cents, but prices vary depending on order size. They’re sold retail for about $2. The plastic versions are about $15. Staring at the sun during an eclipse — or anytime — can

cause eye damage. The only safe way is to protect your eyes with special filters in glasses or other devices. NASA lists four companies, including American Paper Optics, whose glasses meet international standards. “It’s eye protection for enjoyment,” said Jerit, whose main business is making 3-D glasses. Besides retail outlets, the company sells the glasses to cities, universities and space-related entities like NASA and the Adventure Science Center in Nashville. Some are customdesigned, like the ones for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital which are decorated with children’s drawings. Under the wacky category: glasses to make the wearer look like an astronaut, space cowboy or a green alien. Green Acres farm near Casper, Wyoming, is one of the many farms and parks welcoming eclipse watchers. The farm, which normally features a corn maze and other children’s activities, has been turned into a campground with 300 campsites in prime eclipse viewing territory. “We have people coming from Australia, Belgium, several from Canada. I have a guy from England coming that’s seen 17 eclipses,” said manager Dwain Romsa. “We’re a little more remote than some areas. It takes more effort to travel here.”q

A display holds solar eclipse glasses in the American Paper Optics factory in Bartlett, Tenn., on Wednesday, June 21, 2017. Associated Press

“This is essentially our Super Bowl,” Conway said. “If we see anywhere near the amount of people that they’re telling us, it will probably be the biggest event in our history.” The city has gotten into the act as well, selling eclipse

the slogan “Right in the Middle of it All.” Conway said a benefactor donated 100,000 safety glasses designed for the city and proceeds are going to local museums and charities. Sales have been “amazing,

American Paper Optics President and CEO John Jerit looks at a display of solar eclipse glasses in Bartlett, Tenn., on Wednesday, June 21, 2017. Associated Press

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