Artisan Spirit: Summer 2015

Page 83







he stories we hear coming from distilleries in the United

The pressure of survival caused his great grandmother to begin

States are always fascinating and unique. While some

distilling Krupnikas, a traditional Lithuanian honey liqueur. She,

elements are shared and build comradery, other pieces astound

with the help of her son (Stromberg’s grandfather), sold the illicit

and influence those dreaming of their own distilling business.

spirit in the Brooklyn area during a time of need. “This isn’t

The story of Saxtons River Distillery builds on that proud

some grand proud tradition, it was an illicit activity they did to

narrative of craft distilling.

survive”—but that moment of survival-inspired innovation was

Saxtons River Distilling is housed in the small and intimate town of Brattleboro, Vermont. It is here, in the southern part

what kept his great grandmother and her nine children afloat during a particularly difficult time in their lives.

of the state, that Brattleboro has evolved from a mill town

Jump forward one century. During a time where Stromberg

into more of an art-inspired destination that welcomes small

found himself not exactly in love with his job he departed from

business, innovative entrepreneurs, and art-minded individuals.

his mill occupation and decided he needed to make his own

Christian Stromberg, owner and distiller, didn’t directly find

way. Stromberg happily shares, “What my careers taught me

himself in distilling, however. He made a living as an engineer in

is running a distillery is a lot more fun.” Relying on his family

a steel mill, among other various occupations, in this beautiful

tradition of making Krupnikas, Stromberg took this recipe and

area of Vermont. Yet as in so many stories, distilling was in

found a way to use Vermont maple syrup instead of honey, and

the blood. Stromberg’s family had a long tradition of distilling

he created his first spirit—the Sapling Maple Liqueur.

rooted in their heritage, and necessitated by his ancestors need to support a large and growing family.

Stromberg was soon up and running with a uniquely innovative product. From there, Stromberg has created a Sapling Maple

His family immigrated to the United States from Lithuania, in

Bourbon and a Sapling Maple Rye that are both aged in

order to escape the Czar’s control in the early nineteen-hundreds.

American Oak barrels, and a Perc Coffee Liqueur that utilizes

The family quickly assimilated into the American lifestyle, and

Arabica coffee beans that are roasted locally by Mocha Joe’s

were able to make a living in coal mining. But tragedy struck

Roasting Co.

when Stromberg’s great grandfather passed away, leaving his

Stromberg definitely knows how important staying local is. He

great grandmother to fend for herself and her nine children.

has a background in industry supply chains and he knows how


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