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ART+LIFE Handmade Geometric Jewelry Elaine Butcher

ABOUT THE ARTIST I have always enjoyed making things. From hemp necklaces and childhood friendship bracelets to blown glass sculptures, I find the process of concept-to-execution thrilling. I grew up in Denver and studied in Oregon before finishing my fine arts degree in metalworking and glassblowing at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. My favorite objects are airy, simple and thoughtful. I find this especially important when it comes to things that I wear. I create tiny sculptural worlds using traditional jewelry materials, incorporating geometric elements to make objects that are light and wearable but have a weighty presence. Today I have a small studio in downtown Charlottesville and sell at many independent boutiques around the country. Many of my materials are milled from recycled metals, and all of the design and construction is done by hand in my own studio. I love to travel, and I find creative inspiration everywhere I go. Building this line of jewelry has been a fun and collaborative experience. Although I am the sole maker of the jewelry, I’ve had a great support network along the way. My team includes photographers, models, graphic designers and writers who understand my vision and support me wholeheartedly. My friends and family are my biggest fans, and it is always rewarding to see the people I love wearing pieces I’ve made with my own two hands.

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO START WORKING WITH METALS AND STONES? I have always been experimenting with jewelry and wearable objects. I got my first sewing machine at 11 and making two inch wide friendship bracelets in high school. When I finally went to art school at VCU Hot Glass and Metalsmithing were the two materials that I didn’t have any experience with and dove right into. WERE YOU ALWAYS PLANNING ON WHERE YOU ARE NOW? College was a really fun time in my life. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I tried a little bit of everything. I knew I wasn’t cut out for a traditional schedule or lifestyle. It took six years and three schools to realize that you can major in Craft/ Material Studies (BFA) and make a life as a artist. waitress my whole life. HAVE YOU TRAVELLED ANYWHERE RECENTLY? WHAT DID YOU DO? In the last month I have been to Denver, Wisconsin, California and New York, twice. I love to travel. This was a combination of work excursions, and trips with my boyfriend. HOW DO YOU START THE DESIGN PROCESS FOR A COLLECTION OR PROJECT? I am inspired by all sorts of things, classical art, urban settings, nature, and pop culture. Occasionally I draw, but usually I jump right into 3D samples in brass or silver. There are so many important attributes to wearables such as, weight, size, comfort and durability. Once I have made a sample I like to wear it around for a couple hours and think about all the different ways I can use the design.

“Once I have made a sample I like to wear it around for a couple hours and think about all the different ways I can use the design.“ ''There is loveliness in a curled dried leaf, a crinkled petal, or a broken seedpod. This can remind us of our own mortality and of the continuous cycle of life.''

EXPLAIN ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING ASPECTS OF YOUR WORK? I love efficiency. My family had a restaurant and I’ve been a waitress my whole life. I get great satisfaction from intensity and immediacy in production. Hot glass is the quickest way to make a form and with jewelry I get to instantly wear it. HOW DOES YOUR WORK RELATE TO YOUR LIFESTYLE? This is all part of my plan to create the life that I want to live, one that is creative, full of travel and collaboration. I bring wire and pliers with me whenever I travel to make simple shapes to be finished in studio later. I have relationships with over 40 stores across the country so I am often able to make adventures into business trips. WHAT‘S NEXT FOR ELAINE B JEWELRY? 2014 has been a really amazing year. I have started focusing more on wholesale and have just opened a account with a store in Japan and the National Gallery of Art in DC. Right now I am taking some time to focus on branding and being a little more intentional with the aesthetic and look of the company.

Do Tell... Coffee or tea? Coffee I collect...

Dishes and prints. Mostly handmade things from neighbors at craft fairs and other artists.

Metal of choice: Sterling silver What should change... Everything. I love change and growth. What should stay the same... How cute, energetic and young my dogs are.

I‘m lusting after... Family and friends to be happy and close by. Bucket list... Build a happy cozy home.

“Actions have reactions don’t be quick to judge, you many not know the hardships people don’t speak of” -Gang Starr

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