Fall 2000

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Fa1l2000 Pcrsoneria Juridica IGJ 464




by David Nunan This articlc first


in the Junc/July

1999 issue o/ TM

What do Costa Rica, Thailand, and Italy have in cornmon? 1 guess the possibilities are endless. However, in terms of language education, they al! have at least one thing in common -- in each country, the government has recently made English compulsory at .the elementary level of the schooling system. They are not alone in this. Around the world, children are being compel!ed to leam English at younger and younger ages. At a governmental level, this trend has been prompted by an unprecedented, global explosion in the demand for English, which, in turn, is driven by economic and technological factors. English is seen as an essential tool, either for economic and technological development or for maintaining a perceived or actual superiority in the economic and technological marketplace. Governmental policy initiatives are reinforced at a personal level by parents who perceive that competence in English wil! give their children a comparative advantage when it comes to further education and employment. This development might be seen as a great opportunity for us as English language educators. The whole world wants our skil!s and knowledge. However, this development isn't necessarily al! good news. Over the past few months, 1 have worked with teachers from LatĂ­n America, Europe, and Asia, who are being required to introduce English in the early years of schooling. All expressed considerable concern at the development. Although governments want more English taught in school, there appears to be a general reluctance to come up with adequate levels of funding. In a number of countries, elementary school teachers are being deployed or redeployed as English teachers without training, resources, or support. The notion that if you can speak the language, you can teach it, is alive and well -even at official government levels. Reluctance to provide adequate funding for English language edu-


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000

cation is reinforced by the economic difficulties confronting many countries at the present time. In these and other countries, then, the matter becomes a political issue of getting adequate resources to enable teachers, curriculum developers, and material writers to design, deliver, and evaluate effective language pragrams. Behind the drive to introduce English at younger and younger ages is the assumption that younger is better, that a child who begins leaming English (or any other language, for that matter) at the age of 5 wil! be more proficient in the language at age 12 than wil! a child who begins learning at age 8. It is an assumption that rarely appears to be questioned at the level of policy. So what does research have to say on the questi.on of the optimal age to begin foreign language study? Unfortunately, most of the research is irrelevant to settings in which English is taught as a foreign language. Many of the c1aims in favor of beginning language study in elementary school are based on North American investigations into the effects of foreign language programs in the elementary school (FLES). Not only are these studies noncomparable, several of the more praminent studies suffer frorn poor research design, which cal!s into question the validity of their results. Research into the education of irnmigrant children in the U.S. and Canada has also been cited to support the "younger = better" position. However, the context of this research is also very different from the EFL contexts to which the results are extrapolated. Again, some of the more prominent studies suffer frorn questionable research designo Regardless of the prablems of interpretation created by contextual factors and faulty research design, the results themselves are by no means c1earcut. In his book-Iength review of the research, Singleton (1989) asserts that "there is no consistent support in the literature for the notion that younger second language learners leam more efficiently or successful!y than older learners" (p. 137). He concludes that "the 'younger = better' premise on which the case for the early introduction of second languages (Continues


pnge 4)

i~-------------- --------------------------------------------------------~~ ARGENTINA TESOL ExECUTlVE BOARD PRESIDENT

Mabel Chena



Vivian Morghen 2ND VlCE PRESIDENT

Claudina LoValvo SECRETARY

Does Younger = Better?


ESPin the t.anguage Classroom (orthe other way round?)


Action Research in ESl Staft Development


TESOl Academies Upcoming Events


Helping Students Gain Language and Cultural Awareness


Workingwith songs


Graciela Cerutti TREASURER


Mabel Gallo Clara Muñiz Elida Messina Alejandra Pron Estela Gambelín Gabriela Alemani Andrea Rapetti EDITORIAL STAFF Mabel Gallo Vivian Morghen Claudina loValvo SPECIALACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Argentina TESOl wishes to acknowledge and publicly thank ICANA which has made this publication possible. Argentina TESOL (ARTESOl) Newsletter is published twice a year (fall and sprlng).

Mapping out Our Future: Third Regional TESOL Southern Cone Convention


TESOl2000, Vancouver, BC, Canada. A Newcomer Perspective




~ca1~1Wj2000 ADVA'NCI


Southwest Acaderny San Antonio, Texas June 9-11, 2000

Northeast Acaderny Boston, Massachusetts June 23-25, 2000

Midwest Acaderny Chicago,llIinois July 21-23, 2000

Southern Cone Acaderny Montevideo, Uruguay July 8-9, 2000*


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000

TESOl Academy 700 S. Washington St .• #200 Aiexandria, Virginia 22314 Tel. 703-836-0774 Fax 703-836-7864 E-mail academy@tesol.edu Web http://www.tesol.edu/


Each TESOl academy workshop is a concentrated course led by top-notch faculty to enhance your professional growth with the benefit of peer networking on a university campus-a perfect setting for a weekend retreat. Workshops run concurrently from Friday afternoon through Sunday noon. The early registration fee is US$189 for TESOl members and US$249 for others and includes all instructional materials, certificates of attendance, refreshment breaks, and a preview of TESOl's latest publications and teacher resources. * * • The Uruguay Academy


differ irom those listed above. "Some


a sma//additiona/

may require fee. Contact

TESOL for more information.


ESP in the Language Classroom (or the other way round?) by Ana María Rocca Eugenio López Arriazu City schools for adults and adolescents are very special places in many respects, and our school, Escuela N° 2, D.E.12. is not an exception. This arises from both institutional features and the characteristics of the population attending c1asses there. As regards the institution, the most significant and determining factor is the complete absence of an English department to supervise and coordinate levels as well as syllabus, methodology, and materia!. This is due to lack of an appropriate budget for this kind of schools. However, although faced with this problem, teachers enjoy freedom to experiment. Class development is based on the teacher's responsibility and commitment with the schoo!. As to the population, it could not be more varied: ages ranging from 14 to 80, mixed nationalities and social insertion. Luckily for the teacher, most students come with one common and special purpose in mind: to learn English for work. Now, "English-for-work" is a very broad definition. We are certainly not teaching an incompany course. Most of our students just want to be better qualified to compete in the labor market. Therefore, it would not make sense to teach the language of presentations or stock graphs either to a secretary - a teenager who is just getting ready for a prospective job three years in advance - , or to a middie aged housewife who, because of economic reasons, is willing to get a place in that market. So, "English-for-work" narrows down to basic skills such us being fluent in an interview, writing an application letter or CV, or using the adequate vocabulary and functions in a telephone conversation. But this is not enough to have a year long syllabus. There is basic language (grammar, functions, and vocabulary) that students need to handle as. well as develop some proficiency in the four skills. We found that, at this level - our students range from true beginners to pre-intermediate -, the teaching of language in general and for a special pur _ poses have to go together. Moreover, given the different cultural backgrounds and interests students bring to the classroom, the teaching of the targetlanguage culture emerges as a key tool to produce the affective links and atmosphere necessary for learning. Even leaving aside every possible differ-


TESOL Newsletter


ence, an important issue remains to be tackled: What is the place of general language, literature, and culture in an ESP course in general, and particularly in the first years? According to our experience, in City schools for adults and adolescents and in traditional business courses we deem this place very important in two aspects. Firstly, students need to be selfconfident in general, for they need to be ready for unexpected situations as well as for socializing at any time. So, testing their ability in different areas powerfully strengthens that confidence and makes learning enjoyable and motivating. It is difficult to meet a business person who is not willing to delve into newspapers and read about general topics. Conversely, courses which focus only on business or technical matters tend to be seen as boring. Secondly, the use of literature at higher levels is the most demanding exercise in the process of language acquisition a student can be presented with. Literature is language at its subtlest express ion, and in order to understand it the student has to be proficient. At the same time, literary productions are so vast that it is impossible not to find something suitable to the student's interests. In this paper we have outlined some very basic and obvious uses of general language in the ESP c1assroom. To plunge more deeply into 'how' and 'how much' would take us beyond the boundaries of this artic1e. Apart from sharing our experience with other teachers, our aim is to draw attention on the roleof generallanguage in the teaching of ESP, a role we feel is urgently calling for research.

Ana María Roca is a leacher in the second and third le veis o/ the Reading Comprehension Course al Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. She also teaches at Escuela 2, DE i 2, and at the instituto Libre de Segunda Enseñanza. She is the ES? EA? representative Eugenio López Arriazu is a teacher o/ English, gradualed V. Gonzalez. He was co-editor o/ "The Inner Eye ". a magazine aimed alleachers o/ English and has collaborated in several publications. Al present he IS a leacher o/ English al Escuela 2 D.E. /2 and al the Instuuto Libre de Segunda Enseñanza

[rom the /S? Joaquín



(from page 1)

tended to be made in the past can no longer be accepted in its simple form" (p. 262). This is not to say that the early introduction of second or foreign languages should be avoided but that the evidence in favor of such a position is simply noto there. In fact, Singleton points out that although there is no strong empirical support for early second language instruction, other arguments, such as the educational merits of early contact with another culture, can be made. However, he conc\udes with the caveat that unless the policy is supported by high-quality materials, adequately and appropriately trained teachers, and favorable public attitudes, the experience may be negative and the results counterproductive. Given the lack of empirical support for the "younger = better" hypothesis, educational authorities should exercise caution before cornmitting themselves to the early introduction of foreign languages. Those that do cornmit should be prepared to support their decision with adequate resources, with appropriately trained teachers, and with curriculum models that are sensitive to the context into which they are being introduced. Recently, I was asked what TESOL could do to assist one of its intemational affiliates in a country that was introducing English into the early years of the elementary school system. It seemed to me that TESOL had a role to play in four key areas: advocacy, standards, professional development, and research. In terms of advocacy, TESOL can assist affiliates in developing strategies for influencing policy within their own contexts and situations so that decision making is informed by the profession as well as being driven by economic, technological, and political imperatives. In addition to acting on behalf of teachers, there is also a need to consider the rights of leamers. AlI individuals have the right to an education in their first language, and this right rnight be violated with the premature introduction of English into elementary education. TESOL can work with affiliates in countries moving toward the early introduction of English to develop and promote minimum standards for the training and employment of English teachers working with younger leamers. It can do this by sharing standards that have aíready been developed and by helping affiliates adapt these standards to their own pedagogical contexts. TESOL can work on the development ef a research agenda to address crucial questions to do with age and the development of English language proficiency in a range of foreign language contexts. In this area TESOL can work with the newly established TESOL Intemational Research Foundation to develop and fund a research agenda that addresses


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000

the question of whether, and in what contexts, younger is actually better. Support and advice can be given to those who want to experiment with different curricular models -- traditional models, communicative language teaching, context-based models, perhaps partial irnmersion -- to identify which of these appears to work best in particular contexts. Finally, in relation to professional development, TESOL can work with teachers who have specialized in the teaching of young leamers to design and deliver educational programs to teachers working in the area. Such teachers could be encouraged to present their work at TESOL conventions, and a "teaching young leamers" program could be incorporated into the non-U.S. TESOL acadernies that are currently being planned. Let me conc\ude by reiterating that 1 am not opposed to the introduction of English in the elernentary school. However, if this initiative is to achieve its goal of improving general levels of English language proficiency, it needs to be carefully planned, adequately supported and resourced, and c\osely monitored and evaluated. Without planning and support, the initiative, however well intentioned, is likely to be counterproductive. References Singleton, D. (1989). Language acquisition: The age factor. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.

M. B. l. Music 8aslld lllaroiog Eduardo Fasano & Oabrlel lanzaro


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Action Research in ESL Staff Development


i i

by Monica Mingucci

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Teacher development has traditionally been provided through occasional in-service sessions in which practitioners are presented with new techniques to apply in their c1assrooms. Action Research, defined as "inquiry teachers undertake to understand and improve their own practices", makes staff development a part of teachers' daily reality. It provides a central strategy for development and makes staff development an integral component of the institutional and personal contexts in which it operates. Staff development through action research attends to teachers' and organizational needs, offering practitioners a means to unite theory and practice, empowering all members of the organization through continuous leaming, personal mastery, and active participation in the decision-making process. If teachers are to be actively involved in the educational decision-making process, they need to be constantly questioning, reflecting upon, and looking for ways to improve their instructional practices. They must also, based on their knowledge and mastery, make educated decisions about the instructional process. Action research "provides the necessary link between self-evaluation and professional development" (Winter, 1989, p.3). The purpose of action research is to solve day-to-day practical problems and increase understanding of problems. Action research involves defining a problem, making a plan of action, implementing that plan of action, reflecting on the results, and revising as a basis for further planning. Action research assumes that multiple realities are socially constructed, local and specific to certain contexts. It suggests that knowledge is created through reflexive and transactional modes of inquiry and the interpretation of such inquiries and their findings. The inquirer in action research is a full participant in the situation, because no outsider would have enough insight into the complexity of the social process being studied to analyze it fully. On the other hand, in traditional research, the researcher is an outsider, analyzing the situation and ending the study with conc1usions and prescribed methods to improve the 'phenomenon studied. In action research, researchers are more concemed with the process and may end a study with questions and possibilities to be once again examined and reanalyzed. Proponents 'of action research believe that


TESOL Newsletter

Fa/l 2000




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theory and practice should be one body, not two distinct entities as advocated by traditional research. Theory should not be disconnected from everyday c1assroom activities. Action research is a great staff development tool because it gives teachers a way to explore, test and improve their c1assroom practices. Teachers "see themselves as experts in their field who are better problem solvers and more effective with fresher attitudes toward education". However, in practice, allotting time and resources for teachers to conduct research has been one of my main difficulties in using action research as staff development. Without time and monetary support, how can teachers do it? Where can we get the funds to support teachers in their professional development? Each administrator must search for creative ways to fund research, perhaps using monies earmarked for other programs with lower priorities. Staff development and improvement of instruction should be the ultimate priority. A second challenge is informing teachers about what constitutes research and the difference between action research and applying known techniques or implementing strategies that teachers are convinced will work. Research constitutes rigorous methodology for data gathering and interpretation. Action research is systematic and entails gathering evidence on which to base rigorous reflection. I believe that for teachers to fully embrace the principIes and philosophy of action research they need to begin by reinventing themselves. Practitioners must look at themselves and their practices, as if for the first time, and try to see themselves as the central object of their research if true change is to occur. We can only address the outside world after we have addressed our individual internal ones. We can only create altematives to the existing methods and structures after we have restructured ourselves. References Winter, R. 1989. Learningfrom experience: PrincipIes and practice in action research. New York: The Falrner Press. Monica Mingucci is director of the Applied Language Institute, University of Missouril Metropolitan Cornmunity Colleges, Kansas City, Missouri.


rrl~S()I..ll(~lll)I~)III~S 'JI)(~(»)IIN(. 1~,TI~NrrS => June 9-11, 2000 Southwest Academy The University ofTexas at San Antonio (UTSA) San Antonio, Texas => June 23-25, 2000 Northeast Academy Boston University Boston, Massachusetts => July 8-9, 2000 Southem Cone Academy Centro de Capacitación y Perfeccionamiento Montevideo, Uruguay


=> July 21-23,2000 Midwest Academy The University ofIllinois at Chicago (UIC) Chicago, Illinois

Southern Cone TESOL Academy, July 8-9, 2000 Schedule Times may change slightly. Meals are on your own for the Southern Cone Academy SATURDAY,



7:30 am - 9:00 am

Refreshments and Exhibitions

9:00 am - 10:00 am

We1come and Opening Session

10:00am - 12:30 pm



--- -----,

Lunch on your own

12:30 pm - 2.00 pm __ _-_._ .. _.__ ._2:00 pm - 5:30 pm .





__ .._. __ .__




7:30 am - 8:30 am ..





_-_ _-_ _ ..._----_._--


-- --






Refreshments and Exhibitions

__ .._--_ .._-_ .._._.- ---


.._ ..

__ ._-_ _._--_ __ _-_._-_ _--------_.-.-----_._--..



8:30 am - 12 noon


12 NOON - 2:00 PM

Lunch on your own

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm





- - .._--.------

10 Breakfast with the Presenters (optional)

7:30 am - 9:00 am

For further information, contact ARTESOL. E-mail: la@bcl.edu.ar Argentina

TESOL Newsletter

Foil 2000


Helping students gain language and cultural awareness by Adriana Marcela Benvenuto Fulbright is cornmitted to intercultural leaming. Through its Teacher Exchange Program, people are temporarily removed from their home environments and introduced to different values, ways of life, different educational standards and pattems of thought in completely new environments. This experience enables participants to acquire ski lIs, attitudes and knowledge useful throughout their lives as they attempt to cope sensitively and intelligently with the urgent chalIenges of our changing world.· Others who come in close contact with participants on Fulbright Exchange Programs often acquire similar leaming experiences. Leaming through an opportunity like this involves growth and change in terms of personal values and skills, interpersonal relationship-building, intercultural knowledge, sensitivity and global issues-awareness, and academic development. For an ESL instructor the opportunity to visit a foreign country where the target language is dominant is a must, for it enables the participant to

acquire better pattems of the language and improve his/her linguistic performance. Moreover, as this exchange program includes visits to schools and a fulI immersion into the educational system, it helps participants compare educational standards and share experiences and thoughts about teaching. In due tum, this will reflect in the participants' performance in lesson planning and class development. By carrying out regular meetings with other teachers working in the same institution to discuss theoretical and practical teaching issues, educators improve their performance. Teachers find it helpful to reflect on their own knowledge and repertoire of techniques and may be surprised and stimulated by quite different ideas of some of their colleagues. To sum up, participants benefit from their intercultural leaming throughout their lives. The impact of their experience will increase over the years. Furthermore, intercultural leaming is not limited to those who moved temporarily from one environment to another. Schools, communities, family and friends, colleagues and program representatives in both home and host countries wilI alI contribute to, (continues on page 8)

eas o e

Clara Muñiz y Asociados

For Teechers' Training:




Short Courses


Needs Detection




English Training

Paraguay 635 2°D (1057) Capital Federal Tel / Fax 4311-5631 Paraguay 754 5° 1 (1057) Capital Federal Tel. 431 3- 7080 E-mail: CasoC@ciudad.com.ar


TESOL Newsletter Fall 2000


(from page 7)

share in and benefit from interculturallearning experiences.



Is Culture Awareness a Real Need? Who would deny that teaching is a constant . learning experience? It seems to be doubly true when one is teaching a foreign language and has the opportunity to go to a country where that language is dominant. Although teachers do not think of themselves as beginners in language learning, many of them do think of themselves as students. For instance, I always tell my students that I am a student myself and that my teacher is the English language, with which I am greatly in love and that I hope our honeymoon willlast forever. Plunging into another culture and trying to survive in it not only requires fairly good skills of the language spoken in the country but also presupposes having knowledge about historical, social and political life. Generally, universities in Argentina that train teachers of English are aimed at producing well-rounded specialists. But is it possible to know the culture of the target language without experiencing its everyday cultural patterns? Many students at university are able to reproduce names of American presidents, speak about the civil war and describe the latest American fashion. However, they are not able to fully understand the culture of this Englishspeaking country. Promoting intercultural education is no longer an alternative for educational institutions, but a must. People in school settings should be well aware of their responsibility to promote multicultural understanding. As a matter of fact, cultural conflicts and other equality issues are daily topics of school life in schools. 1 believe that an exchange program is a need and not an option since effective communication among communities and their individual members is essential for peaceful co-existence and for solving many problems now facing the world. Intercultural learning experiences are also important for the following reasons: 1. Problems inherent to education today require concerted effort that will cut across national boundaries .. 2. Those of us who do not reside in the United States or other English-speaking countries must be inforrned about the home culture and language of those countries. 3. Those who reside in the United States or other English-speaking countries


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000

must be inforrned about their EFL students' home cultures and languages 4. We are in the new millenium, in which the increased speed and accessibility of communications and transportation is vastly accelerating the contact among people. 5. ESL and EFL teachers have much to learn from one another. 6. It is essential tobuild networks. 7. It is important to promote professional development internationally. 8. It is necessary to expose the students to authentic language and educational resources. Acknowledgements Fulbright Argentina and USA Escuela Superior de Idiomas, Universidad Nacional del Comahue Fulbright Exchange teachers who share their experiences with me. Hawthorne High School, California SCOT. Southern California Overseas Teachers. UCLA. Fulbright Visiting Scholar Enrichment Program, Ann Kerr Adriana Marcela Benvenuto is an Assistant Teacher from the Language and Linguistics Departments at Escuela Superior de Idiomas, Universidad Nacional del Comahue. She is also studying towards her MA in Linguistics at the same institution. She did her Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program in Hawthorne High School, California, USA from August 1999 until February 2000 as an ESL instructor.


WORKING WITH SONGS , By María Amelia Pulido & Juliana Sarlo An interesting technique to work with songs She won't forsake me in the language classroom is the one called "Two I'm loving angels instead many words". Quoting Tim Murphy: "The use of When I'm feeling very weak music and song in the classroom can stimulate very and my pain walks down a one way street positive associations to the study of a language, 1 don't look above And 1 know J'1Ialways be blessed with your love which otherwise may only be seen as a laborious task, entailing exams, frustration, and corrections." And as the feeling grows That is, precisely, the value of this activity: It is moShe breathes flesh to my broken bones And when 1 think love is dead tivating and encouraging, since it can be adapted to alllevels and even lower-Ievel classes can have good I'm loving angels instead results. PO: can, really, should, new, not care, deep, her, very, don't, your, broken, 1 think TOO MANY WORDS .:. Aim: to improve Iistening comprehension and Variation 1: Students can prepare this actrvity as homework and the activity can be shown the followreading skill, ing class . •:. Preparation: Variation 2: You can increase the complexity by )- Choose a song which is not known to the having mistakes in the Iyrics. class )- Find a recording of it and type out the IyrReference: ics, inserting some extra words. Murphy, Tim. (1992). Music & Songs. Resource .:. Procedure: Booksfor Teachers. Oxford University Press. )- Students Iisten to the song )- Hand out the song sheets you have prepared Ma. Amelia Pulido and Juliana Sarlo were members and ask students to circle all the words they of the team from American English Institute from think were added to the Iyrics as they listen Paraná, Entre Ríos, that was responsible for to the song for a second time. "Capacitación Docente" in the provine e of Entre Ríos during 1999. Example: A ngels (Robbie Williams) J 998 1 can sit and wait Does an angel contemplate my fate And do they really know The places where w() should go When we are grey and old 'cos I've been told That salvation lets their new wings unfold So when I'm Iying in my bed Thoughts running through ¡;nyhead . And 1 feel that love is not dead I'm loving angels instead Chorus And through it all She offers me protection A lot of love,care and affection Whether I'm right or wrong And down the deep waterfall Wherever it maytake me 1 know that her life won't break me When 1 come to call


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000





Opening Ceremony A I Galpรณn de la Reforma, Ministerio de Cultura y Educaciรณn


โ ข

Dr. Kathleen Bailey Monlerey Institute of lnternational

Dr JoA nn (Jodi) Crandall University of Maryland, Baltimore County Studies

Mercedes Rossetti 's Presentation A view of lile audience

Dr Kathleen Bailey, Dr JoAnn Crandall and a group of ARTESOLers


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000

Jodi Crandall, Mabel Gallo and Vivian Morghen


MAPPING OUT OUR FUTURE THIRD REGIONAL TESOL SOUTHERN CONE CONVENTION The Third Regional TESOL Southern Cone Conference and 13th ARTESOL Convention, which took place in Buenos Aires August 10-14, 1999 on the verge of the new millenium, served as a forum for almost 500 EFL teachers to get together and map out the future of their profession. Participants and presenters carne from all over the Southern Cone as well as from England and the United States. The event took place at the Galpón de la Reforma on the prernises of the Ministerio de Cultura y Educación de la Nación, and was officially opened by Dr.Marcelo Pivato, Director of the Dirección General de Educación de Gestión Privada, DGEGP. Representatives of four affiliates of the Southern Cone joined ARTESOL President Mabel Chena in giving a warm welcome to the participants. We were extremely honored to have with us at the opening ceremony the following TESOL leaders: Stael Rufmelli de Ortiz, President of Paraguay TESOL; Elizabeth Pow, Vice president of BRAZTESOL, (Sara Walker, BRAZTESOL President, arrived shortly after the opening); Mariel de la Torre Cerfontaine, representing Liliana Nunez President of Perú TESOL; and Silvia Bueri, URUTESOL Past President who represented, current President Gabriel Diaz We are very grateful to all our South American friends for being with us on this occasion. Such a significant event called for outstanding TESOL professionals to conduct our plenary sessions. This requirement was fully met since our featured keynote speakers were TESOL Past Presidents Kathleen Bailey, from Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, California and JoAnn Crandall from the University of Maryland Baltimore County, two leading researchers and prolific authors in the field of secondlforeign language acquisition. Kathie Bailey's participation was made possible thanks to the Speaker Travel Grant TESOL awarded to ARTESOL for hosting the event, and Jodie Crandall's trip was sponsored by the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Both Kathie and Jody offered a plenary address and a plenary workshop. Kathie's plenary, What my EFL students taught me , and Jodie's Teaching is lifelong learning: Collaboration for our professional development, focused on professional development. They both used real-life teaching experiences as examples of how teachers learn


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000

to teach in ESLlEFL contexts. Kathie's workshop: What is washback and why does it matter? was based on recent research on the influence of tests ón our teaching practice. Jodie's workshop. Getting them to write: Using pictures and poetry as a beginning offered a hands-on experience on how to integrate writing in all English classes. Within the lirnited scope of this newsletter, it would impossible to touch upon every one of the 70 presentations or even mention the names of the one hundred colleagues involved in them. Let me say that apart from the presentations conducted by the featured keynote speakers mentioned above, there were six academic sessions, six commercial presentations, fourteen pos ter sessions, forty concurrent sessions, a swap shop, and a round table discussion which served as a wrap up for the convention. Congratulations to all the ESOL professionals who responded so positively and generously to our call for proposals. A highlight of this event was the selection of the affiliate that will host the fourth Southern Cone Convention.. A little history on these conventions rnight be interesting to new members. Back in 1994, at the TESOL Convention in Baltimore, it was agreed that Caribbean affiliates would meet every other year ending in even numbers and that the Southern Cone affiliates would meet every other year ending in odd numbers. On that occasion Uruguay TESOL, URUTESOL, was selected as the venue for the First Regional Southern Cone Conference to be he Id in 1995. During this first convention, Paraguay TESOL, PARA TESOL was chosen for 1997, and at this second conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina was elected as the site for 1999. At the meeting here, the Curitiba Chapter of BRAZTESOL, was unanimously elected as the site for the Fourth Regional TESOL. Our warmest congratulations to our Brazilian friends! For the success of this event we are particulady indebted to: our sister affiliates in the Southern Cone: BRAZTESOL, PARA TE SOL, URUTESOL and TESOL Perno Let's all keep working together and let's all meet in Curitiba. in 2001


TESOL 2000, VANCOUVER, BC, CANA~A A NEWCOMER'S PERSPECTIVE By María Laura Rossi TESOL 2000 held in Canada last March gathered over 7,7000 professionals from all over the world. Vancouver offered a we1coming though rather rainy context to share and to grow. Even the most experienced conference-goer found it hard to make a choice of what to do. Quality and quantity made selections difficult but nonetheless interesting over 800 presentations packed in 4 days plus Preconvention Institutes and Educational Visits. The thick program book provided detailed guidance while daily updates inforroed of unexpected cancellations or changes. Developing personal and professionally are just a minimal result of the much greater inner growth ,standing as mere words unable to surnmarize the refreshing effect of such a well-organized event on teachers' lives. A newcomer's perspective As a first-time participant and presenter, there are some things I'd like to share, in order to make first-time-goes's lives easier for upcoming events. Though a newcomer at TESOL 2000, I've been a regular conference-participant; 1 've found that preparation beforehand should not be disregarded to be able to make the most of packed schedules. I've listed twenty issues 1 personally consider worth taking into account before, during and after such events. Before conventions, 1would 1. Become a member of the organizing association (TESOL in this case) ,ifnot one already. 2. Sit down to write and submit a proposal dealing with a topic worth sharing, having checked guidelines and deadlines 3. Check online program previously if available. This facilitates and maximizes scheduling chosen sessions; once on site, changesor cancellations can be daily updated. 4. Organize flightJtrip in order to arrive at least a day or two in advance. Sometimes jet lags may cause trouble (there were 5 hours of difference between Argentina and Vancouver), or flight delays can be the cause of more than a worrying anxiety (they did occur indeed) 5. At home, print labels with name, address, phone #, e-mail, country, etc, so as not to waste time filling in forros. Don't forget business cards as well. 6. Have presentation material reády and


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000

tested (handouts, ORT, reminders) During events 7. Attend Pre or Post Convention Institutes/ Symposiums whenever possible or affordable. 8. Enroll for Educational visits, as they provide a broad overview of the educational situation of the place one is visiting 9. Go to Newcomer's orientation meetings when available 10. Participate in as many Networking events as possible. 11. Share Open Meetings of EL T fields of interest 12. Exchange experiences with as many peopie as you can come across 13. Buy tapes/handouts/ copies of session unable to attend 14. Participate in Swap-shop 15. Leave some time to sightsee or tour around the place After conferences 16. Organize cards and contact people once at home. 17. Share with colleagues new ideas and experiences. 18. Sit down to write a proposal for the next convention 19. Encourage or help others to write theirs as well. 20. Start saving money for upcoming events (St. Louis is the venue ofTESOL 2001, by the way ) Reflecting on contradictory feelings Recalling this first experience, isolation and pride became part of my backpack of blurred feelings. Although seemingly opposed - isolated among a crowd ?- that's just how 1 felt as regards the presence of Argentina as a country. 1 believe we, as professionals should become aware of the benefits of networking, in order to reveal a "stronger national" presence abroad. Joint efforts facilitate speaking in a coherent voice that would reflect our country's development in the EL T field. Argentina's presence at TESOL 2000 Despite my individual contradictions, Argentina he Id an active participation in Vancouver. This (Continúa en la página J 3)


from page /2


year, TESOL ESPers must have missed Liliana and Patricia Orsi , cornrnitted expert convention-goers, who unfortunately couldn't make it to Canada. Their discussion session on ESP in Latin America had to be taken over by Mercedes Rossetti and myself. Hope we did our best on their behalf Hats off to Mercedes, who besides receiving an A ward for Professional Development, also conducted two crowded sessions: Training EFL teachers in hard circumstances and the Internet as a Training Medium. Addressing EFL /ESL in the business setting was presented by CasoC specialists on Business English: Ana Alvarez De La Fuente, Maria Elena Levalle and Alicia Lopez accompanied by John Schmidt, from USA Monica Aparicio's days as presenterparticipant were fully-booked, leading a discussion session on the use of movie clips in topic-based lessons, later repeated as a demonstration to a large lOO-people audience, to end up with Make Your Own Games, our joint workshop. Scheduled for Saturday aftemoon, the very last day, and contrary to our expectations , around seventy people tumed up to participate actively and share great hands-on variations on games, enriching us with their feed-

Another busy bee, Alejandra Pron from ICANA- accompanied by five-month-old-smiling María and babysitting husband - talked about Implementing task-based instruction in EFL settings and shared her views as member of a colloquium Developing NNS educators' perspectives on teacher preparation. Mabel Gallo's name could be found among panelists from Latin America and USA focusing on perspectives on program administration issues. University of Morón was represented by Graciela Malevini, who took part in an Academic Session dealing with critical issues from several intemational EFL viewpoints. Last but not least, 1 would like to mention an in-progress session 1 was really proud to conduct, as it represented a seven-month online team-work on the design of an ESP Teacher Training course for South American practitioners, in which ARTESOL played an invaluable roleo Our team was bom during an online workshop prior to the Southem Cone TESOL Convention organised by ARTESOL and he Id in Buenos Aires in August last year. As this ambitious project is still under construction, contributions are most welcome. continues next page



- Economy - Marketing - Psychology - History - Philosophy - Art - Self Help Cooking - Gardening - Architecture - Decoration & more ...


MARTINEZ Emilio Frers 2228 ra.. 4717-5603


TESOL Newsletter


BELGRANO Conde 1990 TEL: 4555-4005

Fall 2000

CAPITAL M.T. Alvear 1369 Tel: 4814-3788

LOMAS DE ZAMORA Italia 172 Tel: 4243-1709




Sharing and Networking open paths towards professional growth So far I've expressed very personal view'points on sharing experiences and networking as a way leading to professional growth. To conclude, 1 would like to emphasize the need to submit proposals dealing with topics relevant to our own environment. Every single issue 1S of interest; opportunities for sharing, discussing and getting feedback from other voices should not be disregarded, as they enrich teachers personal and professionallives, enhancing our own awareness of the state of the ELT profession. Why don't we share with the world the best Argentina can offer?

Teacher Trainer .She has presented workshops in national and international ARTesol, FAAPI, TESOL and IATEFL Conferences in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, USA, England and Canada. She contributes with a page in English in a local newspaper and is pursuing an MA in Education with the University 01 Bath, UK.


Maria Laura Rossi Olavarria- ARGENTINA mlrossi@satlink.com María Laura

Rossi, is an EFL teacher. Consultant



announces r - - - - - - -

- - - ." - - - - ~ the launch of its informative e-newsletter NEWSFLASH


news, ideas, comments and suggestions useful to the ELT teacher Join us by e-mailingstapley@amet.com.arororielv@sbs.com.ar

~ the opening of its Palermo branch at Coronel Díaz 1745, Capital SBS (Palermo) Coronel Díaz 1 745 Buenos Aires Phone!fax: 4821-0206 palermo@sbs.com.ar

SBS (Rosario) Mitre 726 -2000 Rosario Phone/Fax (0341) 426-1276 Phone: 424-1822 rosario@sbs.com.ar

Argentina TESOL Newsletter Fall 2000

SBS (Belgrano) Vuelta de Obligado 2382 Phone/Fax 4784-1501 Phone 4780-1522 baires@sbs.com.ar

SBS (Salta) Lerma 45 - 4400 Salta Ph./Fax (0387) 431-8868 salta@sbs.com.ar

SBS (Flores) Juan B. Alberdi 2362 Phone/Fax 4637-8484 Phone 4637-4336/2948 flores@sbs.com.ar

SBS (Córdoba) Caseros 272 5000 Córdoba Phone/fax0351423-6448 cordoba@sbs.com.ar



ARGENTINA TESOL CONVENTION SEPTEMBER 8 & 9, 2000 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION PROPOSAL FORM Deadlines for receipt: Demonstrations, Workshops, Colloquium, Poster Sessions, Swap Shop: July 31st, 2000. Complete the 2000 Proposal Fonn. This fonn must be typed. If you need additional space, attach a single sheet of white bond paper.

(Type the mailing address to whom al! correspondence

should be sent)



(Home Phone #)

(Office Phone #)

(Fax #)




(Zip Code)



Check he re if not a member of Argentina TESOL

Presenters (in order in which they should be listed)



Type of Section (check one)

Type of Section (check one)




Poster Session

Swap Shop

Abstract (50 words maximum) Summary: Biographical statements (25 words per presenter, 100 words total)

Argentina TESOL - MaipĂş 672 (1006) Buenos Aires - Argentina Fax #: 54-11-4394-2979/4772-5104


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000

E-mail: secbelg@bcl.edu.ar




SEPTEMBER 8 & 9, 2000 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION DUE DATE: JULY 31, 2000 ARGENTINA TESOL is an Argentine organization with broad interests. The convention is planned for professional development and provides opportunities for social interaction among colleagues who share cornmon interests. The program cornmittee invites'" presentations dealing with classroom practices, research in language learning and teaching, or the connection between the two. We we1come proposals from teachers, teachers in preparation, graduate students, researchers, program administrators and materials and curriculum developers, including colleagues in related disciplines such as communication, education, linguistics, foreign languages, anthropology, sociology and psychology. KINDS


DEMONSTRATION: Rather than describing or discussing, a demonstration shows a technique for teaching or testing. Normally the presenter's statement of the theory underlying the technique takes no more than five minutes. The rest of the time is used for showing, rather than telling. The abstract should include a brief statement of the presenter's central purpose and a description of what will be demonstrated (e.g. role playing) and how it will be done (e.g. some of the audienee participating as students or an unrehearsed les son with actual students). lh 30m. WORKSHOP: In a workshop, one or more leaders work with a group, helping them either to solve a problem or to develop specific teaching or research technique. There is very little lecturing by the leader (s), the emphasis is, rather, on the participant's aetivity which is carefully structured by the leader (s). The abstraet should include a statement of the workshop's goal, a surnmary of the theoretical framework, and a precise description of the tasks to be performed during the workshop. lh 30m. .., COLLOQUIUM: A colloquium provides a forum for a group of scholars to discuss current pedagogical, political, or research issues in TESOL. Ideally, participants exchange papers in advance and make formal responses to each other' s presentations. In any case, both presentation and discussion, should be part of the session. Abstracts and proposals should include a description of the topic for the colloquium and the 0;1



TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000

same name and affiliation of eaeh of the invited participants. All colloquia will be open to non participating observers. lh 30m. POSTER SESSION: A pos ter session allows for informal discussion with participants during the time that a self-explanatory exhibit is presented on a large display board (Dimensions: 1.50 x 1m.); it includes a title, the name and institutional affiliation of the presenter (s), and a brief text with clearly labeled photos, draw-' ings, graphs, or charts. Presenters must be available for discussion. The hour before the session is reserved for setting up the exhibit and the hour after for its dismantling. lh.30m. .., SWAP SHOP: Send 1 copy of your lesson plan before May 30th and bring 20 copies of that plan to the Convention. In exchange you will receive an admittance ticket that will allow you to enter the swap shop. Your heading should include a lesson title, your name, and school or programo STEPS IN SUBMITTING THE PROPOSALS Submission steps for Demonstrations, Workshops, Colloquia and Poster Sessions. (l)Complete the attached Proposal Form using either the form itself or a photocopy. One requirement of the proposal form is to provide an ahstract that will appear in the program book, alphabetized under the first presenter's last name, if the proposal is accepted. The abstract helps convention participants decide which presentations will be most appropriate to their concems and needs. The abstract should adhere to the following guidelines: Abstract guidelines (a) It should not exceed 50 words. (b) It should be written in the third person, future tense ("The presenter will begin by ... And she will then ..."). (e) It should avoid all references to published works. (d) It should becarefully edited and proofread. (e) It should be written to draw the most appropriate audience to presentation. Continued on next page


Sample Abstraet "The SPEAK Test is administered widely across the US to prospective graduate teaching assistants. Regardless of the score required for passing, American students frequently complain about foreign TAs. What are the parameters of intelligibility? Results from a statistically analyzed randomized sample will attempt to answer that and other questions".

talize only the first word, proper nouns, and initials, do not put the title in quotation marks. Example: Music and movement for kindergarten and the primary grades.

Biographieal Statement In a maximum of 25 words, give your first name, family name, institutional affiliation, and relevant activities or publications. Degrees are normally (2)Prepare two copies of the proposal formo Be sure listed, and titles such as professor are not capitalized. you have a third copy for yourself. You can generally omit "currently". Example: Jane (3)Prepare a one-page surnmary of the presentation Doe, a specialist in curriculum development and content. This proposal surnmary is the only part of composition, teaches ESL in Houston public junior the proposal seen by the referees; it does not ap- high schools. (Not currently teaches) (17 words). pear in the program book. All proposals must arrive at Argentina TESOL, Summary Content Maipú 672 (1006) Buenos Aires, Argentina by July (a) (b)



31st, 2000. Ph. #: 54-11-4394-0110/54-11-4772DEMONSTRATION: central purpose and descrip5104/ Fax # 54-11-4394-2979/4772-5104. tion of what will be dernonstrated. E-mail: la@bcl.edu.ar!secbelg@bcl.edu.ar WORKSHOP: statement of goal, synopsis o fthe theoretical framework, precise description of tasks to be performed. COLLOQUIUM: synopsis of issue (s) to be discussed, brief schedule of the presentations and discussion time. POSTER SESSION: main ideas to be presented and description of the visual display

An.ca #d#TESOL2'OOO em~=---='----=--=-

Summary Guidelines (a) It is limited to one typed 8 1/2" x T l " inch (21.5 x 28 cm) page. Surnmaries longer than one page will be disqualified. (b) The typing is double-spaced, dark, and readable. (e) The presentation's purpose and point of view are elearly stated. (d) Supporting details and examples are included. (e) Familiarity with current practices and/or research is evident. (f) The best format (e.g., paper, demonstration, etc.) has been selected. (g) The presentation ineludes use of a variety of techniques (e.g., activities, visuals, etc.) (h) The material outlined can be covered in the allotted time. (i) The contents have be en carefully edited and proofread. . (4)On the proposal surnmary, put the following in the upper left comer: l. Type of presentation (i.e. Demonstration, workshop, colloquium, and poster session), 2. Audiovisual equipment needed, and 3. Title. Title: Choose a title that will be elear to the intended audience, and limit it to a maximum of nine words. Capi-


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000



Southwest Academy San Antonio, Texas June 9-11, 2000

Northeast Academy Boston, Massachusetts June 23-25, 2000

Midwest Academy Chicago, IlIinois July 21-23, 2000

Southern Cone Academy Montevideo, Uruguay July 8-9, 2000* TESOl Academy 700 S. Washington St .• #200 Alexandria. Virginia 22314 Tel. 703-836-0774 Fax 703-836-7864 E-mail academy@tesol.edu Web http://www.tesol.edu/


Each TESOL academy workshop is a concentrated course led by top-notch faculty to enhance your professional growth with the benefit of peer networking on a university campus-a perfect setting for a weekend retreat. Workshops run concurrently from Friday afternoon through Sunday noon. The early registration fee is US$189 for TESOL members and US$249 for others and includes all instructional materials, certificates of attendance, refreshment breaks, and a preview of TESOL's latest publications and teacher resources. * * • The Uruguay Academy prices differ from those listed above. • 'Some workshops may require a small additional fee. Contact TESOL for more information.


Keynote Speakers Workshops Book Exhibits TESOL Matters I.S. Representatives And much more ...

14th ARTESOL Convention

September 9 - 10, 2000 For further information, please contact: ARTE SOL MaipĂş 672 (1006) Buenos Aires Ph. # 4322-3855/4557/4971 Fax # 4394-2979

. ,.

E-mail: secbelg@bcl.edu.ar

Argentina TESOl Argentina

TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000


WHYNLP? • by Oriel Villagarcía NLP; Neuro Linguistic Prograrnming, is a psychological approach that aims at describing and understanding the structure of subjective behavior. Put into simpler words, to describe and understand why people represent the world the way they do and how they behave as a result of that. Why should teachers bother about it? To begin with, any approach, not just NLP, which gives teachers tools to understand human behavior will help them assist their students in the learning process. But it so happens that out of all of the psychological approaches that have appeared in the last twenty five years, NLP may have the most irnmediacy and relevance. Even if a teacher is exposed to a mere introductory course, he/she will be able to get some insights that may exert a deep and lasting influence. To begin with, NLP brings to the foreground the fact that every learner has a different model of the world, hence different learning strategies and learning styles. Furthennore, different learners represent the world by giving predominance to different channels, which results in some being mainly auditory, kinesthetic or visual. Next, LP discloses the fact that language that both teachers and students use may have beneficial or detrimental results. A teacher who says to a student "You'll never understand this!, may in fact be putting the student in .the worst possible hypnotic trance! On the other hand, students that count their successes and are prepared to accept their rnistakes as purely and simply a part of the learning process will stand a better chance to achieve their objectives and keep their sanity. Each of us has a different model of the world, but we can still build bridge s and cornmunicate if we use the tools of rapport, which for practitioners of NLP is perhaps one of the most powerful resources. NLP is very precise in teaching how this


TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000

can be achieved. And once this is done, the teacher can help the learners to elucidate the number one question in the art of living: what are the students' objectives? How can they be secured? What do they need to get there? Even in this very brief article, 1 would like to point out two other insights that NLP can offer in the teaching/learning process: much of our behavior is structured around anchors, i.e., subconscious reactions to certain stimuli, which can, once again, be deleterious or positive. With this understanding, a teacher's role in the c1assroom is to help build up the right anchors for the right behavior, and actually teach the students to access resourceful states (to use the NLPers jargon). The other insight is the realization that there are levels which help to account for who we are: a student may make a mistake, a fact which does not mean that he/she is stupid. Making a rnistake may be the result of not possessing the right skills. Labeling a student a stupid accesses the level of identity. To: sum up, NLP unlike other approaches shows us how by understanding what makes a person tick, he/she can be assisted towards the unfolding of his/her magnificence. And yet, since all that glitters is not gold, and lest the reader may think NLP is the philosopher's stone, let he/she be warned that NLP is not the definitive answer that reveals the innennost essence of ahuman being. It is only a powerful path in the eternal search to unravel the everlasting rnistery.


June CXJ eac er education & profesional develo ment

• •

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TESOL Newsletter

Fall 2000


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