Trunkline - August 2013

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+,++,++,++,++,++,++,++,++,++,+ Cheryl Storer, President, 559-325-1525, AUGUST 2013 Judy Harlan, Membership Secretary, 559-431-9631, Edition XIV, Number 8

Roberta Genini, Editor 559-435-7667,

Visit us on the web at

THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2013 LUNCHEON AT THE RAMADA INN ROOM SHAW A - Freeway 41 and Shaw East Off-Ramp

Please note that there are five Thursdays in August this year. We meet on the fourth Thursday. Our August Luncheon Speaker-Councilman Steve Brandau “I’m kind of our local version of Joe the Plumber,” Steve Brandau once remarked to KMPH-FOX 26, aptly comparing himself to Joe Wurzlebacher, who drew national attention by confronting presidential candidate Obama during the 2008 campaign. He’s a Tea Party Favorite, and a Member of the Fresno City Council

Come and Hear Steve Brandau’s Take On Politics and the Nation’s Future

Fresno Councilman Steve Brandau

MENU: Beef Taco Salad, Chips, Salsa, and Dessert Reminder: Menu substitutions available only when making reservations, and only for vegetarian, vegan or non-dairy entrée. Please reserve by Tuesday, August 20. For reservations you may call Una Freitas (559-224-3720) or simply email your reservation to or you may make a reservation by paying online at our new website $18 at the door with reservation. Reservations are needed! All attendees must register and pay for the luncheon. Cancellations will be accepted until 24 hours before the luncheon. Check-in starts at 11:30 AM - Lunch served at 12:00 Noon – Program at 12:30 PM Please make checks out ahead to FCCRWF for luncheon and dues.

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE CONGRATULATIONS TO ANDY VIDAK! Andy fought a tough battle to become our new California State Senator (16 th District), and with his great team of workers, walkers, callers, etc., they got the job done. What a great group of hard working people. These people not only believed in their candidate, but they also believe in California and its future. The more legislators that we have with the same work ethic and background as people like Andy, the better chance we have of saving the Central Valley and the state. On Saturday, August 3, I attended the “Delta Water Summit” sponsored by California State University, KMJ, KMPH, California Latino Water Coalition, Univision and The Fresno Bee. Well over 500 people attended to hear a panel of elected officials, including Congressman David Valadao, State Senator Tom Berryhill, State Senator Jean Fuller, and Assemblyman Jim Patterson, plus two other expert panels from several water districts and political offices. Supervisor Phil Larsen spoke from the floor and very clearly challenged the experts to help reduce the power of the Environmental Protection Agency and start putting people before smelt fish in the Delta and frogs in the mountains. The new Commissioner of the U.S. Bureau

Sunshine Keeps On Shining By Connie Silva, Sunshine Committee

We wish Michele Knapp all the best for recuperation. Susan Abbott Abbott, Sue Heth Heth, and Mary Ann De ws continue to improve after surgeries. Dews May God bless them in every way. Do you know of a member who has had a recent bereavement, an illness, or who could just use a kind word of encouragement? Please let me know at (559) 276-2386 or email me at Do not forget to inform me of contact information for the person who might appreciate a card or other greeting from FCCRWF.

of Reclamation Michael Connor spoke about his visit to the West Side and how surprised he was to learn how desperate the situation has become. One speaker from Southern California emphasized that the Southland needs to be educated as to where their fruits and vegetables come from. A speaker from the East Bay agreed that the dock workers in the Oakland area (10,000 strong) need to understand that 85% of the shipments they load to ship out of the country comes from the farmers and workers of the Central Valley. No one on the three panels really had a solution to this mess other than more studies and research! Good Grief! The water infrastructure is over 60 years old. Some areas need a complete redo and there was plenty of talk that these projects will take years and billions of dollars! I have two suggestions: (1) Turn on the pumps for a quick solution to the man-made drought. (2) Shift the dollars being spent on High Speed Rail to building the storage and transportation of water that will last us for the next one hundred years. I believe it is imperative that Republican Women Federated works harder on ISSUES and less on conferences. If we want to be considered a serious player in getting our state and country back we had better plan for more action and work hard for more good people like Andy Vidak! Cheryl Storer, President

CARING for AMERICA By Evelyn Thompson, Caring for America Chairman

In August, FCCRWF will only collect for our troop’s needs. We are asking for monetary donations. FCCRWF will do the shopping for you! Our service men and women often comment that nothing encourages them more than receiving the little extras that mean they are remembered and appreciated. Look for the small patriotic bag on your luncheon table! Cash or check welcome. Please make out checks to FCCRWF with "troops" in the memo line.


At Rest August 11, 2013 Deepest Condolences to Paula Guzman, longtime FCCRWF leader and volunteer, and her family.

Dress for Success By Judy Harlan, Dress for Success Chairman

It is time to clean out your closets. Give your old suits, or business clothes, a chance for a new life. We are working with Fresno City College in their career building classes. The women in this program will be going out on job interviews and need proper clothing. Bring your unused suit (or suits) or work-appropriate attire, clean and in good repair, to the August 22 meeting. They can also use accessories. We will have a rack on which to hang them. The people at Fresno City College look forward to our drives. If you have any questions call Judy Harlan at (559) 431-9631.

Look for the ladies offering opportunity drawing tickets at the FCCRWF August luncheon! We sold a lot of patriotic jewelry at the July meeting, but, ladies, you need more! Check out the current inventory at the August luncheon. Many thanks to Sue Deming, Jewelry Chairman, and her committee.


FCCRWF President Cheryl Storer in her August message expressed deep appreciation for all those whose hard work helped put Andy Vidak over the top. In doing so they have blessed California with great hope that our great but poised-on-the-brink state may soon be free of the burden of a Democrat supermajority. President Storer nailed it when she commented to your editor: “Republicans have real volunteers, unlike Democrats who have unions.” Exaggeration? Not much. The Blaze reported on September 27, 2012 that SEIU protestors had admitted to being paid $11 per hour to protest a Romney campaign event. For the full report at The Blaze see the following link: That is the very reason that the involvement of everyone, especially Republican women, is of the utmost importance. Republicans must counter an opposition capable of bringing in busloads of campaign operatives (some paid, all under some form of economic pressure) at the say-so of local or state union bosses. Jim Brulte, California Republican Party Chairman, acknowledged the vital role of volunteers not only in the Central Valley but from around the state in Andy Vidak’s election: “Hundreds of volunteers from throughout California drove to the Central Valley and walked precincts in the scorching heat. The last weekend alone we had over 500 volunteer days from outside the district. Volunteers also went to phone banks throughout California and made over 30,000 phone calls into the district. This was in addition to the thousands of callers and walkers who reside in the district.” He specifically thanked California Republican Women Federated, along with College Republicans and Young Republicans, for “ an unprecedented level of volunteer support....” He credits this outpouring of volunteerism with “helping us rebuild this party from the ground up.” In the same spirit FCCRWF shines the spotlight today on the herein unnamed but deeply appreciated Election Volunteer. You know who you are. You walked precincts, prepared mailers, answered phones, and made phone calls until you were hoarse. You risked the rude, thoughtless responses to find the gold of a voter inspired to give Andy that precious vote. FCCRWF salutes you and holds you up as an example and an inspiration. Victory was yours this time, but sometimes it isn’t, and then it is so difficult to pull yourself up for the next fight. But that is what the virtue of fortitude is, and, dear election volunteer, you have it.

DO YOU KNOW? Education Committee

. . . or can you believe . . . that school starts this month and summer vacation is over? Do you remember when school started, without fail, on the Tuesday after Labor Day? The books and dictionaries you so kindly donated will soon be delivered to Nelson Elementary School in Pinedale. We’ll be giving you an opportunity to donate books again at our December 5 luncheon. Please also be considering volunteering in some way for the Youth Government Forum which will be coming up early next year. There are many opportunities to be involved from buying cookies or bottled water to registering the students, or even going to Sacramento with them when they visit the Capitol. Watch the Trunkline for information. . . . that Escape from Camp 14 by Blaine Harden was the book the FCCRWF Read to Know book club read and discussed this month. It is the story of a y o u n g m a n w h o grew u p i n a N o r t h Ko re a n p r i s o n c a m p k n o w i n g o n l y unbelievable hardship and abuse. Remarkably he was able to escape to freedom in the West. Marion Shouse led the discussion. September’s book is entitled KinderGarden of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks by Evan Sayet. The club meets on the second Thursday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Adair Murphy. For further information please call Adair at (559) 4397094. All women are welcome.

So Do You Think We Look Our Age? The Historical Archives Committee Learns A Surprising Fact By Roberta Genini, Editor

In the course of researching FCCRWF history, Gwen Hansen, Historical Archives Committee Chairman, and Dodie Olmstead, committee member, learned from CFRW’s Charter Chairman that the Fresno County and City Republican Women Federated was organized in 1957 rather than in 1967. FCCRWF has record of presidents beginning in 1967, so it was supposed to have been the year of founding. Gwen and her committee plan to contact NFRW to attempt to learn the identities of FCCRWF’s presidents between 1957 and 1967. Meanwhile, Evelyn Thompson has shared photographs of historical interest to the club. All members are requested to share information or photos concerning past leadership, programs or events that may serve to fill in gaps in our collective memory.

“Conservative Views” Movie Club - Fun and So Informative! By Roberta Genini, Editor

Here’s another opportunity for FCCRWF members, their families and friends to enjoy an important film that gives the information and perspective we need to be the best citizens we can be. On Saturday, September 14, 2013 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. the “Conservative Views” Movie Club will screen They Come to America II – The Cost of Amnesty. This film has been described as “the most action-packed, eye-opening documentary ever made about illegal immigration.” Is it powerful enough to kill the Immigration Bill? Come and see for yourself. You will not see it in theaters because Hollywood rejects filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch. Sean Hannity calls it a “must-see”. Refreshments will be served, and a brief discussion will follow the screening. A Donation of $5.00 is requested. The film’s venue is Eleventh Hour Rehabilitation Center, 334 Shaw Ave., #100, in Clovis. The Center is at the corner of Shaw and Dewitt in the front building, and is across from the Olive Garden.

Lest We Forget By Roberta Genini, Editor

Language and styles change, but patriotism is a virtue to cultivate in every time. Please allow me to share the words of a letter passed down on my mother’s side of the family. It is from John Rosbrugh, a chaplain in the Revolutionary War, who was wounded at Trenton by the Hessians the day after he wrote this letter. He was a brother of my great 5-grandfather. John Rosbrugh writes to his wife: My Dearest Companion: I gladly embrace ye opportunity of telling you that I am still yours, and also in a tolerable state of health, thro’ ye tender mercy of our dear Lord. The important crisis seems to draw near, which I trust may decide the query whether Americans shall be slaves or free men. May God grant ye latter, however dear it may cost. An engagement is expected in a few days. All our Company are in Philadelphia in health and good spirits. They are under the command of General Putnam, and it is expected that they will be ordered to ye Jerseys tomorrow or next day. I cannot write much at present, only that we have had more encouraging news from ye Jerseys, but whether true or false we cannot determine. My dearest creature, ye throne of Grace is free and open; I trust you have an interest there; it will be to your interest and happiness to live near ye Throne; you will find ye way of duty ye only way of safety. Farewell for awhile. Please to present my compliments to Stephen and Nancy and to all ye children. Praying God may pour out his blessing upon you all, this from your truly affectionate husband: - Jno. Rosbrugh P.S. Last night I lodged with Jno. Ralston; he is well. Philadelphia, December 25th, 1776 Note: The Battle of Trenton took place on December 26, 1776; General Israel Putnam was from Massachusetts. More information is available about him at the following link: Nancy and Stephen, mentioned in the letter, were servants in the Rosbrugh home. Interestingly, there is no mention of Christmas, as predominantly Puritan New England did not observe Christmas. Remarkably, no Americans were killed by the enemy at the Battle of Trenton, although two froze to death, and four were wounded in the battle.

May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country! - Daniel Webster



AB 926 has passed both the Assembly and the Senate and now sits on the Governor’s desk. For excellent background information about this bill, see the following link: human-exceptionalism/352969/cloning-sciences-war-against-poor-women-wesley-j-smith As National Review writer Wesley J. Smith explains, Proposition 71 was passed by Californians to promote embryonic stem cell research. Californians were promised that human egg and embryo buying would be prohibited. Now researchers want to be able to traffic both in human embryos and eggs for the purposes of human cloning research. The procedure is potentially very harmful physically to women. AB 926 would legalize buying a woman’s eggs or embryos. *Please call Governor Brown and ask him to oppose AB 926. Phone (916) 445-2841. From CFRW: The California Federation Republican Women will be hosting a Hospitality Suite at the upcoming National Federation of Republican Women Biennial Convention in Louisville, KY September 19-22. We are still looking for monetary donations and goodies to give away. We are also collecting donations for the CFRW ad to be printed in the NFRW Biennial Convention Program. If you know of any company or individual willing to donate items for our give away bags, please contact: Norma Burdick, or Gaylon Kastner, For monetary donations please mail to: Carol Stein, CFRW Treasurer, 1880 Sutter Court, Napa, CA 94559. In the memo section of the check please indicate NFRW Biennial Convention. Any and all help will be appreciated. THANK YOU, THANK YOU AND THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR GENEROSITY. SB 1 Alert! Senate Bill 1 (Steinberg, D) will be heard in the Assembly Local Government Committee on August 14th and we need to kill this bill! As you will recall from previous Capitol Updates, SB 1 would create “Sustainable Community Investment Authorities” which would be governed by California Redevelopment Law. If passed, it would give these unelected governments the authority to use eminent domain without any voter oversight! Please call these Assembly members and tell them the CFRW OPPOSES SB 1! Assemblyman Achadjian (R)- Chairman: (916) 319-2035 Assemblyman Levine (D): (916) 319-2010 Assemblyman Alejo (D): (916) 319-2030 Assemblyman Bradford (D): (916) 319-2062 Assemblywoman Melendez (R): (916) 319-2067 Assemblyman Gordon (D): (916) 319-2024 Assemblyman Mullin (D): (916) 319-2022 Assemblyman Rendon (D): (916) 319-2063 Assemblywoman Waldron (R): (916) 319-2075 From NFRW: Exciting things are happening in the fight against government overreach. The bill to watch now is the REINS Act (to restore Congressional accountability.) This act handily passed the House on August 2, 2013. It would shift much of the regulatory activity now occurring with impunity in the Executive Branch back to the Legislative Branch where it belongs Constitutionally. Senator Rand Paul (RKY) and others are promoting a companion bill in the Senate.

Contacting the Federation and the Republican Party: A Few Changes By Roberta Genini, Editor

The February 2013 issue of Trunkline carried contact information which now needs updating: 1) Please make note of FCCRWF’s new contact information. As you are no doubt aware, FCCRWF has a new website (It is excellent! Please visit!) and the following email address: FCCRWF’s Website - FCCRWF’s Email Address - 2) Sandra Lakeman is no longer 2012-2013 Chairman of the Fresno County GOP. Kurtis Willey is the new Chairman.

2014-2015 CFRW Nominees for CFRW Statewide Office The California Federation of Republican Women’s Nominating Committee nominates the following members for the term of 2014-2015.

SAVE THE DATE! Join us for a special luncheon honoring our

2013 Woman of Distinction

SUPERVISOR JUDY CASE Fresno County Board of Supervisors


Thursday, September 26, 2013 Ramada Inn University (Shaw Avenue & Freeway 41)

Check-in starts at 11:30 a.m. with lunch starting at 12. Cost is $18 and reservations are needed! Make your reservation by paying online at our new website or email your reservation to


PLEASE MAKE PLANS! August 22 ..................... FCCRWF Monthly Meeting/Luncheon, Ramada Inn 11:30 a.m. September 5 ................. FCCRWF Board Meeting, Sierra Grande Clubhouse 12:00- 2:30 p.m. September 12 ............... “Read to Know” book club meets at Adair Murphy’s 10:00- 11:30 p.m. September 14 ............... “Conservative Views” Movie Club at Eleventh Hour office, ..................................... They Come to America:II, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. September 17 ............... Central Valley Women’s Conference 8:00 – 5:00 p.m. September 19-22 .......... NFRW Conference, Louisville, KY September 21-22 .......... Clovis Fest, Clovis September 26 ............... FCCRWF Special Luncheon “Women of Distinction,” 11:30 a.m. October 2-14 .............. Big Fresno Fair October 10 .................. “Read to Know” book club at Adair Murphy’s 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. October 24 .................. FCCRWF Monthly Meeting/Luncheon, Ramada Inn 11:30 p.m. October 25-27 ............. CFRW Convention in Stockton

Nominating Committee By Adair Murphy, Nominating Committee Chairman

The Nominating Committee met briefly after the luncheon on July 25. MaryAnn Dews, Parliamentarian, conducted the meeting, the purpose of which was to choose the Chairman of the committee. Present were Kathy Miller and Adair Murphy, members of the board, Martha Kistler, member at large, and Mary Jane Barbian, alternate from the membership. Lois White and Diane Seymour, members at large, were not present. Adair Murphy was chosen to serve as chairman. The first regular meeting was scheduled to be held on August 5, but due to several conflicts the meeting date was postponed to a date to be announced.

+,++,++,++,++,++,++,++,++,++,+ FRESNO COUNTY & CITY REPUBLICAN WOMEN FEDERATED 1486 W. Menlo • Fresno, CA • 93711

CFRW Central Division 1st Place Newsletter-- 2008 & 2009, Large Clubs

+,++,++,++,++,++,++,++,++,++,+ Inside This Issue . . . Water Has A New Champion in Andy Vidak August Luncheon to Feature Steve Brandau “Read to Know” Book Club Will Find Out How Liberals Think “Conservative Views” Movie Club – Relax, Yet Stay Informed! The Unsung Heroes of the Campaign Trail

Fresno County and City Republican Women Federated Membership Application

Name_______________________________________________Date_________ Mailing Address____________________________________________________ City&State_____________________________________________Zip________ E-MAIL______________________________________Phone________________ (Please print e-mail clearly and notify us of changes. This is our preferred communication.)

Make check payable to FCCRWF Dues: $30.00 active member $15.00 associate member

Active membership is for all women with FCCRWF as their primary membership. Associate membership is for women with other Republican Women memberships, and men. Associate women please specify your other current active membership_______________

Who referred you to us?_________________________________________________ For more information, please visit our website at or email us at Mail completed application and check payable to FCCRWF to: FCCRWF Membership Secretary PO Box 27590 Fresno, CA 93729-7590

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