Artiq Annual Volume 2

Page 16

Artiq Annual Volume 2

Freedom in the Finite It’s always been the nature of artists to reflect the times in which we live. Molly Coffey speaks to two artists who, in their own ways, have found producing art and cherishing the environment needn’t be at odds.

At first glance, the work of Rebecca Newnham

for a conversation with them last November.

and Cyrus Mahboubian appear vastly different.

We settle into a spot amongst the open-brick

Rebecca, based in the Southwest of England,

archways of Cyrus’s studio, Maison Pan, the

creates faceted glass works, some stretching

once National Gallery vaults turned artist-run

up to seven metres tall. Cyrus, based between

studios and project space, which the British-

London and Oxfordshire, known for his

Iranian artist now co-directs. Amid a variety

contemplative approach to photography, makes

of artworks spanning painting and sculpture,

black-and-white photographs of remote

is an elegant curation of Cyrus’s works hung

landscapes with vintage Polaroid film to create

in his distinctive style. The original black

a timeless, atmospheric aesthetic. Distinct in

and white polaroids sit within wide white

medium and materiality is their art, and yet

mounts and black frames, provoking intrigue

striking parallels can be drawn between their

within the viewer. You must get closer, nose

practices, as I found out, when I sat down

almost touching the glass, to observe the


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