Gensler by Series Y

Maximum flexibility of composition
Horizontal rotation modules respecting a minimum of 75° Controlled emission
Free vertical tilt up to 30° upwards or 30° downwards
During the installation it is possible to freely choose the position of each single module, respecting a minimum angle between two modules of 75°.
Each module can be easily tilted (upward or downward) up to 30° from the horizontal plane.
This two movements (rotation and tilting) can be mixed up in infinite possibilities to best adapt to space requirements.
MacAdam 3SDCM Life L70 (6K) 50000h CRI = 90
Length 1120mm Length 1120mm
CCT 3000K 4000K CCT
Code AY000. 01/04/05
Rose x 1 module Rose x 2 modules Rose x 3 modules - linear configuration Rose x 3 modules - star configuration Rose x 4 modules - linear configuration
Rose x 4 modules - star configuration
Small Undimmable rose
Ceiling rose suitable for all undimmable modules configurations.
AY005. 01/04/05 Code AY010. 01/04/05
AY015. 01/04/05
AY80101 AY80201 AY80301 AY80401 AY80501 AY80601
€ 375,00 375,00 € 550,00 550,00 € 265,00 275,00 320,00 320,00 320,00 350,00
No electrical connection between modules
No electrical connection between modules
Length 1120mm Length 1120mm
W 35 W direct 20 W indirect
MacAdam 3SDCM
Life L70 (6K) 50000h CRI = 90
W 35 W direct 20 W indirect
Flux 2940 lm direct 1802 lm indirect 3095 lm direct 1897 lm indirect Flux 2559 lm direct 1802 lm indirect 2694 lm direct 1897 lm indirect
CCT 3000K 4000K CCT 3000K 4000K
AY050. 01/04/05
Rose x 1 module
Rose x 2 modules
Rose x 3 modules - linear configuration
Rose x 3 modules - star configuration
Rose x 4 modules - linear configuration
Rose x 4 modules - star configuration
Small Dimmable rose
Ceiling rose suitable for 1 or 2 dimmable modules configurations.
AY055. 01/04/05 Code AY060. 01/04/05 AY065. 01/04/05
Dimmable DALI
Code AY81101 AY81201 AY81301 AY81401 AY81501 AY81601
€ 450,00 450,00 € 645,00 645,00 € 400,00 420,00 550,00 600,00 550,00 630,00
Large Dimmable rose
Ceiling rose suitable for 3 or 4 dimmable modules configurations.
No electrical connection between modules
No electrical connection between modules
Terminal suspension kit
Intermediate suspension kit
Joint End
Code AY50000
AY600. 01/04 05/08/15
AY610. 01/04 05/08/15 Code AY700. 01/04 05/08/15
AY710. 01/04 05/08/15
AY720. 01/04 05/08/15
€ 18,00 28,00 33,00 33,00 33,00 33,00 € 150,00 150,00 170,00 170,00 190,00 190,00
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Artemide S.p.A. si riserva la facoltà di modificare, in qualunque momento e senza preavviso, le caratteristiche tecniche degli elementi illustrati nel presente catalogo.
Artemide S.p.A. reserves the right to change, at any time and without prior warning, the technical specifications of any product illustrated in this catalogue.
Artemide S.p.A. se réserve le droit de modifier, à n’importe quel moment et sans préavis, les caractéristiques techniques des éléments illustrés dans ce catalogue.
Artemide S.p.A. behält sich das Recht vor jederzeit und ohne Ankündigung die technischen Daten der im Katalog abgebildetem Produkte zu ändern.
Artemide S.p.A. se reserva la facultad de modificar, en cualquier y sin aviso previo, las características técnicas de los elementos ilustrados en el presente catálgo.
2022 07 updated version.
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