ArtBeat November 2009

Page 15

involuntary contractions of your muscles. When viewing his art pieces, it doesn’t appear that a disability affects his work. Bowman says “I think my having a disability affects the way I see things. I wouldn't say I draw inspiration from it, yet it certainly has had a profound impact on me. I try to explore ideas that interest me, and hopefully they are poignant enough to hold someone's attention and spark creativity. I can say that it has changed my perception of life and concept of beauty. As a result, without even knowing it, it may come across in my work.” In his art as a whole, Bowman lends a point of view that can be riveting. He sees that in the age we live in, the world is constantly changing and being redefined. He’s a deep thinker and with his art, he encourages others to step “out of the box” as well. In another ongoing series titled “Typographical Decay,” he combines images from nature and man-made objects he calls “forgotten dilapidated fixtures that are a vehicle of speech and thought.” These pieces, with their contrasting images, really cause you to stop and look. He says, “My photography and installations

are not just a means of expression, but delving into and creating a message from the things that interest me. For the past several years, the thought of beautiful decay has been on my mind. As a result, I work with or photograph dated or nostalgic post industrial materials.” When asked what he will do next, he said “It is hard to say exactly what is next for me. I am young and rather ambitious. I am weighing the pros and cons of an MFA versus a museum studies degree, currently. I find that working around art and for the awareness of art is almost as gratifying as creating it. He currently works in the art department of OKCU through the Priddy Foundation. He also works as a wedding and event photographer. The “Accelerate” Exhibition, including Bowman’s “Heaven” pieces, will hang in the Smithsonian Institute until January 6, 2010, when it will then go on a two year tour of the U.S. You can learn more about the VSA Arts and the tour at You can also view more of Clinton Bowman’s photography at www.

November 2009 | page 15

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