A Hand Book Of Ornament. Part 1

Page 72


Various Leaves, and Flowers.

and strength, in antiquity the tree of Jupiter, has from time to time been used in every western style. Oak foliage, and perhaps almost as frequently the leaves of the Maple, are often used in early Gothic,

where v^e meet them on friezes, cornices, and columns. The frequent recurrence of oak leaves, in certain works of the Italian Renascence, is due to the fact that the Oak was the crest of the family of della Rovere {Rovere winter oak; two members of which family


ascended the papal chair, as Sixtus lY. and Julius E.). Oak, sometimes alternating with laurel, is * usual ornament of medals and coins.

Plate 1.


8. 4. 5.

6. 7.





Leaf of the winter Oak (Quercvs scssiliflora). Spray of the bitter Oak (Quercus cerris). Leaf 0f the Maple (Acer campestre). Spray of the sugar Maple (Acer plantanoides), Leaf of a species of Ranunculus. Leaf of the oriental Amber tree (lAquidamher oricntah). Leaf of the American Amber tree (Liquidaynber Styraciflna), (This tree furnishes the Storax or Styrax, a kind of rcsiu.)

Leaf of the Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera). Leaf of the climbing Mikania (Mikania scandens). 10. Leaf of the Liverwort (Hepatica triloba). 8. 9.

Various Flowers.

(Plates 3G, 37.)

need scarcely be said that flowers, these most beautiful prohave in all ages been exceedingly popular in ornamental art. In flat as well as in relief ornament they are used in the most manifold forms, as bouquets, garlands, wreaths, &c. Flower-painting for decorative purposes (fans, tapestry, &c.) has developed into a distinct branch of art. Flowers, with their natural developement from a centre, are the most obvious models for the formation of Rosettes (rosette /ittle rose). The Rosettes on the wellkuown sarcophagus of Scipio, the rosette Bosses on the doors of the Antique and the Italian Renascence, are striking examples of this. The realm of Flowers is' so extensive that we must confine oureelves to a few examples. Plate 36 gives a variety of single flowers (drawn from casts from nature by J. G. Bofinger of Stuttgart): Plate 37 shows a bouquet of flowers. It

ducts of the plant world,


Plate 1.


Various Flo wees.

Alpine Rose (Rhododendron).

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