Creative Kitchen Toolkit

Page 9

Right Brain - Left Brain

Whose side are you on?

In the 1960s Robert Ornstein and Roger Sperry made important advances in our understanding of how the brain works. They discovered that the brain is divided into two halves, or hemispheres, and that different kinds of mental functioning take place in each. Thus, in most people the left hemisphere operates sequentially and deals largely with 'academic' activities, such as reading, arithmetic and logic. By contrast, the right hemisphere operates holistically and deals more with 'artistic' activities, such as art, music, colour and creativity. Since then there has been considerable interest in the implications of these discoveries. Traditionally, education has placed emphasis on (dominant) left brain thinking; but increasingly it is being recognised that the involvement of both brains can make dramatic improvements in learning. It is also suggested that a synergistic principle operates between the hemispheres, with the functioning whole brain being significantly greater than the sum of its parts.

Left Brain

Right Brain



Sequent ial

Int uit ive

Rat ional

Holist ic

Analyt ical

Synt hesizing

Object ive

Subject ive

Looks at part s

Looks at wholes

How Right-Brain vs. Left-Brain Thinking Impacts Learning Most individuals have a distinct preference for one of these styles of thinking. Some, however, are more whole-brained and equally adept at both modes. In general, schools tend to favor left-brain modes of thinking, while downplaying the right-brain ones. Leftbrain scholastic subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis, and accuracy. Right-brained subjects, on the other hand, focus on aesthetics, feeling, and creativity. Curriculum--In order to be more "whole-brained" in their orientation, schools need to give equal weight to the arts, creativity, and the skills of imagination and synthesis.

Type of Right Brain Cognitive Processing

Brief Description

Type of Left Brain Cognitive Processing

Brief Description


Processing information from whole to part; sees the big picture first, not the details.


Processing information from part to whole; in a straight forward logical progression.


Processing information with out priority, jumps form one task to another.


Processing information in order from first to last.


Processes things that can be seen, or touched - real objects.


Processes symbols an pictures; likes to use letters, words and mathematical symbols.

Processes information based on whether or not it feels right know answer but not sure how it was derived.


Processes information piece by piece using logic to solve a problem.


Processes thought as illustrations.


Processes thoughts and ideas with words.

Fantasy Orientated

Processes information with creativity; less focus on rules and regulations


Processes information based on reality; focuses on rules and regulations



Here are examples of right and left brain processes we use when engaging on learning activity. You may recognise traits of your own approach, most likely it will be a mix of these processes. You can test your preferences on this website‌.

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