Fält #4

Page 25

shrunk to her eye, and disappeared between the ripples in search of something really small. Terra Incognito. She folded the plastic cover around the broken glass, carefully put it all in the shoe box, placed everything in her bag and started to walk towards the bus stop. It had been beautiful. It had been worth two, maybe three cappuccinos. She was satisfied.

Escape Liberation Teamwork Fredrik Olof Eriksson

The rasping sound from the trains’ wheels on the rails is vibrating through the metal enclosing me and my fellow passengers. The hissing sound made by the colliding sound waves is everywhere. In the landscape mostly buildings, the forests are long gone. I think a lot. About everything really. This and that. My thoughts are interrupted by a stranger looking for contact. The sort of person becoming increasingly rare in this grey world of ours. As this person dares to challenge the norm, then so will I. I open myself within the conversation, which is becoming more and more interesting. It turns out we are going to the same place, but on a personal level with different goals. An isolation tank centre far down in the country. The other passengers are irritated and sniff at us throughout the whole journey. But we feel connected and continue to chat, happily, with ease. 44

Stillbild ur Maja Nordbloms videoprojekt, Utan titel, som visas pĂĽ Art Lab Gnesta vid presentation av GKU:s arbete sommaren 2014.


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